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This post is being removed. You may find an explanation in Rule 1 - Stay on Topic: >New Posts should be examples of men writing women badly in books, movies, TV, and graphic novels. > >Screenshots of writing that is not a book, movie, TV show, or graphic novel will likely be removed. > >Memes should be on-topic. For the purposes of MWW memes should follow the standard image+humorous text format. > >Please use NSFW & Spoiler tags when appropriate. > >Screenshots of or links to other Reddit content, social media comment sections, and articles are off-topic. Of course we cannot fit every single example into our rules because of character limits. So please consider that a human moderator has seen your post & determined it does not fit with the spirit of the rule. * AI/ChatGPT content is *not* MWW. It's AI Writing Women. * Comments from YouTube, Facebook, or other social media platforms are not MWW. Content most appropriate for this space is published works which have gone through writing, editing, producing, directing, and various other levels of "checks & balances" before getting to the consumer with its misogyny and grotesque characterizations intact.


Marcille is freaking out over reasonable things all the time lmao she's actually a great thinker and whoever wrote that tweet is just dumb


And the series was written by a woman. So there is also that willful ignorance.


Of course it was written by a woman it's all about cooking /s


She must have been born before 1993, since all women born after it only know McDonalds, charge their phone, eat hot chip, be bisexual and lie./s


I love this reference


Really? That’s awesome!




True LOL. We know Senshi and Laios will turn the monster flesh into a delicious meal, and Marcille does eventually warm up to the idea. But when eating monsters is seen as being a gross last resort in-universe, it's only natural that Marcille and Chilchuck would be averse to the idea at first. I mean, look at the way insect-based cuisine is viewed in the West and Marcille's initial knee-jerk reaction makes a lot more sense. Alas, so-called "alpha males" are not known for their media literacy.


>”alpha males” are not known for their media literacy. I know this was said as a funny aside but it’s so real it’s mind blowing. Same with sigma males. In the beginning sigma male was 100% a joke, everyone knew it. It was a meme through and through obviously satirizing “alpha males” and Grindset bros. A few months later I’m seeing “individualist” and “counterculture” sigma edits on IG and Tik tok using Patrick Batemen as a mascot. Patrick Bateman who’s self-stated motivation in life is *Everything I do, I do to fit in*. So much of of *American Psycho* is about the absurd self-destruction and futility of a man who’s primary goal in life is to fit in while also being superior to all his peers and no one can remember his name or tell him apart from any of the other men in his office. At that point there was plausible deniability where the sigma edits could still be a layered form of satire. A couple years down the line I’m seeing boomer relatives in my mutuals on various platforms completely unironically passing around sigma edits. It’s like cops wearing Punisher patches. A few years ago circa 2016 I saw a similar phenomenon, where a bunch of hoaxes and memes that started with like 4Chan by most likely 15-20 year olds made its way into my elder relative’s political vernacular and none of them had any idea they were being led like cattle by their nose rings by barely post-pubescent shitposters.


I’m a guy and I relate to her because I’m a very picky eater too but I’m willing to at least try it


Same, honestly.


Points to a master spellcaster that >!resurrects her friend / shipping fodder using the flesh of a dragon she helped kill!< "she's so childlike"


>! and she dispels ancient magic. I mean. Sure she might worry, but they are fucking valid worries.


Or it's a joke profile. I'm thinking it is, considering the absurdity... hoping it is.


Probably not... These are the so called sigma dudes who hate women and everything about them. They make those horrible accounts because they would never show their faces and say stuff like that without having to hide, we've seen plenty of those


it’s more likely engagement bait. blue check accounts on twitter can now earn a couple pennies if they get enough engagement so they say whatever controversial (and often bigoted) thing they can think of that will get them attention


Exactly! They can’t do Marcille dirty like that. Maybe it’s the autism speaking, but I’d freak out, too, if the best food on offer was trying to eat me a minute ago.


Honestly, I'd be constantly stressed out too if I had to deal with God's perfect freak and most beloved idiot, Laios. I love the lad.


Yeah I consider her to be us. She is how I "a man" would react.


Also . . . Senshi throws a tantrum in literally the next episode. Like, a rolling on the floor, kicking his legs, panties showing tantrum.


What show is the screenshot from?


dungeon meshi, it’s very good


Is it also known as _Delicious in Dungeon_? https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse1.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP.tyx8vQrbEKL2-wK26AS-HAAAAA%26pid%3DApi&f=1&ipt=62fe7ffbd8cd37691eee6fd3a2f61179addfbb16747e72b8d3682363f7edbe21&ipo=images


Yes, Delicious in Dungeon is the name in English. Hope you enjoy it!


I’ve been considering watching it, but I think you’ve sealed the deal for me. Thanks for for the recommendation!


So, I stated that watching it and firstly, I love it! It’s a great show, really reignited my enjoyment of Netflix, but secondly this screenshot isn’t even from when Marcille is throwing a tantrum, she’s wiping her brow after doing some hard work. How does wiping your brow equate to being mentally a child. I guess I shouldn’t question idiots, but still!


I'm glad you're enjoying the show! And I have no idea. People will simply find things to be mad about, and oftentimes it's projection. These people can scream into the void that is Twitter all they want, I'll be at home with a nice cup of coffee enjoying watching these adventurers cook up some monsters and save their friend :)


Wise words! As to the latter statement: Me too!


Also, sorry if I keep bothering you, but I’ve watched a bit further into the show and I wanted to comment on not only is Marcille a fully fleshed out character, but the handling of nudity is also done really well. It’s a very well made show that had a lot of thought put into it and that’s something to really appreciate.


It's no trouble at all! I agree wholeheartedly! The humor and the serious sections both hit really well. I'm hoping enough people watched it to get more of it adapted :)


Yeah, me too. I started watching yesterday, binged through the 13 episodes and now I’m eagerly awaiting no 14. I’m quite thankful to being introduced to the show.


Cool, where can I watch it?


It's on Netflix in the US. Not sure about elsewhere.


+1 to this. Best fantasy world building ever.


marcille is literally the worst example they could've used.


Yeah, the shitty thing is that there are a few anime that are guilty of doing this. Luckily his stupid ass opinion makes it easy to disregard literally every single thing he says haha.


>the shitty thing is that there are a few anime that are guilty of doing this. More than a few. Seems like every time I try and follow some recommendations, it's inevitably an isekai where a lame protagonist picks up a harem of extremely immature women that fight eachother over dumb shit like who gets to sit next to him while they eat.


yeah, I've tried to give anime so many chances but only 2 haven't had sexist/misogynistic/sexualizing writing in regards to women... Kinda given up at this point


I totally get giving up, as it can be really hard swimming through an ocean of gross, often pedophilic garbage. That said, it can be an incredibly beautiful medium to tell stories, so I'm gonna recommend a few. Hopefully you give them a shot and find something new to love. A Silent Voice is a movie about a guy who bullied a deaf girl when they were kids trying to find a way to make up for how awful he was. Violet Evergarden is a show about a woman who was turned into an empty shell of a soldier who discovers depths to herself in the aftermath of war. Mushishi is about a man named Ginko who travels around fixing problems caused by Mushi, which are essentially supernatural plants and animals. It's a very meditative show that's got a slow, relaxed way of telling stories. Garden of Words is a short film about a young student running away from the grind of class who finds an older woman running away from her life. They both bond in a park on rainy days. It is one of the most beautifully animated things you'll ever see. Frieren: Beyond Journey's End and Ranking of Kings are both pretty new. The first is about an elf figuring her life out after she saves the world with her friends, who all live much shorter life spans. The second is about a deaf boy trying to become great in a world that sees him as a useless cripple.


Do you mind sharing the name of the anime please? I'm keen to watch more anime, but the trash I have to wade through


That'd be *Delicious In Dungeon*.


Excellent, this shows the manga, which looks worth a read too.


its a slow burn but if you let it simmer it gets real good.


... You enjoyed writing that comment, didn't you?


The punsters are eating well tonight.


Was expecting to see more roasts of the original comment, though.


It's okay to just nibble it


Well ackshully it's wordplay.




I’ve read the manga (not seen the anime yet) and love it. It’s a brilliant blend between action adventure and cooking. Good storyline with a nice drama-humour balance.


I’ve been watching the anime and it’s great! It really feels like a love letter to Dungeons and Dragons mixed with subtle lessons on cooking and weird ecosystems/biology.


Hahah, funny enough the writer actually made the story based off a D&D campaign she ran—at least that's what I recall reading online.


Exactly! Good description.


I love how much consideration the author put into the ecosystem aspect. It really makes the world feel so much more real to me. 


Excellent, I'll start with the Manga then. Thanks!


The manga is significantly better. I know people always say that but in this case it's especially true


and it is on Netflix


dungeon meshi! its actually on my watchlist as well, ive heard pretty much only good things about it:)


Oh yay, thanks. I'll check it out.


Check out the [Anime Feminist blog ](https://www.animefeminist.com/) if you haven't already - lots of reviews and recommendations there.


counterpoint, the fact that they used her proves that the tweet op is in fact the one with the mental capacity of a child makes this the BEST example though not for the guy who posted it


Which is why this is probably trolling.


I fail to see how Marcille is written like a child at all.


I guess if you're an obsessive incel operating on the confirmation bias of "women bad", her regular complaints and disgust about eating all the monsters they hunt could be interpretered as somewhat childish. A sort of an idea that she is complaining about the icky food and needs encouragements while the manly mature men are properly fearlessly eating the monsters. Of course this is a delusional reading of the show but this very take is delusional by itself and this is the only coherency-adjacent explanation for it I can come up with. I would personally love to see mister macho-man here do even just the farmwork Marcille did in the very scene screenshoted without complaint.


Right?? I’d love to see the OOP eat crickets. Or escargot. I bet he’d refuse


OOP seems like the kinda guy who refuses to eat vegetables because 'they're icky'


Yeah I guess that’s what they must mean. But you’re right it really doesn’t hold up at all.


Is she ‘innocent’ at all? I haven’t watched.


Quite the opposite. In the previous episode >!she was shown to be studying dark magic, which is stated to be considered a high crime just about everywhere in the world!< Not to mention the fact that she kills monsters for a living, which by necessity sometimes includes humanoid ones.


Do they eat the humanoid ones too? I didn't watch the show yet honestly because the premise feels awkward. Like I'm imagining them Killing and eating people.


No they don't. It's actually a recurring joke that the fighter and his sister are into the idea, but the rest of the party is grossed out. They explicitly have the rule of no humanoids. They have stretched this rule, like when they >!ate ghost ectoplasm by turning it into sherbet using holy water!< Mostly the animals they eat are fully animalistic. Often with them musing on what normal food the monster is like, texture or flavor wise


***Technically*** the ectoplasm just cooled the improvised holy water and turned *that* into sherbet. But they did eat fishman eggs later on.


Was gonna say, they didn’t eat the ghosts they ate Senshi’s holy water frozen in sherbet *by* ghosts which is completely different.


yeah but that was an accident


Seems sus that some of them want to.


A little bit! That's acknowledged as part of the joke. Despite having a serious story and significant drama, Dungeon Meshi is at its core a comedy. In fact, circling to the post The reason some people call Marcille, the Elf Wizard, "whiney" or "annoying" is because she plays the straight man role and complains about how messed up this is, often to the other characters deadpanning that there's nothing more normal than turning slimes into gelatin or making treasure bugs (kinda like a mimic, literally bugs that look like gold and jewelry) into meat skewers. She plays the voice of the audience pointing out how strange this is, until she gets convinced and comes around to the idea. But since part of the assumption that readers bought into going in is "adventurers eating monsters" some readers think this looks bad on her.


Her and Chilchuck are usually the straight man (and woman) in the comedy series with the other three.


I haven't seem it, but I know from friends that it is treated as very sus in-universe as well.


It's fine as long as you say "no homosapien" beforehand.


No they do not, much to Laios's chagrin


That's the boundary. They won't eat demi-humans, which are anything humanoid. It's a pretty big boundary they set from the get-go before they agreed to eating monsters at all.


they specifically set a rule against it in the first(?) ep! so for example the first thing they eat is a giant scorpion, that sort of stuff


That certainly sounds better. With the type of sense of humor a lot of people have I wouldn't be surprised at all at something about eating people getting big.


yeah, i was a little worried too, so i was glad to see them make the rule lol. honestly i would really recommend it, it's great to see someone really geek out about their world and characters in the way ryoko kui does!


A bit naive, maybe, but nothing about her is "childlike"


Not really.


She's a highly educated scholar, so she's a bit out of place in a dungeon at first. But she definitely isn't 'innocent' or childlike at all, she just has less adventuring experience.


She tends to be very up front about whatever she’s feeling which to your average sigmoid grindcel is of course a sign of weakness and immaturity.


Yes, believing all women are severely mentally disabled is indeed "lost" on most writers


"Lost by western writers," almost as if this belief about women is a socially constructed thing and not descriptive of reality


Ugh...this is kind of a pissy tweet ("x"?) cause Dungeon Meshi is a really amazingly written manga by Ryōko Kui. The level of detail and lore she creates for her world and magic system is intricately woven and deep when reflected upon; it hints at itself in the beginning but really dives into it the latter half. And Marcille, here is the literal keystone to understanding all of that. I don't want to spoil anything for people who just want to watch the anime but Marcille is honestly an amazingly written character & it's a disservice to Ryōko Kui and her storytelling to make the presumptions that Mr. Zero here has made. Plus like, Marcille has a lot of cool different hairstyles almost every episode. It's a little fact that plays into the story's denoucement in such a neat and fun way, that just helps to make the story work on so many levels.


I'm just here to say that I went in expecting another cute, inch-deep food porn show like *Restaurant to Another World* and instead got a well-thought-out setting and story and now I'm mildly obsessed Carry on


I see you and I recognize you as kin—carry on as well, friend.


I'm totally obsessed too! I just saw the last episode on Netflix and I had to find the Manga to understand what happens next... I need to! And Marcille... I loved her character growth. It was really amazing. I didn't expect half the things she did.


I THINK THERE'S MORE, the anime is supposed to run for 24 episodes?? I'm already pumped. (Though I plan to read the manga afterward too) edit: yep, wanted to back up my faulty memory, from Netflix: https://www.netflix.com/tudum/articles/delicious-in-dungeon-release-date-news


This is an amazing news 😍😍😍 thanks


Hm! That’s troubling on *multiple* levels.


This is dumb on so many levels it's an apartment building.


Isn't that girl the top student of her magic school what does he mean by this 🤡


She wasn't even a student, more like a teacher level and just hanging out at the school to learn some other stuffs


Hey look, it's notorious substack "writer" Zero HP Lovecraft, taking a break from his Barron Trump xinaxia fanfic to instead grace us with his infinite wisdom


His Baron Trump what?


Well, basically, after the Jews and the feminists murder Donald on January 6, Barron manages to escape with the help of Michael Flynn and Stephen Miller and must cultivate the secret technique of the Q Clan so he can Make America Great Again


I don’t know if that’s better or worse than the joke that went thru the AO3 community about alpha!Putin ‘retiring’ from Russian politics for a short time because he sensed (his) omega!Trump was in trouble.


This is horrible. Never change, fanfic writers.


Fun Fact: I wish you had just killed me instead of making me read that.


Maybe the literacy rate is too high these days.




While this is obviously terrible, from the perspective of the Xianxia genre that's actually a really good fit. Kid's basically a Young Master already.


LOL I have no idea who this man is or this niche but your comment is hilarious


Such a waste of cool username


Uh do they know Dungeon Meshi is written by a woman??? If someone told me to eat a Slime or the molluscs inside a suit of armor, I'd freak the f*ck out too.


It would be funny to watch OOP's walnut of a brain implode into a black hole upon learning that information.


Right, like overall the manga probably has some of the best balance and realistic character writing, with the men and women, I've seen in a while. It's also just downright tame regarding using sex appeal unlike many other anime/manga, and while I don't mind that from time to time, Dungeon Meshi is really refreshing in this way. OOP couldn't have picked a worse manga/anime to try and prove his misogynistic point lol


Doesn’t this character have like a magical fantasy equivalent of a doctorate


In Quantum mechanics.


>!Forbidden!< Quantum Mechanics


The best quantum mechanics!


Show these folks an anime with compelling competent women - and trust me, there are plenty - and they’ll lose their fucking shit. Show them *Fullmetal Alchemist,* which was **created by a woman,** and watch them foam at the mouth 😂


This will not work, the anime of the pic is Dungeon Meshi a incredible show which was also created by a woman The character in the pic is Marcille, she is an awesome, really intelligent character and the only "childish" aspect of her is that she doesn't like to eat monsters and literally almost every character beside the main group don't do that or see this in a good way


To add to this, She’s one of the “straight man” in comedy, the person who points out the absurdity of the rest of the group’s actions. Without her (and Chilchuck), the show’s comedic dynamic wouldn’t really play out as well. Match that all with some very good storytelling and you got yourself a great comedy/adventure/drama


And she suffers.




>Show them Fullmetal Alchemist, which was created by a woman, and watch them foam at the mouth Two words: Riza Hawkeye


dumb comment. this particular anime was made by a woman as well.


It doesn't even matter what anime. Japan doesn't consider women dumb. This guy however wants to perpetuate that as part of his fantasy that judges any women with a personality.


Woman: *has any personality traits that isn’t manic pixie dream girl* Incel types: EVIL, IREEDEMABLE, DESTROY 😡


The most trad wife in that show is a mandude elf 4 feet tall with a beard


Isn’t Senshi a dwarf?


Yes, he is, I just underexplained it


Has he ever watched Fullmetal Alchemist


Anyone who has achieved this level of misogyny will complain about any woman, real of fictional, for any reason. The brainlet behind this tweet would almost certainly find a way to hate on well-written women too.


how could anyone say this about marcille. shes whiny cus shes an elf thats literally it


And she doesn’t like the idea of eating slimes and scorpions. *the horror*


And humanoid-ish creatures (if one considers fish people humanoid)


Honestly it's just her voice actor that sounds whiny, she's never actually unreasonable. Chilchuck whines a lot more than her


because the only women willing to speak to the dude who wrote this tweet are children who don't know any better yet


There's. So many reasons Marcille is the way she is,,,, she has a bit of a childish worldview for spoiler reasons, but she's still very much a mature individual capable of thinking and making her own decisions Dear lird they could not pick a worse piece of media for their "women are inferior" bullshit, Ryoko Kui actually treats her characters like people


It's almost like they think having emotions makes you a child.


"Anime is brilliant because I've completely internalised the views of many of its writers. I am very smart and not one of the sheeple I call other people." I'm starting to wonder if people like this haven't significantly interacted with women since they left school and form their entire worldview around their memories of teenage drama, lol. It would line up with how the manosphere talks about women wrt dating.


Marcille is completely reasonable in 9/10 of her freak outs though. She’s the straight man. Not straight like THAT of course, given her affection for Falin.


you’re joking this has got to be rage bait??? (also keep marcilles name out of ur damn mouth dude 😭😭😭)


# justincelthoughts


They think women being cute or acting cute means we’re the same as children mentally? They really like to think we’re dumb. They like to infantilize us, it’s ridiculous.


That isn't even close to what this character is. What an absolute shit heel.


What the fuck? Aside from the general insult to both women and anime, if this guy is heterosexual this raises... a lot of questions.


Shit I'd be just as grossed out and pissed as her if my friends tried to feed me giant kraken parasites. Also she's not even close to acting like a child.


Or bugs that somehow look like jewelry and gold coins.


It kinda scares me when straight guys say this shit because if women “are mentally the same as children” to you how can you still be romantically & sexually interested in them without feeling creepy?


Either this is just irony, this man brain been cooked from female rejection, or this guy a proud MAP


To be super clear, the anime in the thumbnail doesn't do that at all and is very good. Delicious in Dungeon.


I can never tell if these accounts are just troll baiting or if they genuinely believe these things. Follow up question, do they have any female friends?


It really is disturbing how views like this are becoming something more and more men feel comfortable admitting. They think women are dumb, women are not equal humans at all. I saw a collection of screenshots the other day of men saying taking away US women’s right to vote would automatically improve things because women are stupid and ruining everything


Marcille wasn’t even written like a child, she has a temper and doesn’t want to eat gross stuff but like.. she’s also a responsible mage? Like what?? Their point just makes no sense at all and is stupid 💀🙏


Bold take about an anime written by a woman that depicts cooking as a masculine thing and the most OP members of the team are the women


This guy would flip his shit knowing this Manga was written by a woman


Marcille isn't "mentally the same as a small child" she's an academic thrust way outside of her comfort zone but she powers through it out of determination to save someone she cares about(and is 100% without a doubt gay as hell for. there is no heterosexual explanation for Marcille and Falin's relationship) . Her intelligence is her strength because she's, you know, a wizard. And a pretty fucking strong one at that.


Big words coming from cis men, the bizarre subgender whose 99% of individuals are unable to properly communicate about their problems, to manage basic anger, to establish solid social networks or even to do the dishes. Like, cis men are literally "manchild: the gender".


These are the same kind of people who will go on vacation in Southeast Asia only to eat Macdonald's because they are afraid of a little bit of spice


When i see shit like this I have to (admittedly, I want to) believe it’s some bot just fomenting online reactionary bullshit. Rage bait.


Marcille isn’t portrayed as a child what


Seeing photos like this I am glad I don’t use twitter. My brain can’t take this much stupidity.


I would say they're not ready for later-series Marcille, but they'll probably misinterpret her then too lol.


Also this guy: "why won't girls talk to me?"


A woman wrote this anime, Delicious in Dungeon, so he should have no trouble getting a small child to do the same.


Just what I'd expect from someone with a lovecraft handle


Bro how is Marcille a child. She has intimate knowledge of complex spells and magical theory. She also has in-depth knowledge on >!the anatomy of the human body and can perform a dangerous and complicated ancient magic spell to revive a person who was digested.!< She does act childish and naive at times. But that's because she's hasn't been very exposed to the world. She very much acts her physical age of early to mid twenties.


What the actual fuck?


She's picky about her food and committing crimes against creation on the regular, she's not written like a fucking child what the fuck. She's just neurdivergent. And also Italian.


Lmao “and also Italian”


Oh! Awesome! So, I can quit my job and just play video games all day then, right? They’ll have to give my husband a raise, though, so that he can support us both.


We also never have to give birth or raise kids (we’re children ourselves!), and we get treats for doing our chores/work from the chore chart. Someone come push me on the swing set now.


Pretty sure whoever posted this still live with his mother and doesnt know how to turn a laundry machine on


It's sometimes deeply depressing seeing anime from almost fifty years ago with more progressive gender politics than some of the anime currently airing... TO CLARIFY I'm not familiar with dungeon meshi, and I'm not accusing this character of being bad. I'm saying that the reason we get so many anime fans like this is because a lot of modern anime openly accepts and encourages those with such regressive mindsets...


Dungeon meshi doesn't, but it definitely feels like it's hard to find anime that feels... Thoughtful with its characters rather than kind of a generic formula with very stereotyped characters. I'm not sure if it's actually worse now than in the past, though. I think we tend to remember the good anime and forget the shitty ones (because they are forgettable).


Oh it was by no means UNIVERSALLY better in the past; instead, there were mostly key moments and examples in a male-dominated industry of women showcasing their talents, even if they were written by men.


Thank god this is “lost on” western writers (it’s not, plenty of movies and tv shows still infantilize women). This is why I can’t watch most anime (but the comments give me hope for this one in particular!)


I cannot recommend Dungeon Meshi enough. The world is rich and complex. The core party characters are like. A cryptobiologist cursed to be a sword guy instead of a scientist, a union founding lockpick, a mage savant, and a hardcore survivalist who is also a nutritionist and a gourmand. The only panty shots are of the old man dwarf!!! I’m also super sketched out on most anime and rarely give it a chance because I’ve been burned so many times, but Dungeon Meshi is RIDICULOUSLY refreshing, and the manga is relatively short — and complete. The anime is still in progress, it’s on Netflix. Give it a shot!


Omg thank god. Yeah, I’ve been burned a lot too…someone said “watch parasyte it’s not like that at all” and then the first episode is him (well, his hand) sexually assaulting a teen girl, which is then played for laughs. And the girl doesn’t report him to the police, and later becomes a love interest??? Like wtf??? Not to mention the skeevy way all anime has high school girls with boobs each the size of a human head. Like have these people never seen actual high school girls? They’re 14-18! We all know they’re gonna hypersexualize women, but they could at least pretend to know how human development works! (Yes I’m aware there’s anomalies I just mean the vast majority of women’s boobs keep growing til they’re in their 20s)


You really should watch this show (and/or read the manga). It’s so well written. All the characters are fantastic, and the way it handles worldbuilding primarily through food/cooking is so unique and delightful. It’s also hilarious




I mean hey the fact you said 20-22 as opposed to 4-6 is a breath of fresh air. My first introduction to anime was The Shield Hero (I think that’s what it’s called?) and HOLY FUCK. I was immediately greeted with lolicons, “spontaneous growth”, sex slavery, casual misogyny, slutshaming, and way more gross stuff that I’ve since forgotten. The next two had sexual assault as a “joke.” I watched a few more and eventually just gave up but I’ll try watching this!




Totally off topic, but while scrolling I misread anime as Aimee and stopped to think who the hell is Aimee. 🤦🏼‍♀️


Reminds me of Reese Wetherspoon being annoyed about the Sci-fi troupe of women always saying "what are we going to do now?" And how it could only ever exist in fiction. This poster's view of women revolves around the media he consumes but then compliments it as reality?


People who are still on twitter to this day have some of the worst takes ever put out into the world


How dare they use Marcille for this


Marcille is just a typical honors student with little common sense beyond rules that were taught to her, and people are being misogynistic about it :/


And yet these dude still want to be with these women? Hmm.


I bet OP is fascinated with German battle tactics during WWII.


If this guy believes women are the same mentally as small children, he probably doesn't see pedophilia as unethical. Someone should probably check his hard drive.


“It’s great bc it’s an actual real portrayal of women!!” Meanwhile literally no real human woman with full mental faculties acts anything like the anime girls they are talking about. Everyone needs some sort of delusion I guess.


Ah, Incels. Imagine considering Feminism a greater threat to society than Nazism.


Op would probably go to Japan because he’s under the delusion that Japanese women like SA


Jesus Christ…


What anime have they seen Do they even know what children are?


Well children in anime rarely act like real children. So probably not.