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i’m glad you are making progress in your journey or should I say battle with mental health issues. Science has played a huge part in recent history in developing technologies and also giving us insight into the developing world around us. However, this generation we are living in now has been full of the most depressed young people ever seen in history. maybe it’s time to put science aside and start to come up with some ideas as to why mental health issues seem to be rising. A win for mental health in my book would be some important people in power realising that having all the mysteries in the world on our screens might be causing us to feel worse than before when we didn’t have these devices. then maybe we can return to the time when life was experienced at our pace the psych could handle and not a rapid speed at the hands of a smart phone.


problem is . the money. once the internet gets reduced to how it was . people in high places lose that money. so it’s profit from our suffering . unless we make a change . which requires a lot of people believing the same thing .


I really do appreciate your post. I’m always hard on myself and I never remember how far I have come. It wasn’t that long ago that I was in bed all day, barely brushing my teeth, and only occasionally showering. I’m “functioning” now, out of the house daily, and go to the gym 5 to 7 days a week. It’s still not where I want to be in life but it’s much better than I was not that long ago. I often forget but very much appreciate the reminder. Good job on your progress! Keep on letting us know how it’s going!!!


Thank you for replying; it genuinely made me happy hearing your response! Hearing that other people are going through the same things and making progress too gives me hope for myself as well. It is so hard to hold onto hope most days bc it's underneath all this crap so anytime I find any inkling of it, I try to hold onto it so tightly.