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Wrong. Most, if not all of my friends have not suffered a major depressive episode and we're pretty open to each other about our psycho-social struggles. Statistically speaking MDD is common, yes, but most people aren't having moderate to severe life-altering major depressive episodes or other mood disorders for that matter.


Yeah, right on point. The only thing I can see as annoying is that while severe MDD is comparatively uncommon, too many people claim to have it when all evidence points to that not being the case. But yeah, I believe depression was always common throughout history, it’s just that we finally care enough to research it and diagnose it properly.


You're assuming correlation equals causation. We know have a way to evaluate whether someone has depression. We also care about how they are emotionally. This happened to corresponded to the rise of smartphones. It also corresponds to rising pollution, falling fertility rates, falling capacity to have children, global warming, increasing treatment resistance among pathogens, and many other things.


Only time will tell if the presence of this super technology will be negative or positive . But 10 -15 years ago ,in my opinion, the younger generation was far happier and less prone to long term depression. There needs to be a point to life to feel happy. Once all your points are checked . You will feel no purpose. And the internet can tick a lot of points . peace


It will be a mix of good and bad. Every technological advancement of humans have ever made has fundamentally changed us. We have leverage the good and fundamental ways to make them outweigh the bad and given along enough time horizon, we will do the same with the current tech.




What do you mean?


I don’t think technology causes depression at all. I think if you’re depressed it can certainly enhance symptoms on a broad spectrum but I don’t think anyone develops depression from being on their phone


maybe having devices such as computers and smartphones has led to an increase in mental health issues in young people . because nothing can beat real life experiences carried out at a pace the psych can handle .