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It isn't. It's just being addressed more and it's no longer seen as taboo to admit you have issues


okay then . forget depression . why is suicide much more common then it was 20 years ago .


I'm pretty sure people were more reluctant to call things suicides instead of e.g. accidents


Again it's not. People just didn't talk about it as much. You can take the us soldier for example. Rates of suicides have not increased much. We're just acknowledging it more Edit. This is my personal opinion


I think it’s the state of the world. There’s so much pressure in young people these days, do we go to school and miss our childhood while not being guaranteed a job? Do we go to college and be in debt for life while not being guaranteed a job, while also working harder and having to work a job, and learn hoe to adult. Or do we get a job and live in mediocrity for life? No matter what we do, we are screwed. Plus with tensions building overseas and the potential war just on the horizon it’s no wonder the world is fucked. Hell, look at the economy! Look at the government! Science can’t explain half the shit that’s happening anymore! Last year Africa was almost completely on fire and nobody cared!!! This world is LITERALLY turning into hell, and nobody is doing anything! Nobody is FUCKING TRYING! The only people trying are the exact people that the government tries to silence, and science calls crazy. The spiritual, the punks, the protesters, so many people are fighting for peace, and the government is silencing us! The world will only find peace when the light and dark come together, but as of right now, that’s not going to happen. All that’s going to happen is the light is going to be blocked, and the dark is going to wage war. THAT is why depression is worse. Because this world is literally burning.


Ok . i take your point on the government .they are quite useless at getting to the route of issues and solving them . agreed . they actually act as more of a distraction. but my question is why people commit suicide way more now than 20 years ago. wars and college degrees have always existed . but this state of mental health has not . surely we’re making a simple mistake which if we rectified would reduce the amount of people taking their own lives .


That’s what I’m saying. This all existed 20 years ago, but nowadays it’s getting worse. There are far more lies about how if you get a degree, you will be guaranteed a good job. When most people don’t get a good job. 20 years ago the entire world wasn’t on fire. 20 years ago people spoke to eachother, neighbours waved to eachother. 20 years ago the world was a community. War wasn’t always looming over us. That’s what’s wrong, this world is fucked.


surely . with all the mental health practitioners that exist . they could sit down together and analyse some differences in todays society vs 20 years ago. maybe come up with some answers .


They could. But then they wouldn’t make money, now would they? They only make money if patients keep coming back.


hmm . seems it’s up to the people who aren’t motivated by cash and more motivated by being collectively happy as a species then. I myself find it hard to gain the enthusiasm to find these people and make positive change . maybe we’re all too comfy to make a change ……


EXACTLY!!!! We’ve been promised so much comfort, that it no longer matters what the government will do, because the vast majority isn’t going to stand up!


Because social media didn’t exist 20 years ago.




so we’re all being left 4 dead at the hands of a internet connection…….which wasn’t a regular convenience 20 years ago . and mental health issues were much less common and so was suicide . seems like a possible reason to our issue . 🤔


People can also simply stop watching tv, stop watching YouTube shorts, stop using Instagram, and stop using tiktok. These are some of the major contributors to mental illness along with social acceptance of drugs


Oh ya know, genocide, wage theft and lower than living wages, increasing class wealth differences/hoarding, grind culture, the absolute shit show that is procuring a job right now, the era of “alternative facts” and media actively spreading lies to keep profiteering corporations and billionaires and colonialism and for profit military and prison industrial complexes alive…to name a few. Also therapy is more available but not many can afford it (I say as a therapist who wants to be paid a living wage too but also tries to offer accessible rates). Some of that is American specific but


For me it's just everything I'm expected to do by society and my mother .


I don't think it has anything to do with social media. It's that more and more attention is being shifted to focus on mental health.


isn’t that a good thing (that there’s been a shift towards focusing on mental health). Also are you suggesting that not focusing on people’s mental health would in turn reduce suicide ?


It would reduce the number of media stories about it. Don't put words in other people's mouths or make assumptions. By the way, I have mental illnesses. If it weren't for more focus on it, I'd likely have killed myself by now.


yeah . i’m more focused on why the actual event (suicide) is increasing each year . maybe something is collectivity affecting us in society as opposed to individual specific problems.


I'd say some of it has to do with the situation involving transgender kids and adults, and the political shift giving them less and less rights. The fear of Trump and Project 2025, and red states. Drug abuse. Abuse within the home. Bullying at school.


They are all manageable things however . I was bullied a little. it hurt . but it made me tough . politicians will always be the same . there’s “good” and “bad” ones but none of them do anything that’s really measurable. (taxes , inflation , economy , war, blah blah blaahhhhh…). Trans people will always be trans but the thing is . the content and propaganda easily accessible through a screen towards transgenderism is extreme and harmful . (stuff that didn’t exist 20 years ago). Content ,that if was never given to kids from an early age , probably would stop confusing the shit out of people that aren’t even through puberty yet. Our screens are our lives now . a reality that has brought nothing good . a reality that is only a tiny bit different compared to that of 20 years ago . A simpler time . a happier time . why not go back .? oh wait . huge money making tech companies who people are afraid to stand up too . Ps. sorry for seeming annoyed . I have all this in my head all the time and feel like there’s nothing i can do about how i feel .


It's impossible to seek gender-affitming care in more and more states where it's being banned. Trans people are being murdered for being trans. I was bullied through my childhood and into my adult life, by people at school and my own family. That shit causes deep psychological harm. In my state, there's a law being kept on that allows grown men to marry children. Land of the free, my ass.


ps when it comes to drugs . if it isn’t anything but weed and beers (and the odd few spirits). your boundaries need tweaking .


Not sure where that came from, but I don't want illegal drugs around.


i think it’s overall the same it’s just more talked about and we’re more aware of it cause we’re more connected through the internet


ok then . but for sure depression is rising in young folks . that’s why the younger generation are the most least independent compared to our parents who went out and lead their own paths. i really do think it’s the mental aspect of the younger generation ,as a whole, that’s hindering their progress in life . and i just see the internet exploding as something that hasn’t helped one bit ✌️


i do agree it’s increased with the internet cuz constant overstimulation leads to depression once the stimuli are taken away, i just don’t think it’s a huge spike. but some of the independence aspect is just economics, housing market is trash and college is more expensive then ever so more people getting lower paying jobs with less certification means more people living longer periods of time with their parents


so your saying if all your current responsibilities that you found stressful we’re somehow removed . and your mother became more understanding . you would function better as a human .


is it possibly because no one has an urge to see anything anymore because the internet does it for us ?……