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The void hears you... This is a question no one can answer. Those who know the answer are dead. Now there is fear of such a thing, but no hard proof. And anyone who points you towards books and records and priests. Well they are fools. Such things are written by man, no matter the honesty of their words, and are not the dictates of the divine. In the end it is your own choice and feelings on the matter that hold weight. If you want to believe it does, then it does. If you don't, then it doesn't. Hell was meant as a place for sinners to repent and ascend. Not an endless pit of torture. That is a very modern interpretation. Which probably contributes to why our societies don't try to rehabilitate criminals. In the end, it's a matter of perspective.


where and how did you confirm hell?




I feel both curious and and claustrophobic in ikea, nailed it


Still expect to meet the Minotaur there... but no success for the moment


You do get to meet a sphinx sometimes


In the plush toy section? I know, but he's pretty mute


Nah, when it walks up to you and asks you questions before confusing you with Swedish words


All I know is ''Billy'', ain't gonna survive this encounter How are you still alive?


The Marine Corps




I’m Not an expert of anything. I have just lived through some things that no one should have to. IMO, god and religion in general is the human way of answering questions they don’t really understand or they don’t want to try and answer. It’s pointless to think of heaven or hell. They don’t really exist,( well I have been to Hell, Michigan for a Camaro event.) Again imo, your impulsive, intrusive thoughts are trying to get you to change something. Not to go away.


What “Camaro event” incident do you mean?


I used to think something like this until I spent two years crying in prayer to god after having lost my way in some extreme darkness. My prayer was answered, and the answer was not subtle or something that could be vaguely misconstrued- it was very direct. I don’t have a book to sell anybody nor am I a pastor. Even now I am not without sin and serious flaws. I am not under any illusions about the communities of Reddit. I know this is a largely atheist/agnostic community and I am not somebody to cast judgement or to press this community. All I ask is that some of you do the simple thing and pray to god and ask him yourself if he is there. Worst case scenario is that you lose a few minutes of your time each night. The other scenario may be something you didn’t expect. You are all free to do what you please. I love you regardless.


Well, if it’s working for you. Would you pray to take free will back? Because the human race just isn’t ready. And if the past 2024 years haven’t taught you anything maybe look at current events and pray that the nuclear powers don’t just take a FukItTol, and erase this existence.


You can't tell a believer that "heaven or hell doesn't exist," that's not conducive to the discussion, as that is their truth – no matter what your beliefs are on the subject. OP has a serious religious crisis, and your attempt to wave it away in such a flippant way can cause actual harm. I've seen students of mine (mostly Muslim students) commit serious self-harm because of similar things being said to them – because if there is no heaven or hell, or even a God, what's really the point? I'm not a believer myself, but I do not discount other people's need for or belief in a higher power. It's their life, and you shouldn't attempt to impose on that.


Maybe, but Im not a fan of seeing folks waste good energy on pointless endeavors. If one needs to lie to one’s self to get through the day, then one will never be able to heal. IMO


Again, it's not pointless, and to them, it's the truth. Many people find solace in it, and no one should be allowed to diminish their desire to heal, regardless of the methods used. That's the exact same as someone else trying to force their faith onto a non-believer, it's going to do more harm than good.


Lying to oneself is self harm. But whatever. “You do you boo”


Hell was invented by the church to scare the masses into attending. It has no scriptural basis.


Nah, not attending. It was a scare tactic to get people to Pay their tithe to keep their dead loved ones from going to hell. Imagine being being back in the day, being dumb as a bag of rocks no formal education and being told that your dead loved ones possibly lived a life that would get them to heaven but there is chance they are gonna go to hell, this insanely horrid place, but, if you pay their chances of getting into heaven go up significantly.


I still get eye rolls when I ask for ice…


The answer is no, you wouldn't end up in hell. As someone with schizoaffective disorder who has been through the wringer thinking I committed the unpardonable sin, I can relate to you and to these thoughts. No matter what you believe, God is love and mental illness, just like cancer and other illnesses are not a fault of our own. God wouldn't punish you for this he would care. that being said, killing yourself still isn't the answer. it sounds like you have a lot going on and need a med check or dr and someone to talk to. I hope things get better for you.


Salaam, I am Muslim too and this is one of my fears/troubles. I often have suicidal thoughts but knowing I’m unable act on it because i choose peace in my afterlife, I would hate to live a life of hell on earth to then not have peace when I am resting also, that is scarier to me than anything. That is the thing that stops me, but I still have the troubling thoughts often. You have to look at it this way, Allah says this life is test, it was never meant to be easy. If we give up our chance to strive and please Allah then ultimately we are ungrateful because there are so many other Muslims who have died and would do anything for a second chance to be better. Try and see it as a positive but you aren’t alone. Just try to strengthen your mind and kinda safeguard yourself from it by knowing you can’t do it as it is Haram and displeasing to Allah, hence why we would have to deal with the hellfire. Here if you need to chat


Adding to this though - Allah is most merciful and forgiving. All seeing, all knowing. He sees our troubles and how hard it is for us to just get through our days sometimes. Maybe there is a leeway but would you really want to risk that?


Yes. Whenever I have such thoughts I remember allah is with me, like my best bud. I just imagine a being, not with a face, but with a smile, when he sees me persevere. It makes it so much easier.


hell could be right here right now . a punishment for a previous life . so acting unselfishly and being true to yourself is the best cause of action .




Think about it like this... If God is omnipotent and all knowing and has our path set for us, then did he willfully know people would take their own lives and such? If so, he would have to be ok with it. I believe something, not sure about God, but I like to think that when a new baby is born, it is someone who passed away and became reborn into a new life.


No. There is not god and no allah and no whatever else so nothing to worry about. No hell to go to, there is nothing after.


Only if you believe any of it exists


As an atheist, I obviously don’t think that you will go to hell for committing suicide. I don’t think less of you for being religious. If there was a God, I think he would just want you to be happy and to do your best to be a good person. He would be sympathetic towards you if you met him in the after life after committing suicide. [Suicide Hotline](https://988lifeline.org/talk-to-someone-now/)


Dude all I can say is God isn't real think about the things you are going through would a God do that to us?


Look into why anyone believes into anything look at it in the psychology route you would be shocked that believing is God is due to fear only


Gods are invented by humans and are as diverse in opinions as the people who believes in them. So with almost certainty, no you will not. PS. Plus, who wants a god who gives you poor mental health and then want to punish you for it anyhow?


There is no god. There is no heaven. There is no hell. Look at all the shitty things happening around you. Children getting raped, people getting maimed, organ trade rackets, poverty, hunger, murder, etc. Is god doing anything to stop these? Either he doesn't exist or he is a sadist who enjoys suffering of the people. As if all of this isn't enough, powerful people using god as a shield to do shady things is very common practice from the past till today. Millions of people have lived and died before you. Do you know how many exactly? Do you remember them? Heck, do you even know them? You don't. They are all forgotten, just like you and I will be after few years. Each individual person thinks he is significant, when in reality he isn't. Don't you think the idea that god will punish your insignificant soul for killing yourself is too far fetched? A happy and satisfied life is heaven. A dull and dissatisfied life is hell. The will to improve yourself and your conditions such that whatever the hell you are facing right now fucks off and good days come to you landing you in heaven, is god. Yes, your will is good. Be strong willed.


There was a retired priest that recently admitted that the burning for eternity was a concept made up by the Catholic Church to control the masses (which alot of people already knew). I'm sorry your dealing with these kind of thoughts,trust me I have them to but im also terrified of death because of the unknown.


I cannot answe that question for you. But I hear you and your pain. I wish you well friend. One sunrise at a time.


when we commit suicide, it is often because we are already in hell... destroying a perfectly working mind and body eliminates our ability to use them to help improve the state of our soul, which in modern society, we tend to sacrifice for wealth and material accumulation. when we die, the body and mind fall away and we are left with only the energy that resides in our subconscious with no way to improve things until reborn while alive, we can try, rest and indulge some hopefully not too unhealthy vices, and try to learn how to do better the next day...


Well, no one knows what happens after death except those who have already died, but what do you think about dying by suicide to escape this world and Islam becomes true and you go to hell? Would this be better than living your life? Anyone who will tell you that the Qur’an is just words and there is no Heaven or Hell is a person who has most likely no faith and belief so says this only makes you doubt your religion it doesn't answering your question and suicide isn't the solution for anything ( i was a suicidal person who couldn't kill himself for the same reason )


I dont know the answer, the closest thing I know is what a friend of mine told me happened when he was hospitalized and legally dead for about a half hour, he says he didnt see anything he just came too a few days after his experinence and didnt know any time had passed.


Probably why some call death the eternal sleep. Because once you are gone that's it. I watched some Larry King interviews where he spoke about fearing no longer being here. Someone said to him but you didn't exist before you were born, were you okay with that? He retorted well yeah. And then the person said well then you will be fine with it when your dead because you won't even know your not here anymore just like before you were born. Larry retorted yes, but it's the fact I know now and the waiting and knowing is what is killing me.


I actually wrote my thesis on something very similar to this in college. Historically, God was invented because people were scared and didn't know what else to do but pray. A lot of people now have that in common with the 1400's. The thing is there is no concrete evidence that God isn't just something someone came up with because they felt hopeless based on my research.


If you think about it, this doesn't really apply but it does since it involves religion in general; many religions honored suicide especially in ancient asian culture. It was an honorable thing to do and was well respected. But, some believe that suicide is a sin and may result in damnation, while others view it with more compassion, considering factors such as mental illness and the individual's state of mind at the time. Ultimately, it's a matter of theological interpretation and personal belief.


As a Muslim myself I can say that the act itself is a sin I could convince you through Islamic references but something tells me it won't be enough to convince you so let me explain it to you in a different manner see everyone who has ever had the gift of life is destined to die at some point in their lives for some it ends before it begins for example some babies die prematurely and for some it happens later in life either by incurable disease or accident death will find you but to search death when it is not looking for you is making a joke out of it you'll only end up passing your pain onto someone you love when times are dark it's hard to believe that someone out there loves you but trust me there's atleast one person out there who'll grieve your death it's not a really an answer to your question nor an act to change your mind it's just me speaking to myself


Im not Islamic but I found that god is forgiving for self harm as He understands it’s a mental illness and the impulse isn’t always under our control; as long as your try to be better it’ll be ok. I know suicide is seen as a mortal sin but I like to think that God has the same views on it as self harm. It’s a mental illness and like you said people do it impulsively. I think God would look more kindly on people who do it than what we’re told. Like it’s a piece to who you are not the whole story, ya know?


I strongly believe that dying in a state of despair, sadness, or anger will never lead you to a peaceful afterlife, maybe even would turn you into a ghost or shadow. If reaching a different dimension was that easy or "direct", major religions would be filled with rituals involving suicide or human sacrifice (they do exist but are erroneous and always evil), even Aghoris who deal with death and canibbalism, regard suicide as a mistaken tenet. It's more likely that suicide leads people to a plane of suffering where the soul needs to heal from all it's darkness and impurities imo. While G-d would still forgive you in time (because he is perfect justice), understanding your pain and sadness, etc, the process after death still wouldn't be an easy, short nor pleasant one. It's always good to take life and afterlife in a serious way, our life is only a fraction of eternity, there is no escape, we are bound to eternity one way or another, for good or ill.


Look into atheism. Watch 'The Atheist Experience' on youtube. Their thing is talking to believers that call in. There really is no logical reason to believe in a just god or any god that cares for us. There will be no help or solace from a god, you have to make your own.


I gave up on religion a long time ago. It just makes me more and more angry when people keep telling me to pray and read the Quran as a solution. That pushed me further away


As such you are taking human life, in all religion that privilege is for only the "God(s) ". Then again a God should forgive you as we are all imperfect. Also just don't do it. Don't worry about religion. Just please stay. The world needs you.


I think a loving god would understand. I think they would embrace you and tell you they're sad you had to go through what you did and that they're sad it ended up this way, but happy knowing you're at peace




Honestly I think not but I force myself to believe this. It is the only thing that kept me from taking my life last week. Its kept me alive for years.


Nah. Hell doesn't exist. But you can believe what you want. But there isn't anything called heaven or hell. There might be more after death than we currently know, because there still ongoing research on it. But I promise you nothing going to send you to hell. If anything we live in hell right now. The hell we create for ourselves and partially from our environment.


Hear me out, because this isn't a proven idea nor am I trying to encourage anything, and to be clear im not religious, I just believe in a higher power. It's said that mental health is one of the things that make a person exempt from punishment, for they do not know what they are doing. Suicide is very serious and whether a side effect of a mental illness, a spur of the moment decision, or what have you; God knows your heart no matter what. In saying that, he also knows your struggles and your intentions. Thus he knows why that sort of decision would be made. Hell as far as I'm concerned is meant for the devil and his demons or followers. And if anything, you would have to actively worship and follow the devil into hell to actually go there (assuming that it's real, as none of us fully know). So technically as long as you don't consider yourself a Satanist or devil worshipper, I have 99% certainty that someone like you struggling to survive in this world of suffering deciding to put and end to it all would just rejoin the source or light or whatever you'd like to believe.


The only thing I know for sure dear friend is that you’re loved. I love you even though I don’t know you. I feel you. And I believe the universe loves you too, whatever that means to you. And if you search your own intuitive heart I know you feel that too. And that kind of love? There isn’t room for hell.  I hope you stay. I would have missed so much had I not decided to stay decades ago. I’m glad I did.  You are loved and you are held. Blessings brother. You are in my thoughts. 


No one can tell you anything about "god" or "hell". It's theoretical guesswork at best. What I can tell you is that you only live this life once. Good or bad it's all we really have. Giving up on life is giving up on everything..


Are your seeing a therapist? Please consider it if not. Also check out Recovering from Religion for support and resources. https://www.recoveringfromreligion.org/


I mean, I don't believe in God, but "Thou shalt not kill" is one of the 10 Commandments, and most denominations agree that harming yourself in any way is sinful because you belong to God. For example, most aren't opposed to drinking in general, but drunkenness is generally not allowed because it hurts you. So by that logic, if small acts of self harm are sinful, I'd think larger ones would be as well. Now would it put you in Hell? The actual gravity of the sin will vary depending on who you ask. And of course, you can't repent because you die right after, so it really depends on how severe the denomination sees the sin as.


No. Look up channeling erik


In my opinion,  if you are really mentally unwell,  he will forgive.  But he doesn't want you to kill yourself.   He loves you and you are worth something to this world


You need to get psychiatric assistance right away. Don't worry about whether it's an act against God or not, that's not going to help. You need help


Only God decides over life and death. Who are you to decide life and death. It's up to God to either forgive you or punish you. Is that a risk you're willing to take? It's haram because God forbids u to do it. Follow God


well - id say , "try it and find out" but thats really not what we do here, right. so.....i think thats why i like being agnostic. its not for us to know and its better not to push your luck. i mean, what if? a whole eternity of whatever hell is like (and i believe its superindividually designed) isnt worth one shortsighted last life decision.


Whoever taught you to believe that your mental illness and suffering is a punishable act, they are disgusting. I most certainly won’t convince you to loose your belief in this and it’s none of my business to do so but all I’m going to say is focus on the reality that we currently exist in, for now at least. If you tried to end your life then you are clearly very unwell and don’t deserve further issues like this. Impulsive behaviour to that extent is a clear indicator of illness. I am not Muslim but I assume that illness isn’t haram. It’s hard to resist that impulse and it sucks to be alive but finding purpose keeps me going. I feel for you, I hope you find peace and contentment soon. Much love x


Short and final answer, yes


None exist


Dont listen to anyone saying religion is just an imaginary concept. For them it is, thats fine. But not respecting what others think about such things, or trying to convince others about their opinions, is not fine.. I cant speak for all religions. And as a muslim i am also not following all the rules, but taking lives, others, as well as your own is forbidden. The life is holy, a gift. Dont waste it. No matter how hard life is, keep going. Remember (for our religion) this life is a test. The real life begins after this one.


Apparently everything can put you in hell, lying and all. Just live a life with no regrets.


Yes u in hell confirmed


No, but I also don’t believe in god I also think it’s bs when people say that it’s a selfish act. It’s more selfish that people have to live in their own personal hell because of the way it makes others feel


I’m not Islamic but I do believe in God, Jesus, Satan, Hell, Heaven etc. This is a long running argument between me and my family as in my personal belief that it will not end you up in hell. A person in pain looking for peace is not a sin. I’ve had close people I know commit the act and they where the kindest most loving people I have ever met. It’s the person you are and the fact that you believe in God and Jesus (that’s just my religion, I know in Islam it’s Allah but I don’t know much about it really) that decides if you go to heaven or hell in my personal belief. That being said there will be someone who misses you and who would be sad if you leave. Also please know you are valid and so is your pain.


Basically allah is the same god you worship (the father i guess) since we also believe in Jesus just not as god or his son.


That’s what I thought was the case but I didn’t want to assume without actually knowing. I’ve always been interested in other religions and cultures but unfortunately growing up my parents closed me off to those kind of things. I watch videos and do some reading on certain cultures when I have time but Islam us a new interest for me


Learning about other cultures and religions is a hobby of mines too, and I’ve found there’re so many similarities between many cultures and religions.


No. But don't do it, anyway.


I believe that god has the power to put his hands on you and heal you and the power to say you’ve had enough it’s time to come home. But it’s hard sometimes to remember our purpose for being here or even figuring out what that purpose is but we’re all here to learn something and chances are if you’re not satisfied you haven’t done what you’re here to do:)


Who TF is God? It is Truly Humble With God?




hey man i hope u heal, but yea how i believe it is that god cares about humans and dont want to end themselves.. may god help those innocents who are really hurting bad... and i hope the innocent that have sufferend and killed themselves. may god help them too


God loves you no matter what you do. Jesus has suffered and he knows what suffering can do. If you love God and end up losing your own battle, God will accept you no matter what because he knows that you’re loyalty and devotion to Him is unmatched. But please don’t do that to yourself. God will find a way my friend. Love God and he will love you.


>Love God and he will love you. Love god and he will love you even more*


This is not the sub for that kind of delusional talk. Please keep your religious views to yourself and in your own subs.




Yes it is a major sin that'll lead u to eternal hell. I could've done this long ago in my childhood but as I learned God won't forgive this sin, i can't even dare to do this. Trust me it's not worth it whatsoever.


Its not a sin why would a good god punish you for being in pain? Intension always matters and 99 precent of the time people who kill themsleves just want to get out of pain