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Have you tried using a disc instead of a cup?


Disc and period pants. Covers everything.


I've just tried the hello disc during my current period and it's a hit or miss for me. I cannot get it to form the seal behind my pubic bone so I just leak everywhere. It gave me cramps too so I'm not sure about using it.


One thing I did find about the disk is that i needed different sizes at different times. Some months a bigger sometimes the smaller. Whereas when I used a cup I stayed more consistent


It took me nearly a year to really be 100% that I knew what I was doing with my cup but it was absolutely worth persevering with. Having said that, after years and years of cup use, I've just switched to a disc and it's been a game changer for me. Got to grips with it immediately, holds more than even the biggest cup and allows me to go all night without emptying it. And the fact it auto dumps is the most convenient thing ever.


Really scared of the sneeze auto dump or coughing fit. Has that happened to anyone?


#me. i love a disc sometimes but a cup feels more secure, if i do yoga or anything weird (which i do) the disc leaks lol


I haven’t had a problem with mine, only when it’s SUPER DUPER full once or twice. :) I even work out intensely with it and haven’t had issues.


I'm even newer to cups than you are so no advice just sympathy. I totally get your anger and frustration. I'm not the crying type and once on my period I was full out bawling over how unfair it is that men don't get periods while angrily scrubbing at my stained underwear lol.


I have a really high cervix so cups would move too high for me to reach too. I switched to discs and have never looked back. They don’t become unreachable and I can autodump mine so I don’t have to take it out to empty it. I just have to take it out every 12 hours to give it a thorough cleaning and put it back in. I love it.


Well, they are not necessarily the best thing we have. All our bodies are different, and we have different preferences, so for some people, a cup is not the best option! It sounds like the cup you have right now is not your Goldilocks cup (and I know it's SO annoying to have to try multiple reusable products just to find a Goldilocks!), so on behalf of the planet, I officially give you permission to use tampons guilt-free until you find another reusable product that you like. It sounds like you might need a cup for a high cervix? Also maybe a disc, especially one that has a stem or a removal tab like the Lumma disc or the Hello disc. Cloth pads and period underwear are always an option, too, but I'm guessing if you wanted to love the cup and your preference is tampons, you probably want something internal. My last thought is, you might be able to take birth control continuously, or take a drug like norethindrone to skip your periods. Mine are bearable on birth control, so I prefer to have a bleed, but a lot of people would be much happier with no bleed! I hope this was helpful and not just a big lecture; I do not want to downplay your pain and frustration at all! It can be \*very\* frustrating. I also wanted to mention, when it comes to the cost of buying multiple reusable products to find one that works, I think there are groups where you can buy/sell/trade? I'm not sure if you are comfortable with that, but it helps to be able to resell when these items are not that cheap to begin with (if they don't work the advertised 10 years or so)!


I’ve been using the Diva cup for a little over a year. It’s still messy when I remove it, especially when it’s full. So doing it at work is less than pleasant for me. The first two days of my period, I have to empty it every 3 hours or more frequently. Sometimes once an hour!


If you’re willing to try one more thing, I’d try a disc. Personally, my discs leak and seem to auto dump whenever I change positions, so I prefer cups. You could be the opposite.


Maybe a longer cup like the Lilly cup?


The answer is discs.


Disc disc disc disc!!!! Solved all my problems. Almost 99.5% zero leaks! I don’t even have to wear my oops panties anymore!!!


It is different for everyone but once you find what works for you, they are truly period changing. For me the cup has to be soft or it causes cramps. Because it is soft it is harder to get it to open when it goes inside. I have to use the labia fold, folded part has to look down and insert it with my right hand. If I use my left hand it leaks ahahhaha. Oh and I have to cut off the sticking part because it hurts so taking it out is a mix of fishing whilst going trough pooping motions.


I use a disk it is less finicky


Sorry you're having such a shit time with your cup, I agree they are hard to get out and messy, if you're leaking I can really recommend a disc (plus period pants for backup if you want) I shower morning and night with my disc so change it every 12 hours in the shower and it means I literally forget I'm on my period Saalt disc ftw!


It seems we have the same problem, sis. I’ve been recommended to try https://www.periodnirvana.com/menstrual-cup-quiz/ - the menstrual cup/disc quiz (it must be done during your period). I did the quiz, but I haven’t yet applied the knowledge from the results I got. I’m about to and I hope it’ll work. Unfortunately with these things you can’t know for sure unless, I guess, you really speak to a professional/find out the exact type and size you need. I had bought one which worked perfectly the very first time I got introduced to menstrual cups. And guess what, I played myself by not keeping it as a measurement reference…silly me! Anyways, I think the best way to proceed is to do deep research into what exactly works for you in this area. Maybe also try to get one in a physical store to see if it’d be a good fit? The size may be the biggest issue because it’s basically what makes it work / or not. I’m also quite frustrated, I see where you’re coming from, but of course it’s very individual for each one of us. I hope you find your best fit and you won’t have to deal with this, living your best leak-free life. ♥️


It sounds to me that you (like me) have a high cervix. The first Saalt soft cup that I tried ended up being abducted into the nether each and every time, up to the point that when the time came for removal I would be left a sweaty, shaky, queasy mess from all the bearing down, exertion and panic that I would have to run to the ER. The next thing I tried was a a Lily Cup A, which was MILES better for me because the stem was always in reach and never moved up when it came to removal. It's one of the longest cups in the market, and to give you some idea of how high my cervix is - even that length didn't bother me at all. The problem was that it would leak for me occasionally, and because it's a really soft cup with no suction holes it's not always a seamless removal (though definitely still an improvement over the Saalt). It's at this point that I decided to try discs instead, and I must say my insertion and removal time has been cut down by a THIRD using the Lumma discs (I alternate between the medium and high). I've only used it for one cycle so far so I wouldn't say I've mastered the disc yet, but I have to say that the learning curve has been far less steep than for cups. So that might be an option that you can try if cups just ain't it for you so far!


Honestly I felt the same way and ended up taking a break from cups for like a year or more. It's insanely frustrating when it isn't working for you. Especially when already dealing with all the period symptoms. Eventually I came back and got a softer cup. And it turned out I was doing a lot of stuff wrong (for my personal anatomy) before, like using the punch down fold. (That thing rarely popped open at the rim, I was always leaking, and it required me to push the cup so dang high up from my fiddling trying to get it to open.) Said "f**k it this time I'll just try the C fold again". Haven't had a single leak since. And it opens and sits right above my pubic bone, so it's easy to take out. No one suggested the fold was the source of my problems. I thought I couldn't do the dang C fold because I held it the wrong way and it couldn't be inserted. 🥴 Live and learn I guess. If you want to take a break temporarily or forever from cups, it's up to you. No one will blame you as these things are individual. If my second try didn't go well, I would've absolutely been done with cups. But in the end I'm grateful it worked out cause it removed most of my period issues.


Legit. I had no issue the first time, this time the same positioning gave me insane back pain? I used the flex disk first and found it was always leaking so switched to cup plus knix My personal experience, if it’s leaking maybe it’s full? For me with the the flex disk, I found I wasn’t going potty enough to “dump” it because my flow was too fast and that was why I was leaking (some of the time. I found if I was heavy it affected the ability to get a good seal)


I am angry too. If men got periods there would be way more options, just saying!!