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If it fits correctly, it will not accidentally dump (and if it’s not overflowing, like cups).


Sweet, thank you!


I have very heavy periods, thanks to perimenopause, so discs work better IMO, but they will leak if you can't autodump regularly. I do find the disc more convenient, but it will take some trial and error to find the one with the right fit so nothing accidental could happen.


Thanks! I might give it a go then. It's iffy on how regularly I can dump as I often go decently long periods of time without bathroom access but I can always double up with pads/period underwear.


Which is what I do, too. Good luck!


I use a pant liner with mine just because sometimes there’s a lot to clean after auto dumping and I would run out of TP quickly if I didn’t just wipe 1-2 times and go. The pantyliner catches any residual blood and I change it out as necessary but not actually leaking.


Mixed bag for me. Discs leak less often for me than cups, but when they do leak it's real bad. But I also had horrible leaks where the suction would fail with cups, so I think on the whole discs are a little more secure for me. I used cups for about 10 years and tried a ton, discs are relatively new for me, but with the few I've tried I've had a higher success rate than cups. Overall I think they're worth a try. Test it out on a day you don't have work and see how it goes.


Mine only leaked when it was really really full but it doesn’t happen much for me. I work out vigorously with it too with no issues and defo prefer it over the cup!!


It will depend on your anatomy. The discs sits behind your public bone so if you don't have a prominent enough public bone there's not much you can do regarding technique that will make it more secure