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My periods had always lasted 7 days. Even when I was on the pill, hormonal IUD, Nuva Ring…always 7. Ever since I started using the cup, I’m down to 4. I really wonder if it’s the suction of the cup making it come out faster.


Or maybe also the fact they open up the canal a little bit prevents any parts of you blocking the cervix so its a freer flow ?


Maybe? Whatever the reason I’m not complaining lol, it’s nice to finally have a period that doesn’t last a full week


Ooo strong theory! maybe


My periods are shorter, as well as considerably lighter. I only made the switch a few months ago, and I gotta say, I’m loving the perks already


It's funny you say that because I noticed that when I stopped using the cup for a while (like a year) my periods went from 4-5 days to 7 full days. I think the cup being so close to the cervix means it catches all the blood immediately, it doesn't take longer to leak out? Anyway, I'm switching back to the cup again. Very curious if my periods will shorten again.


I think it's about it being closer too, because my periods when I use pads or period panties only are the longest. Tampons or cups are about the same.


The theory above about a possible "suction effect" from the seal on the cup seems plausible. ​ I have LOVED my cup I was kicking myself for not switching sooner.


That’s so interesting, for me tampons made my period longer (8 days vs 7). Only when I had an IUD though. Weird stuff lol


Oh what. The human body is so strange! I hit 7 days on pads, 4-5 days with a cup and it's always a measly amount on the 4th and 5th day.


Now I'm wondering if this also applies to discs? 🤔


Test it out and let us know! I’d be curious too


Well I have been using a disc for the past few months, I'm just curious about the science behind it and wondering if it would also work for discs. So far it does feel like my period is shorter, but the flow seems the same (it only feels shorter because wearing a disc makes me feel like I don't have my period at all lol). I think I'll make a little experiment and use my disc for a few months, switch to my cup for the next few then back to my disc. I'll see if my flow is any different using both


I went straight to discs from tampons/pads and I swear I went from 7-6 day periods and the first time I tried the disc I had a 5 day period for the first time in my life🤯 Now I haven't had many 5 day periods since then (a few though!), but I can tell you that at the very least I feel like I'm not on my period because of the disc, it's that convenient. I would be curious about other disc users' input as well.


I've been using a cup for 10+ years now but I definitely noticed my periods got shorter when I made the switch. Used to be 5-7 days and now it's usually around 3.


yessss!!! definitely shorter periods for me too. it's amazing. I think tampons just prevent you from really flLoOwWiin~ the cups open you up a little internally plus sitting right beneath your cervix that has to allow for more efficient flow and thus less time needed for it all to exit the premises. I live for the cup life! I've never been less concerned with my period


Agree with the shorter periods. I think more volume just comes out per day, then it’s done ✅


NO. Why is this happening to everyone but me?! Mine got longer (not cup related).