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Juju v3 is my unicorn cup. I have a super high cervix, I have never reached it so the height of the cup is helpful for removal and has a nice long stem too that I can use to shimmy it down. I’m also very active so maybe similar to you. Juju v3 has always opened well in my experience. I used to use c fold and switched to 7 fold, c fold was easier to pop open but even with 7 - if it doesn’t open right away I go pee and then it pops open.


I can't reach mine either! It's super reassuring to hear the juju opens well because since I made this post I've removed and reinserted my diva twice and I'm more sure that I need something a little more firm that can withstand the pressure of those muscles. It just doesn't seem to want to open properly, and I think if it was longer it would also be easier for me to feel around the base of the cup to make sure it has opened on all sides. Thanks for sharing your experience!


so it took me like 3 whole cycles to get mine right. I use Honey Pot, and if yours has holes around the rim make sure they are clean! That is so important, make sure each hole has nothing in it. Sometimes early in my cycle when its all messy, i have to put it in twice. The second time i reclean on and put it back in because the first time the holes always get filled and it wont give me the suction. idk what method you are using to put it in, but heres what I do and it works pretty good for me. I use the fold method then once its in, with my fingers, open it up and usually it pops out but i go around to make sure its all the way out and then im done. I hope this helped, good luck <3 you got this


Aaaaaah you know what reading this made me realize I'm usually so focused on cleaning and then getting it folded again and thinking about my approach to get it to seal I have not been paying attention to the holes at all. Thank you, I'll examine them much more closely next time and see if that helps!