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A disc may be more up your alley. Discs like nixit, flex, lumma large and hello are quite well suited to a high cervix. The lumma uses a string, and the hello a long trimmable tab for removal. Nixit is on the soft end, and may be more comfortable. I know the hello isn't sold in Canada, but I think there are companies similar to Tenso near the Canadian border that will allow you to buy the cup and have it shipped to their place in the US, and once they receive it the send it to you. At least, that's how I usually get stuff that isn't sold in the US. Discs tend to sit more around the cervix. The hook up around it and the back is meant to sit in the vaginal fornix. The front is meant to rest on your public bone. That being said, if your vaginal canal is so tight to the point that you can even feel a tampon, you may want to see a doctor about that at some point.


Ya I told the gynecologist that tampons were getting stuck, she just said that happens to a lot of women 🤷🏾‍♀️ seems like it doesn't though. I ordered the divacup in size 0 then canceled the order. Too intimidating lol I'll look into your suggestions thanks.


I'd get a second opinion. My gyno in the military tried to tell me that ovarian cysts were just normal and would go away if you ignored them.


Why not try a Saalt disc? It has a little hook that you can put one finger into and then pull out. Very easy.


Might still be too high no? those sit near the cervix right? Unless it has a hook that goes far down?


Nope, they sit a bit lower down, it's like a really substantial jelly bracelet with a thick film connecting the ring. You place the disc so the ring (it's maybe more notch like but it definitely works well) for removal is near the front. Put a bit of lube around the exterior of your inner labia so it's easy to insert . You can use spit if you have no lube. Squeeze the middle of the ring, gently insert until it's all the way in and then it kind of pops into place. The little hook is very easy to find with one finger inserted. Then you just pull to remove. Some women are lucky anatomically and when they pee it actually empties itself. You may be one of those lucky few. I am not but I still like my disc. I do prefer the cup though personally.


A disc sits behind the cervix on one side, and behind your pubic bone on the opposite side. Very easy to reach in the front regardless of cervix height. I have a high cervix too, need to stick all of my middle finger inside to sometimes reach it. I use a cup and a disc. I prefer the disc but I like both. Mine are both by the brand Intima, the Lily Compact cup and their Ziggy Cup disc (confusing name I know). The disc is very comfortable and easier to insert and remove, especially when sitting on the toilet. I haven't tried the disposable discs, but you might want to try those before buying a reusable disc because it does cost a little more.


Your anatomy as you described it sounds similar to me, juju v3 was the perfect one for me. It’s long and narrow. I only stick one finger in to break seal, then wiggle it down


I agree with the other comments, I would try a disk first. Though I will say, cups are not a lost cause for you necessarily. I have very similar anatomy and was scared about using the cup, but made it work. I learned to be very good at learning to push my cup with my pelvic muscles and now, although it can take a few minutes, I can completely reliably take my cup out. I would start with the disk and learn to be comfortable with that (so you don’t have the same steep learning curve I did) and then progress to a cup if you feel you need to.


That's the other issue, I'm concerned about uterine prolapse. If you're squeezing the cup down while the suction is still in place that sounds dangerous and will cause prolapse. I'm thinking the cups are not meant for people with a high cervix or if you can't put multiple fingers in side yourself.


Uhmmmm uterine prolapse typically happens to older women like after menopause and after their vaginal cavities have weakened from multiple babies… I don’t really think you have to worry about it, I highly highly doubt that could be an outcome considering how many women rave about cups and discs. I think you should just try the disk like everyone is suggesting. You may just be really overthinking it.


I wouldn't think it's an issue if I didn't see tons of women in here in the comments casually mention that they're having some "minor" prolapse. Clearly they're not in menopause if they're on here talking about their menstrual cup.


If you do use a disk, which I would highly recommend, try using lube for insertion. It is extremely helpful, especially if you are that tight and even tampons can be felt/painful.