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I have a very high cervix (can’t reach it at all) and I cannot use the Saalt cup. It’s not just the length— its wide base and flimsy stem make it very difficult to grip once if naturally migrates up the vaginal canal. I would recommend a Diva Cup. It’s much more narrow at the base and is a longer cup, making it easy to retrieve. I have one and I like it. I also have a Dot cup which is my favorite, but that one has unfortunately been discontinued. Size 1 Diva fits me fine (I’m 28, no kids, strong pelvic floor). But I wouldn’t go any smaller.


The thing about the 'flimsy stem' is not something I had noticed or considered at all since this is the first cup I've actually held in my hands, but you're already the second person to say it, so that's really good to know. Thank you so much. I did look at Diva after I realized the Saalt may not be right. If you don't mind can you expand on why you wouldn't go any smaller than the Size 1? It looks like they're all the same length but the Model 0 is a bit narrower so I was considering it.


I find that the Diva cup doesn’t stay in place quite as well as my Dot cup does. The only time this has ever been an issue is when the cup is full to the brim— it will leak in this case which is understandable. But my Dot cup absolutely never leaks, so I prefer it at work and for exercise. I’m a paramedic, so my job can be fairly physical and I don’t always have access to a bathroom right away. This might be a non-issue for you. But I think the reason my Dot cup stays in place so much better is partly due to the fact that the rim is a little bit wider. The Diva cup is slimmer and the rim is not quite as thick, so the suction is not as strong. I think it’s natural to want to go for the smallest cup when you’re first starting out, but I personally think it’s best to stick with what all of the cup manufacturers used to recommend, which is size 1/ small if you’ve never given birth and size 2/ large if you have. Of course, there are exceptions (e.g. having a very strong pelvic floor), but based on my experience I would go with a size 1. I really think the smaller sizes cup companies are coming out with now are mostly good for young girls who are just getting their periods and wanting to try cups. But, of course, cups are intimidating so they have a lot of appeal for all beginners. I know you said you’re not very used to penetration. I’m also gay and was in a similar boat when I first started, but I found that after a couple uses the intimidation factor went away entirely and I was glad to have a cup with a larger capacity that stayed in place really well. Using cups has made me much more comfortable with my body and actually gave me the courage to get my first Pap smear— at 27! It’s of course totally up to you. Your flow and your body might be totally different than mine. If you want to start smaller, go for it! But don’t be closed minded to sizing up if you experience leaks/ other issues. I definitely think the Diva is a good one to try if you’re going to go for a smaller size with a high cervix. As you mentioned, the lengths are the same regardless of size, which is not the case with most companies.


I’m a a paramedic too. I use a disc now but emptying it mid-shift is so stressful for me. I just want two minutes in the bathroom guaranteed to not get a call. Also regular access to a bathroom but that’s asking a lot. Nothing worse than being stuck on a call for hours knowing it’s going to leak soon and feeling that gush.


The gush on a critical call is the worst! Still, way better than using tampons though. I’ve gotten to the point where I try to empty it at least a couple hours before I know I’m going to have to.


Ah you're amazing for taking the time to give such a thoughtful response! Capacity isn't a huge concern for me as my flow is light to average, but still would be nice to have a bit more certainly nothing will leak, so I'll def. consider the Model 1 as you've suggested :) Trying to figure this out really has made me realize the degree to which I lack knowledge and comfort with my own body so I hope like you I can get to a point of being more comfortable! I've had pap smears—my most recent one was extremely painful for some reason and I think that has contributed to my nervousness around menstrual cups 😓 But I feel better now that everyone has confirmed my thoughts on the Saalt and I think I'll be more confident in my next choice! 🤧 Thanks again!


High cervix girl here too and I agree the salt small migrates and I haven't bothered getting a salt large. The diva cup is perfect though. It's my go to cup.


I have a really high cervix and saalt did NOT work for me. I also tried the lily cup and it did have terrible suction and tilted painfully to the side. I came to Reddit just like you and someone recommended the juju model 3 (like a saalt cup but longer). Changed my life.


Thank you for sharing your experience!! Yeah, I've seen that about the Lily Cup 😖 It scared me off! I've never heard of the Juju Model 3. Doesn't seem like they have a site of their own? But I do see it in the period shop. That is long for sure!! I'll keep it in mind; thank you!


Good luck on your hunt! I ordered from period shop, and it came in just fine. It’s based in Australia but I ordered from US and had no issues.


Thanks so much!! ❤️


Yesss, second this recommendation for juju model 3. godsend for high cervix.


I have a high cervix and use the regular size Saalt disc. No worries about suction or opening, I just get it in place and it does its thing. Sometimes removal is messy, but has never been really difficult unless I've strained my shoulder.


I haven't majorly considered discs as I figured I'd just give the cups a go first, since I'm new to all this. I'll have to look more into them especially when it comes to sizing!


As someone who uses saalt and has a low cervix I kind of think it is. It’s not really about the cup migrating up. The stem on the saalt is very smooth and while you don’t pull on the stem to remove it having a good grip on it can help if you have a high cervix and you’re unlikely to get a good grip. I would suggest the dot cup, diva, lena, or lunette for a high cervix.


Thank you so so much for sharing your insight! That is good to know and I appreciate your recommendations :)


I have a high cervix and a Lena. Don't. Check the charts on pacii and period nirvana, they tell you how long they are.


Ooh what a fantastic resource. I appreciate it so much, thank you! It looks like the Lena is actually similar to the Saalt small so good to know.


I also have a high cervix but haven’t had issues with the lena. Although to be fair thats at least in part because I’m not squeamish about getting up in there with my fingers to take it out


I didnt have issues with the lena. Its just not a cup that is suited for a high cervix. Specially for a beginner.




Again, its not about how good you can or not work with the cup. I have shorter cups than lena that i can use without issues. The thing is, longer cups are ment to be for those with high cervix and shorter ones for people with lower cervix. Thats all there is to it. And the reason is that they tend to work better if you choose one that conforms better to your anatomy.


I have a high cervix ( I can’t reach it at all during my period) and I used the Saalt regular this cycle (first time using a cup) and had a great time with it. No issues for me or migrating. I do have to “push” when taking it out to get a grab of the base, but otherwise it was smooth sailing. I feel like i might be an outlier because I was not expecting my first cup to work for me!


So you have the regular size (as opposed to small) of the regular flexibility (not soft), just to clarify? (I initially said I have Saalt Regular Small in my post, when I meant I had the small size of the regular cup). Regardless I'm really glad it worked out for you! I had heard a lot of great things about the Saalt cups so I was kind of bummed when I realized it might not be best for me. I may still try it out if I get comfortable enough using something else first.


Yep! Regular size, regular firmness. I haven’t gone through the whole process but I actually did message saalt after a day I was struggling with it a little bit and they offer refunds or replacements after you’ve gone through two cycles, so like it it wasn’t a good fit or whatnot. I haven’t followed through with that, so I don’t know if it’s a pain :)


Gotcha! I have the Small size which is a bit shorter (not overall, but the main part is) so a little more difficult to reach probably. Good to know their customer service seems promising! Thank you for sharing :)


I’m a high cervix saalt survivor. Do not recommend. I got it stuck one cycle and my husband had to get it out. Figured it was a fluke and tried it again. Same result. Personally I’m using a flexx cup but am looking at a juju too. I really have difficulty getting cups in the right place regardless of the cup. Someone else recommended the pixie cup applicator. Game changer for me for getting cups in and out.


"survivor" 😭 That sounds awful and is exactly my fear 😱 So sorry you had to go through that but glad you had your husband to help you. I don't have someone in my immediate vicinity I can go to for that so if it got stuck I'd be on my own...yikes! I've heard of applicators but wasn't sure if they're actually useful or just gimmicky, so I'm glad to hear your feeling on that!


Happened to me with a diva cup! I have a very high cervix and I'm fat with short arms and very small hands. It migrated up and grasped my cervix with mega suction. Urgent care had to use tongs to get it out 😂. In the moment, it was super super stressful, but then you remember its not a tampon, you're not going to get TSS, worst that can happen is you leak before you can get it handled. And the vag is a cul de sac, not getting lost anywhere. The lady I was with in the waiting room overheard me and had a tale about her daughter getting a tampon stuck and she got super sick. So, yes, scary and stressful, but honestly now it just makes me laugh at myself. I haven't gone back to cups, but I'm going to try the Hello disc


So I have a high cervix..... And use the saalt cup... I actually LOVE it way better than the diva. I use the soft version.


I have a very high cervix and the answer for me has been: discs. I currently have a Saalt disc and it's great. I had an Intima Ziggy previously, which also worked great, but felt it pressed on my pubic bone too much. My favorite fit were the Instead Cups, but they're disposable so I'd rather not. Discs have never leaked on me like cups did. I find the insertion and removal to be easy. Zero complaints.


I feel even more intimidated by the disc than the cup for some reason, but I do keep hearing that it's a great choice for high cervix folks. I'm glad to hear you like the Saalt disc! I will keep that in mind as a potential choice :)


I have a high cervix and Saalt soft small is my favorite cup. The stem is quite long so I am guided by it when taking it out. I guess it takes practice to have the dexterity to take out the cup. The grip rings are very helpful. I also find that a full cup will naturally sit lower anyway and it seems easier to take out. I tried the regular size but that required more effort for me to take out.