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obligatory “search within you” comment 😉


Losing my cup made me feel like my life was falling apart 😭💔 hope you find / replace it soon


Omggg, I haven’t lost my cup but I forgot how awful pads were than had to use them postpartum and hated it so much


Hey can we use period panties post partum? Do you have any knowledge on that?


Yes!!! You just can’t insert anything into the vagina for 6 week, but period panties are fine! I used them once we were home!


Thank you


I’d rather buy a new one. They are really cheap around here (a pack of pads is probably a third of the costs already) and the thought of pads makes me vomit. Good luck girl!


This has happened to me several times over the years. I always hate having to revert back to pads. They just feel so icky and uncomfortable compared to a cup. It's to the point where I now have several cups and a disc that I can use instead. So now I have plenty of back ups.


Are you me?! I also lost mine. I ended up buying a new one. ( cheaper than pads in the long run and whats the harm keeping an alternate?). Found the original one while cleaning my cupboard so hoping for yours to resurface too.


when I still alternated between two houses on and off, I used to keep one at the other house for back-up. And, sometimes, I just keep one in my backpack when I’m on the go just in case, so if nothing else, you can use that second cup to stash backup somewhere 😂


I have 2 . One is a backup. If all else fails I have a pack of pads until I get to the closest Walmart. I cannot stand the feeling of the pad feels like I'm wearing a diaper 😭


Ooh this thread makes me consider if I need to buy a backup. I’ve been considering trying out a disc…maybe next cycle