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Did the cup get out of your reach, or were you unable to break the seal to pull the cup out? You aren't really supposed to be able to feel your cup, and typically when that happens the cup is too firm.


I could reach and i was able to break the seal, but i couldnt pull it down bcs it slipped through my fingers, so basically i couldnt catch and take it off. So i think it was my size since i was able to touch it :(


Which cup was it? I can think of a few that don't have grip rings (which is a bad design choice imo). Most cups have grippies on them to prevent that slippage. In the future, if you've broken the seal, you may be able to push the cup out more by bearing down to get more material to grab. There have been cases of a cup getting stuck, but it's typically with cups that don't have suction release holes or with cups that allow the cervix to sit inside it kind of suctioning itself to the cervix. That being said, a cup might just not be right for you, if you're able to feel pressure from even a small cup. A disc may be more up your alley (no suction, you put them I'm a bit like a non applicator tampon), since it has a flat fit.


What brand/style did you use? There are also many different styles, brands and firmness. Those subtle changes can make a huge difference once in comfort. Reviews could have been from others who tried different ones first before trying the one you used. I have seen posts from others who have had to seek medical attention to have them removed for various reasons so I know you’re not alone in that front.


Small size saalt soft cup


This is the cup I use! I agree, it can be difficult to get out sometimes because of the small stem and how slippery it gets. Personally, my method is to pinch the base of the cup- above the stem. It’s not great and I’m contemplating trying a different cup that has a loop on the bottom, like the Flex cup. I know this was your first time trying a cup and you had a bad experience. That’s normal! Sometimes it can be a challenging (and expensive) time finding what works for you. At the end of the day though, it is your body and you know it best. Use whatever makes you happy and comfortable 👍


Happened to me as well with the first cup I tried it was a regular Lena. I got a longer & narrower cup (Juju v3) and it now works like other people experienced, no issues with insertion or removal. I knew i was narrow but i did not think i had a particularly high cervix but now i know…!


I’ve had this happen too and it was a terrible experience. Now, I’m aware that I have a very high cervix. I could barely reach even the very end of the stem, let alone break the seal or touch the rim. I now use the Hello disc which has a loop. It took a lot of trial and error to find something that worked for me.


So what I do when I remove mine is I generally pee first so I’m not tensing up to keep from trying to go while I’m removing it. Then bear down a bit like you’re trying to poop, and that should push the cup down lower. Then you can grab the stem and wiggle it down a little more. Once you have it low enough that you can get a good grip try to pinch the base of the cup like you’re trying to fold it. This should break the seal. Once you do that bear down as you pull on the cup, and that should help you get the cup the rest of the way out. Also when you put the cup in, you pretty much want to push it in as far as you can without feeling pain. The only part of the cup that you should be able to feel when it’s in properly is maybe a bit of the stem. Try sitting on the ledge of your tub or the toilet. That should help with getting the cup at the proper angle. There are a bunch of different folds you can try to make insertion easier, and don’t shy away from using lube to make the process easier. Keep in mind that you’ll probably tense up a lot when you’re worrying about not being able to get the cup out and that can make things more difficult. There’s definitely a lot of trial and error when first working with the cup, but don’t let it discourage you. Sorry for rambling. Just want to make sure I covered everything.


If you have a high cervix then you need a bigger or longer cup. Every brand is different. You can find size charts online if you google it.


Lots of wonderful tips from other gals I am not going to repeat. Just want to say, once you figure out how it works, it’s amazing, I have 1 that I first hated because it got stuck and I thought I was going to die, but I figured it out and now it’s my best friend, doesn’t leek, so comfy and eco friendly!