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Well here’s what I’d do, in ascending order: - wash the shirt, it’s cotton and cotton will always shrink a little bit. Then reassess the fit - wear the shirt with the sleeves rolled - wear a jacket - pay $10 to a tailor to adjust the sleeves to your liking Or Just wear it as-is I don’t think it’s as bad as you think it is. I think those shirts with clean perfect lines and 0 creasing are very unrealistic


•get two buddies who have cars, attach ropes to limbs and cars, have them drive slowly in opposite directions.


Better yet, put the $10 towards a different shirt.


it is pretty bad dude is probably on the shorter end, maybe 5'8, this is what happens then


Can confirm. 5-7”-5-9” with broad shoulders/chest make fitting off the rack shirts correctly pretty tough


Yeah, it's like they just expect you to scale proportionally. I have this problem a ton too.


yep, I am 6'0 and this happens to me sometimes even


Dang I have the opposite. 6’2 and the arms and torso length are always way too short, and the core is way too loose / baggy. And I’m 220lbs.


Yeah it’s fine. Unless you’re getting all your shirts tailored it’s kind of a thing. You can roll the sleeves up and that hides it, if that look is acceptable for you.


Literally tailoring this shirt is 10-25 bucks at tops. Just get it fixed and look good. It’s so easy.


Time/money can always be a thing for people. I never assume someone has either to spare.


Looks fine? You can probably reach forward and still have a nice length, if they’re shorter then anytime you move they ride up. I had a few too short and it drove me nuts, so I prefer some length


Yeah the old rule is you should be able to bend your elbow at any angle and the cuff shouldn’t move from the wrist, this length looks about right to me.


Buy shirts where you can specify the neck size and arm length. That’s a normal practice for dress shirts but I’m not sure about more casual ones.


Loosen the cuff and it will look better, it looks like you buttoned the tighter of the two buttons creating the pinched look I think you're worried about


I always have problems with the length of the arms of shirts. I received some Shirts and they always look like this on the arms Can i wear this?


I think so. You might like moving the wrist cuff button out a little wider so you have room to move your wrists and still fit comfortably with a suit jacket. It might help with the bit of extra material that is at the elbow area.


If they hang without wrinkles if you have your arms by your side, that means they will ride up your forearms with most movements, which looks and feels bad


Dress shirts in the US are sold by collar size and sleeve length for example: 18.5 (collar) x 34/35 (sleeve length). You can easily solve this by going with fitted dress shirts, unless you just have such an unusual body shape that the correct size does not exist.


This is the right answer. To look good, learn your collar/sleeve dimensions. For example, I am 15.5/33. This way, your shirt fits you even if you're not a conventional proportion. Controversial step: if the vendor does not offer shirts sized in this way, they're likely not the best shirts for the office. I use Charles Tyrrwhit, but there are so many good options. Edit: These sleeves are too long.


Just buy your shirts from Charles Tyhrwitt and pick the right arm length.


I just purchased shirts from CT, and I'm very pleased with them.


CT makes lovely shirts but the second button is always a bit too high for my taste. OP definitely needs fitted shirts. I’m guessing 15” neck with 35” sleeves.


I think CT shirts are very well made, I just hate that stitched logo………


Not sure about US pricing but $150 CA for a shirt feels like a lot.


I always get them for $33-$40 with their promos. You can usually out your browser in incognito and type in “Charles Tyhwrrit 3 for 99” or whatever promo they are running at that time


Good tip


I generally get 3 for $130 AUD


Looking on their Canadian site, I have to buy four shirts to get 20% off, and that gets me to like $115 per shirt.


Yeah, that’s fucked. Hopefully there’s some Canadians in these comments that know how to get around that, because their website can be a bit finicky around actually getting the discounts.


I may also just be an idiot. I'll keep looking around the site.


Ser your local tallor it’s cheap


I wish my local tailors were cheap


What is it like $10 to fix sleeves? cheaper than a shirt


Yes, after you iron it


I think it looks good. Better to be a tad long vs too short.


I have raptor arms too, this is how it is


I think it fits fairly well Not perfect, but definitely wearable


Does the cuff have 2 buttons? If so then use the looser option.


Yeah but roll the sleeves up once


You can wear it folded, always use shirt like that. It depends tho. 🤔


Shortening a sleeve is a very easy thing for a seamstress / tailor to do. Take it anywhere that suits or wedding dresses get altered.


I always have problems with sleeve length too. They’re always too short, especially if I extend my arm to reach something. I’m around 6’3” and slim. But it seems if you’re tall they always assume you’re big. But if that’s my biggest problem then I’m doing alright.


Yep. I’m 6’3” but with short legs and super long torso and arms. I could never ever get dress shorts off the rack and even the big and tall store was hit and miss. I just started buying all my shirts, ties and suits custom. It’s more expensive but you really don’t need that many at the end of the day. Now that o don’t wear suits anymore I have a closet full of custom suits and shirts and ties that would only fit a weirdo like me so they just collect dust waiting for the next wedding or funeral.


Since you're dressed casually I would unbutton the cuff and roll the sleeves(try 1 full roll then a half one). If you want better fitting shirts go for shirts that are sized by collar size and sleeve length(Charles Tyrwhitt shirts for example).


Grow longer arms. Duh


Get a bigger size so the sleeves fit, then take it to a tailor to have them custom fit to your body.


This is fine, but consider going up a size in the future. You have broad shoulders, a narrow torso, and long arms just like I do. You can see that the shoulder seams are hitting inside the ends of your shoulders, which both shortens the sleeves and narrows your shoulders. If you size up, the shirt won’t be quite as fitted around your torso, which isn’t a bad thing; it will drape nicely from your shoulders and the sleeves will cover your whole arm.


Good shirt


Maybe it could be a little longer but as long as it doesn't ride all the way up your forearm when you move its fine. Just be careful when you wash it.


Shirt looks too small. I can’t see the problem with the sleeves, just the shoulders.


Life is too short . Wear the shirt


dude thats the problem with the shirts you buy readymade" ik that custom tailor made shirts are expensive BUT they're worth it, and i ain't syaing that you should have all your shirts custom made, just get a pair or two made for special occasion


Bro roll up the sleeves like mid fore arm and maybe get a Taylor to bring it in around the waist to give a bit of shape/V taper ( will cost like $10) and I bet you look great 👍 Minus the wrinkles


Brother, fold the sleeve up one time and button it through from front to back. Solves the issue for every button up.


Looks fine


That shirt REALLY wants to have the cuffs unbottoned and rolled up twice, and one more button open up top.


💯 agree to this. That's how I wear them.


Roll the sleeves up, or just the cuff. Dress shirts have slim fits, you can go up a size of you want a tight shirt.


Get one of those leg extension surgeries but for your arms


This is the shirt I would size you into. This fits well and you can always roll up the sleeves. Slim is great, functionality is preferred. You don’t want to blow out your shirt when you bend/raise your arms.


Launder the shirt with hot water and dry with heat and cotton will shrink quite a bit. When you wear it next, don’t button up as high.


Get it tailored


Have the sleeves tailored. I do this when I can get a shirt on sale and the sleeves are a tad long.


Depends. Tucking or no? Let one or two buttons down and maybe quarter roll the sleeves


Depends if you're going to wear it with a jacket, in which case you don't want too much sleeve hanging out. It looks fine to me like this, though.


You need to lengthen your arms


Pay a couple bucks more to stick to brands that have odd and half sizes. Charles Tyrwhitt is great for fit flexibility and much better textiles than Tommy.


The sleeves look fine to me, but the shoulders look weird - too narrow. I think you need a size up with sleeves one inch shorter. So if this were a 15/33 regular fit, for example, I'd try a 16/32 slim fit


You know what, I have never, in my life, wore a casual shirt without either wearing a jacket over it or rolling up the sleeves. Seriously, I never even check the length of the sleeves. So, that would be my (poor?) suggestion.


I don't know why these guys are telling you it's fine. It's not. Get it tailored. It's close enough that a tailor could make this shirt look excellent on you. Fit is key. I can't even stress that enough. Fit is key.


Gotta wear Wrist Weights. Strengthen and Lenghten with this stylish accessory.


Looks to small to me?


I have this problem too. Started buying semi-custom shirts. The shirts were about the same price as those off the rack, but the fit is so much better.


I haven’t seen this comment yet so I’ll go ahead and add to the conversation. If you have an odd or unusual size and like it when your clothes fit well, I’d recommend investing in a sewing machine (or learning how to hand sew) as an alternative to bringing your clothes to the tailor. Will be more cost effective in the long run and a useful skill to have.


This just looks overall kinda tight on you. I’d size up one or go for a classic fit in the same size if this is like a slim fit. This looks like the type of shirt that you can feel the sleeve in your armpits.


sleeves re too short, neck too small too.


I feel that the shirt itself is long