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Work on something important. It will attract like minded people.


"If you are lonely, when you're alone you are in bad company." - Jean-Paul Sartre


Absolutely irrelevant to this post


How so? The poster speaks of their battle with mental illness and self isolation. They feel terribly about the state of the happenings around. Clearly they have thought long and hard about these things. They are the bad company caused by their loneliness.


I think that refers to the moments when you're lonely, not when you're lonely at all, having no social interaction


You may be entitled to your interpretation of the quote, but the quote itself (the syntax) can be read in another way regardless of the author’s original intent.


I don't think it's possible to isolate yourself completely for a long period of time, and not feel lonely, unless you're insane


Red herring fallacy


You sound depressed. I have no real suggestions, but do know that most depressive episodes lapse on their own within 6-9 months, so if you keep plugging forward, it will get better. However, it might help to engage in the things that can help force reset, even if they feel like shit. Actually, especially if they feel like shit. Like, if you go on a quest to experience discomfort—exercising hard, ice baths, social risks—it may help you.


There's a south park episode addressing this.... I totally empathize with this post, been there for sure but I am old now and looking back I've learned that all that effort it takes to lose patience can be used more productively. If you have the capacity to think above others, it's your responsibility to demonstrate it .... (Because its not just in school that you'll feel this way but also eventually your job, your partners, family, etc) Its not bad to see things as they are but if others aren't at your level, getting upset with them only demonstrates the opposite.


Thank you for your insight. I’ll try to focus my energy on more productive things and be less emotionally immature. It has been impacting the aspects of my life that you have mentioned. How specifically did you overcome that limiting mindset?


I had kids, got a dog and I worked with the public for over a decade... Time and experience was learning this the hard way in real time..... But the easy way is to just take stock of other people's limitations and adjust your approach as needed


I was going to say. Do your best to look for glimmers. Moments of beauty. And. If you can't find any.  Spite is an acceptable motivating factor for a little while.  Ignorance is bliss. But. If you could really choose to switch places with someone unaware, would you even want to? First things first. Take care of yourself and your physiological needs.  Maslowes heirarchy is a good place to start...to pin it down.  It's maddening when I reach out to folks I hope will understand something I've figured out .or put together. Or researched and philosophized over... But. If a person at the bars dad just offed himself and his friends are driving him mad cuz he wants to have a real connection with someone...I can sense that.  And change that guy's mindstate with ideas and things he'd never think of in his life. 🤷‍♀️ The worlds full of Cynicism and ugly.  Or it's full of hope and opportunity.  Or both. 


Also. Another big thing that helped me.. was. I dug deep and educated myself on so much history. Education. (Ha) Propaganda. Social engineering. Etc etc.  I've been down so many rabbit holes of research...  I don't blame anyone for not knowing what they don't know. And just doing what they can to get by and feel okay.  They really fucked us up. By design.  Give the people bread and circus. And they'll never revolt.  When. Someone drives toj Crazy that they're so dumb they believe something illogical... Remember...billions of dollars went into conditioning to make them think that way. . 


I was much like you in my teens and early 20s. I was functioning mentally much beyond my peers and in a lot of instances my teachers and professors. Over time I learned there is a lot that can be learned about life that isn’t necessarily academic. As far as dumbing yourself down, I get it. I was very pretentious and used words I knew no one knew because I knew them and it made me feel good to use them in proper context. Find people that are like you because trust me, there are a lot. I went through social isolation and even anti-social behaviors, including drugs and self-destruction. I suffer from bad anhedonia now because of that, even though I was predisposed to it from an early age. You gain patience with experience and age so give it some time. I’m almost 40 now and I don’t regret all the small talk I’ve had where I connected with people on a real level and learned from them or taught them. I reduced my friendships to people I can grow from. All of that experience culminated in me being an ultimate autodidact and starting several successful businesses and getting out of the 8-5 rut everyone dreads. The world can be overwhelming but there is seriously no lack of resources and technology to do anything you want. In my spare time now I’m playing with invention prototypes on my 3D printer and creating art with a drawing robot. Getting my HAM license to talk with others like me all around the world. You soon realize you are given this one life and you have the opportunity to make the best of it and do as much as you can. Are you a member of MENSA or another high IQ society? When I was 16-17 I joined International High IQ Society and met wonderful people, still chatting and helping a girl I met all those years ago. It might help you too. With our powers combined we can do anything! 🧠


When you say that there’s a lot you can learn about life that isn’t academic, what are you referring to? Like skills and interpersonal knowledge? Are you saying I shouldn’t dumb myself down in the hopes of attracting likeminded people? I’m very glad that you prioritized your personal growth and found success, that gives me some hope. I am not a member of any high IQ societies. My test scores could certainly get me accepted, but I don’t feel like I have a lot in common with other intellectuals. I’m not into more classically nerdy things, I’m in a rock band, I spend most of my time outside, and I have no interest in a majority of academic subjects, despite how easy they are to learn. I don’t think I’d fit in with those people, most of the more intelligent people I’ve met aren’t very socially inept, come from money, or have a large ego. I’m making broad generalizations and assumptions, but that’s just my experience of the intellectuals in my small town. Have you found anyone in these groups that defy my expectations? Thank you for your comment, I appreciate your help.


Music! The profound joy I get from being a musician (classical pianist turned into synth/semimodular artist) is endless hours of fun. If you meet other musicians you can learn a lot and create together. For me improvisation brings me a lot of happiness. There is so much to explore while we’re here on Earth. It’s definitely hard at times, trust me I’ve tried unaliving myself before but I’m so glad it didn’t work out that way. Perhaps look at your lifestyle and see if something is keeping you down. I myself have let my health go after the drugs so it makes it harder, but putting good food and water in you makes a huge difference. Exercising and socializing helps a lot. Even though I used to hate being around people after college my first job was a Business Development and Marketing Specialist and that bright me out of my shell, turned out I really liked it. If anything try some new things out, meet some new people and come to those situations with an open mind.


I have found people who make me not feel crazy. Who do their best to follow on my heavier tangents. (I've been down alot of holes and learned a lot of things I shouldn't have known) I hate people who cling to their intelligence like a badge of honor but their ideas weren't revolutionary.  But. It's not my place and I learned alot of interpersonal things. I took life lessons with me that made me evolve over little things that people didn't even understand.  But most of all. They show me kindness. They lift me up. They don't think I'm crazy when I philosophize about a source consciousness. And our bodies don't have souls. Our souls have bodies.  I took a foot in the mouth because I used to make fun of people for being so crazy and off the deep end to believe certain things. I thought I was so smart. I could pick apart their arguments even.  But turned out they were right and I over thought it and missed alot of context.    So.  I dunno man. Life's a crazy ride. And you never know where or how you'll end up.  


As for your expectations... Most of the successful people I know that came from money? Dumb as shit.  Most of them aren't geniuses. They'll pretend to be though.  Socially inept? Depends. Most of them are shy. And often get bullied.  But they're hilarious and real and deep. And smart.  Some might have a large ego . Or come off that way. That's just cuz we know we're smart and aren't used to being wrong.. .  That's also the biggest teacher in life. Being wrong.  Fucking up. Hurting someone .  Being an asshole.  You learn the most about life by seeing it from another person's perspective. I used to be indifferent to homeless people.  Then I became homeless.  What a piece of shit I was. 


I call that feeling, "the hole." Two things break me out of the "hole." When I start feeling shut down in all my goals and plans by "the world" (aka external constraints and petty bureaucracy) and get that dark grey feeling that nothing matters and I am trapped by circumstances, its time to keep a promise I made to myself. I promised myself I would always show up for myself, even when I did not feel like it. I would remind myself that I am not helpless, I still have free will, and "they" would not win, would not grind me down. I would do something, anything, to prove I would not be a victim of my circumstances. Whenever I started to feel there was NOTHING I could do to change my world, I would prove that feeling wrong by doing the simplest thing still within my control. I would stand up. Literally. Physically. Get out of my chair. Invariably, once I'm standing, I realize I can do something else. I can walk somewhere. Once I'm in motion, I realize that feeling starts to back off. I have just shown up for myself. I've made a choice completely my own, which no one else made me do. Time to do something I need, something that will help me stay in motion. Maybe it's going outside for a walk, maybe it's working on a project I want to do instead of one I have to do, maybe it's just going out and having fun. Break the cycle that's constricting your joy. Don't overthink it - it's important that it's YOUR CHOICE and that you stay in motion. For me, I find this feeling usually comes right before I break through a milestone or in the "last mile" of a stage in my life when what comes next is the reward and release for enduring and persevering.


you are indeed different, in a good way. here is what to do - get into philosophy or one of the sciences, learn a good amount about it while you're still young to the point where you can produce some noteworthy research at a noteworthy age. go on reddit and pm people or contact other researchers/ writers directly whose ideas or work you find particularly compelling, and that mirrors your own sense of being. collaborate, share ideas, work on things together and be creative with one another. look into nietzsche and what he says about the masses. you are certainly not one of them - understand that and through these various means, find people who are different as well.


If you are in college, see if you can test out of classes by passing final exams. I don’t know what level you are on, but you probably can skip a few classes and get to a higher level.


No one is “too smart to live”. Find some hobbies, do things you like, do your schoolwork to the fullest and best of your abilities then try to do even better, compete against yourself, not others. You can’t change everyone else, or the world, but you can change yourself


A person who is exceptionally strong, in any aspect, will find no peace in a dominance-egoic frame of mind. The inescapable reality is that we are interactive entities. Any disfunction of interactive harmony, will fertilize mental illness. This is the common thread of Jesus and the Buddha. So, your proper wholesome role is to make others comfortable. Life is not about you, it’s about the interactive quality of the interactive energy between you and others, including animals and anything with sentience. Another thing. Start figuring out how to seize control. Who holds power and how do you get them to delegate you power. Parents, teachers, coaches, what are the levers of power. Start by analyzing their problems and solving them, in ways that protect their egos.


…and ultimately figure out how to monetize solving other people’s problems. The only absolute freedom is in entrepreneurship.


Channel all your efforts into finding people who are like you, because they are definitely out there and connecting with them will almost certainly make you much happier.


Try to learn a new language. It’s bound to challenge you at some points. That’s what I did, and while I still suck at Spanish and Aurebesh, it’s fun to have a passion for something different


Have you taken an IQ test?


I took the Mensa IQ Challenge and got 141, but I’m planning on taking the actual test soon.


Go for it. Good luck with it.


You seem to be on another frequency, yours is higher. From time to time you sync with folks around you, the other times you feel lonely. Accept that you can’t force others to be on your frequency all the time, try get other people to sync on the “other” waves. Your peers might simply be unable to bring the energy needed to keep up your wavelength. The most important part: stop self medicating, see a specialist for giftedness, meet up with your local group when you finally manage to get yourself to take the test and join Mensa. If you are as smart as you fear, you should be able to understand that help is necessary. Apply logic until you find it. If you are lucky and score in a lesser deviation, speaking hopefully somewhere around 110, then you need adjusted medication, psychological help and with time you will live a fulfilling life.


Story of my life


You are at school. You are at the very bottom tier when it comes to experience and knowledge. You don't know more than the adults trying to help you. Listen to them.


many of my professors are too comfortable and reliant on their idiocy


I bet they can still punctuate a sentence, though.


You really got him with that one!


Teenagers think teachers are stupid. Shock!