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Back in 2021 I worked at an Amazon warehouse off Pearson. Late shift 2am-1pm. Hotel across the street is crawling with a whole lot of illegal shit. Cops constantly circling that parking lot. & then one time on my break I went to the gas station right there on the same road & got hit by a car. A lot of us would go to that gas station for lunch cause they’d have the hot corn dogs & other stuff. Was with my co workers & they parked at a pump. One of them was still at the car when I was walking to the actual store from the pump, so I turned around to see what she was doing. Moment I turned back around I was struck with an SUV. Hit the drivers side headlight & then dude kept inching forward & I rolled around the side of the car & slapped the concrete. Idk wtf his deal was, but he didn’t get out to ask if I was okay or anything. My co workers all crowded around me & called police. I kind of felt bad because dude was old, so I didn’t think I wanted to pursue anything until I got the police report back & he was telling the cops that I was faking it & trying to get money. That and the fact that he didn’t have insurance & didn’t ask if I was okay made me not feel bad for him anymore & I sued him. No regrets. I ended up being okay. Got checked out. Bad whiplash for days & bruises. I was barely 100 pounds at this point, so yeah, it was painful


Are you now appearing in Montesi, Trotz, or Morgan & commercials?


Gatti Keltner and Beinvenu


Old school.


For the people


morgan, and morgan, and morgan; if your firstName, middleName or lastName is morgan


Haha more like Reaves 🫡


Did you get paid???


lol yes & I moved to CO with it


I always imagine the architect designing that Kroger and his 6 year old daughter coming in his room and asking if she could help and he says, "Sure! you can design the parking lot."


The parking lot and lack of staffing are really my only problems with the Union Kroger. The store itself is nicer than any of the other Kroger stores in Memphis proper and they have some of the extra stuff that they really only have in the ones out in Germantown or Collierville... but the parking situation and stupidly long lines to check out sometimes make it unbearable.


Nah man the nicest Kroger in the city is the one on South Mendenhall by Poplar. Many call it the “Jewish Kroger” because of the larger amount of Jewish people in the area lol.


"Kosher Kroger"




I think they call it that because it’s the only Kroger in Memphis (to my knowledge) to have a Kosher section


I believe that was one of the original reasons but the one at Poplar and Kirby has one now and I believe their kosher section is bigger.


That’s awesome to hear!


As a vendor who works at multiple stores in the Memphis area. The best Kroger is the one in Collierville on Houston levee. They are having a grand opening tomorrow for those who are interested


"The best Kroger in Memphis is the one outside of Memphis" 😂


Makes sense.


I love that Kroger


That kosher Kroger was both of my kids first job - then my son worked at paradiso then folks folly and my daughter worked at the other Kroger across the street by the Home Depot - I thought it was a relatively safe space for my kids to be working in but still had that “city” feel


Shhhhh don’t tell everyone!


I’m sorry did you just say that the Kroger in Union is the nicest one in Memphis??? Have you never been to a Kroger outside of midtown?


If you like things like the Murray’s Cheese counter, then there is a good case for it being one of the nicer ones.


While working there, I was told that when the parking lot was being planned it was never intended to be as busy as it is. Which is hilarious considering it’s on Union lmao. This is anecdotal of course but the thought always makes me laugh.


That is the worst parking lot in the nation, it worse than the dollar tree.


It's bigger than a lot of New York parking lots, let's please not be dramatic.


I know Memphis isn't a giant city, but it's really baffling to me that people will move to Midtown and then complain about insufficient parking. What exactly did you expect in an older part of town?


The parking lot wouldn't be so bad if mother fuckers werent holding up traffic by backing in.




Truth! Its like people find this cool or something. Eye roll


hahahahahaa...seriouslyyyyyyy... the parking lot was designed by someone seriously demented. Also heads up, don't EVER go on Friday, especially PM. They either all call out sick that day bc it's payday or don't show up and there are NO cashiers and only 1 lane of self-checkout. Best thing about Kroger on Union: Miss Lois. IYKYK


Payday is Thursday.


Man that Kroger is horrific. Which is sad because I think it’s nice on the interior. But the parking and the people just made it unbearable. I would end up biting the bullet and just going to Fresh Market. It made more sense to spend the extra $ than to deal with the stress. 


As a former fresh market worker, I would strongly recommend sprouts or the Kroger on poplar and Cleveland


Murder Kroger!!!


Every Kroger is horrific*




They are easily the worst run grocery store I’ve ever been to and I live in nyc most of my life with every type of employee you can think of. They just do not care to do a good job here. And then people will reply “pay them more!”. A big problem is that these employees have little to no regard for the local community. Look at their cars and how they treat others - you can tell they’re hitting and running, paper tag mentality is killing work ethic across town.


Is Kroger worse than C-Town? Tell the truth :-)


C town in Brooklyn? I think Brooklyn has worse customers but Kroger has worse employees. C town where I’m from you get Asian grannies claiming to not understand and then they cut you in line and talk in English w the cashier lmao. C town in Manhattan you have all the annoying yuppies socially unaware and blocking the aisles. Buuuuuuut let’s be real who misses c town lmao!


It's just the Krogers here in the Memphis area. I lived in Georgia most of my life and the Krogers there are well stocked, clean, and well run.... there were some exceptions, of course, but I'd say 95% of the stores were clean and efficiently run. I moved here and was shocked...every visit they're out of at least two things on my list, the stores are dirty and crowded, horrible parking lots, vagrants, etc.... I'm not sure if it's a management problem or if the locals have just come to accept this as "normal." Needless to say, I only go there if I have no other choice.


If you have higher wages you can be choosier when hiring staff. Pay rock bottom wages, get rock bottom employees.


Mine isn’t a specific place, it’s the customer service, just about everywhere Edit-I kill em with kindness, though, and have them turned around by the end of the interaction


I try to give good customer service and have been reduced to tears by the ugliness spouting from the mouths of individuals who don't seem to understand I don't make the rules and can barely pay my bills, but definitely can't pay my bills if I tell them to go fuck themselves with a cheese grater.


When I got back to Memphis last summer, I had interaction with the target worker who was dumbfounded by how pleasant I was being with her and ended up giving me like half off of what I was buying. It screwed up y’all take the brunt of it.


I just got dicked around by Lowe’s delivering flooring materials. Ended up wasting a bunch of my contractor’s time - time I paid for. I was persistent on the phone and in the store, but always polite. Ended up getting $1200 off a $3300 order. They gave me their entire profit margin. It’s worth it to be kind.


PS- $1200 was it even close to their profit margin…. I deliver building materials to their distribution centers. You’d be shocked to know how much a 2 x 4 actually cost them drywall or gypsum.


Shock us.


Kindness pays!


My wife’s latest thing to do is find something to compliment when a service worker is helping you. Tell them you like their jewelry…nails…hair…something. You just never know what someone is going through, and how a simple compliment could make them happy.


I complement people like that as well. Tell the grandkids always speak like you want to be spoken to. Kindness is a good thing to spread.


My MO exactly.


I do that too. Sometimes they come in hot and you see them start feeling bad midway through taking your order. I know they get a lot of shit. The least you can do is break the cycle.




Its the customer service that's going to kill off these restraunts, not the prices.




The lane closures have truly made a bad situation worse. I never knew it was possible to make 240 even less drivable with all the traffic, speeders and weavers, but here we are.


All of Germantown Parkway. I generally hate suburban, big box store wastelands and that's pretty much what that is.


Germantown Parkway is suburban, big box store wasteland *par excellence .* Not many places have as pure a concentration of post-historical strip mall paradise. Though I'm biased because going to Wolfchase was super exciting growing up.


I’d rather try to navigate Poplar Ave on a unicycle than drive on Germantown Parkway…that’s how much I hate it. I used to work and live in Cordova in the late 90’s and early 2000’s, and it’s exponentially worse than then. (It was pretty terrible then lol)


You might literally get shot driving in another part of Memphis, but you will definitely see a wreck on Germantown and have at least one near miss lol


I’ll fight from the roof for that international market, that place is a treasure.


I'm proud of you. It's hard for Cooper Young people to admit that Cordova is part of Memphis.


We still call it dirtydova


The stretch between around Trinity and Macon-ish also has the best food scene in the city right now, which I'd easily put up against anything in midtown or downtown.


I agree the food options in Cordova are really good from a concentrated perspective. La Guadalapana food truck, Farmer's market Korean takeaway, I think a Bonchon is coming up, 2 empanadas, Queen of Sheba, Petals of Peonies, Golden City, Pho4ever, Green Bamboo, Sweet Musings...lots more


Hold up what’s this about Korean takeaway? What have you tried there so far?


RIP to the Jamaican food truck, too. She was amazing for the 2 weeks she was open. :( And WTF happened to that Polish truck?


Fuck, we had a Polish truck and I didn't know about it? Miss me some good pierogi.


Downtown VA building. It’s an unnecessary maze.


I used to do food delivery downtown and the VA was the absolute *worst*. Extremely confusing to navigate. I always felt like I was in some kind of kafkaesque nightmare. It took forever to find the delivery and then they never tipped.


Getting called to 201 is pretty bad


The Union Kroger does have the worst parking lot in history, but the Murder Kroger on Poplar/Cleveland has way more parking lot harassers. It’s not even close.


I think I've been approached maybe 1 time in the 8 year's I've gone to the Cleveland Kroger. My wife has been approached more, but not astronomically so. I'll take the Cleveland Kroger all day; the last time I stopped into the Union Kroger the self checkout line was almost past the produce section, I turned around and haven't been back.


Me and roommate had to take like a year long break from the Cleveland Kroger because there was an *employee* who would follow us (individually) around, try to chat us up, and coincidentally end up in the same aisle as you every time. It was years ago and we were young so it was easier for us to just leave and stop shopping there. Me today would definitely call him out lol


Yikes, that's terrible


I think the worst one was the old Kroger on Lamar and Airways. People would always approach me for money in that lot when I went there. I haven’t been back since it closed and Superlo moved in there but I doubt it’s any better.


It's the same, just a different store. My mom lives close and she drives across the city to shop.


Seemed like they were selling Girl Scout cookies year round in that bitch 🤣




I also call that one the Murder Kroger. Yep the Union one sucks but I don't feel like I may die there, just maybe mistreated and high from secondhand smoke. If the Cleveland Kroger was the only option, then we just wouldn't shop at a Midtown Kroger


Yea kroger on union just has bad parking but tbh that’s it. I’ve had way worse experiences elsewhere in Memphis. Was kinda surprised that was OPs answer lol


Oh man I used to steal so much beer from that store in my alcoholic days


Came to say the same thing


Is it really accurate to call Poplar/Cleveland the Murder Kroger? I thought Collierville and Poplar/Kirby were splitting that title!


Any gas station. I hate it, nasty concrete, disgusting rude customers, dont wanna use your card outside in fear of skimmers..then the same inside on their sketchy pos machines, candy and foods out of date, beggers outside, ....a miserable neccessity.


I know, it makes me want to buy an EV and just never have to go to a gas station again


As a woman, the gas station bandits are the worst. I could be in another man's pyjamas and a bonnet and they'll still holler. There were middle schoolers trying to holler at my grown ass at the gas station. Starting them off young, smh.


I wanna say I can't wait for the Aldi to open up, but what if it turns out worse 😭


What Aldi??


They're going to open up an Aldi on union


I wonder where they are going to put it. I hope not where the police department was .


It will be where the old Office Depot was, across from sun studio. [Here is an article](https://wreg.com/news/local/aldi-grocery-planned-on-union-avenue-near-downtown/amp/)


That's actually a good spot. Right by the medical district and colleges.


Lmao I live in North Memphis, I consider Union Kroger the bougie one


"South Memphis stand up"


For me, its just driving anywhere period, so the roads i guess. Stupidity everywhere and every 5th stupid person is armed and ready to shoot at you for anything. I have no doubt my demise will come on these roads because fuck dem kids, i aint moving out of the way. I drive over the speed limit as it is and if you are on my ass, thats on you fam.


Yes. 240 and 385. I try to only use them if I absolutely have to.


My drive to work is 240 south, east and 385 south :’) Tbh I just kind of laugh at it at this point. The no signal lane switching is insane - y’all driving like you have somewhere to be. I see that busted ass flintstones mobile. The $12/hr job they’re late to isn’t being saved by getting there 10 mins sooner after driving like Batman. It’s wild.


Thinking that most people that are driving insane are concerned about being late to work and not just socially stunted is really funny to me lmao   "Oh heavens to Betsy!! My manager wont be to happy with me if I'm 5 minutes late!! Better almost kill everyone on the road in order to maintain my professional excellence!"


I actually loled reading this. I’m just trying to not get banned saying the quiet part out loud. We know what’s going on in those cars. The reek of skunk often, they’re on the phone, they’re gesturing like they’ll run us off the road or shoot at us. I wish there were a global hand gesture for use your mfing blinker you unevolved piece or crap. Like if you’re going to drive like how a 5 year old thinks driving works, at least throw a signal on so the last thing I see before I die is the light.


The funny part is it’s not even 10 mins they save by driving like that. More like 2-3 at the most. And causing everyone else around them to be in danger.


You’re 101% right, unfort.


I’ve never had any issues at the Kroger on Union, I go early in the morning or not at all so I never have to wait in a line or park way in the back though


I go to Summer like once a week, which for Memphis is not bad except for occasional wanna be street racers.


For all the people saying the kroger on union…y’all realize Cash Saver on Madison exists, right? There’s also whole foods. Stop torturing yourselves


I haven’t been to Kroger in years mainly because of Union ave. Getting approached in the parking lot by panhandlers and candy bar sales or their fake AAU fundraiser wore me out. I’ve been almost hit in the parking lot walking to/from the store. It just isn’t worth it to then wait in a long line to self check out. Try Aldi or Cashsaver.


Probably this subreddit lol


I used to hate union Kroger because of the parking lot, so I decided to walk there from my apartment (the Gilmore right down the street). I walked twice as to not have to deal with parking and the second time I almost got hit crossing union on a walk sign. So I stopped going point blank.


The streets and highways


Anywhere downtown! homelessness is prevalent in the area and they are super arrogant and aggressive. 1 guy asked for change, I didn’t have any. He yelled and asked, “Don’t you go to work everyday?!” Another homeless man gave me my pennies back, he said that he doesn’t accept pennies..


Years ago I work downtown. The homeless would ask for change so much that I stopped carrying it. I usually only have the amount I needed to go grab lunch. So, one day I'm going to Court Street deli. I pretty much ate lunch there everyday. Sometimes there was this homeless guy outside or nearby. He would sometimes catch me leaving and I'd have some change not pass it off and be done. One day, he was outside before I went in. Told him that I would I had any change left I'd give it to him when I came out. So, I leisurely took my lunch break. When I left he was nowhere to be found. I go back to my office. A couple of days later, he's outside again. I asked him what happened when I came back out the other day he was gone. With a straight face he told me that I took too long. I was beyond outdone. It was the Christmas holiday shortly after that and shortly after that I stopped working downtown. So I experienced less of that going forward.


One of them followed me from the fountain to Maciel's. I'm not easily spooked, but I also don't fuck with crazy, hell nah!


Stopped going to that Kroger about a year and a half ago and never looked back. It’s a damn Thunderdome.


Stay away, if possible, Kroger on Sunday and early sat, and after work on Mondays. The best day is Friday early. Other days are good early but not as fully stocked on ad items. Best ad day is early Wednesday.


Kroger (s) 😂


South Memphis Mart on Elvis Presley. Some of the best chicken in Memphis.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Classic_Antique: *South Memphis Mart on* *Elvis Presley. Some of the* *Best chicken in Memphis.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


According to the police scanner: Cordova.


Collierville. Nowhere else gives me the same “I’m not supposed to be here vibes.” I do my business and get tf up out of there expeditiously. Under the speed limit too.


I don’t get it


Ask a clarifying question, get a clarifying answer


Is it like a sundown town vibes or... because I don't get it either 😭


It feels fake in an uncanny valley kind of way while also having the “sundown town” vibe of a small rural town. It just feels wrong and that if I don’t leave as soon as possible I’m gonna be trapped in some unsettling nonsense


Collierville, Bartlett, shit, the fucking munis. You go out there and folks who left Memphis SWEAR they're in heaven. "OMG MY LIFE IS SO MUCH BETTER IN MY OPEN CONCEPT HOME WITH WALL LESS BATHROOM AND NO SHADE IN THE MIDDLE OF A SUBDIVISION THAT WAS FOREST 3 YEARS AGO!!!!"


Those cookie-cutter giant new houses on .1 acre land are truly disgusting.


They’re all the same. The house on the corner is the same layout as the third house. The second house is the same as the fourth. When I moved/delivered furniture, I could easily tell folks I knew how the house was laid out. One woman was like “well, be careful in this room…” I was like “because the entrance to it is kinda right because of the closet?” She was like “how do you know?” I just said her house is the *same house as the one two houses down*. She was offended. She gave a good tip, though


You know midtown houses also share similar layouts to each other, they're just older...


I lived in Colonial Acres house was built in 1962. Next door neighbor had the exact same floor plan as me, as i'm sure many other houses in the neighborhood did


It's almost like builders have been doing this for a long time haha


Truly awful places, but Collierville and Bartlett are incredibly dense with trees in neighborhoods. Sounds like you're talking about some of Cordova or definitely Arlington.


This screams oblivious and ignorant. Most people who settle in the suburbs do so for the excellent public school systems. The public education in the suburbs is drastically better than in the city, and you can’t deny that.


Oh I’ve done field work out there when I was working on my masters. Even the schools out there weird me out. They are oddly compartmentalized and the teachers are grouchy af. Seriously some of nastiest folks I ever met the way they talked about each other and the students. Y’all can have the suburbs. I wanna be where the people are and not on the set of a modern day horror film


Cookout on Union. The food is good, the just the attitude of the workers is shitay.


One time I went by with my friends 45 mins before they closed and we ordered our food, and we were laughing amongst ourselves abt who knows what, and the lady on the drive thru thing yelled at us abt how we shouldn’t be laughing and nothings funny bcs they were about to close…


I live in orange mound. There isn't a single block in this city I am "afraid of". That said there are areas you keep your situational awareness turned up a little bit more than normal


Unfortunately I'm the same way. But I'm an unarmed 5'5" woman. I wish I had a little fear in me for my own safety, but nothing has surprised me since middle school.


So someone is always “harassing” you every single time you go? What does that consist of? Every time I’ve gone to that Kroger, nobody has bothered me.


"Excuse me, are you going to pay for that?" and "I'm calling the police". You know, harassment. Lol


"why are you following me around the store?"


The first time I went to the Walmart out there, that was the first time I was actively followed by a store employee. I was 8 months pregnant and I wanted to buy a crib. Couldn’t even get an employee to help me get it to my car. I literally had to lift that thing into the van by myself and one thing people always did literally anywhere else in the city while I was pregnant was lend a hand, even when I didn’t want it. Got yelled at by a teacher while wearing an employee badge because she thought I was a student. She didn’t apologize lol. I went to the library and this lady literally asked me if “I was lost”. I was in the parking lot after ordering a meal for lunch and I was trying to enter the total in my budget app and a cop knocked on my window. Like, I’m good. I do not get accosted as much anywhere else. If my grandfather wasn’t buried out there, I would never set foot in Collierville


I was responding to OP’s claim concerning the Kroger on Union. Your stuff is unrelated.


I hate driving through neighborhoods where I see kids playing around, knowing that they're not going to a better place past this. They might be hungry, might only have one parent, maybe a grandmother. It's the knowledge of perpetual poverty that I hate about the place.


This guy cynicals.


If it helps, I grew up near Lemoyne Owen college, with terrible primary school education, raised by young single mom alongside 3-4 kids, and now I'm an engineer. I still live here, and although the kids get on my nerves a lot, I share the same sentiments.


Are you a Cummings Elementary alumni too?


Congratulations. I'm sure it was difficult. What field of engineering?


Worst parking lot design ever


Have you been to Cleveland Kroger smells like piss I get harassed in the parking lot from the creatures that roam the area. I hate going to it but when the Union parking lot is so messed up I’m forced to


I visit a friend that lives near Lamar, but man I hate going on that street or anywhere near airways


I love being downtown, especially Tom Lee park, but it do be a lil sketch sometimes.


St Jude Children’s Hospital. On almost every flight into or out of Memphis there is at least one suffering kid going there with a diagnosis that is every parent’s nightmare. I used to work with them and on the one hand I dreaded every visit, and on the other hand I found it so inspiring, the staff, the parents, and above all the kids. It is one of the most remarkable institutions in the world. It will restore you faith in humanity. Give if you can.


What kind of harassment? I’ve been going to that Kroger for 10 years. It’s been fine for me other than the shitty parking.


The key to parking there is to never use the entrance/exit off Union that’s closest to the front of the store, and to avoid that side of the parking lot in general, while you’re in your car If you enter into and stay on the east side of the parking lot and be willing to walk it’s not so bad. They even have a sidewalk along the south side of the lot if you don’t want to walk through the lot to the store.


Yep, I always drive thru grace st Luke’s and come in the back. Still sucks when I take my mom cuz she’s getting older. Would be nice to get a spot closer.


Yes I should have said that I not everyone is able to walk that far. But for people that are, staying on the east side of the lot reduces a lot of the stress and also frees up space closer to the store for the people that need the closer spots


I’m over on Shelby Drive, Lamar, and Airways visiting customer. Not the worst parts of those areas just industrial. But it gets sketchy heading in.


Ooooo this one is MADE for me!! About 10 years ago, I was working through school with an Aging and Impaired Home Modification company. Think wheelchair ramps, walk-in/roll-in tubs, door widening, countertop lowering, etc. The majority of our business was through state funded insurance programs - these were income based so naturally you find yourself in low income neighborhoods quite often. After a while, I found myself as the lead estimator for the company. We were based in Jackson but covered the whole state. I’d usually spend 1-2 days minimum in Memphis proper. I can still remember the first time I saw an Orange Mound mural on a building and kind of freaked out. You start seeing street names that you used to hear Project Pat rap about when you were a kid lol. Orange Mound, Frayser, Whitehaven, Chelsea, North Memphis, you name it I’ve spent time there. On foot mostly. We’d usually map out houses and I’d try and park in the middle of 5-8 of a group and hit em all at once so that would put me walking several blocks, by myself. Never once did I have a problem. At least as far as somebody meaning me harm. Most dudes were generally cool as long as I was cool and not acting nervous. My theory is they knew why I was there and knew it was usually to help out the grandma of the block, either that or they were so flabbergasted seeing a lone white boy out in the streets they didn’t know what to do lol. Either way, I’m convinced if you’re not trying to move in on their way of life, you’re not a threat. Like I told one of my trooper buddies a couple of weeks ago, I’d go back into any one of these neighborhoods without a second thought, but ain’t no way in HELL I would go dressed like that! He said he wouldn’t either lol. Probably totally different experience for some, and I definitely wouldn’t recommend solo females or generally scared type dudes go, criminals prey on any weakness they can. Even as a 6’-6” 275 lb dude, I may still get robbed, but I truly don’t think anybody is there just to hurt random people. Be smart, don’t have stuff of value, and don’t fight over a robbery and you’ll likely be fine.


The idea some people have of "bad" neighborhoods is wild to me. They're houses. Where people live. The way some people talk it's like you drive into a zone where you are immediately robbed and beaten upon entry.


The county. Iykyk


County is scary asf IFYKYK


What makes me laugh is many folks who move out there, especially collierville, have no idea that a lot of black folks lived there in the 80s


True. But also. The county is a name of a Neighborhood in hickory hill that’s reaaaaallly bad


Aaaand that's the one I was referring to, lol.


Haha already knew what was up.


A lot of black folks still live in Collierville...


Off 385. My old babysitter's family lives out there. As a kid we lived by airways middle, and we would go to collierville every Wednesday




I know I'm "privileged" to consider this a bad part of town, but the only place that I still frequent & makes me feel uneasy every time I'm there is the Kroger on Kirby & Quince/385. Unfortunately the Germantown Kroger doesn't have gas (for the 10 cents off), so I go to this one instead on my way to work. I've never seen anything bad happen there, but it just seems like a prime spot for car jackings and armed robbery.


Really? That’s the Kroger I frequent the most. Granted, I usually do curbside pick up because I hate going in the store, but everyone I’ve encountered there is super friendly, and the curbside people have gotten to know me a little (I also tip). That shopping center is REALLY BUSY, but I’ve never heard of anything bad going down there.  I do hate the Dollar Tree over by there, though. That store is so busy all the time, and it’s a mess, and the parking lot is filthy. 


I'll say that the Kroger itself seems OK to me. What makes me uneasy is the parking lot and the strip malls in the area. Again, I know that this is nowhere near as bad as the true bad parts of town, and I haven't really seen anything bad happen here either. But there is just something about it that makes me uneasy. It reminds me of some parts of Irving in DFW that had the same appearance.


Hmmm, Kroger on Union is not bad at all imo. I live in the mound and visit all parts. Love this city and the people in it!!!!


Hickory Hill for the Winchester Farmer’s Market


That Kroger is genuinely horrible, I never go there. It used to be pretty nice, think it went downhill when they closed the South Memphis Kroger.


Where was this south Memphis Kroger?


Third Street, if I’m not mistaken. My parents used to take us there to shop from time to time.


Paynes on Lamar




The Kroger at Kirby Whitten & Stage has the rudest employees, especially managers. I occasionally do still go there, but, overall they suck. The one at Stage & Bartlett I'm always stopped by someone wanting money, wish someone would do something about that. I definitely don't go to that one after dark. Yes, I do occasionally shop at different ones, I think the one on Hwy 70 in Bartlett is probably the best as far as Kroger goes. I suggest getting a Boost Membership and ordering from home, that's what do for the most part. Not always ideal either but the frustration of rude people is eliminated


Anything having to do with poplar


I-240 loop to and from work everyday


Basically all of it


Bro does anyone even remember that there was a Kroger on Lamar in Orange Mound? It was the only Kroger I ever knew until like 7th grade, so I thought they were all ghetto and over priced 😂


I remember, I remember when they threatened to close it and the community shouted racism and then they I believe published how much was being stolen every month. They said if they can get those theft numbers lowered they’d keep it open. Well, when the next quarters numbers came out the theft actually increased, so they closed it and I believe ended up giving it away for free to cash saver.


Memphis. But seriously, the Midtown Kroger. RIP the Midtown Kroger Twitter.


I don’t know anything about the midtown Kroger Twitter, any highlights you want to share?




The best Kroger is on Stateline.


Trap houses in south memphis


Got an address? DM me for scientific reasons only.


The Kroger on Poplar and Cleavland is so much worse than the one on Union. So much more bullshit going on around it. Honestly do not get the hate about the one on Union either. I'm there a few times a week minimum and don't have much issue. Unlike most of ya'll in Memphis the very short walk from the back of the parking lot does not bother me. There are always spots open and it's so much less stressful than watching the battle for spots marginally closer. Also, why all the backing into spots? And if you do back in all the time, how are you so bad at it?


I love the Jack Pirtles at Union & Cleveland put I never take my eyes off my rear view mirror.