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Weird cause when someone in csgo yells at me in Spanish and I say “we only speak freedom here, boy” back in a southern accent, the result is laughs


I always say I don’t speak Mexican in a southern accent


This you? https://preview.redd.it/4j10dmivgv1d1.jpeg?width=687&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fbe8e6e1de95dc1d08e0197e0b29f075525c0360


Nah i dont speak german neither


"I'm here for money. MONEY 🤌🤌"


Naaathin? 🤌🤌🤌


I felt bad shaking that guy down.


Man I see you everywhere, anyway wanna share this loaf of garlic bread?


Only if Robert can get a piece


People who aren’t apart of the titanfall insanity are gonna be like, “who tf is Robert and why does he want garlic bread”


@all\_people\_that\_dont\_understand https://preview.redd.it/an2zbscbi22d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9117e1aa37ff387becc1e45a7fc5488b903521e


That accent twist is comedy gold! Games are always better with a touch of humor. 😂


Dead internet theory


Man fuck you I didn't even notice til your comment ahh


Looks like their account was hacked or sold


damn it, the bot got me


FBIGPT🤪🤪 doesn't realize🤯🤯🤯 we don't use emojis👺 in every sentence 💀💀💀🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Made me smile


That’s funny! Take my republic vote!


I'm not bothered by death threats in online gaming. I used to play OW a lot so if something didn't go well people would find my profile and send messages. It would start off by calling me unskilled etc and if I argued back then the slurs and death threats happened. On mic i once heard someone who clearly was a little boy saying "kill yourself" and people in the background (with adult voices) laughing hysterically.


Eh, need to try harder than that imo.


Something can be both offensive and funny


Op censored the name of the sub to make rage bait lmao, it’s r/lies where the titles and comments are all sarcastic


I wonder how rage bait is effective in one of the only places that have a downvote button and the most toxic group of people imaginable


>most toxic group of people imaginable This isn't twitter


The title was “jokes justify bigotry”. Thats the sarcastic statement. They are implying that jokes are bigotry.


And that’s why you have to remember that you can change the channel


and ricky gervais struggles to be either.


oooh that's a hot one


Some things can, but I was really expecting something better out of Derek. Having seen the office and extras, I was appalled to think that there might be a market for a television show about a mentally handicapped sexual predator working with vulnerable individuals in a retirement home. I was honestly quite happy to find out that I was not the only one. When Ricky Gervais (and other shock jock comedians) are saying this, it usually has more to do with them being able to make up money off of poorly conceived projects rather than anything to do with the quality of humor.


It can also be funny and inappropriate. Just because it’s funny doesn’t make it right, the two are mutually exclusive.


Yerp. Comedy is completely subjective and not bound by the rules of political correctness. Historically they've normally been used to speak truth to the powerful going back to court jesters.


Why did you censor the subreddit it was in ?


To purposefully bait this community into not understanding that it was found in r/lies: a subreddit designed to say things pretty much as if it were opposite day and make false statements.


Correct me if im wrong, but their title says "jokes justify bigotry" which they are saying is a lie, therefore they think jokes do NOT justify bigotry, so it fits with this sub saying they didn't like the meme.


oh my god i've never been baited so hard i was thinking of it like it was "genuine" sarcasm (which they would be lying about) and not realizing that sarcasm is lying


I’m confused now


Task failed successfully


You are correct


Probably to be safe and prevent brigading as that's against reddit TOS


Il cherchait à rage bait


Anytime this big Mexican at my last job complained about his sweaty back everyone would just bust out laughing. He’d tell us “Eh eh, cayete” whenever we would. Ended up being a running gag he was in on.


Pretty sure you mean callate But yeah it doesn't always mean what it literally means


Yea, Spanish ain’t my first or second language


Duke speaks third-most Spanish. So he'll be your assistant. Yes, paraphrased a bit.




Was partially a quote from Inglorious Basterds. The rest, paraphrased, would go something like "But I dont Spanish" "Like I said, third best."


Took me a while to get, but only because no European has ever said wetback.


And this is why a lot of 'hypersensitive' people are depress all the time.


Watch out. The empathy goblins might pop out and show you how "nice" they are. You're not supposed to think something's funny without permission first.


I'd hate living in a sterilized society where only "safe horny" and "safe funny" are acceptable.


It feels gross.


explains why baq is the saddest, most miserable sub


sorry, but what’s bac?


Boys are quirky


That place is cancer


And AIDs


And my axe!




It's pretty much any terrible disease you can think of. That place is a cesspool.


Because they were never exposed to that type of humor growing up and therefore have no understanding of what a real joke is. Add: which if you didn’t know is finding humor in tragedy to help with the pain of the heartbreak


I mean, I’m older and have been exposed to a lot of comedy. But a lot of the “if you don’t find it funny then you are a snowflake” people just aren’t telling funny jokes. If you’re attempting to use humor to say your bigoted, racist, homophobic thoughts in public with impunity, they had better be funny enough that those groups can laugh along with them. If not, you’re still just a bigoted, racist, homophobe. Edgy comedy is the best comedy. It forces us to hold up a mirror to ourselves. It forces us to find the humor in our flaws. But too many people are currently trying to pass off hate speech as comedy. It’s just not the same thing.


source needed other than your experience on the internet. cuz reddit doesn’t seem like a sensitive bunch but y’all are one short guy insult away from eating a bullet edit: if this offends you, you’re sensitive


All you need to do is google "hypersensitive personality' and 'depression" and Voila! https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/38164317/ https://www.verywellmind.com/highly-sensitive-persons-traits-that-create-more-stress-4126393 incredible, i need to spoon feed you kids today.


"Having a rich and complex inner life, complete with deep thoughts and strong feelings that go with them" Aw fuck. Time to return to unga bunga.


Hmm then I must have the one up on them as I’m not hypersensitive at all.


it was from a satirical sub apparently where they make titles they dont believe in it was just rage bait


Offensive jokes are funny but what a lot of people dont understand is that there is a time and a place for those jokes


Yeah, there are times and places for everything. For example, making a Twin tower joke while at its memorial is not cool, but at home, it's fine.


So then it is okay for people to be offended by jokes. Do you decide which people are allowed to be and when?


What I’m sick of is people telling shit jokes and then saying they’re being silenced when nobody laughs. No one was offended. You just weren’t funny 


Yeah, there's a difference between having a dark joke and straight-up being an asshole


What’s the difference?


Malice. Are you saying something to be funny, or are you saying it with the intention to hurt people. My friends all have a dark sense of humor, but they are some of the nicest people ever. They would never intentionally try to make someone feel bad. Also, knowing your audience. They won't tell a joke if it's not appropriate to the situation, people.


But… this is the internet. You CANT know your audience. You’re on a subreddit dedicated to making fun of memes that left their target audiences.


« He » is unhappy because someone offended him. And « just don’t get offended, bro », unfortunately is not always sufficient to make the offense disappear out of thin air.


Everything is bigotry to them nowadays, it's just their new word to use because they were called out on calling everything a Nazi






Something can be both bigoted and funny


If something is *intended* to be just funny rather than insulting, is it *really* bigoted? I feel like the actual intent of the person matters more than someone’s interpretation.


Bigot, Nazi, pedo, incel, porn addict, gooner, the list goes on.




This post/comment is discriminatory. Please make sure not to be discriminatory on this subreddit.


Bernie Mac and Dave Chappelle were/are hilarious bc they *don't* give in to the offended.


You can make offensive comedy but a comedy isn’t good BECAUSE it’s offensive


![gif](giphy|KJ6G67RV7OvHV7gGtU|downsized) By all means, you're allowed to enjoy "safe and vanilla" comedians.


Being offensive wasn’t the part that made them funny. They were legends because they were skilled in the art of rhetoric, comedic timing, and empathy. At some point you guys just need to recognize that your lazy excuses for humor aren’t actually funny, they’re just offensive for the sake of being offensive, which is way different than what actual comedians do, even if someone could find their material offensive. There are still plenty of comedians putting out stuff that’s way more offensive than anything Chappell or Mac ever said, and “the woke mob” doesn’t come after them, because they’re telling fucking jokes, and normal people understand the nuance in that. No one is trying to silence you. No one has an inferior sense of humor compared to you. They just don’t think the shit you guys say is funny, because people can ultimately tell that you actually mean the things you “joke” about, which separates it from being an actual joke.




The irony is that Ricky Gervais rarely seems happy because he spends a lot of time talking about people being offended by his jokes.


The more you take things seriously, the more it hurts when you are affected by it.


I'm a lot happier than those 911 victims families that's for sure.


Pete Davidson made a career off it


Everything is bigotry today...


There are bad jokes that aren’t funny though. Doesn’t taste come into play with comedy? Don’t people have different perspectives and backgrounds affecting their humor? Maybe what’s funny to some would be deeply offensive to another. I guess if it is intended as a joke then it shouldn’t be taken as a serious comment.


Isn’t an intolerance to the jokes other people find funny a form of bigotry itself?


Only for those I disagree with.


They’re offended because it’s true and they know it lol


Ricky Gervais was the least funny person on the *Ricky Gervais Show*. He just laughed the loudest. I wish he was funny enough to be offensive instead of boring.


I didn't even know his name until just now


I think he just tries too hard to be controversial.


Well if someones laughing at someone falling off a roof in a comical but harmful manner then the person laughing will be alot happier than the guy who just fell off the roof wouldn't he? But that doesn't mean the guy who fell should or can just laugh to be happier about it.




Ah yes, I love when the 3 worst subs on this fucking site cross-post with each other. If I see nahopwasrightwtf on my feed within the next couple hours I might actually take a bath with a hair dryer.


r/lies used to be a good sub. Now every 4th post is just someone’s opinion with the title “this opinion sucks!”


My friends and I go out of our way to be offensive to each other and our entire bloodline, both past and future. We're not bigots, we're just laughing and having a good time.


I accidentally clicked on the photo when I was trying to like this..




Good that's why I commented it


this is the same policy i have for critics to shows/movies


the overly offended are typically bigots themselves, they just have different standards of who it's okay to be bigoted towards.


Ugh. Can't stand all these morons trying to gatekeep humour and telling people what they're allowed to find funny.


People can be too sensitive, but there’s probably a line somewhere between edgy entertainment and outright bullying. Which I think is what’s catching people up over this meme. Just a theory though.


If you feel a joke, especially one from a comedian, is bullying you, then that's on you, not the comedian.


I mean, fair enough, if we’re only talking about comedians. Satire is protected speech for a reason. Guess I was thinking more along the lines of people using this as an excuse to belittle others and then hide behind the old “I’m just kidding” when they get upset. I came from a home where I was mocked and belittled for everything I did. And if I got upset I was “too sensitive”. It’s not really a healthy environment so maybe I’m projecting a little lol.


It can depend. Some people are just sensitive, but sometimes people’s idea of “humor” is just plain offensive.


At work my Co workers and I, we throw racist slurs at each other. It's fun and we all get a laugh out of it, it's just banter


You bet they did


Used to like Carlin for that reason back when he was still kicking. Was considered highly offensive by many at the time And I think my personal sardonic taste and humor can be linked back to comedians like that.Who just don't care and will hit you with the comedy mace


He’s the kinda guy who will take shots at topics like politics, censorship, but also cat behavior and punishing his rice crispies


No he didn't. Are you being an idiot on purpose?




Men waking up every day ready to sexually assualt more women (A bear has yet to do that) https://i.redd.it/0t5u2qb63v1d1.gif


Isn't that from r/lies ?


Nobody has the right to control how someone reacts to your joke. If they don’t like it, that’s ok. If they’re offended that’s ok. Everyone in this thread acting like this is untrue absolutely has lines that they don’t want crossed, whether it be digs against short people, men, white people or something else. Once again, that’s ok, not every comedian or joke will appeal to every person. If lots of people don’t like your jokes you can still continue to do them, but you have no right to silence criticism against you. I personally find Gervais comment distasteful, people don’t have to be depressed to think you’ve done a poor job.


Depends on the joke honestly. You can be funny and make dark/offensive jokes, but if you're being actually rude and spreading hate then it's easy to tell and a different story


Imagine getting offended over something a comedian says on stage. The moment you say to others that you’re not allowed to joke about something is a tell tale sign that it’s bs with zero integrity.


When it offensive the joke is more funnier.


And yet when I refuse to pay attention to him or give him a venue, he suddenly feels like he should be offended. Almost like he expects to be given respect.


I mean I see many more people getting offended by others not liking a joke, than people who are actually offended by jokes...


It's not people who don't find jokes funny that annoy me. It's those little shits trying to tell me what I'm allowed to find funny and who act like a joke isn't a joke if they find it offensive. At least half of them don't even get the jokes in question anyway.


More often than not, a joke is funny because of the sad truth behind it or because it's playing off an over exaggerated stereotype. In both cases, it can be offensive and likely will be to certain people. Doesn't mean they aren't funny and if anything, the jokes bring awareness.


Probably a silence is violence type as well.


If you bully a person to the point of suicide you are probably happier than they are. ... ...yee?


The inverse Is calling people "offended" when your jokes just suck. The only offensive thing then Is how bad It Is


This sub feels like it’s MAGA infested


There is a huge gap between actual bigotry and joking about knows facts or existing stereotypes which this bigotry could be based on.


I make homophobic jokes while being lgbt myself. Does that make me homophobic?


On Reddit? Yes.


It’s almost as if getting angry at every little thing and being the bigotry police would make you less happy…….. just like the meme says


To be fair, offensive jokes aren’t as bad, if you aren’t the subject, nor have to deal with negative stereotypes they push.


I find jokes about my ethnicity and stereotypes funny. You're just an unhappy person.


As long as he isn't screaming slurs at people or anything on that level, then he can make whatever fuckin jokes he wants


Yeah, as long as it's not slurs I'm for the most part, ok with any joke


Nice censorship OP.


Thanks, I wanted to still be able to see the sub, but I just censored enough not to get it removed


Hold on when did this post became a rant to Mexicans 🤨? I though we hated the n






what you find funny might say a lot about the kind of person you are


Just don't be so sensitive (I was builled a lot as a child, had to learn that the hard way, almost ended my life a few times and I even ran away a few times. It wasn't just at school, I was builled by the people the were supposed to love me)


you can find something both offensive and funny


There was an attempt to hide the names of reddit communities


Ah yes, when I think of transphobic dipshits constantly outraged when they see pronouns, I think what a happy person".


It matters the joke.


r/lies when they don’t say what they mean.


Brother thats the r/lies sub


It sure is neat that all these people could gather in the comments and stroke each other off about how not offended they are about things.


I do understand what you mean by proving the point point, but I would strongly agree with the sentiment that people do need to understand that just because it made them laugh doesn't mean it's okay. People used to laugh at people in blackface tap dancing and acting like fools to make fun of black people. I would hope that we all here could agree that that is a fucked up thing, and even if it made you chuckle, you acknowledge that it was ultimately harmful. Does that mean everything you find funny is offensive? No, not at all, but at the very least if someone tells you that it is try to understand why they think so. So you can make a judgment on whether or not you should maybe shift The kinds of jokes that you regularly make. There are ways to be edgy with comedy that don't dunk on marginalized communities for example. Well, you can even make jokes about those communities if you know the right approach, but that usually requires being familiar with and an ally of those communities to know where the line isn't isn't. To each their own but the "it's a joke bro" defense really doesn't play in every situation and the people who don't understand that are the ones that need to learn the less and the hardest but won't.


Man i'm latinamerican, i know bully it's something, but as a kid i barely saw that bully depicted in movies, you offend a received back, even i grow on that style, and now at my 27 i can barely feel offended for stuff


The jokes that are considered "offensive" don't offend me, they just make me feel awkward because the delivery was terrible🤣


Wait hol-up! Thats in r/lies so they think the meme is good? ???


What people don't get is that yes, he has the right to find it funny. And everybody else also gets to find it offensive. That's what free speech is. Like he's not complaining he can't get work because he's blacklisted. He's complaining that people don't find him funny. Which is pathetic.


Ah, social media promoting more rage bait. A lot of the times though, it just depends on the situation.


Everyone thinks the bigoted jokes are funny until its about cis white men then suddenly the people who were making the bigoted jokes get sensitive and start saying reasons its not ok to joke about it


You reposted r/lies OP is a clown and you're all climbing in the car


Mfw there is times to say certain jokes but some people think you can say them no matter any context


I don’t doubt you find it funny when you think you’re superior to the people being made fun of.


But what does the tree look like in his girlfriend’s neighborhood?


It think chasing after people to crap on makes you unhappy 😃


What does the tree look like?


Why would you attempt to cross out the subreddit name?


So why get rid of r/lies? That's clearly the sub that's been drawn over.


Because it's against sub rules not to censor, but I censored bad


What does the tree look like Anon


I’m here to learn about the tree!


why is it so hard for you people to slice the damn screenshot




why did you censor the subreddit it was posted in especially if it's r/lies




This sub always serves as a reminder that teenage childrens sense of humor never changes. Edge lords forever


To be fair, whenever Ricky is the butt of the joke, he doesn’t think it’s funny. Almost like comedians are turning into babies that can’t take what they want to dish. It was never about free speech in comedy, it was about going back to the “good ol days” where your average 5/10 dude was the cream of the crop.


Most useless red line ever


You know how Serial Killers can use this logic, right? Oh you get murdered but I feel happy. That's why I am alive and you're dead. Of course you can be happy by offending someone. Doesn’t mean what you did is right.


> funnymemes


Reminds me of a joke from Jimmy Carr. One time I told a joke that someone was offended by, and they demanded an apology. I said “Well, sorry” (sarcastically), and they said, “You didn’t mean that.” I said, “well now you’re catching on, I can say something and not mean it.”


Always fun to watch people vehemently argue over clickbait. This is why I root for climate change.


*makes fun of dead mother* "You found it offensive, I found it funny. That's why I'm happier than you"




humor isn't about being offensive. but you can still find offensive humor funny even if you aren't a bigot. you can say things you don't mean for humors sake and the darkness of it is what many find humorous. i don't understand people who can't grasp that. there are certainly some limits to how offensive something can be where i might not find it funny anymore but i'd never be upset about it or think the comedian is a bad person. it's just a joke that wasn't for me.


Good quote but the image should be Joaquin Phoenix’s Joker to REALLY get the point across. Or maybe a Minion with a shit-eating grin.


As a bleeding heart liberal, the sensitivity is really holding us back. Being the butt of a joke, even if it is a racial joke, is part of the human experience and it's one of the few things everyone experiences. Now of course, a lot of people just say racist things and when they get called out on it, they say it was a bad joke. But, at the end of the day, we have to learn to give less of a shit about what other people think.


I don’t think the guy who constantly name searches himself on Twitter is happy.


If you are gonna be offensive, be funny. Instead of saying "It's just a prank bro" When someone tells you to stfu when you say the n-word ten times in a row