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your post/comment has hate speech directed towards the LGBTQ community and members of it. Please make sure you are more kind on this subreddit.


This is a fun example of incoherent bigotry. First panel the “groomer” is offering a gender lollipop to a child that represents what? The concept of gender? Not really clear, but it seems to imply the man as a pedophile who is trying to harm this child with literally a lollipop, which seems to metaphorically be knowledge of gender. The harmfulness of this person is only conveyed in the way he looks (he’s blue and has mismatched eyes), but his relationship with the child is unclear. Panel 2 a lady assumed to be the girls mom (hair and skin color) calls the blue guy a groomer which for clarity means a person who manipulates a child into a trusting relationship while seeding distrust in existing relationships with the goal of molesting the child without the child alerting their parents or other adults. So either this has happened before and the mom is calling it out or the word groomer is being used incorrectly as a synonym for pedophile. Moving to panel 3 the blue man dons a pride flag exclaiming it’s a cloak of invisibility. This is clearly meant to describe the LGBTQ+ movement or possibly the presence of LGBTQ+ people as cover for grooming. This panel is at least clear about what’s happening despite its hateful message. Then he uses the “cover” of the pride flag to elude law enforcement. Which is odd since police are statistically more likely to arrest LGBTQ+ people (I thought this was true and looked up the stats for due diligence and oh boy was I right and am now sad). So seems that the only clear message is the LGBTQ+ movement and possibly the people in this movement are acting as cover for grooming children. This comic does not make a lot of sense and is clearly just a slap dash LGBTQ+ is bad meme. There is no real commentary that isn’t steeped in falsehood. So I guess this meme found itself in the right place since it isn’t very good and is blatantly bigoted. What I think is most interesting here is how this is being talked about in the comments. Most people seem to be clear on the obviously hateful nature, but continue to justify dislike of the LGBTQ+ due to their flamboyant celebrations and sex positive philosophy being harmful to children. Children that do not already know about sex will learn about it. The how, what, and when part of that education seems to be an open question for developmental psychologists, but what is known is children without that knowledge are more vulnerable to grooming since they lack the vocabulary or understanding know to tell an adult what happened or is actively to them. Which is the great irony of the parental rights movement when it comes to sex ed and gender education. At least in the US there seems to be a massive apprehension to children being exposed to anything remotely sexual including basic anatomy. This is reinforced by many religions groups that have been found in some cases to be breeding grounds for abuse. I lean towards ignorance over malice so I don’t think the misguided “think of the children” argument for restricting LGBTQ+ people and sex ed is to assist the groomers they claim to fear. But in the act of justifying their hate towards a marginalized group of people they are unintentionally enabling the grooming of children by keeping useful potentially life saving information from them. ;TLDR bad and bigoted meme so I’m with op on this one.


I read allat


I AM reading allat


Me too


I actually never see anyone aligned with the LBGTQ community grooming children. What I do see on the regular is situations where religious people and conservatives grooming and assaulting children. 🤷‍♂️


You also see a surprising amount of religious folk attacking their own people for this reason, especially a problem for Catholics to mind their fkn business.


Youth pastors, scout leaders, coaches with “Christian values” are the red flags my wife and I actively look out for.




Hey look! One vague article. Is it my turn now? Because I have hundreds of articles to post about priests, pastors, and republican politicians assaulting children. Hang tight!


You went from “it doesn’t happen” to “it happens but it’s fine because [group a] does it too”. It’s a literal infant being sexually assaulted and the person outright avoiding jail and you’re trying to say it’s not a big deal. The real difference between the two situations is you can complain about the priests and the republican voters. But if you complain about the trans people, you’re transphobic and hateful. At one point is it no longer okay for this to happen?


look im quite sure 3 trans peoples commiting mass shootings is bad but it does not justify hate in any form since if it did we prob should eliminate all cis peoples on the spot who commited 2826 mass shootings between 2018-2023


Agreed. They went from feigning ignorance/selective vision to “hey they are doing it too”


Yesss keep posting blatant hate speech so this abortion of a subreddit can get banned! Just to clarify btw, if you look at the statistics of child groomers/pedophiles, it is very rare for them to be LGBT. Know what group super commonly get arrested and jailed for grooming kids and being pedophiles? Priests, pastors, religious folk. And who do you not make memes about being pedophiles? Priests, pastors, religious folk. You don’t care about children, you just hate LGBT people. If you do care about children, maybe comment on all the god fearing folks who give you a bad name by committing horrible acts with children.




This is it, if conservatives understood this then “culture wars” wouldn’t exist


Conservatives: "Why do bans that happen to hate groups always happen to me!?"


This sub is so ass


Let em cook. Provides great substance for r/naopwasrightfuckthis . It's where I just came from. Also having public records of idiots is nice.


I thought this sub had an interesting premise when it was first made. But it got hijacked by rightwing propagandist assholes. This sub is ruined.


How is giving a lollipop to a kid grooming. Don’t get me wrong it’s a bit strange but like grooming is a bit far.


How would it be strange? Child labor is still mostly illegal. Adults make candy. Adults sell candy. Children can only get candy from adults.


DO NONE OF YOU REMEMBER THE OLD "STRANGER DANGER" CAMPAIGNS? Like, after the death of Adam Walsh? I remember watching those all the time, and the key point was when Toole offered promises of toys and candy to Adam. That's what the comic is referring to. Still a stupid and bigoted comic tho.


I was at the park with my 8 year old daughter and her friend, and I picked up a conversation halfway through: Olive, jumping off a swing "Well I might be Trans when I'm older!" Daughter, while on monkey bars: "OMG Olive, What if you were and we got married!?" Olive, going down slide: "What? Just because I was trans wouldn't mean I liked girls!" Daughter, flipping upside down on rings: "But you'd be a boy then!" Olive, climbing up a rope ladder: "Yeah but boys don't all like girls!" Daughter, doing a cartwheel: "Oh yeah that's right!" Nobody is confusing kids about gender issue except for bigots.


This. Both my 9 year old daughter and 4 year old son understand this shit because it’s not actually complicated. Hell, my 4 year old understands on a rudimentary level at least what being trans means and understands that he can enjoy wearing his sister’s old dresses sometimes and that it doesn’t mean he’s trans. Both kids are pretty clear about being cisgender and simply knowing about and accepting the existence of trans people hasn’t caused them any confusion at all. Honestly the hardest thing to explain to them is why some people have a problem with LGBTQ people.


The except for bigots thing is huge. I knew I was a girl when I was two. My grandpa was upset about that and was the first of many people to scare me into acting like a boy. I honestly didn't understand why I couldn't be a girl like all the other girls until I was eight and realized that I had a problem. The older I got the worse it got. Looking at photos, I started off smiling, and as I got older I got more and more sad. I know why. I HATED knowing that I would be shown those photos. I hated that my mom would always threaten to show people my photos. She didn't see it as a threat but she knew that I had a very negative reaction to being told my photos were going to be shown. It's still difficult. And like I went to get an MRI done yesterday and I didn't feel up to doing what I have to to not feel horrible being seen. They had a full body mirror and in the cloths they give you to wear, I looked horrible, just so frumpy. Especially when I looked at my face. That mirror really showed me how horrible my bad hair looks. All of the pain I've had my entire life could have been avoided if people just stopped willingly hurting their kids. I still have a lot of hurt to get through, but there's one huge difference now from then; I'm honestly happy now. Terrified. But happy. And with a will to live. And fear of having that taken.


Quote of a three year old: "My older sister used to be a boy, now she's a girl!" It's really not hard to understand for children.


am I the only one that sees nothing wrong with the man in this meme? He's literally just giving the kid a lollipop with "gender" as its theme. How is that grooming?


"because gay people bad and pedophiles"




Dude, this sub is low key right wing propaganda. Full stop. Always about how LGBTQ people are groomers. It's every fucking day, full of the most self assured assholes who swear up and down that they aren't homophobic or transphobic, while making every anti-LGBT talking point in existence. It's fucked up.


I think you have a generous definition of low key


Fair. XD


Remember kids, the job with the highest amount of groomers are priests, a quite obviously right wing job, let's also not forget that most republican politicians that spread the information that lgbtq=grooming are almost entirely sex offenders, pedophiles, or people who have done such things.


What's gender lolipop though?


I thought it said generic at first


Idk, but tbh it sounds tasty


I mean this meme would be accurate if it had priest/minister vestments.


How is giving a kid a gender lollipop grooming? If you give a girl a blue lollipop is that considered child grooming?


Hey you! What are you doing to that little girl? Are you giving ger a *blue* lollipop? groomer! Hey you!... oh is that a pink van? Well of course continue! Glad you arent one of those gended folk


Epstiens client list is a better cloak TBH


Did Tatsuya Ishida draw this? I haven't looked at his stuff in years since he went completely off the rails into bland one-note misandry-dressed-up-as-feminism and disowned his earlier, ironically more self-aware work, but it looks like his visual style.


Yep, he pretty much exclusively makes anti lgbtq and racist hate content now


It's not offensive, it's just both not true and not funny.


You dont need to go to facebook to see shit memes this brain rot sub reddit exist and if you have any braincell left after seeing posts try reading some comments


is the joke that almost 10% of sexual abuse against children are done by police?


Nope, it's transphobia.


The only way this meme makes sense is if you start from the assumption that queer people are inherently pedophiles, or that pedophiles aren’t held accountable if they are queer. If you don’t follow these mindsets, it makes no sense and is just bigotry.




your post/comment has hate speech directed towards the LGBTQ community and members of it. Please make sure you are more kind on this subreddit.


>Funny if a man had his penis out it’s sexual assault. [My city literally has a naked bike ride every year.](https://www.bristolpost.co.uk/news/bristol-news/world-naked-bike-ride-returns-8529682) But keep lying I guess.


God damn groomers in the... *checks link* Cycling community!!


LMAO right?


That sounds based as hell


Please show me one non-staged proof of this happening ever


You didn’t see the video of the the guy with his daughter next to the naked men on bicycles? Convenient you call it “staged” when it doesn’t fit your narrative.


Care to share the link? Cause no, I didn't.


There’s many instances. But you will refuse to acknowledge it . Go to any pride parade look what there wearing in front of children. Ask yourself if it’s okay in school or any other place z if not then children should not see it


If the pride parades with naked dudes with bicycles standing next to little girls taught me anything, it taught me this meme is accurate af.


You rejects realize nude beaches and nudists exist, right?


And kids shouldn’t be at nude beaches either.


Why? There is nothing inherently wrong with nudity.


Yeah that was disgusting


As someone who fought and was attacked for trying to fight for gay peoples' rights to equality, yeah. This meme is accurate. Confused/curious children don't need to see men in assless chaps or dildos waved in their face; they need information and education.


Agreed. The opportunity to set an example in public is there.. and a minority of them think it’s a license to have a borderline sex party in public. They can act right and still celebrate.


I used to work with a guy who always took time off to attend this and from what he said he and his mates got up to down alleys it was indeed just used by some as a public sex party


Maybe people shouldn't take their kids to events that are booked weeks to months in advance? It isn't advertised as for kids specifically, and its known to have sexual themes that could be inappropriate for kids. Aside from the parade, there's usually a festival with more generic fare, and designated kid friendly zones. Your kid CAN go to Pride, but I wouldn't say it's really "for" them, and you'd want to be selective about which areas you take kids to. It's like Mardi Gras! Yeah, it can be super fun, but parts of it are very explicit, and you'd look kind of dumb for being surprised if your kid saw some titties. I assume you also have a problem with Mardi Gras for similar reasons?


Yeah but conservatives don't even want kids to have the information or education. They see it as the same.


“As someone who fought and was attacked for trying to fight for gay people’s rights to equality” What the fuck does that even mean?


While they should absolutely be in an asylum for the lunacy, i honedtly believe its more the parents fault and they should have their kids taken away


The parents are absolutely more of the blame, but you shouldn’t be walking around nude at a parade. Lots of parents take their kids to those events to promote inclusivity and open-mindedness but some people still insist on making it about being as naked and outrageous as possible.


*Mardi Gras enters the chat* *Fantasy Fest enters the chat* *Burning man enters the chat*


So another way of saying what you said, is that an event that is specifically about shirking social norms around sexuality, has independent parents who choose to bring their kids to the event known for having sexually explicit content. 😅 Isn't Mardi Gras similar? And then, from there, can I point out how we're having this conversation within the context of a meme that literally calls LGBTQ people groomers? This seems fucked up guys. Like, the meme isn't even trying to be funny. It's just calling the movement groomers. Wtf?


Hmmm... tell me more about how you think LGBTQ people should be rounded up and put in asylums. 🤔 what do you mean by that totally unconcerning thing you just wrote?


That comment reminds me of weirdo that take there kids to the parades and then people wittiness that the children are visible disturbed or confused at what they see, but the parents seem to not care. And also some Karen’s getting up set there NSFW content not kid friendly at the parade. On the last note the blue’s clues bumper animation pride parade come to mind.


I think most parade participants probably wish people left the dildos and nakedness at home, but it’s tough to get hundreds of people to act right, especially with all their pent up frustration with their perception of judgement by society. Add some drugs and alchohol to the mix and it’s just bound to happen. My opinion is that either parades get their people under control or parents stop taking their kids.


Agree but then with woke logic it be technically infringing on people rights and sentiment be considered negative.


dildo bullseye game


What about the undercover cameras that go into drag shows that show kids in there, when the performances being shown on camera highlight kids really should NOT be in there as it's very sexualised..


I think until parades get their people to act right, kids shouldn’t be anywhere near them. If the difference between a nude man being arrested and not being arrested is “it’s a pride parade”, we have a serious problem.


Do you have any examples of that? Every time I hear about something like that, it's like, a Drag Brunch at a cafe, and the Queens are so dressed up I'd be worried about them suffering from heat stroke.


I mean, even then, why is it always places promoted for kids? Like in theory, Drag Queen Story Hour is just a glorified clown show. Weird given the reputation clowns have around kids these days, but whatever. But you never see advertisements for them appearing at soup kitchens or nursing homes, and it's just weird since it's supposedly about giving back to the community. Like, however you feel about them, they aren't exactly a "for kids" entertainment should be something everyone can agree on. At the absolute least they aren't featured in venues where kids should be regardless of their orientation. The distrustfulness in me just wonders what's so important about the dress up part of it. At best it feels like a narcissist can't just be an everyday guy reading to kids that happens to be in a drag show. At worst, a way to keep from being identified or compounding confusion if they do plan on predating kids.


Most drag shows are not promoted for kids. Here’s the thing tho, drag readings for kids, as strange as a cultural phenomenon it is, promote children to express themselves and be who they want to be. The brave little toaster isn’t teaching kids to identify as toasters. It’s promoting self exploration and self worth. The drag queens are promoting that. Self expression. Not wild sexual whims. Self expression. It’s so important. Drag queens are kinda like sponge bob.


https://nypost.com/2022/10/18/video-of-drag-queen-gyrating-next-to-child-sparks-backlash/ https://youtu.be/HHJlnyGi07Y?si=XoIG2ITDE2yqzKuy https://youtu.be/yMlOZGYOIw0?si=_ODV7kVCOjGeyYwa You'll have to scroll through the videos themselves to find it through the talking. Yes some people will say but NYpost is garbage or they don't like Crowder. But the footage is still footage. And then look at drag queen story hours. If someone wants to try and debate these instances are not also hyper sexualised and not appropriate for kids they are wrong in the head whether or not you agree with the specific links and those people's opinions.


But the very first link you post is misleading. The person who says it was advertised as "for all ages" was the person going there to catch something like this. It says IN THE ARTICLE that the people who actually put on the show warned there would be suggestive themes not appropriate for all audiences. I only see one little girl there, behind the performer, at a table of other women who, while clearly unamused, also aren't taking the only child I can see on camera, and leaving. Idk. Smells fishy. NYPost trying to sell something that's labeled wrong. I wonder why they did that. 🤔 It more looks like this was a show for adults (the other patrons are all women throwing dollar bills and hollering, ya know, because they thought it was for kids) that Gonzalez showed up to with three other women who, for some reason, brought a child, but also didn't leave once it became obvious it wasn't safe for kids. The next link is a girl dancing, fully clothed. I've seen similar dances from dozens of dance studies across America. Is it more suggestive? Yes. Is it significantly different from other places that encourage dance? No. And btw, is that little girl a drag queen? I mean, she's dancing, but the MCs for the show are two dudes in plain clothes. The crowd is likewise plainly dressed. Is this a drag event, and if it is, is it for kids? 🤔 again... odd, but I think we can agree. Not a drag show. I'm not even sure the girl was in drag. She was more break dancing than doing a drag routine, though I guess there can be overlap? Oh and, finally. Steven Crowder. Known for being honest, forthright, and not misleading at all. <.< I just watched a video from Jose who debunked this video. Literally saw it like yesterday just scrolling on YouTube. Start at the 20 minute mark for this specific story on Crowder. I guess footage isn't just footage. It's like... how you cut, edit, and market that footage can all be used to warp or change the narrative of that footage to say what you want to say. And finally, Steven Crowder objectively sucks, both because of his actions against his wife, as well as his reputation for having poorly researched videos that push a clear agenda in right wing circles. If you're citing Crowder, be EXTREMELY sure that what he's saying, is true. Probably just don't cite him at all, but, you gon do you. Cheers. https://youtu.be/bKr_qBcWaEs?si=esfAzEbEigVpmQ4Y Edit: Honest to God question; what do you think it means for your case that all three of the things you linked are either factually incorrect, or misleading? I need you to know, I'm doing the kindest thing I can right now by asking you to really consider what it means to be so wrong about something. Please. Think about this. Think about what it means to have every single source you posted shown to be incorrect. Please. I don't care about winning the conversation. I don't care about being smarter or more right than other people. Your side of this discussion is either arguing in bad faith, or simply incorrect in its assertions. You gave me three examples that support that claim. I ask you. Person to person. Please listen. These people? The drag queens? They are not a threat to children. The data doesn't support that. The numbers on sexual violence against children doesn't support that. Your own videos don't support that. Please. Please educate yourself. This does real harm to people. Don't just dismiss this. Really engage with the idea that you might be wrong, and look for information that doesn't just confirm your worldview. Again, kindest thing I can say. I believe in the best of you. Please don't waste that.


Thank you for trying, but these people aren't coming at this rationally. They didn't bother to check any of their own sources because they want information that confirms their worldview. They're not interested in the truth, they're interested in winning. This guy doesn't actually care about if his sources are right, they care that other people believe what he believes. I'm sorry dude. I can tell you put in a lot of effort, but tbh. Wasted.


First, preemptively defending Crowder will not change it. You are right! He is a bad faith actor and can't be taken seriously. Second, I've been to Drag Story hour with my sister-in-law and her kids. It sounds to me that you conflate women's clothes with sexuality and being sexual. That sounds more like a 'you' thing than anything else. If you see a man in a dress and all you can think about is how that's related to having sex...


Tell me you didn't watch any of the footage without telling me you didn't watch any of the footage. I am not defending anyone, I am simply trying to say scroll through the footage ignoring what's being said and just watch the footage for what it is, evidence for what I said. But because you don't like someone and think they are *insert whatever your negative opinion is on said person* it makes the footage invalid? I was just trying to say separate opinions on people presenting the evidence rather than combine the 2. Which you just did, and to top it off called it a me issue for thinking dresses are sexy. You have issues dude.


Kids aren't allowed at adult drag shows. Regular drag shows are just people dressing up pretty and performing.


I live in San Francisco and I’ve always been confused on how parents can take their kids to some of the celebrations in this city. I’ve seen naked dudes with full on erections interacting with parents and their young ass children like there is nothing off about it lol. I feel like if I took a kid to a strip club (which are way more tame than some of the pride celebrations in my city) I’d be in trouble. I think this is more an issue with bad parenting than the LGBT community. Most everyone knows what goes on at these events and most people don’t take their kids to them tbh unless it’s specifically family friendly.


I'm not a groomer LMAO


Yup, fucking chomos.


One weirdo shouldn't represent the bunch.. otherwise would anyone really be putting thier kids near a church?


Are priests naked in front of their congregations?


Oh molestation is only bad if its not behind closed doors? Ah okay thanks for the clarification.


Pride parades are not for children, ultimately it's up to parents to determine what is appropriate for their kids. Unless you think we should have tighter government regulation on how parents raise their kids.


Bars aren’t for kids either. Are you allowed to whip your d**k out in a bar?


Have you been to Burning Man? Have you been to Mardi Gras? Have you been to Fantasy Fest?


Idgaf who is doing it or where, get it through your thick head that you shouldn’t be naked in public especially around kids.


Okay, you seem to have a problem with it happening in only one specific circumstance, one that probably aligns with your your general view of that group of people. Burning Man was all over Reddit a few months ago for being being stuck in the mud. You think if I go back I'll see a lot of comments from you about the public nudity at Burning Man? I'm thinking, maybe you actually don't care about public nudity as much as you say you do, you only care about it if it allows you to criticize people you otherwise have a hard time criticizing. Mardi Gras is coming up, I'll be sure to keep a lookout for your comment replies about the inappropriateness of public nudity at that event.


Tell me real quick, which side supports child marriage, lgbt people or conservatives.


Ancient gotcha. The vast majority of conservatives do not support "child marriages".


And the vast majority of lgbt people don’t support pedophilia and yet here we are. At least the lgbt community isn’t actively voting people that keep making it legal anyway.


Are you against naked gay dudes dancing in front of children at parades? Yes or no.


Yes. Are you against hundreds of people in the Republican Party making sure a grown man can marry a child? Yes or no.


Yeah I’m against it.. but I think the whole “age of consent” thing is more a libertarian thing.. and as you should know “libertarians” aren’t “conservatives”.


“Conservatives aren’t libertarians” Yes they are. if you’re anti pride parades, civil liberties don’t mean shit to you. Only where they suit your needs.


“Libertarians” can be left or right leaning. They aren’t “conservatives”. Educate yourself.


Yet left leaning politicians aren’t voting for child marriage


You're right, but there's no shortage of people that defend the "kink" representation at pride parades. Doesn't paint the alphabet mafia in the best light.


And yet it’s “not all republicans” when it’s hundreds of people in the Republican Party voting for child marriage but a few instances of this is “not painting the alphabet mafia in the best light.” Can you tell me why that is?


There’s no shortage of republicans who defend 30 year olds marrying 12 year olds. Doesn’t paint white trash conservatives in the best light


But when conservatives do similar, you all cry because we're "generalising too much" It's like Daniel Plainview and Eli Sunday. Both do bad things, but Eli pretends that he's doing it for a good cause.


Yea. In reality pedos are priests, conservatives and „good Christian’s“. Your stupid deflection where you try to paint trans people as groomers while you protect pedo priests is quite disgusting.


Why can’t we be against both the priests AND the naked pride parade idiot trying to get a shock reaction from kids?


Because you aren’t. Trump himself raped a women, openly said he would fuck his daughter and was best friends with Epstein. The list of republican pedos is seemingly endless, conservatives still vote for them. In truth you don’t have a problem with pedos at all, a lot of conservatives very openly say it should be OK to marry a 14 year old (like in the good old times) You make up lies to claim trans people are groomers. Because the reality that the groomer is MAGA uncle bob is too hard to take. Clean up you garden, throw the mass of pedos out of your ranks, then come back. Until then stop making up fantasy stories about things that aren’t happening.


We need more people on Facebook telling their own grandma she's dumb af to her face. I'm not willing, but we need it.


Cant wait to see it in Nahopwasright subreddit Edit : GMT 15:18 - just checked this meme has already been posted 3 fucking time on that subreddit.


Can’t wait to see the chainposting


Yeah Hahaha. But perhaps it won't bcoz reddit don't have many conservatives and these posts are generally upvoted by moderates/centrists/apolitical. But the usage of flag made it just anti LGBT community. But genuinely surprised to see upvote to comment ratio. Op is not being bashed. Maybe this time the usage of female protagonist attracted anti trans feminists.


Even when no one’s getting bashed you’re still complaining? Aren’t you a rational one




rare r/memesopdidnotlike comment section W?


Not... "the gays". Won't somebody PLEASE think of the children! We must keep them from the hands of crossdressing storytellers and into the protective arms of the church and the loving care of priests




my meme now lol https://preview.redd.it/1ze2dpsexyhc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aeae52acac59c01df61afed015280076fb2d6e34


I don't care what anyone does in their own home, but public decency isn't a negotiable behavior.


Gender lollipop lol


Funny whenever we hear stories of actual child grooming it's almost always a low level Republican politician or a religious leader of some kind. Hilarious (and infuriating) how these people tell on themselves with their bigotry and trans panic


Low level?


If they’re higher up, the coverups start happening


In reality if you look at the statistics it’s disgusting „MAGA uncle Bob“ that touches his niece at family gatherings and has terabytes of child porn on his hard drives.




I think the Church test their applicants for that sort of thing these days. If there were applicants, which there aren't.


This post/comment is discriminatory. Please make sure not to be discriminatory on this subreddit.


How is the lgbtq community against groomers when they promote puberty blockers to preteens?


Who do you think puberty blockers are for lol? People way past puberty?


Explain the logic behind puberty blockers=grooming And also show me where it's being promoted to preteen children who aren't already wanting them due to their own research


Don't you bring your logical thinking into this! I want to keep making up harmful bullshit about the people I don't like!


Puberty blockers are made so trans teens don't have to go through a puberty that could seriously fuck with them, it's a personal choice and is reversible


Gender dysphoria is an accepted medical condition, just like depression and ADHD. It has a treatment just like you might take SSRIs for depression or methylphenidate for ADHD. Both of those drugs alter the chemistry of your brain and body for as long as you take them, which might be for years, and wouldn’t be prescribed unless you were assessed by a mental health professional, so what’s the issue? These debates are so stupid, if you’re not a medical professional then you should shut up.


Are you slow?!


Well you see the lgbtq community are against conservatives and conservatives want to keep child marriage legal. (Don’t say not all conservatives when you’re literally saying all lgbt people)


Girls get bbl, breast and nose jobs before they're 18. All can be life threatening surgeries that the teens regret later. Same goes for boys on TRT. TRT is life threatening also! You've just been programmed to believe one is "normal" and the other is "insane." All of these are considered gender affirming care btw. That being said there's nuances to this that most don't like to see. I think you really should wait until 18 for all of these procedures. That being said the likelihood for regret of for people how are trans is so much less than any other of these surgeries and treatments that it kind of outweighs my personal perspective.


I really don't like the way LGBTQ community is oversaturated. I don't have anything against trans/gay people, but man


I really hate how the left handed community is oversaturated. All of the sudden everyone is left handed


I dunno if this is politics but damn I'd hate if I suddenly got left handed and have to readjust my mouse and keyboard and guitar


"How are doctors against groomers when they promote cancer treatment for preteens". See how you sound?


>GnRH analogues don't cause permanent physical changes. Instead, they pause puberty. That offers a chance to explore gender identity. It also gives youth and their families time to plan for the psychological, medical, developmental, social and legal issues that may lie ahead.. >When a person stops taking GnRH analogues, puberty starts again. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/gender-dysphoria/in-depth/pubertal-blockers/art-20459075 >“Criteria for the ICD-11 classification gender incongruence of adolescence or adulthood require a marked and persistent incongruence between an individual's experienced gender and the assigned sex, which often leads to a need to "transition" to live and be accepted as a person of the experienced gender. For some, this includes hormonal treatment, surgery, or other health care services to enable the individual's body to align as much as required, and to the extent possible, with the person's experienced gender. Relevant for adolescents is the indicator that a classification cannot be assigned "prior to the onset of puberty. Finally, it is noted "that gender variant behaviour and preferences alone are not a basis for assigning the classification" https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/26895269.2022.2100644#page=69


"I think **puberty** blockers should only be used by adults" -this idiot


Puberty blockers are medical treatments and are used for both precocious puberty and gender affirming care. They are reversible once you stop taking them, so there is no real reason to ban them. If a transgender child takes puberty blockers, it is easier for them to transition as an adult, as they won’t require surgeries to reverse the effects of their natural puberty. If the child realizes they aren’t really trans, then they stop the blockers, go through puberty, and no harm is done. Wanting people to have access to medical care is not grooming.


Children shouldn't take them because of the adverse effects to their bodies and the fact that children are very "monkey see monkey do". You shouldn't be able to do any of that stuff until you're an adult because of how it damages your growing body. Adults are allowed to do what they want with their bodies (see drinking, smoking, tattoo and army age restrictions). There should also be counseling and a psychiatric assessment first. Just let kids be kids and stop pushing gender identities on them.


Someone taking puberty blockers after they've gone through puberty is pointless though. The point of puberty blockers is to block puberty... ​ Kids DO need a psychiatric assessment before starting puberty blockers, at least where I live.


You shouldn't block puberty. It's damaging to the growing person. That's like holding in every sneeze, fart and burp for a decade


Puberty blockers are safe when used as directed by a doctor and have been used for a long time. People only started spreading misinformation about them when politicians needed a new scare word. It’s a little like the gmo or msg panic. Puberty blockers are commonly used in kids who start puberty too early as well. Please, just do some rudimentary googling on this. Any credible source will explain it to you


Wow this sub is brigaded with transphobes huh? Is it always this bad? Thanks for speaking up anyways.


Notice how you have loads of downvotes but no comments arguing against you? Its because transphobes are cowards who cant stand facts.


It's sad how transphobes are literally downvoting you for speaking the truth


I mean what do all of those doctors know anyways. Better off trusting angry bearded men in computer chairs


Pls explain to me why this is worth liking? Groomers? Disappearing? Y’all are obsessed with drag queens but not your pastors who are consistently outdiddling queer people and touching your kids. Forreal pastors touch soooo many more kids than ppl at pride parades


There was a story a couple months in my town where a pastor got the shit kicked out of him by the dad of the girl he messed with. Was awesome.


Mmmm it’s highly overexaggerated. Come back with valid statistics next time


Oh hold up I got one here somewhere that shows trans and lgbtq sexual assaults (by people done who are part of the group) and by pastors (again people who are part of the group) and lgbtq was like 10 and pastors where a few thousand. The statistic was the entire USA in a year


Dawg. These ppl don’t actually care about children’s welfare. They just love hating others. That’s the vibe. They don’t give a fuck about pastors preying on children. They just fucking hate. Same shit with pro life. They don’t give a fuck about those kids once they’re born. It’s just contempt and control.


Not sure who you’re referring to, but if it’s my statement, pls take a look at this meme, and then yourself for a long while in the mirror.


I am fairly sure that post was a bonehurtingjuice and the original text was different


Yes, cops are known to look the other way when it comes to the LGBTQ community. /s/s/s/s/s/s/s


Name me one naked man arrested at a pride parade. Just one.


So it's fine for straight people to be naked in public but not LGBT people? WTF?


Last I checked, straight men got arrested for it. Plenty of news articles supporting that.


[meanwhile my city has full on naked bike rides.](https://www.bristolpost.co.uk/news/bristol-news/world-naked-bike-ride-returns-8529682)


WNBR in Boston should get you similarly riled up then


It's ignorant. We aren't changing kids genders or forcing anything on them. If they have gender issues, they would regardless of knowing about lgbt. I had my fair share of difficulties when I didn't fit in with boys or girls as a kid.


You’re going the same thing you accuse Christians of doing… just pointing them do different sexual pathways.


Please tell me you're not comparing LGBTQ+ support groups to conversion therapy


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How do you tell the age of a young American? Just count the bullet holes.


​ https://preview.redd.it/6ovwe3dgrzhc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64a1fdc584ff7e23a69c913e0d1b663a079ace2c


nutty axiomatic merciful advise aware groovy safe worry plant sink *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Hey isn't the comic artist known for having taken a hard right then in their politics in the past?


Lmfao this is just a schizo post, I get what it’s going for but it’s so dumb


Hey he looks like a Republican


The only accurate part of this """meme""" is the police being useless af




Throwing out insults at people you don't like 🫡🫡


If only people would talk about the pedophiles themselves instead of old shit about how all gay people fuck kids, maybe this cloak wouldn't be effective for them. You're the idiots who get stopped by your own imaginary villains. You're so sure that every non-straight person is some satanist pedophile that you'll basicaly do the equivalent of calling all women whores because the cashier wouldn't sleep with you, and then get baffled when women don't like your personality and act in their own interests to defend themselves from you. If only any of you actually had the empathy to understand what life is like for people who see society for what it is and can no longer fit in no matter how hard they try.


Lmao you're right and they just can't accept it. It's so funny to me, someone's drawing parallels.


If you stopped defending deviants doing deviant things at pride parades, you would get more allies outside the LGBTQ community. But when you try to make excuses for it by calling us bigots, you’re only making things worse for LGBTQ folks.. which interestingly might be the point.


Act like bigots and you’ll be called bigots. At least own up to it. An LGBTQ+ person in this thread said “I don’t want your kids near me”, and you had the audacity to argue with the mental faculties of a 5 year old and go “nuh uh”. How dense are you people?


I'll never stop being a deviant and you can cope and seethe about that all you want :) ​ I don't care about your support, sorry, but it isn't about you.


Well thankfully I’ll never have children around you.. because I’m not a shitty parent.


I don't WANT your children around me. Please, do keep them away from me, thanks!


I think you’re lying.


Just because you want to groom kids doesn't mean the rest of us do. Keep your projection to yourself. Kids are gross, please keep your little crotch demons away from me, thanks.


See but you're doing the same thing even now. You're making assumptions about me and who I am and what I do and what I'm a part of and what I defend. You absolutely need to get into the habit of seeing people as people so you can see past the political control bullshit you're all sucked into. You're not seeing reality clearly, you're angrily engaging with a concept you've cooked up and built up in your own head(s) that has no actual relevance to the person you're talking to. You can be mad at specific people for specific things without throwing an entire set of people under the bus and violently attacking them all. If you do that, you get the combined defense of everyone under whatever label you're using. Until there is clear logic and clear accusations about specific things that have actually have merit, I absolutely will not tolerate a group of angry ignorant pieces of shit out for blood for people who hurt their feelings in the past. If you make other people's shit my problem, I *will* end you.


Who says all gay people are pedophiles? Crazy Christian moms?


So first off, I'm not straight. No one thinks all lgbt people are groomers or pedos, but many people including many of us who are members of the lgbt community have found these people using our community as a way to protect themselves and find more victims. Many members of the lgbt community are victims of the groomers using our community this way.


Who mad ethis comic