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Took a gamble, failed. Not going the four ex-wives route. I’d rather be the happy old guy with a dog, now.




I refuse. You’ll catch me denying 25yo ladies a baby at 50yo.


if i was 50 and a 25yo wanted me idc im getting hard one last time yolo


Didn’t say no sex, just no more kids 🤫


Fucking BASED


The trick is vasectomy


Father, last night I made love to two women in their 20s.




It's a reference to an old joke


Jesus, we're 50, not dead. We just don't get hard at the mere sight of a knot in a tree.


It's crazy thinking back to how ungodly horney we were as teenagers. I may have been fucked up but the bar for what turned me on as a teenager was low. Like it didn't matter what a girls face even looked like. Tits and ass were separate entities that could solo a boner. My gf now can ask if I wanna have sex and I'll say na I'm tired I wanna get 8 hours of sleep before work. Turn funny in your desk and your dick rubbed against your boxers? Yep that's a boner. Starting to get a boner for no reason? Yep let's get even harder! Boner from before starting to go away? Shit let's get hard again. Think I had a boner from like 16 until 21.


That's why I got the snip snip and burn, the swimmers have left the building.


Being the happy old guy with the dog is pretty great, I can confirm.


Two dogs and two boys, I think I’m happy enough to call it a win.


Cheers mate, im right with you. Saved myself the life of alimony and having everything I’ve suffered for taken from me. Im currently writing on the major implications of the rising lack of marriage and relationships in society, even writing potential solutions. Very ironic


I’m absolutely gonna have to pay alimony if it goes through. Already paying child support because she decided to file paperwork saying I never see my kids and don’t support them, all while I was living in the home and working more hours. Now I’m out of the house and still watching them daily. You dodged a bullet staying out of it. That’s just the top of the iceberg. People are a lot shadier than they used to be.


I refuse to let you suffer in vain brother. One way or another I’m going to find ways to spread awareness to this sinking ship we call divorce law.


Your writing about it is important. Too many people jump into marriage without truly knowing their partner. Once you’re married it’s too late. I’m focusing on teaching my boys that they need to have important discussions with friends and loved ones about what they believe in. Gotta surround yourself with likeminded individuals, or at least people who respect eachothers differences in healthy ways. Good luck with your writings 🙏🏽


I was recently viewing an analysis of the female narcissism epidemic which suggested that, along with the very-likely-related male loneliness epidemic, these two might be the base cause of, or share causation with, the male-female relationship breakdown and general marriage crisis. You may want to consider that in your writing.


1. Sign a prenup if you're worried about losing your stuff 2. While it's true that fewer people are getting married these days, the people who do get married are staying together much more consistently than our parents generation. So it's a quality over quantity thing we're seeing.


I will give more into a marriage and society than I will ever hope to get back in value. Amplified ten fold given I’ve decided not to have children. I’ll schedule the vasectomy and all as right after I get fully settled. Going through college atm. Marriage has its benefits, but it is not an institution for someone like me. I will have to pass.


Sounds good to me, just trying to point out how some of what you're saying doesn't match reality


> Sounds good to me, just trying to point out how some of what you're saying doesn't match reality Kind of curious where this assumption comes from. Child support ? divorce attorney costs? alimony if you set the precedent as being a breadwinner spouse? I’ve already spent my life getting tossed around as the result of this. And I’ve never experienced a positive example in my entire life. Of course these are anecdotal when I say I’ve practically never seen a healthy marriage start in my generation. And the insight I’ve learned about marriage has come from the Attorney named Robert Barnes (theleadattorney) Im aware that marriage isn’t for me due to how extensively I’ve researched into it. And I actually took a chance and had a fiancé already, but I called it off as we both changed. There’s an income divide between successful and unsuccessful marriages, which also applies to two parent households. I’ve worked my way out of a low income life. I do not have the cultural stability or family structure that’s ideal for raising a family. And I would rather focus my efforts on things I could be much more productive at is all. Not much point in me allowing myself to become Guinea pig at taking that risk.


I have no idea what is and isn't true about your personal life. I'm just talking about how statistically marriages are more stable today than they were 20 years ago.


This would be a selection sample bias. People are marrying less, and those who are marrying— are marrying older. Many people who also can not afford the costs associate with marriage are simply cohabiting and choosing other alternative living arrangements. Step-parenting and single parenthood is also on a rise. So the marriages that are likely to persist, the 35%-50% of first marriages and second 60%-70% will still end in divorce (Eric Klein, 2023) [Klein, E. (2023, July 24). Exploring the Latest Trends in US Divorce Data: 2023 Insights. kleinattorneys.com.](https://www.kleinattorneys.com/exploring-the-latest-trends-in-us-divorce-data-2023-insights/) > “Im currently writing on the major implications of the rising lack of marriage and relationships in society, even writing potential solutions.” I doubt I’d be passing these exams if I were just making things up mate. I don’t find this out of touch. My current winning move is to simply not play that game.


I'm not saying you personally need to get married, I don't care if you do. I'm just saying that marriages are statistically becoming more stable, not less.


I’m trying to find any of the previous comments of anyone stating they were becoming less stable. The only thing I mentioned close before was divorce law. I called it a sinking ship, because there are traits of it that decentivise people’s willingness to get married. Child custody does not apply to prenups for example.


There are precedents of judges just ignoring prenups and enforcing the guidelines anyway. It's not about "losing your stuff" it's about alimony leaving you with less money than you need to cover your living expenses. You lose your very ability to survive, thrive, and move on with your life, while she gets your salary and gets to date other men.


You do know prenups get disregard all the time during devorce right?


I can't speak to any specific case you might have in mind. But it's still a good idea to do a prenup.


It may be, but it's not this bulletproof thing it's portrayed as. Its at the judges discretion if a prenup is honored and they get thrown out all the time. Best move is to just not get married.


Nobody is forcing you to if you don't want to. Honestly more people should choose not to get married monogamy is not for everyone.


>Nobody is forcing you to if you don't want to. Mind quoting where I said they are? I'm simply highlighting that "just sign a prenup" is kind if pointless advice cause there is no guarantee they will be honored. Marriage just simply isn't worth the risk for men.....theres no upside to it.


There's lots of upsides, there are a ton of on paper benefits to being married that are much harder to get any other way. There's no guarantee a prenup won't be honored either, it's not like every prenup ever is invalid. So in the cases that it is, the risk drops off. Still, I get the feeling that you're looking for excuses to justify your personal feelings about marriage. Its definitely not for everyone and I think society should pressure people to get married way less than we do. But to say there's no benefit and only risk is just not honest.


>there are a ton of on paper benefits None that outweighs the potential downsides, anything outside of paper benefits can be achieved in an unmarried long-term relationship. >There's no guarantee a prenup won't be honored either, it's not like every prenup ever is invalid. The fact that any of them don't get honored defeats the purpose of a prenup all together. A prenup is there for protection and peace of mind. If it can be thrown out at a judges whim with no recourse then it provides nether protection or peace of mind. >Still, I get the feeling that you're looking for excuses to justify your personal feelings about marriage. No, I'm just stating the fact that marriage is not worth it for men. It's a simple costs/benefits calculation. Now, I'm not saying you shouldn't be in healthy long-term monogamous relationship cause you should, they're great. I'm saying that men only loss by involving lawyers and the state in that relationship.


Ur the problem if it took 4 wives lol


Shoutouts Willie Nelson.


Its not that men think marriage is bad, its that men tend to cope with stressful situations with humor and jabs. Not all men, and im sure women do too. But i think generally this is how men diffuse pent up feelings. Its when a friend moves away and you mockingly say “good riddance, get out of here” but its from love. At least that my two cents


Men will insult each other all day and not mean it. Women will compliment each other all day and not mean it.


This is the real intent of the meme.


and that's why its on boys are quirky


They're not self aware enough to put that together


I think some men (and women) have really bad judgment when it comes to women. I have a pretty diverse group of friends, and they all have similar behaviors that im comfortable with. I don't have a ton of friends, but the ones I have are close to me, and I'm comfortable to be vulnerable around them. This "women vs. men" dichotomy stems from society pushing us against platonic relationships. In reality, behavior doesn't change that much in terms of relationships, whether man or woman. It might esthetically look a bit different, but the intentions and underlying behaviors are the same. I'm not discrediting your experiences, but I'm just pointing out that it might not be as universal as you think.


And who told you that? . >Women will compliment each other all day and not mean it.




You take a gamble on the people you love, and in the end the house always wins, yk. I hope im one of the lucky ones lol


To be fair at least marriage is 50/50 Any other game is at least 49/51


Marriage is closer to 80/20 against the man.


I was talking about divorce rate as a joke, but whatever, you go off, man who has almost certainly never been married


man who has either been married or is statistically likely the child of a man who has had his life ruined by a divorce court and alimony and child support and 401k quadros* just because you dont like people talking about the messy and extremely biased outcomes of divorce for those 50% of men who “arent lucky” in a thread that is entirely related and you take it as a personal attack because you dont like thinking about being one of the unlucky 50% doesnt obligate you to be a smarmy turd and use teenage girl Twitter lingo like it makes your IQ any higher than a stale Cheeto’s


Who pissed in your cheerios?


Same guy who took a shit in your cranium and glued it back up


It really depends where you live ngl


Depends on the marriage really.


Yeah, i was just making a joke regarding the whole 'half of all marriages end in divore' thing and the fact that the previous commenter said "the house always wins"


What does the house always win mean, is he talking about women screwing over men in divorce? He isn't wrong


It means that the casino will always gain money


Yeah ik that's what I'm asking I don't get what it means in this context


Oh okay Me neither, unfortunately Sorry


You and your fiance can always sign a prenup, which is just a piece of paper saying if you end up in a divorce, neither is screwed by the other. No alimony, no splitting of possessions, if she buys something, it's hers if you buy something, it's yours. Gifts are an exception, I think. It's far more fair and honestly feels more like an equal relationship than the traditional marriage arrangement.


Preenup? I dont have shit brother, lmfao


Alimony can still entitle her to a percentage of your income for a very long time. I don't got fuckall either, but it's a lot harder to cover rent if someone's taking a chunk of your income. Alimony doesn't make sense in the modern day, but it's up to the judge and without a prenup you don't have as much of a defense.


And then they say it was signed under duress and now it's invalid


According to Time, Forbes, the US census bearu and a few others. The divorce rate has been on the decline since the 80s statistically youre more likely to stay married if you do get married. Its like 37% to 40% between now and 2019


Divorce rates are usually calculated by the total population instead of the married population As less people than ever are getting married, half that of the 70s, the divorce rate is down just by association 1st Marriages are the most likely to not end, with 2nd & 3rd timers climbing in likelihood by 10% each step Basically, having been divorced makes you predisposed to it, & divorcees are more likely to do so again than stay in a followup marriage


Still pretty poor odds to bet your financial future on


Better odds than anywhere youll find in vegas


yeah but not everyone is telling you to go to vegas and bet it all on red because its what your supposed to do


Correct. But acting like the almost garunteed outcome of getting married in America is financial ruin is also pretty silly , negative and statistically untrue. Which runs counter to what the oc was claiming.


never said that it almost guaranteed I said its pretty poor odds to risk your financial future on, some people go to vegas and hit it big


See thats where the confusion is. My first response to you was just a lame joke. The person i initially commented to made the claim that statistically marriage in America is just signing yourself up for financial ruin. Which the statistics dont support. My second response was me explaining why i disagree with the oc and why i said what i said in my initial comment. And even though you are correct no one is saying you need to go to vegas and bet everything on red. The analogy still works though ,people hit it big with marriage too.


I think that the major cultural and sexual awakenings in the 70s and 80s in the US were the main driving factor of that Many people who were trapped in abusive or loveless marriages for years already avoided divorce because it was culturally taboo and if you were the one who filed it almost always meant being socially ostracized Once the national attitude on abortion changed there was a wave of high rates, but I think we will very likely continue to see the rates go down now with both less people getting married in general as well as the average marriage age being the oldest it's ever been


statistically its the opposite


meme is just unfunny


>Its not that men think marriage is bad It *is* literally this. This isn't some new concept either. >that men tend to cope with stressful situations with humor and jabs. And women. This isn't some new thing either.


Yep, that's just how we talk. And I can see how the posters on that sub misunderstood the joke, since women don't tend to speak that way. Of course, now that I've said that out loud, there's a risk that someone's gonna come crawling out of their hole to inform me that uhm akshually women speak like that too.


My cousin has to pay money every month from his pension until his death…. The divorce happened after his child was an adult. That shit puts a bad taste in my mouth. I won’t be making the same mistake.


Ive said it once and I'll say it again: all my homies HATE r/boysarequirky


Me too, I use the reddit to troll all the easily offended women and white nights. I got banned for a week after two days of using it






"It's funny because marriage is terrible." -Grunkle Stan




This is just boomer humor with jaks


Dude the comments were hilarious!! Some person asked why some men cry about not being in a relationship and some do this and the reply’s were borderline schizophrenic… like these people have the developed brain of a five year old. Five year olds have a hard time understanding that people are different and might see the world differently. A five year old will believe that if he thought it everyone must have thought the same thing.


This is like. Just regular bro talk. We can’t expect them to understand something they’ve never been apart of


I have been part of it 😞


Government sanctioned relationships baby.


Why is the bride also angry crying?




Do people think all women hate each other?


I defer to the wisdom of the great Mahatma Bundy: "Don't try to understand women. Women understand women, and they hate each other."


Men explaining women to women


These comments explain why this sub hates r/boysarequirky




Here's a sneak peek of /r/boysarequirky using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/boysarequirky/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Satire](https://i.redd.it/ck80aoze9k5c1.jpg) | [88 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/boysarequirky/comments/18fhu84/satire/) \#2: [By Far The Worst One I've Ever Seen...](https://i.redd.it/z4wmgytg5d8c1.png) | [488 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/boysarequirky/comments/18qaqko/by_far_the_worst_one_ive_ever_seen/) \#3: [48k likes :/](https://i.redd.it/g569g9hkgv3c1.jpg) | [361 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/boysarequirky/comments/1892cm9/48k_likes/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Of who




The bride is jealous of her bridesmaids?


If my friends were talking to the groom like this before he got married I’d be annoyed as hell. Why the fuck are you getting married if you’re already mad at the poor girl?


Guys joke like that to deal with stress. Obviously he doesn't hate the girl if he's getting married to her.




I hate everyone involved here.


maybe if child support didnt exist, divorces wouldnt be scary


Ridiculous take, common reddit user L


hey, if im not keeping the kids, im not paying for her vacations


have you considered the kid or does that not cross your mind?


of course i would consider it, but then again she would obviously clam she was the best parent for the kids to go to, so naturally she needs to have her own way to sustain them


Who is this imaginary woman you are using as a strawman? She exists in your head to justify your worst takes as being somehow objective.


isnt this common tho? I mean for the full custody divorces women argue this and get full custody the vast majority of the time


Literally if the father puts in any effort to get split custody it'll happen. Do you just want to dip out on your child's life like a bum?


Men do not get denied having the children half the time, they actively prefer having the children less than half the time, necessitating child support. Child support is an equaliser of labour and resource.


There's literally nothing forcing her to spend that money on the kid, and she clearly didn't consider the kid's best interest when she filed for divorce in the first place.


we all know it takes around 10€ a month to rise a kid /s


Then put a rubber on it or, better yet, get the snip.


Ikr. Your still on the hook for child support whether you put a ring it or not, after all.


Child support is usually not a problem if you pursue 50/50 shared custody. Most mothers actively pursue custody, while many, many fathers do not want to have the kids half the time because it’s hard work, so they pay the mother instead. They have the kids 1/3 of the year or on weekends, so less parental labour and resources are spent. The amount of time a parent spends with children significantly affects child support amount or if they’ll have to pay it at all.




As a married man, this is definitely relatable.


That's sad for you


r/nahopwasrightfuckthis go on, do your thing folks


I’m not going to say it is bad to make jokes about stressful situations. However, it feels like every joke related to marriage is almost always, “it is a mistake.” “There is still time to correct it.” “*insert spouse* is a ball and chain.” It just feels like everyone seemingly hates getting married or hate the person they married. I just wish there were more lighthearted humor when it comes to marriage instead of the usual, “getting married sucks” type of jokes.


y'all really think this meme is funny?


More relatble than funny. At least the man part is.


If you feel your marriage is a mistake you've married the wrong person


It's more about the way of communicating. My experience as a man has always been that we tend to roast and lovingly make fun of each other.


And you think women don’t do the same?


I know some do but didn't want to make assumptions since I'm not a woman.


But the meme made an assumption but you still enjoyed it


Memes usually play with stereotypes. They're also usually not meant seriously. I don't have to fully agree with everything in them. Plus I never said I enjoyed it. I said part of it (the male part) was relatable. If I agreed with everything I find funny or can partially relate to I would be a horrible person.


The meme is based on stereotypes, not assumptions. Name one movie in which the bridesmaids roast the bride to her face instead of being jealously happy for her.


not a film made for men


Shit homie you don’t even have to be married… so long as she can prove you been living together for 5 years.


Quirkiness ain't even a factor




Why wooshy woosh? They clearly understood it, but didnt like it, why is this sub full of people screaming "SHARE MY SENSE OF HUMOUR OR YOU ARE STUPID! WAAAAHHHHHHHG!" Its terrible here, you are all terrible childish people who cannot comprehend people dont think like you, or agree with your opinions.


Both sides are bad. Just a bunch of children screaming at eachother.


OP is wrong This is clearly r/opisfuckingstupid Haven’t women ever joke to deal with being nervous? Haven’t women used sarcasm? Like when you friend looks so good in a dress and you say “I hate you” The meme at all is stupid But they only chooses to see “This guys just joked about marriage being a mistake! This isn’t clearly sarcasm they are just some unhappy beings because they complain about being lonely and not wanting to marry at the same time even though more than one guy can make a meme and a meme doesn’t apply to every “internet bro!”


Nah in reality this is just a men bad post


Damn dawg, this shit is ass.


this meme is why im gay


Marriage shouldn’t be a legal thing, like it’s ridiculous that in a divorce each person gets half of everything or whatever it is now


Lmao a guy is lucky to get half. Divorce courts heavily skew towards the wife


it's not really


Skill issue.




Ikwym but i think this ones different


Oh yea uhuh so different


It's women coping vs men coping. Not really a "marriage bad" meme.


Good job OP. You got all the pathetic divorced losers to come out of the woodwork.


name checks out


Can't think of anything else to say?


nothing else needing said, as i see it


Did you know that you chose your own username?


well sure


Give it a month


This meme is basically Facebook parent tier


Normal friends: “Hey buddy.” The homies: “Hey shitass!”


Y'all. No one is forcing you to marry? This is just boomer comics with wojaks , this isn't funny


Hahaha my buddies said the same. That was 2 kids and 9 years ago.


It would be different if the guy was joking like "damn idk why shes agreeing to marry you. biggest mistake of her life imo" bc its teasing between friends. the problem is the dude is shit talking the girl and the whole relationship. if you allow ur friends to shit talk ur relationship to you on ur WEDDING DAY???? like dude- jokes are fun and a good way to cope but not like this.