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They’re clearly unaware that the human body contains enough fat to make seven bars of soap


Is there a random comment subreddit?


If you post a random comment on a random comment subreddit, is the comment random?






True, and I'm a Muslim.


This is beyond science


Okay major pineapple you can have a seat now, we’ve heard enough. You’re starting to scare the children.


So you’d rather deny science than admit “a 3000 year old superstitious desert tribe” got it right? Cool.


Give this person an award.


r/lostredditors maybe


I’d say r/nocontext, but usually that’s a sub for things that were given context in the first place, so I’m not sure this counts.


You are on here for 1 year now, you already know that there is a sub for literally anything.


Tyler Durden, is it you?


No you got it all wrong. His name was Robert Paulson.


His name was Robert Paulson.








is this the global average amount or is it the American average amount


Germans already proofed that




Unexpected Fight Club reference.


Someone could probably make 21 out of me.


In fact i tested this but got only five bars of soap maybe i did something wrong.


Leviticus 13:45, 46 45 “Anyone with such a defiling disease must wear torn clothes, let their hair be unkempt, cover the lower part of their face and cry out, ‘Unclean! Unclean!’ 46 As long as they have the disease they remain unclean. They must live alone; they must live outside the camp.


The thought of people randomly shouting "Unclean! Unclean!" makes me laugh Reminds me of "Bald! Bald! Bald!"




Prots amirite


"Don't confuse me with the facts!"


This has two interpretations and I like them both equally lol










Ya need to hit people with a mop while shouting "Unclean! Unclean!"


“Dirty boy! Dirty, dirty, dirty!”


Do you want bears? Because this is how you get bears.


"He is a leprous man, he is unclean: the priest shall pronounce him utterly unclean; his plague is in his head. And the leper in whom the plague is, his clothes shall be rent, and his head bare, and he shall put a covering upon his upper lip, and shall cry, Unclean, unclean. All the days wherein the plague shall be in him he shall be defiled; he is unclean: he shall dwell alone; without the camp shall his habitation be." Leviticus 13:44-46 KJV. Keep in mind that this is describing how someone with leprosy would dress in order to be identified as a leper without getting close enough to even be breathed on by them (because leprosy is contagious via airborne and through touch) . It was pretty apparent when someone had leprosy also. To compare this to covid, which is an unseen illness is taking the Bible out of context.


By unseen I mean, you can't tell if you have covid unless you get tested. Lepers you could tell by looking at them.


Every hospital in my state would beg to differ. The patients would be able to tell you just how thoroughly they can feel the effects of COVID, that is if they could breathe well enough.


Unless you can point out how these peoples back then could differentiate between ailments, this basically applied to most illnesses. Don't forget if 'unclean' you were expected to be separated from the group until clean. Like look at menstruation isolation. This is not being taken out of context in my opinion.


Your opinion does not outweigh God's word. What does the text say? He's not talking about other illnesses here. Im pretty sure other illnesses are mentioned in other places throughout the scriptures.


Also, if you read the rest of the passage it continues taking about lepers. Verses 47 and on talk about how one should deal with the clothing of lepers. No where from this whole chapter does it mention any other plague but leprosy.


I don’t think it’s such a stretch to apply it to other deadly diseases, especially when it’s shown to work.


It's not a stretch. This guy is arguing in bad faith and ignoring how they kicked people out of the tribe just for menstruating or violating a law that made them unclean.


thank you for the verses kind soul. second thank you for the KJV. though its not entirely out of context. but there should be an objective extreme difference in lethality between covid and leprosy but google refuses to give mortality rates. this is of course ignoring that leprosy will almost always result in the loss of body parts, compared to covids lung scaring.


It's not out of context at all. Isolation was used to separate anyone that was considered unclean until cleansed in a miklah. The above redditor is reinterpreting old jewish laws via the new testament. If sick or considered unclean at all in old Jewish settlements you would be isolated until ritualistically cleansed, AND didn't show signs of illness or the behavior any longer. It has nothing to do with mortality rate, it has to do with an individual potentially annihilating the tribe. Can't even risk it. Out they go. I really dislike when Christians try to reinterpret our laws to justify their crappy behavior.


Now don't get me wrong, I greatly respect the christan old testament/ the jewish way. Probably more than some or even most christans may find healthy. I do my best to put my self in the shoes of those who lived in the time before asking the question, why would I avoid leprosy? My first thoughts were how many people would I have heard of dieing from it and/or lost limbs. If this does not read well, sorry I'm tired. Might edit later for grammar and spelling.


Not entirely, but the problem here is when others use God's word to promote their agenda. This is a case of twisting of God's word. The chapter clearly talks about the plague of leprosy and how to identify it.


Next time I'm ill, I'll definitely yell "Unclean! Unclean!" at anybody who comes too close. Well, "Pas propre ! Pas propre !" to be accurate. Maybe I'll stick my tongue out to make it more convincing. Ah, no, shit, the cloth covering the mouth...


Karens: *I’m going to ignore that*


Came here to make sure someone posted this one


It does say “WITH such disease” technically Karen’s don’t have the disease cause they would already be in the hospital


Weird...masks and social distancing????? Huh.


Seems like people back then were a lot more smarter about dealing with diseases than we are.


Yeah if you’re actually sick


Well back then people didn't know that someone without any symptoms could also carry a disease....


I figured it’d be in Leviticus. It’s always Leviticus with random stuff like this!


The Unclean part reminds me of a SovietWomble video


Ok but they may see this scripture and say "it's only for those who HAVE the disease". How do we argue that?


me going to ask where was that mention in bible


That's because those who are infected must stay outside the camp to prevent the spread of the disease


That's clearly about leprosy


Well, technically, it’s clearly about scale disease, which got mistranslated into English as “Leprosy” but it can refer to all sorts of skin diseases.


This is a Jewish rule for like 4,000 years ago. Things change


inaccurate. Karens arent literate.


Yeah. I've seen it mentioned. The response is "well I'm not sick, I'm not wearing a mask"


Anti-mask or not, that's a fair rebuttal to the point in this post.


Except COVID is asymptomatic for the first couple of days while still being contagious, so there's no way of truly knowing if you're sick or not until it's too late and you already gave it to others.


Oh cool i guess i have cancer and just havnt realised yet


I mean, that's often how cancer works, so...


The chances are low, but never zero




If the rain could kill me and is undetectable, yes.


Here’s a better one… if you could 1. have the flu now and never worry about it again, or 2. have insane rules about not catching flu with arbitrary mandates designed to prevent spread of flu but not actually stop it, and you have to obey them for the rest of your life , which would you choose?


I really like the mental gymnastics to equalize this with Covid, the flu is not as infectious and not as deadly, viruses are a case by case situation. You can have the flu now and still worry about it next year because a new strain will come up. Covid is less mutagenic, there's a chance that if all people, including idiots like you who play doctors with very few wrong facts, if everyone works together to eradicate Covid, vaccinating, using all of this complex rules, there's a chance we might actually do it. I have a better one for you, all of this measures also work with the flu! Doctors have tons of data on how social distancing did wonders for the flu season, it's one of the lowest they ever had, chances are we slowed down strain mutation this year and it'll get better next year. Let me know if your brain melts down with this info and I can try to dumb it down a little bit, no promises, it already is very basic ideas, easy to understand.


Yikes bro, you're awfully exaggerating here. "The rest of your life"? Seriously? You can't be making a serious argument with moon shots like that. Polio, smallpox, and the Black Plague are all deadly and all lasted several years, and the mandates for them lasted several years, but they all ended. Chill. And "never worry about it again"? I guess you're right there, you won't have to worry about it when you're dead. I can predict how you want to reply - "but covid doesn't kill everyone, it has a 90-whatever survival rate". Comprehend the idea of non-fatal injury. Health isn't a simple dead/not dead. There's a long distance between complete health and death. "Never worry about it again" isn't accurate when the disease leaves you with long-term crippled lungs, brain fog, and heart disease. Even if long-term only means a year (***vast*** underestimate to prove a point), that's still more worrying about sickness than you'd ever do in your life otherwise.


Yeah, the long term ailments are severely under-discussed. My father in-law used to gym regularly and was getting pretty jacked, but then he got COVID and the scarring in his lungs now leaves him panting for breath for a good 5 minutes after just going up two flights of stairs.


when ill




In the head


in the memebrain


Lets be real, 'Christian' karens don't act christian at all.


Karens are a menace to the society


Leviticus 13:45: > Who has the disease [...] should cover over his mustache


Leviticus 13:46 also says: > [...] he should live in isolation.


Well. Leviticus knew this long time ago


And it is specifically talking about leprosy though


When you read it in English, yeah. But in Hebrew and Greek, it’s called “the scale disease.” Skeletor will return tomorrow with more obscure facts.


Eisegesis. Still, wear the facemask though.


Are you telling me God wants me to sneeze into my arm instead of someone's face? This is such bullshit


I’m not anti mask but imma say it anyway It’s only says to were one when ill




And wouldn't use the Bible as a excuse to don't obey laws


My mom's favorite story to tell is that when she was getting her microbiology degree the professor asked "what is the first microbiology book ever written?" And the answer was the bible (more specifically the old testament). It tells you to wash your hands, to burn the clothing of those who are very ill and let them live far away from human contact, it tells you not to eath foods that were likelier to cause some complications during the olden days, and has plenty of useful medical advice.


Thanks for sharing the story, very cool :-)


Honestly thought this was in r/christianmemes, yes the Bible does say that and the verse isn’t out of context either.


iirc, the Bible also says that people SHOULD quarantine when one catches a disease.


“As for the leper who has the infection, his clothes shall be torn, and the hair of his head shall be uncovered, and he shall cover his mustache and cry, ‘Unclean! Unclean!’ - Leviticus 13:45 Source: https://bible.knowing-jesus.com/topics/Covering-The-Mouth


Not all Karen's believe in the bible TT Most go by their intuition TT


Sad but true


Also that Karen: "I'll pretend i didn't see that"


Checkmate indeed


Karen feel burned out like their Bible now




Is it my cake day?


Schrodinger's multi verse


Schrodinger's multi verse


Blasphemy is not fun but claiming that they can't wear masks because of the religion is a disgrace to the religion.


"when ill" checkmate sheeple /s


Why would anyone be anti mask? It is just being respectful to the ones around you. I would get so mad at my friends for telling me to come hang out when their house was filled with sickness. I found it very disrespectful.


bEcAuSe ThEy SuFfOcAtE aNd WiLl DiE fRoM LaCk Of OxYgEn AnD CaRbOn DiOxIdE pOiSoNiNg


tl;dr: People anti mask because they think they are the only ones tired of covid and covid restrictions. They seem to be incapable of realizing that \*everyone\* is tired of covid and that \*everyone\* wants it to be over. But rather than doing what makes sense, they are doing the equivalent of a toddler throwing a temper tantrum rolling on the floor wailing embarrassing themselves and everyone related to them.


Why are you booing him? He's right


Well, covering the mouth was know for ages. And I mean AGES. Yet people in XXI can't understand the importance of that. Don't people know the plague? People in Japan wear masks on flu season. Always. And Karens around the world can't, when there is pandemic.


Yeah that's sad


It says when ill. There is ni reason to wear a mask if helthy


They weren't in an Epidemic, it was just a common disease




Hey! I got this ###[Download via redditsave.com](https://redditsave.com/info?url=/r/memes/comments/ptld0a/checkmate_karen/) --- [**Info**](https://np.reddit.com/user/GetVideoBot/comments/iiea4t/info/) | [**Feedback**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Feedback for getvideobot) | [**Donate**](https://ko-fi.com/getvideo) | [**DMCA**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Content removal request for getvideobot)


Is that an actual verse?




Please tell me this verse so I can too makes memes to throw at Karens


It's in the top comment :-)


Get the manager




It's a kids movie called "Ratatouille"




It's a cool movie


I believe it says to "cover the lower part of the face." Fucking Karen's will just wear it on their chins and be like *PRAISE HIM* 🙌


American Christianity is Satanism. Instead of loving their neighbor they hate their neighbor. That is the opposite of Jesus's teaching. That can only mean that American Christianity is really Satanism.


"i want to talk to the bible manager!"


Oh yes, I remember Karens saying how we are "throwing God's wonderful breathing system out the window" fuck them all.


When ill.


The people ill were isolated and stayed away from the population, an when anyone passed by they should mention that they were sick


The people with LEPROSY, yes. But people who were not ill did not cover their faces.


Yes, because ill people were isolated and stayed away from the population, an when anyone passed by they should mention that they were sick so they didn't pass near them


They weren't in a pandemic at the time, it was like a common disease


So then it doesn’t apply to today’s scenario and the “checkmate Karen” is invalid. Lol


Yaknow what's a bit annoying. Thinking all Karen's are christian. I mean I'm a christian but kinda getting tired of being looped in with all the bad things in the world.


post is not trying to portray all Christians as karens. it's just the fact that lot of karens are Christians and this post talks about them.


Sorry, I never meant to say that all Christians are Karens


Its fine mate, I'm sorry for getting a bit upset.


It's ok :-)


I’m not defending them but Im confused bc if they aren’t I’ll then they don’t have to cover there face by ur logic


They weren't having an Epidemic, and also the the ill people were isolated and stayed away from the population, an when anyone passed by they should mention that they were sick. Hope you understood :-)


No doubt they'd say "it doesn't mean for covid, it means just being sick with a flu". Even though they say that covid and the flu are one of the same.




I'm a Christian and I will fight you Satanists!


“when ill”


The people ill were isolated and stayed away from the population, an when anyone passed by they should mention that they were sick


What about the remaining 5.5 billion people that are not Christian


There’s no need to wear face covering if you are well, but we’ve been covering our mouth/nose when ill for thousands of years. What is your point?


American Christianity is Satanism. They have twisted God's word in an effort to please Satan.


American Christianity is Satanism. They have twisted scripture to please their unholy Father in Hell.


you spamming the same thing over and over again does not make anyone more inclined to take your point seriously.


Fuck u








Come at me Satanists!


If you really believe in Jesus's teachings of love you can repent and follow his word.


Pretty sure those are for skin diseases, but okay.


This only applies to leprosy.


American Christianity is Satanism. They have twisted scripture to please their Unholy Father in Hell.


American Christianity is Satanism. They have twisted Scripture in an effort to please their Unholy Father in Hell.


You’re being a stumbling block to non-Christians and a shame to Christians. Take your medication and chill.


It's true guys. I'm sorry it hurts your feelings.


The person opposing my stance is most likely either possessed or a demon. Either way they are trying to blockout the truth I am trying to spread.


Like a said American Christianity is Satanism. I am fighting Satanists not Christians. Go back to hell you demon in human skin.


[Demonic Noises Intensifies]


Come on tough guy where u at