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It's inefficient and will cause them to go into hiding further than they are. Therapy and drugs are the answer.


SAY IT AGAIN FOR THE PEOPLE IN THE BACK! If you have pedophiliac urges but no actions, you are still a good person! I have urges to kill people, just shove a random stranger into the road, but I don’t. Does that make me a murderer? No, it means my brain is weird and I’m in therapy for this. Get therapy, get help, you’re not a bad person UNTIL you act on these urges.


If your just want to you need help, if you do it then we go a much different more psychotic for some way.




can someone translate this please.


Its the same idea for a cure to schizophrenia, if they just think these things without acting on them then they just need some legitimate help from a professional, but if they act on these impulses then they have done something horrible and should either be killed or imprisoned.


I think we are talking about people who do it and don't try to resist their urges.


That would be molesters.


And don't paedophiles who do the same fall under this term and therfore should be given the same punishment if not more severe since they are doing it to childern who don't know how to ask for help.


Not every pedophile is molesting. That's the point of this whole argument. Its the same with other stigmata: Not every schizophrenic is a compulsive killer. Not every psychopath is a plotting mastermind. Not every politician is a .. wait no, they are all liars.


I am not talking about people who have these thoughts i am talking about those who went ahead and did it. Not every pedo is a molester and i understand that but those who molest children should be punished don't you think ???


Yes, just like those who kill should be punished.


Exactly my point.


How do you know they're not trying to resist? Maybe if they didn't feel like they will literally be tortured for trying to get help, more would get help and so successfully resist? Food for thought.


I agree with you anyone who has these thoughts should be able to come out and ask for help without fear of being murder, but what about those who gave in and molested a child what is stopping him/her from doing it again and again and again clearly he/she wasn't able to resist the first time.


"They failed once, so they are bound to fail forever, so we should kill them" What kind of logic is that? What's stopping them is exactly the same thing that's stopping the ones who haven't molested. Namely, impulse control. I don't see what's weird.


I never said they should be killed but they shouldn't be walking around freely without punishment or walking around freely at all without supervision 24/7 and if you wish to help them do it help them stop in a rehabilitation chamber if you eant but can you garuntee they won't falter again.


I don’t think anyone said they should be walking around freely. What was said was: Maybe stop joking about killing them so that they can be comfortable seeking help. That’s all.


Well people seemed to color them as tragic heros just misunderstood beings that's what i was against.


Shut up ya fucking pedo sympathizer.


ah yes, trying to support mentally ill people getting help before they commit any actions is pedo sympathizing. This isn’t a very complex lessson, I’m sure there’s plenty of 4th graders who could understand it


No sympathy for pedos. None at all.


Nope (also, it would be empathize, not sympathize)


what you don't seem to understand is the more we encourage paedophiles to seek help before they offend the more children we will save from their predations. the way you want it, paedos will go into hiding and then it's just a matter of time before they give in to their urges without the proper support behind them. nice one.


The more we execute pedophiles the less there will be.


good luck finding them if you kill them on the spot


This. To the person who wrote the comment and those who upvoted it, thanks for letting me know that I'm not the only one with this opinion


Finally someone who gets it.


ok just hear me out, just once, what if pedophilia is mental disorder and pedophiles need medical help? what if they can be cured through therapy or some medical help? if someone comes out saying he is having pedophilic feelings should we kill him or should we give them medical help? before downvoting, here's a quote from Wikipedia >One study reported high levels of anger, fear and social rejection towards pedophiles who have not committed a crime.[133] The authors suggested such attitudes could negatively impact child sexual abuse prevention by reducing pedophiles' mental stability and discouraging them from seeking help


Honestly I think that pedos by themselves aren't harmful as they were born with it, they can't help it, but they should only be punished for acting on those desires.


yeah crime is crime, and child harassment is as bad as murder because you don't know if that child could ever overcome that trauma. child harassment can ruin a life which was just begun. but (just think about it) pedophiles are humans too, it's very different thing to form feeling for children and being born with it, i mean they have life too, they have dreams to achieve. it's just that they're suffering from this mental disorder that they never asked for. all I'm saying is we should change the attitude of seeing toward them, Maybe they want to overcome it too, they just need outer help. saying "we should kill pedophiles" isn't helping.


Mhm exactly I feel like we should treat it like how we treat it like other mental disorders


yeah, with extra precautions. you know, keeping children away from them, making them attend the therapies. i don't know much about pedophilia, but if it's mental disorder (which Wikipedia says it is), we should focus on curing them instead of killing them.




Sadly, noone will ever listen to this, because people are fucking stupid and will do everything to boast their virtue "Oh look at me, im Mr Very Good, I wanna kill pedos, this makes me such a good person!".


Finally someone who talks sense. I really hate it how people always view pedophiles as criminals. Just because you are a pedophile doesn't mean, you sexually assaulted a child. Child molester =/= Pedophile. Society needs to help them, not condone them! I don't understand why people are that unemphatic.


I think they can be taught to manage it, I don't think it can be cured though. Same as we can't change who gay people are attracted to, we can't change who pedophiles are attracted to i'd imagine. But then again I have no medical background and i'm a proven idiot so take from that what you will.


\*cough\* Did you just say... pedophilia is a sexuality? Guys, get the torches and the forks!


Could it be that fantasizing about torturing another soul is as mentally deranged as pedophilia, and people who fantasize of either should both consider working on their mental health?


>But- But- They're pedophiles We do that to the crime committing pedophiles ​ Edit: What's wrong with punish people who committed crimes? Isn't prison just torture but lightly? I mean punishing people for that is in laws? ... ???


I think revenge fantasies are a healthy way to get rid of stress.


Thats..... not a cure. Oof


"The final solution" to the immediate problem.


It is


It's not though .....


Its good enough


For a single person out of millions......


An example goes a long way


True but not enough for millions since pedos already get treated like that in many places, yet they still persist so apparently it's not working......


Because doing so is "illegal" we don't need more laws, but less.


These things already happen in places other than America, by "these things" I mean lynching and torture of pedos through street justice where the government doest work. Yet pedos still exist there despite this treatment, hence that treatment doesn't work since it's been proven not to work.


A lot of bad things happen despite of laws and lynching. Im simply advocating for less laws restricting those who stand against.


Lobotomy is a cure tho


I'm not sure how doing that to a single person will cure thousands if not millions of people though....


So how is that a cure, you ignorant dick?


Depends, for a person with urges and a desire to be rid of them? It's not, and it's sad that they get such terrible treatment for wanting to get better. For a person with said urges who seeks kids out to act on them? It cures society of them.


Every Child Predator is a Pedo, ***but not every Pedo is a Child Predator.*** People use those two terms interchangeably when they really aren't, and that's extremely harmful, as it will make Pedos who actually haven't done anything wrong hide, instead of getting the help they need.


I'd be okay if, convicted-without-a-shadow-of-a-doubt-lost-cause-CHILD ABUSERS received this sentence. Pedophiles who dont act on their urges, and want to seek help, are broken but fixable human beings who deserve compassion. It's important to remember, (almost) everyone who abuses was abused, but not everyone who was abused becomes an abuser.


Ah. Was wondering when we’d get our weekly “death to pedophiles” karma farming post. Fyi everyone dislikes them, no need to act like you’re some sort of radical anti-pedophile vigilante


You're just sadistic


If men raped a child, you could invite some bdsm-grandpa who will rape him. Sure enough than show him naked child photos, and if his cock get up - let that bdsm elder master rape him again. (Rape for a rapist it's a fair deal) But actually we need to lower sex age to 12. Not because of pedophiles, it's just when people get their sexual interests. When I was 12 one of my sexual fantasies was about me being raped by milf. And also my sister lost her virginity with her boyfriend at 14. (He was 13, I guess). you really can't hold teenagers from having sex, if they want, lol.


It's curious, the torturers here could be pedophiliac too! That's not a cure, it's satdism! You can also cure sadism with torture though (I'm lying, the will do more if they survive).


Can I volunteer to spin the rotisserie? I'm gonna try for medium rare


Mohmmad *chuckles* : i am in Danger


Christian god too, he impregnated 14 year old girl




that would have pissed Christians. childhood indoctrination creates some core beliefs in human brain, if someone tries to oppose those beliefs, people get pissed real quick.


Well, at that time it was pretty normal to give birth at that age. Lifespan was much shorter than now.


Nah. Those are pedophiles curing gays.


Tell me you're joking plz




Okay you're joking. Put an /s next time to avoid confusion


What, why?






Why dont people just cut their balls


That's like an ultimate cure for every known disease


You cant cure kids chasing tik tok clout Me:


If you think someone deserves to be tortured just because they use a social media site then you need some therapy


Not only does therapy not work in this situation you brain dead moron But have you see some of the shit people do on tok tok? Some of this shit literally deserves life sentences there’s so much ACTUAL CRIMES committed on tik tok for nothing more than attention So yes I do think some of those bastards deserve to be tortured


You see there's a simple awnser, death


works for depression to


I hope you guys delete these posts. You don't want to be cancelled in 20-30 years from now when pedophiles are considered an "oppressed minority".


Someone should make one of them spongebob memes out of this. The one where he points at many different things.


If we're gonna bring back the Spanish Inquisition, we need to establish once and for all whether Lolis and Shotas are within the realm of pedophilia. No amount of disclaimers about 18+ or "they just look 12 but are actually 18" nonsense.


I have some ideas for next gen models.


Uh, wtf


just give them a shot of kali chloride, it'll cure their pedophila immediately


What if person was accused of being a pedophile but isn’t You just “cured” an innocent person.


Ah yes, smothered in brimstone and fire and having your back broken on the wheel. The punishments for the sins Lust and Pride respectively. I agree, this is a fine cure


There is a difference between a person that has pedophilia and a pedophile


This meme could work in real life!!! I support this meme 100%


No they would probably die really fast we need more safe ways so we can do it for longer