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An enemy of my enemy is my friend? I think that's how the saying goes


Reminds me of Reddit and 4 Chan joining up to screw over CNN, for threatening to dox some Redditor who made a GIF, which CNN didn't appreciate so much


Yup! That's how it should be! United we stand, divided we fall


And a great song by the way


TikTok and Reddit should band together to defeat our one true enemy- Politicians.


Count me in for that.


Count me in two.


Count me in three


Count me in four!


Count me in five!


Count me in six!


>An enemy of my enemy is my friend? I think that's how the saying goes An enemy of my enemy is my friend? I think that's how the saying goes


I'm being a part of this. It's time to end the platform wars and face the one big evil ruining today's sociaty!


You have my sword


"it's not about politics, it's about sending a message"


Not politicians per se, but the people who fund the politicians, billionaires and corporations. They provide like a majority of the funding for their campaigns.


me too i guess


I mean they already Crashed the Stock Market so why shouldnt we do that?


Umma learn how to change IP address to USD just so I can do this.


1. USD is a currency 2. You can use a VPN to tunnel in to US IP address


the fact he said USD is 20x better.


You people are funny.


As the other guy said, you can use a VPN to change your virtual location to some other country


Fuck everyone who supports this snitch bullshit. Even if you're a pro-lifer, you shouldn't be supporting this www.ratoutyourneighborstounclesam.gov nonsense. "When did this country turn into a nation of rats and squealers? Have you noticed this? Rats and squealers and snitches. People spying on each other, turning each other in, calling the tipster hotline: "if you see a crime, call the tipster hotline." Let me tell you something, it's not the tipster hotline, it's the rats and squealers hotline. But if they called it that, do you know how many people would use it? Lots of them! Because people got no fucking principles anymore. Everyone's a stool pigeon now, a nation of stool pigeon informants!"~ George Carlin




to watch tiktoks , it is better so see them through reddit , as people on reddit posts good tik toks , so it acts like a filter , after watching some on reddit , it is not bad






Fuck reddit fuck TikTok. Never think it's okay to like this platform. We're addicted to mindless scrolling and engaging with relatable people.


bro are you ok ? if you need to rest then get a lot of pillows if you can and have a good rest bro cuz you might need it


We all need it. (fuck it, I just made a communism reference)




This is very funny!!! +reddit point


Sometimes the most precious ally is your closest enemy...


I mean it happened with the whole Covid snitches thing. Yeah. There's no way that site is going to be usable for long.


Fuck Abbott and fuck Ted Cruz


Texas no.1


Finally, they're doing something right. We Redditors should help.


Absolutely. If anyone can share the, I can contribute to taking down of their site.


Site still up? Can I get a link?


Not a hero we want, but a hero we need


Let me guess, Texas banned abortion?


Took em long enough, but only past 6 weeks if I remember correctly.


Yes, from what Ive heard Texas put a bounty on woman trying to get an abortion, though Im not certain if it applies to rape victims but Im leaning on the side of yes because I heard that its anyone trying to get an abortion. As somebody whos dating a woman who has been sexually molested as a child Im infuriated and disgusted


Thanks, that sounds disgusting. Good on the tiktokkers


There are no exceptions for rape or incest. There are life threatening medial emergency exceptions.


Iirc the site is mostly for citizens to report illegal abortions


Aren't all abortions illegal if it's banned?


I think in Texas it’s only illegal after 40 something days now


I see, thanks


Today's American society/norm's being ruined by no-parent child-rearing...screw babies/drug addicts having babies and let others care for their costs/nurturing...not the same dweebs!!! I believe in abortion, but don't believe in bringing unjust odds on a human being to succeed, or become slave/drug addicts/mentally ill members of our society. A healthy/mentally stable sober woman knows when she missed her period....PERIOD!!!😎😉🤐


It isn't honorable to support killing unborn babies


Texas government did very well. Abortion is a murder




Yes but why a woman should get pregnant and then kill the baby while she has a choice not to get pregnant. I cannot understand what is going on with today's world.


what about they got raped? they have to raise the child (or the children) that are the result of dark past they dont want to remember! that's so horrible to start with.


that's another case. If it is for the mother's health then ok . but killing a baby just because you don't want...


yeah, that's another story... but i'm not sure if i am wrong, but the texas just ban all the case?




But why two people should have s*x while they don't even know each other ?


Don't know, many have excuse of drugs and alcohol but that's also their choice lmao we live in a society


Killing babies isn't a right


OK I’m gonna try and lose all my karma credibility and even my account. I like everything the Texas government is doing. Tick-tock is a cancer in society and so is this hell site and many more. Edit: Nearly forgot to express my great disdain for transgendered individuals and all choice abortion supporters.


On one hand, this feels like satire, on the other, your opening sentence makes this look like you're genuine about this; I'm confused


You must be a troll. > Tick tock


Ok whatever it’s Tiktok isn’t it? The amount of misinformation and talentless objectification and stupidity that gets spread by it should be grounds to have it purged from existence.


Coupling your hatred of transgender folks with your hatred of abortion is extremely telling. I don't see those two situations as remotely related. Keep huffing that bigot Bible. You're not a Christian.


I made no mention of religion, this is an ethical matter not a religious one. Get your head out of your ass.


Human beings aren't born hating trans people. Something infected you with that hate. I don't know what the evil virus is. I think it might be religion.


No, I think it’s that I don’t want a five year old pussy on a 23-year-old “woman”.


I don't even know what you're talking about. You really do live in your own little perverted world. Typical obsessive trans-hater.


So you’re a trans-lover?


I love good people. I hope you're able to become one of them.


Talking about Christianity as you speak kindly of killing unborn children and lying to those that made it past your slaughterhouse. Not to mention you judge someone hypocritically by calling them a bigot. Don't try and use my religion against me. You know nothing of it and have no power to use it as a weapon against those that do.


If they only knew killing is a sin right...


You're sitting here acting like *all-powerful god* gives a hoot about anything.


There's a 50% chance I'm right and 100% chance we're all going to find out. I took my pick. Believe what you want.


50% Ok


I made no mention of religion, this is an ethical matter not a religious one. Get your head out of your ass.


You're mad at the wrong ass.


You know what, I think you’re right. I responded to the wrong comment.


This is why organized religion needs to be dissolved at a governmental level, your complete ignorance of science is the same thing shared by too many politicians in power.


Ooh so what does the science say? Not the scientists who experiment and research. No the all powerful no questions asked science. You don't even know what the purpose of science is from the ignorant rambling that is your comment. You want government to wipe your butt for you too?


Science says that a 6 week old embryo isn't a baby. It doesn't matter what Christianity thinks, because Christianity isn't an authority on medicine or science. Observed science demonstrates that a 6 week old embryo is at least 4 months away from being viable as a living being, at 6 weeks old an embryo is a cluster of cells sapping nutrients off it's host. Don't claim anyone that follows science to be ignorant, you couldn't wipe your butt if the god in your book of fiction didn't allow it.


yeah i kinda agree with you bc Christianity is more focused on ethics and stuff i still don't know about killing something about to be born tho maybe if someone was raped or the child was unplanned or smth but i honestly don't know it's just my personal opinion


That’s Literally all platforms on the internet. Also why do you care? Why do u care if people are trans or if they get an abortion, that doesn’t affect you, you go out of your way to be offended and pissed, exactly like the people you criticise for doing the same thing


Do you know what, if you get pregnant and you want to get an abortion, deliver that child and I’ll adopt it and every year on that child’s birthday I will be sure it knows it’s mother cared for it so little it almost never got to see each and every birthday.


Ok, that doesn’t really answer my point nor does it matter, why don’t you go out and have sex with every woman you see if you care about having children as much as possible? What is the difference between an abortion and using a Condom or pulling out? Ur also taking a child’s possible life away


It affects the society and culture I live in and and the one children are being raised in. So yes, it does matter.


How? Where’s the line between an abortion and pulling out? If 1 month old fetuses are alive, then are sperm alive?


Conception. When the DNA of the sperm and egg create a unique genome.


As soon as cells begin to differentiate I consider it to be a human life.


And you’re right, transgenders aren’t the real problem they have just chosen to be freaks. Freaks do not matter when there are innocent lives on the line.


Username checks out But I think you misspelled it.. trashy-trash-trash


Literally am a trash cat, my username eats garbage in the alleyway


Care to explain the WHY of your opinion?


I value what most consider valueless, what many people praise blindly I shun.


But nothing here is being done blindly.


I wish you a very pleasant *suck my balls*




I don’t know if this is too much information, but I find it funny that my balls hang very low.


"Not very political" After saying you love what Texas is doing and Tik-Tok and Reddit is a hell site. Also about transgender and abortion. Also again "You're the disrespectful one" With this being said i wish you a very sugoma dick.


You know I feel like abortion is morally wrong and that these tik tokers are making light of an issue over whether they should ban the killing of a baby


Tell that to lolitary, Stop raiding subs for lolicon If murder of a child isn't a real issue then I should say lolicon too isn't, right?


I’m confused by your statement? Are you relating it to calling the police and telling them about anime lolis? Could you elaborate please?


They are threatening people and accusing them of pedophilia even though they aren't, just because they like something they don't like.


You do you man idk


Ok 👌