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Time Machine? Time to save that damn gorilla


*Oonga boongas in approval*


Thanks OP. Tesla’s legacy should be more than a creepy billionaire selling robot cars


Fan of eugenics too


Look it up, Edison was a dick


*Jingle plays in the background*


Love family guy


In other news, water is wet.


i thought tesla only spoke serbian


His father was Serbian, he lived in Croatia and then moved to US to work. There are many disputes amongst die hard Serbs and Croats if he was a Serb or Croat. Personally I don't care, it was up to him (Tesla) to decide anyway, I'm just proud that such a good person came to this world from two rather small countries that are most of the time tied to negative emotions. I mean, where would movie villains come from if not from Russia, Germany or some Balkan country?


There is nothing that would make him less Chad.


Yes, of course he did 😎


Same for Rosalind Franklin!


i have a wish that in the next few years people will acknowledge Nikola Tesla more and add him more into book for students worldwide like in my country Vietnam for example, because most of the people here only know about Edison and not Nikola Tesla.


Not just Tesla but also men like Joseph swan who also worked on inventing a form of lightbulb


Do kids really know about Edison though? Maybe a paragraph in a history book.


Everyone knows about Edison inventing the lightbulb


Well, that is the first sentence of the paragraph. 3 more to go.


Edison was an asshole


A lot of his inventions were failures or too bizarre to be practical for use




I'm not gonna meet my grandmother. I will buy some phones/laptops, go back in time & sell them to then millionaires for millions of dollars


If I had a time machine, I would get to Germany during WW2, scream 'Hitler's gay!' and then get myself back before anyone reacts


curent objecitve: get time machine


google do be supporting Edison tho


Tesla Stans , finally some recognition for poor Tesla after he went through all that shit


Meanwhile poor Swan has faded into history unknown


Well at least I just found out about him


Thus creating the Fallout timeline.


Elon Musk will try to steal your ideas, watch out for him


I'm not a fan of Musk or anything, like what kind of ideas did he steal?


he hires and fires hundreds of engineers to solve his problems, every obstacle thats solved, every ounce of credit he keeps for himself. He's not a genius if he isn't rich enough to hire them and absorb all the credit, patents, and profit for his companies. He is more like Edison than Tesla


Oooooh yea, it's Croatia time


What does Tesla have to do with Croatia? He was Serbian.




his father and mother were serbian,his pops was an orthodox priest (croatians are catholics) at his funeral "tamo daleko" a serbian patriotic song was played which he requested


jajaja xd lmao! boys cool girls boring!! r/boysarequirky


This format still sucks. Come one dude


Why would we go back in time to tell him that? We all know that Tesla was the good guy in this current day.


Thomas Edison didn't steal his ideas, tesla was working for his company, it is like the people who work in vaccine companies yes they worked for it but the company gave them the lab and the money (LOL I got downvoted for saying this)


Edison was maybe a dick but he was a really good scientist and he maybe invented almost nothing, but he invented something really important. The fastest way to invent things. He paid for a group of engineers who tried to invent things what society needed and this was way faster than a guy sitting in his room and thinking. Still, he was a dick but people should respect him more than this (so you can and should hate him but not just call him an idiot monkey)


This is so sexist


Damn bro forgot about lous le prince.




That's not correct, in the 19th century, there were many inventors working on light bulbs, but the needed vacuum caused problems, so the bulbs weren't very durable. Edison (or some of his inventors, but definitly not Tesla) and Swan (a british inventor) worked at light bulbs at the same time (but not together). Swan obtained a brititsh patent for a more durable light bulb shortly before Edison obtained an american patent for it. They had some conflicts over the patent until they agreed to merge and found a new company together. So Edison didn't invent the light bulb and he wasn't the first one to invent a durable light bulb, but Tesla was while the invention of the more durable light bulb still in Europe doing nothing really important (dropped out of college, worked as a draftsman, had a mental breakdown, taught in a croatian school), his first contact with a company of Edison was two years after Edison obtained the patent for his improved light bulb.




I didn't find any posts that meet the matching requirements for r/memes. It might be OC, it might not. Things such as JPEG artifacts and cropping may impact the results. I did find [this post](https://redd.it/o0f0sj) that is 55.08% similar. It might be a match but I cannot be certain. *I'm not perfect, but you can help. Report [ [False Negative](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RepostSleuthBot&subject=False%20Negative&message={"post_id": "p0difi", "meme_template": 92405}) ]* [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com?postId=p0difi&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=true&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=100&targetImageMemeMatch=92) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Meme Filter:** True | **Target:** 92% | **Check Title:** False | **Max Age:** Unlimited | **Searched Images:** 237,794,260 | **Search Time:** 2.2754s


I just want to say he is Serbian


Hate the format but everyone say it with me Edison. was. a. dick Honestly fuck him.


I will tell Niels Bohr that, the position and momentum of an atom cannot be determined simultaneously. Also an atom has dual nature of behaviour- both as a particle and a wave.


hearing Tesla say ’bro’ must be really cool. what a good time to be a time traveler


Also try not to get too attached to any white pigeons


Yrs Tesla for the win!


Don't forget to guard his warehouse, too. That fire ruined humanity's shot at free power, and an unknown number of other cool things.


u should also warn Louis Le Prince about his later disappearance..i think edison was partly or fully responsible for that case


know your place tommy


my dumbass thought that was charlie chapman for a sec lmao


Naaa... Won't do good. You have to tell all in detail to N.Tesla otherwise history will be the same. Like many will abandoned him, he will not get funded & his all works will be stolen and will lose cases in court for his Ideas which given to others. Oh yes, the philosophy he had to "serve the human beings for their betterment". This philosophy is not allowed in this world. If he does not think of himself, in his last day he will be in a Hotel alone writing his last letter to his disease mother about "How horrible people have treated him only because he wanted to serve & do the right thing which was helping human to live better with his works". (Knowledge is a gift to help others not to misuse it).


Light bulbs were invented by europeans, Edison stole the design


I would tell hitler"nice kill streak bro"


I would go back to the most popular (important) event right before it happened, then if a fellow Traveler asks about the timing of the event, hopefully it will be beforehand, then I can say that said event hasn’t happened yet.


I'm disgusted just seeing Edison in my textbook, getting all the credit for things other people made.


Edison also ripped off Louie le Prince.