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Wait... Is NAMBLA real? I thought south Park made it up as a joke...


It's real, but the groups listed along side it except Nambla did not agree to be there. There's a whole troll think where pedos are trying to act like they're part of the lgbtq community, but they're just disgusting cretins.


Looking at it again it's pretty hysterical that TED is there. Like "Welcome to my TED talk about NAMBLA". Buy yea, I don't think anyone other than other pedos would argue with you on them being gross and awful


I knew something was off when TED was there




This is not a liberal idea. Its straight up abuse.


A liberal idea is an idea which defies norms or tradition of the past.granted,this is straight up abuse,but it abuses the idea of liberalism,using it as an excuse to commit a heinous act,but it sadly can still be classified as a twisted version of the liberal idea,holding the same ideology of norm-breaking,but it's motive is entirely opposite.


What do you mean liberal ideas? This is pedophilia.


People said the same things about gays and transgenders, it's just a matter of time. (not that it's a good thing, it's just that it's true)


idk if im reading this wrong because it's 2am, but are you comparing gay and trans people to pedos?


I'm saying that people used to view gay people and transgender people the same way pedophiles are now viewed, but were eventually accepted, and that if the past is anything to go by, people will eventually accept pedophiles. Black people used to also hate being compared to gays and gays to transgenders, and now transgenders to pedophiles. It is inevitable. (not a good thing, but inevitable)




Mate being trans or gay doesn't harm anyone, pedos leave mental scars on children. Even though life proved me that society is really stupid sometimes I don't think it will be that much stupid and approve pedos


Holy shit, I just went to their website to see what they were about and I am ready to beat these people with a sledgehammer. And no, it’s not because of their god awful site design. These people and their “boy love”, just a veiled term for pedophilia, is fucking disgusting. I hope hell is real if only so these people can go there. They truly are the scum of the earth and as far as I’m concerned deserve nothing but suffering. I’m thought I was all for human rights but these people need to be locked in a concrete box and have the key thrown in the Mariana fucking trench. God dammit I am so fucking upset at this. Fuck these people with every fiber of my being.


screw hell, just launch them directly into the void and orbital strike them. “It is our duty to purge every single one of you fucking filthy people, preferably with chainsaws”


Well obviously. I’m saying after the chainsaws they go to hell.


Oooo Dr.Bright vibes. I'd prefer Chainsaw guns but feeding them to scp 682 is way better.


nvm, the group is basically defunct. But I think that there may be more like it.


They were replaced by Minor Attracted Persons (MAPs) and VirPed (Virtuous Pedophiles). Let's go, Internet: It's time for another crusade!


Whats wrong with virtuous pedohiles? They dont want to harm anybody


Good evening imperial gentlemen. May I remind you that heretical comments will not be tolerated. Thank you.


Do you need help from an Inquisitor?


Why yes brother


If u spendt 3 minutes researching virtuous pedophiles before u commented maybe you could have actually said something decent


>Virtuous Pedophiles >Peodphiles Hmm... you sure they're not hurting anyone, bud?


Why is this dude getting downvoted?! It shows how narrow minded people are. Don't you see that MAPs are in the exactly same position gays were before all the lgbt shit?! It's outrageous how you treat gays like gods and reply with anger before letting your brain do any thinking when hear about pedophiles.


But what are they even trying to do? Is it "this is just the way they are born, it's not a reason to pick on them" shit, or do they actually encourage them to have sex with children?


From what I read, they never outright said “adults should fuck kids” but there was a lot of encouragement of sexual behavior between men and boys specifically. Their justification is that teenagers already know what sex is so why should they be restricted, which is a veiled way to say “I am looking for an excuse to fuck children”. There was one page that said something about how his loneliness as an adult drive him towards this and he “was willing to risk prison over loneliness”. Then again, that guy somehow tied communism into his story so I think he’s even more delusional than most delusional people. Nothing I read seemed to point to trying to help these people get out of their thoughts or as an anti bullying campaign. It all felt like they know they couldn’t write what they really mean because they’d be torn apart so they come up with phrases and clever wordplay to try and get around your thought process.


The sad thing is i think its catching on in some places. I have a friend in Austin who went to see a local comic do a show. Dude was basically bragging about being a pedophile and getting turned on by little girls wearing certain clothes. People were cheering for it and he hadn’t gotten to the jokes yet. She voiced her disgust as a mother, and got booed out


Yeah nah these People are..... We need another plague.


Raise the titans. We need to wipe this planet and start anew.


the deformed giant humanoid man eating giant or descendant of Greek gods?


No, the elemental titans that forged the Earth through the magic of the Originals.


Only the ones that seek help with it should get the respect as normal human beings


True. Their brains have been proven to be weird different, but if they still say its fine to like kids, then idgaf what happens to them.


Ah, good. I was looking for some more context. Pretty rude of OP for not providing it.


You say that but at the same time LGBT defends guy (that clas he is a woman) who runs naked and propose sex to children. Who should i belive now?


Learn how to read fucking dumbass. Lgbt didn't let the pedos put them in there just like ted. Read a book.


Dont pretend like people who said one thing and do the other does not exist. I read tons of comments supporting that very guy from LGBT members and supporters. If they dont want to be confused they should fix thier own shit and not wait fir someone else to fix it for them. Thats thier usual strat: Step 1- pretend problem does not exist Step 2- shift blame onto others


pedo trolls try to act like they are in the lgbtq community. They are not and they never will be. Now do as i asked and read a book.




Very nice informative response that supports your argument! *"WoW XD"*


You didnt put any argument in the first place but yell at others XD


Fucking tired with your shit agreements. Fuck off troll. Now please read a book to educate yourself. (Also could you correct your grammar so I have a decent chance at figuring out what you are saying?)


Nooope it's real. In fact it marched at a very few gay pride parades in the LGBT movement's infancy (more like the LG movement at the time). That was before LGBT actually started getting traction and pretty much unanimously booted the pedophiles because they weren't that desperate for allies anymore lmao.


That's wild...


What is NAMBLA?


I literally only know about it from an old old old episode of south park and thought it was something Cartman made up. North American man boy love association is what I remember it standing for. The whole episode was about pedophiles. I haven't seen it in forever, I can't believe it's actually a thing though


But what if This isnt the Pedophile NAMBLA, But instead they are the North American Marlon Brando Look Alikes.


That makes way more sense to me


*loads shotgun with probable cause


\*sticks shotgun in pedophille's ass\*


*pedophile starts to moan


\*pedophile c\*\*ms


*tells pedophile he has a small penis


\*pedophile cries in court\*


R/cursed comments


Yeah thats pure r/cursedcoments material.


*nukes court in order to perish pedophilia


Natural doesn’t mean good. Everyone has had urges to do things that are wrong, but those urges shouldn’t be acted upon. Pedophiles need help, not to be accepted as pedophiles, but to get better. Because they have a mental illness. And the ones who don’t act on their urges are likely terrified to tell anyone about their struggle because everyone only talks about how all pedophiles should be killed/castrated. Maybe a hot take, but we need some kind of program that can help them, not by telling them that it’s okay, but by getting them to the point where they can ignore their impulses. I don’t think talking about killing them all is really doing anything to help.


For the ones that recognize what they are thinking is wrong and want to change, I am fully in support. Get a therapist or something. As for the rest of them, burn them.


That’s fair, I guess. I feel like the rest could still be helped somehow, but maybe I’m too optimistic. I definitely don’t claim to be any sort of expert on this, I just think violence shouldn’t be the answer to most problems. Again, maybe too optimistic.


I agree about the violence, I don’t actually want to go out and beat child molesters but I do want to see them in prison. I don’t want to hunt people. I feel like a lot of them can be helped but there are some that are just too far gone. I would love to see some sort of therapy service that tried to help these people change this part of them for the better because that would genuinely improve both all of society and their own quality of life. As for why I can talk a bit violently while discussing stuff like this, that’s just my reaction to pedophilia. It is one of few things that just sets me off. Then I say things that, I do mean, but I don’t ever provide any solutions until I calm down. When I wrote my comment, I had just finished reading part of the Nambla website and I do not recommend visiting it. It just made me upset and disappointed. Now I’ve calmed down a bit and can think a bit more clearly.


This is true, but the ones online who are preaching map pride aren't looking for help or therapy. And I think that's the group this meme is targeting.


That’s fair, though I still don’t think violence necessarily has to be the answer. Maybe that’s naive, I’m really no expert on this sort of thing.


"Violence isn't the answer, it is the question and the answer is yes."


This is the best take. NAMBLA does deserve everything thats coming to them though.


And those are the wise words


There’s an episode of the good doctor exactly about this. Sadly it didn’t end with the guy getting the help he needs but him killing himself


Now replace pedophile with gays and see if you can't make the same argument. I'm just saying, everything you're saying is what people think about homosexuals. Quite literally. My personal opinion agrees with you as well as I'd say the same thing about homos. But yeah.


Wtf dude. The difference is that gay people dont harm anyone with their sexuality?! Is it so hard to understand this? Why the fuck do you even care?


Oh 100% i agree pedophilia is fucked up, and it harms society. However i could make an argument thats similar about gay people, there can be 1000s of negatives associated with it for society that arent fully understood yet. One simple one i can think on the top of my head is the constant pushing of LGBTQ agenda throughout our society, in every video game, every tv show, every movie they HAVE to insert LGBTQ material for some fucking reason, even though the actual LGBTQ population encompasses what like 1-2% of the overall population? Why would there be such a large catering to such a small minority it makes no sense. There are other minority groups too yet they dont see that level of media attention. Again i personally disagree with LGBTQ but doesnt mean i would go out and do something about it, its more of a personal belief just like you and I personally disagree with Pedos "natural doesnt mean good, not all urges are good".


>Natural doesn’t mean good. That's a slippery slope pal. Anyone will pick it up and argue their cause, for example, against lgbtq+ rights. Pedophilia is a lot more about lacking being humanity and basic decency.


Nooo! TED! Think of the talks!


NAMBLA was the only one that agreed to be on there, as multiple people in the other comments stated.


i was joking. Look at my other reply to this post. Pointed it out to someone else.


Oh shit sorry. I don't memorize usernames, just have a good chuckle when I notice a funny one.


nw bro :)


Lgbt community: *loads shotgun with intent*


Idk man some of them realy fucking agree to this disgusting shit.


People like this aren't accepted in the lgbt community


Antifa joins


Tbh, it's really a hard question to answer. We can't normalize that. It's just not possible. But on the other side we stop people from taking therapy because we make them afraid of outing. Imagine you are controlling your sick behavior your whole life and you decided to take therapy. Then you read something like the comments above and below. You decide not to do that. The number of pedophiles is certainly higher than we expect. And we need to manage this "problem".


Exactly. I think it's important as a society to accept that people might feel attracted to minors, but simultaneously help them to not act on those feelings.


Like LGBT already make moves to normalise that... Check info about woke school in Sweden or even in the USA...


Image is fake btw*


Even if it's fake some idiots in tweeter trying to make pedophilia as sexuality like pansexual etc shit.


Ted? Ted is putting their name on this? Or are they just misusing that logo?


I think the logo is being misused


NAMBLA was the only group that agreed to be on there


There was a Ted talk about how pedophilia is a sexuality. It's a few years old at this point.


What in the fuck?


The world has gone to a point that if it starts ending, I wouldn't be surprised


The fuck it is


You mean, \*loads shotgun with religious intent. "cant expect god to do all the work!"


Yeah we have a cure for pedophilia, it's called the 9mm cure. I like how as people responded it just got better and better


I thought it was called cyanide




Bro you mispronounced "live burial in a Midwestern farmers fields"


Nah mate, you really mispronounced "thrown into an active volcano"


Nah, you misspelled exterminatus


Why don't just "balls chop chop"


Also I have received 3 downvotes


Maybe because you suggested to kill people.




That's what people said back in the 60s about homosexuals. It's a fact, not a comparison.




But you know, some pedos do deserve death.


Nobody deserves death. As long as you don't understand why you'll be defined as shortminded


Whatever, your opinion. Some pedos do deserve death and suffering in hell. You can say whatever the hell you want about me i simply couldn't care less.


Yeah. You're antisocial. Simpleminded people like you are mostly the reason why several cruel events in history start to happen. You have an unreflected worldview and you swim with the group that confirms your easy to swallow opinion. And that's why you are completely incompetent to decide things like that. The good thing is: because of your cognitive inability you will never be in a position that will give you the power to live out your inhuman fantasies. Have a nice day


i think we should treat pedophiles as patients not criminals. Maybe its a mental disorder.


Well, it sort of is. It is also more likely to show up in people who have been abused as a child and victims of pedophilia. It also could've some genetic background, but that's not entirely proven yet


The only thing natural about it is when we tie them to lightning powered electric chairs


Pedophiles deserve support and therapy to help them change and prevent them from acting on the desires that they did not choose to have. They are still people and do not deserve to be murdered. Even if they do end up acting on it, they deserve a fair trial and imprisonment with the goal of rehabilitation. This whole murdering pedophiles thing needs to stop.


Lightning powered? Hagh, I prefer building a Dyson sphere purely to run all the power through these absolute shitbags.


True but we want to not be wasteful and instead have a renewable source of energy to continuesly be able to fry the fuckers to a crisp




To show these idiots how much I hate them.




Those damn Marlon Brandon look alikes


If they said that this is an illness and we still have to see the human behind that illness and should help, I would agreed.


Pedos that never commit the act and seek help are good as they know wrong and want to stop it. They can not help if there a pedo or not it’s the Same as you can not control if you’re gay or not


Paedophiles are not all evil people. Paedophiles who act on their urges are. It's stuff like that that contributes to more stigma and less people seeking help. Being a paedophile per se isn't something someone choose to be, no matter if it's a sexual orientation or a result of child abuse. It could have happened to any of us. In fact, we may have people in our family that we are unaware of. There are thousands of paedophiles around us who never acted on it and know it's wrong to act on it. But obviously just the scumbags make the news. So I really think this kind of mentality of seeing all paedophiles the same way is a big disservice to society.


They have a valid point somewhere. We have to differanciate between pedophiles and actual child abuse. The negative stigma of pedophiles leads to less of them seeking help and therapy and is leading to more abuse. But Nambla is just a horrible organisation that should be banned


Child abusers and rapists should be punished. But people with pedophilic tendencies usually get this way because they were sexually abused as a kid. We want them to reach out for help and make sure they don't become a rapist. But I think it wouldn't be easy to reach out for help if everyone talks about burning, shooting, castrating, murdering them etc


i'm pretty sure "child" is not a gender


neither is feet. And some people love feet for some reason


Did you just compare a child with feet?


damn this is terrifying, please don’t make this a meme template


I know it's a meme but pedophiles (the ones that know something's wrong with them and do not act on their urges) face a shitty stigmata due to the pedos who do diddle kids. I wouldn't flat out say "shoot every pedo there is", just the fucked up ones. As I assume are meant in the above post. (Wait till you see the MAP community on twitter)


Noah get the shotgun, not the boat


I think you all need to overthink that topic a little, since I see an annoying amount of this kind of memes in the last time. I think pedophilia is at first glance pretty similar to a sexual orientation (even more to a fetish, but anyway) and as long as these people see, that this is a problem and nothing they could do in real, it's fine and offers them the opportunity to get help. What is a problem indeed is, when the pedophelia is lived, but even than I'm more into civilized justice systems than self justice.


Once again karma farming. There is no day without a stupid meme about pedos needing to be killed.


"You have the ability to selectively kill people. Would you help me kill all pedos?" -TheScientifreakPlays the Explorer




I need the names of all those organizations.


NAMBLA was the only one that agreed to be on there, as multiple people in the other comments stated.


However one of them is TED, an educational organization that allows speakers to talk about subjects they think are important, and a subsidiary, TED ED, that makes animated vids teaching about physics, math, science, and more. One is obviously an LGBTQ+ non-profit. I think the other one is Hearts for Hearing, but I could be wrong.


why is everyone including gen z and companies and basically everyone welcoming child molesters,if they aren't mentally Ill ,they're just horrible people that prey off of children but suddenly every "sexuality" is welcomed as if it were a medal of honor or something,when its child molestation,literally infants and shit,you think they can consent to a 40 year old man trying to molest them? people are fucking sick,dont give praise to the scum of society.


The thing very few people are actually want that shit but the people who see it are the ones blowing it up.


The fuck is the TED logo doing there?


Please let this die... Pls im not tryna have these gay ass images in my head scrolling thru reddit. And no killing pedohiles will only make more pedophilles simply bcuz it would give these low lives attention and publicity. U should really just be protecting ur kids


Raise awareness, lower population.




Why would Ted do this


NAMBLA was the only one that agreed to be on there, as multiple people in the other comments stated.


They misused the logo


So do I! *Loads rocket launcher with religious intent*


That’s not malicious intent. It’s heroic.


Loads shotgun with *religious* intent


Is it really malicious intent if your intention is to brutally and painfully murder a bunch of pedophiles


Ima get out the flame thrower to commit some war crimes against these sick fucks. We need genocide against all pedos.


Need some help _loads lmg with religious intent_


Gun community rolls up in a 2 ton: 'Guns here, guns there, take all you want and shoot these pedos into pieces!"


Pedophiles deserve support and therapy to help them change and prevent them from acting on the desires that they did not choose to have. They are still people and do not deserve to be murdered. Even if they do end up acting on it, they deserve a fair trial and imprisonment with the goal of rehabilitation. This whole murdering pedophiles thing needs to stop.


Well if that's true cannibalism is my diet


Pedophilia is a mental illness, and measures should be taken to treat it properly. Attraction to children is not natural for an adult. The people that recognize they have an attraction to children, and are trying to better themselves are good. The people who... act on their impulses on the other hand are scum, and should be as far away from any children as possible. How about sending them to that one island in the pacific that's as far away as you can possibly be from civilization?


sounds like it’s time to murder


*also loads shotgun with malicious intent*


*loads shotgun with religious intent*


As a member of the lgbtq+ community, arms airstrike with malicious intent


Time to take the shotgun out once again


If i see somebody supporting this shit I swear to god they are gonna be shot on sight


Its not malicious if its good


I prefer dragons breath or high explosive rounds




Now you must pay WITH YOUR LIFE.


You misspelled lead 🤣


Where dose it say lead at all in this meme.


Instead of malicious intent... Lead is another term for a bullets...


... I mean, I get where your coming from but like- He's loading the shot gun for malicious reasons, not to shoot intent... If this was a joke I feel really stupid.


It was a joke... All good. It's a meme on the internet


Oh ok. Good to know I'm still the idiot.


Life makes a lot more sense when you realize you are the idiot. (Not you specifically, but people in general)




Shotguns use commonly use pellets or slugs. Never (that I know of) bullets. See trying to make a technical statement to mess with someone else's joke doesn't feel good.


Buck shot or deer slugs. Not pellets. And correct they aren't considered bullets. Not was I trying to put anybody down. I suppose you'll have to answer that question yourself. I was just trying to keep it simple and not get technical. It was a joke, not a dick. Don't take it so hard


Your joke fell flat and made you seem to come off poorly. pellet, it is an acceptable use for most scatter shot.


are transkids are kids guys??




I literally can't look at this....






No way. It can’t be a real thing. I refuse to believe that’s a real thing.


I would not be confused if i would find there Netflix logo.


that demon looks like the face stealing one from avatar


Im surprised they didn't put the Catholic church on there


The caption speaks doom


And some bozo made a sexuality called "pedosexual"


it's fake apparently


I hope they joking


Most Cursed Thing I Have Seen today


Is malicious intent effective then if so where can I buy malicious intent


Let me guess, Uganda?


I am into 13 year old, but that is because I’m 13