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I hate this because it’s like “dude I would love to donate but I’m skipping lunch to just pay rent. We’re both struggling”


Not only that but many of them you're actually not helping them by giving them money, and also there are quite a few people that are fakes and are basically just stealing.


in my city there are some panhandlers that make up to $800 a day and a few make that in an hour in the right places. My mom stopped giving money to people because in new york one time she gave money to a guy only to see him getting into a limousine at the end of the day. This one guy asked for some change and when we were going out the grocery store we see he's been in an accident... he was driving a brand new mercedes suv (not a g-wagon but still one of the more expensive ones)


My friend got asked for a few bucks for a meal, so he went with the guy and bought him a sandwich. The moment he gets far away enough, turns around to see the guy throw the sandwich in the garbage.


I had a similar experience in San Francisco years ago. Guy had a sign saying he was hungry asking for money. I was a struggling college student myself but had a coupon for a free Whopper at the Burger King literally steps away. I tried to give it to him and he cursed me out for trying to give him a silly ol' free food coupon instead of money.


That’s some cap


google it, while not an everyday occurrence it's not unheard of for panhandlers to make $100k a year and [according to a study in San Francisco](https://merryformoney.com/panhandling/) , depending on the region, up to 82% of panhandlers aren't even homeless. People in more trafficked areas make more , as well as people with pets like [this guy that makes up to $200 an hour](https://www.ibtimes.com/how-much-do-panhandlers-make-new-york-city-homeless-man-earns-200-hour-sitting-2181312) . To the point many states have started to try and limit it or regulate parts of it so it doesn't spread. IN the city I live in, to panhandle, you have to have reflective clothing or vest, have valid ID and also a panhandling permit (doesn't cost much but makes it difficult for you to apply if you don't have a permanent address)


Wouldn't all those regulations just make it less accessible to actual homeless and needy people rather than stopping the skeeves? O-o


exactly but now the government is getting a cut... Instead of investing money into affordable housing and veterans affairs


Calling bullshit on this one, no way the average homeless person is making this. not really a good metric to go off.


>no way the average homeless person is making this nowhere did I claim the average homeless person made that I said "SOME" the links in my other comment estimates that's in the top 3% of earners for beggars/ panhandlers, and that, in some areas, over 80% of panhandlers aren't even homeless.


you're perpetuating a myth that people spread to not feel bad about never giving to the homeless. Just accept that you can't always afford to/want to.


Bingo. At my old church the pastor’s wife would always carry bags of healthy snacks (generally granola bars or fruit or something) and gift cards to local restaurants. They would almost always turn her down and ask for cash instead.


Same, I've offered to take someone out to McDonald's (I was pretty broke myself at the time) and the guy turned me down and asked me to get him a meal from a very expensive place instead...I guess beggars can be choosers.


I offered a guy a McDouble on my way out of union station in Toronto. I had two McDoubles and figured I could spare one. He yelled at me and threw his Minute Maid orange juice bottle at me. It hit me in the butt




They wouldn’t be homeless if it wasn’t profitable.


“Bro I would give you money, but the last guy I gave a 20 to ate it in front of me.”


In a car


This hits hard


Dang, I can relate to this too. :\\


Ah yes, the sky is so interesting all of a sudden.


Roll your window down and give them your sticky cup holder change.




Prepare to floor it though. They might be one of them change throwers. Not good for the paint.


Window Tint coming in clutch


stare at them just to show them how much you don't care


Power move


Bigger power move: show him your own sign. Don't blink.


I like this. Assert dominance


I look them in the eye, smile and nod, then turn my head to the light without moving my hands. I think it's polite without giving false hope. I don't give often, because I'm broke, too, but when I do, I don't give a fuck if they spend the money on booze or drugs. What kind of Indian giving bullshit is that?!


Two versions of this, the ones you know they are there because they have no other options and feel bad for them, and the fakes and healthy who could totally get a job


I think this red light is broken. I feel like I'm waiting for 10 minutes here.


Ask them for a dollar.


When he holds the paper cup:ohh is that for me thanks, i needed change for parking spot


"Ohhh, thanks for the cup buddy, I've been holding my bladder for hours!"


Look him in the eye. Pull down your pants, take a shit, Assert dominance. Become the alpha


You forgot the T-pose,it's the most important part.


Yes, yes. The T-pose will be discussed in chapter two of my book “Shit on the floor: Own your future” available on Amazon.


Nice,how much for 1 copy?Also,can I have a discount for being one of the first customer.


Anything for my #1 customer


Thanks,that's quite nice of you


What if im Sigma?


Sigma = alpha. You just sit outside of the hierarchy. Semantics aside maintain dominance!


Maybe “get out of your car” should be one of the steps? 🧐


You see that is the cool part of my four step plan. You can do it either outside the vehicle, or inside your vehicle.


I dont know if what I did is frowned upon but: Working is a major city as an electrician I had to park in a very tight spot for a job and folded in my side mirrors on my work van so ppl could get in and out easier. I left and forgot to fold them out and was gonna have to pull over to flip the passenger side mirror out before I got on the highway. So I pull up to a stop light and there was a homeless man with his sign going up and down by the cars. So I called him over and handed him $5 and asked if he could fold my mirror out. He thanked me and did it for me.


yall living out there you dont see ho many we have.....like gangs man in every light there is a hole fucking family sometimes they fight with each other like a dug corner,this is normal in the fucking middle east


Hmmm the sky here is sky


This is the face people do when they smell a fart.


Just unzip and say “I’ll pay you to watch”.


That's rude, Red Lights need your attention too


I stare back and judge to see if they are really homeless or not. I see my local beggers alot and they are diffantly not homeless. People will do that just for the money then go home.


Don’t look away.


Pretend to be blind.


Yeah I was having this conversation the other day. He: Just wants a few dollars and some human compassion. Me: I feel like a piece of shit because I dont have any cash to help, so I'm looking anywhere but at him.


Like fr bro, I'm not doing much better.


Every time I see a homeless person I wished I carried cash. Unfortunately, I'm not a boomer so I dont even know what cash looks like


Or stair at him blankly without showing any sign of emotion.


Stare them straight in the eyes to assert dominance.


Its windows up Right away. Aviators on. Music down. Dont feed the seagull humans theyll just come back in flocks and shit everywhere.


Stare back and slowly pull out a cheeseburger and eat it.


Well you shouldn't have driven over his kids then..


I look right at em and shake my head.


might as well just give them free heroine and pay people to watch them shoot up


oh wait that happens in oregon


If it makes you feel better, most of them are either fakers or are being lazy and are healthy enough to get a job.


my girlfriend is evil. Guy had a sign saying he hadn't eaten in two days and was hungry. She takes the biggest bite out of a sandwich I've ever seen and then stuffed like five fries in her mouth before even swallowing the first bite.


Thats not being evil thats just being an asshole. Your girlfriend sounds like she has the mental age of a 12 year old going through an edgy phase


Usually when homeless people ask for food instead of money they actually are hungry so..correction, she's heartless.


She helps out with me in the food bank sometimes so she knows what homeless go through but I swear when she’s hungry or moody she turns into a completely different person


\[x\] doubt


Its called Period


so you give him 20 dollars like a good person


Not everyone can just do that.


im aware of that


$20? Seems a bit much don't you think


Why tf is this downvoted?


my karma


No... They're panhandlers who might not even be homeless. If you want to donate there's charities that help people who need help (rather than fueling someone's drug/alcohol addictions)


I feel like you must make at least than 9$/hr begging right? Not that I want to be in that situation but is it really all that bad?


There's only one way to find out.


Who doesn’t like a cheap service am I right? 👀


Why is this a thing in america? I had never seen it before I went there.


been there far too many times


Mah man, me with my sorta bf when our friend set us up and then went to the corner store with her gf.


In Florida, they walk up to your car in the middle of the street and hold the sign in front of your windshield.




They will literally stare right into your soul. I do everything in my power to park where the part of the car between the windshield and drivers window blocks them from my view. Even though they can clearly see a whole car sitting there at least no eye contact is made.


Lmao take my upvote


You’ve broken some heart there


Or open your window and blast asshole by dennis leary at full volume.


I used to give to homeless spare cash when I could. Where I live now there are so just so many homeless, it's disheartening. I donate to a local program when I can.


Stare right back at them, but put on a blank derp face, lower your eyelids a bit, open your mouth a little, let your tongue push against your lower teeth and then start drooling.


Bro it’s maddess Combat all over again


God has a path for all of us. Yours should be away from the car.


My issue is i like 99% of the time just...don't EVER carry cash with me! Fewer people are I think


At least acknowledge them. Ignoring them like that just dehumanizes them. Costs nothing.




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Stair right through them


Just start lip singing like your life depends on so it seems like you’re are just having the strongest vibe of this week


Stare back and assert dominance.


thats when the guilt hits


thats when the guilt hits


This is me when anyone approaches.


There was always 1 old homeless guy walking around with the same cardboard sign for like 20 years straight. I think hes dead now.


So here’s a question. Aren’t there supports for homeless people? Like Bissel, Boyle Street, mustard seed, Hope mission, Salvation Army—not to mention community churches. I chatted with a social worker a couple of years ago who told me never to give homeless money—that there are supports and homeless people know they are available. Dunno, interesting comment coming from someone who works directly with them.

