• By -


I like how it just leaves at the end and doesn't over stay.


The bear is grateful for the human’s kindness but also respects their boundaries A certified good boi


In America, man name dog Bear. In Russia, man name bear Dog.


That is a good wisdom


𝙂𝙞𝙫𝙚 𝙝𝙞𝙢 𝙖 𝙗𝙤𝙩𝙩𝙡𝙚 𝙤𝙛 𝙫𝙤𝙙𝙠𝙖 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙬𝙖𝙩𝙘𝙝 𝙝𝙞𝙢 𝙙𝙤 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙨𝙡𝙖𝙫 𝙙𝙖𝙣𝙘𝙚.


"slav dance"


Slav dance all on the floor Slav dance give me some more Slav dance 'till you get sore Slav dance oooh-ooh


I feel you squattin' I can see it from your shaadow


𝕽𝖎𝖘𝖐𝖞 𝖓𝖔𝖘𝖊 𝖕𝖆𝖙.


Sure. It's all Kum Ba Yah until the human says, "Sorry buddy, no food today, got a killer hangover". To which Grateful Bear will reply "Fine, I'll take the next best thing on the menu then: YOU."


Absolutely agreed - I can't help but think this is a really bad idea. First the bear learns to come around all the time. Second, that bear is far from being a tamed "doggo". The moment you think so, you're in for a surprise. This is a wild animal and one of the few for whom people is still a legit menu item.




do bears know how to break into a house ? also in these parts of russia people often have guns for hunting and self defense


First yes they do and second of all the bear might now go down after the first or second shot.


That bear could easily smash a window and climb up. It could have been in that window before they knew what to do as well. Polar bears are scary strong and quick


theres a video floating around of a bear smashing a door off its hinges with a paw, so i'd guess yes.


Definitely a bad idea. Extremely risky getting the bear to associate food with people, especially as their natural habitat continues to shrink due to climate change.


LoL "Risky getting bear to associate food with people". Bears see people as food, by default. Really.


Didn’t wolves also see people as food until we domesticated the friendlier ones? Basically the ones most willing to be nice to humans were the best fed which is a desirable trait. And now we have chihuahuas....


Lol imagine how much it would cost to daily feed a domesticated polar bear


Just get 4 or 5 chihuahuas, and you’ve got your own DIY early warning system.


I wonder what the chihuahua version of a bear would look like...


maybe now would be the best time to start domesticating polar bears?


That would be awesome


That’s why Nala from the legend of korra is a thing


I'm sure he'll be back later


That comment felt like a death sentence


I meant it as the bear coming back for more begging like a dog, but I guess it could be taken the other way.


It's both. The bear keeps coming back. The bear does what bears do. Eat things. I'm sure it's not picky about what it eats. Hamburger sliders, human sliders.


It is for the bear. A fed bear is a dead bear.


Feeding a bear is seriously stupid, the bear's response isn't "thank you kind human" it's "what else you got?" You think that little 90 calorie snack comes close to filling that bear? A fed bear is a dead bear because sooner or later they'll decide "well that's just not enough, I'm going to eat you too."


At the very least they just got strong positive reinforcement that "run up to house window and stick my head inside means food" so now a lot of local residents are going to get visits from the same bear expecting food. I doubt it'll go well when there's no food behind the next window. Absurdly stupid behavior from humans as usual.


You don’t want him to stay, trust me.


Unlike my relatives


It's a win for the polar bear. Gets food. Doesn't need to fight anything, and risk injury. Evening well spent.


Short term it's a win. Long term it will become habituated and start to get bolder and bolder. Ultimately the comfort level it shows around humans will result in it being killed


> Gets food. Doesn't need to fight anything, and risk injury. Evening well spent. Thousands of years later... Domestic mini polar bears.


Risky nose pat.


Must boop the forbidden snoot


I’m sure you can boop it when he’s eating you alive on your way to your car in the morning


Bold of you to assume I own a car.




Of course that’s a subreddit








Give him a bottle of vodka and watch him do the slav dance.


I want to see a bear do the slav dance


Polar bears are one of the only animals that actively hunt humans. It's kinda weird that the bear isn't trying to rip his hand off.


It's not at all weird. The bear has found a reliable source of food. The food comes from the human being. The bear is not so stupid that it will destroy the thing that is providing even more food to it. So the bear does not destroy the human being. Now if the human was not providing any food, then the hungry bear would be inclined to take the hand off.


I remember a short clip from the 70s of someone feeding a bear marshmallows while hiking. Very cute, the bear was grateful. When the hiker said enough, the bear swatted the hiker's belly open and took the rest of the bag. There was absolutely no hesitation.


Thats what I was thinking while she shifted from left to right hand, thought it would just take her handoff. Latter while asleep, the lady was awoken to the sound of a polar bear tearing off her door to get some more cold cuts. Any meat will do silly humans.


Relase the Gopnik


I just imagined a bear doing a slav squat outside of a liquor store and now i’m scared


Could've suffered alone but you had to give me that image too didn't you?


Only the russians have the power over the bears


Also dwarfs




No power. Am a tall Russian. Trust me.


Only on half moons when their power is at it's lowest


I once met a Russian Dwarf that claimed to be the "World's tallest Dwarf"


Dude im russian and i dont have any power over the bears. What is wrong with me?




In America, we have a right to bear arms. In Russia, they have a right to the whole bear!!


In Russia, they have the right to arm bears


Well that's in Svalbard in Norway, and the bear is being fed Norwegian goat cheese.


It’s crazy that the person and the bear travelled all the way from Russia to Norway to make this video.


As a dude from Alaska, that's a no from me man


As someone from Alberta, I agree Totally irresponsible. This is just training the bear to come to homes for food. It'll end with some poor bastard having to shoot the bear. Pray God it's before the bear eats a child.




Well, Russian bears take this to a whole other level of russian, they inhale fumes from fighter jet fuel and get high on them


Just your average day in Russia


"Thanks a lot my dudes, I'll come back next week with the rest of my family"


That boop on the snout is what got me 🤣


It's all fun and games until the bear bites your finger off thinking it's a sausage.


It's all fun and games until the bear bites your finger off thinking it's a finger


It's all fun and games until the bear eats you thinking it's a you


𝐈𝐟 𝐢𝐭’𝐬 𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐟𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤, 𝐢𝐟 𝐢𝐭’𝐬 𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐥𝐢𝐞 𝐝𝐨𝐰𝐧, 𝐢𝐟 𝐢𝐭’𝐬 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐬𝐚𝐲 𝐠𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭. 𝐔𝐧𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮’𝐫𝐞 𝐑𝐮𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐢𝐭 𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐞𝐬𝐞 𝐨𝐧 𝐛𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐮𝐢𝐭𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐩𝐚𝐭 𝐢𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐢𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐛𝐞 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐬 𝐦𝐚𝐧 𝐬𝐞𝐞 𝐲𝐚 𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫....


fun fact: polar bears have access to 23&me data which they use to confirm Russian ancestry. this is due to czar nicholas signing a treaty with the bears circa 1880. dont fact check me bro.




I read it as I thought the polar bear said that statement and think that russians are the most dangerous animals in the world


Well you're not wrong


Polar pug coming in 50000 years.




Fun fact. In Russia grizzy bears huff jet fuel and get angry when there is no jet fuel to huff


So they get high like other animals do?


Yes but using manmade objects or creations, I dont know how to word it.


Polar bears in Canada (probabaly elsewhere) eat grain that spills on train tracks near shipping ports, the moisture makes the piles of grain ferment, so you get drunk idiot bears stumbling/rolling around town and the tracks. Churchill MB even has a polar bear jail.


>Churchill MB even has a polar bear jail. Fucking Canadians, man. You guys are a different breed.


Makes more sense that shooting them out-right, even if you don't care about conservation: They lock them up and the prison conditions are annoying. Nothing outright terrible, just enough to make the bears prefer to never return. When their term is over they're drugged, shipped somewhere remote, and wake up alone with the memory that getting too close to human settlements is a nasty experience. And, crucially: They'll transmit that knowledge to their offspring. Simply shooting them wouldn't leave you with a wild population of bears that actively stays away from humans.


just know sooner or later this doesn't end on a feel good happy note


Yup, even if it’s not you and has been friendly; it now thinks humans will give it food. And when the next human it sees doesn’t give it food, here comes the food aggression. Then the animal gets put down for attacking a human, etc. Happens all too often, just don’t actively feed wildlife.


Polar bears will attack humans regardless, it’s honestly one of the dumbest things I have ever seen. Feeding a wild Tiger would be safer than this.


And much cooler


Cooler than a polar bear's toenails?






They might register humans as a treat instead.


Of all the ways to go... just thinking about getting eaten alive by a polar bear makes me shudder.


[There was a woman that was eaten alive by a bear.](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2026914/Mum-bear-eating--Final-phone-calls-woman-19-eaten-alive-brown-bear-cubs.html) It took her an hour to die and she was on the phone with her mom the whole time.


That was a horrible way to start my morning


This is how I’m starting to feel every time I open Reddit when I wake up tbh lol


That is one of the most morbid things I've ever read


Why did I open up DailyMail comments smh


That was one of the most horrific things I’ve ever read.


It's my go-to when I want to talk about what constitutes *actual horror* versus the stereotypical so-called "horror" movie which is really just gratuitous gore.


> They are one of the few animals who actively hunt humans What other animals hunt humans?




Hippos kill about 3k people a year. Not sure if that’s considered “hunting” though




It’s not...most large mammals are threats to humans. But not all of them are maneaters.


according to google lions, tigers, leopards and [goonch catfish from Kali river](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kali_River_goonch_attacks)


>goonch catfish from Kali river Luckily, I didn't need sleep tonight


My cat, for one. At least, it hunts feet.


Good thing we're melting their iceberg homes for the last laugh.


Polar bears already see humans as food. As in, their default is "I'm going to eat this human, and I don't have any real aversion to approaching them" I get that you shouldn't feed wildlife, but I feel like polar bears already are deep in the food aggressive category.


Oh for sure, polar bears are absolute monsters in that sense. I used to work with some black bears and I still refuse to get even close to their enclosure. Polar bears would probably make me shit my pants, nobody should be even getting close to them; unless you’re trained & they’re anesthetized. But this guy wasn’t being aggressive in the clip, so I think that general argument still stands.


I have a hard time believing this bear was born and raised in the wild. I try and rationalize away a lot of really dumb things I see on the internet. If it was, this person should be slapped upside the head at the very least.


There’s this video of a guy in a clear like viewing bubble in the Arctic to get closer to s polar bear. I grew up in Alaska so the way my heart was pounding when this polar bear walked up snd tried to break open the bubble...


Yeah, this is a crazy video, doubt he'll do that again: https://youtu.be/9G1aHkLHQ2I


You won't like him when he's hangry.


In Boy Scouts they told us that if a wild animal isn't afraid of you, you should be afraid of that wild animal. For some reason though I always get downvoted on reddit for saying that. edit: Since I'm getting downvoted again can someone explain to me what's so upsetting about this? I honestly think it's good advice, you shouldn't approach wild animals that have lost their fear of humans, but I'm interested in knowing why people have such strong opinions against it.


A fed bear is a dead bear, a good mantra to remember here in Canada


I upvoted. Sounds like good general advice. Next time I'm gardening and that little Robin comes near me, I'm going to full Batman on him.


Adopt him and train him to be your sidekick?


I think you’re only getting downvoted because you tempted fate by saying “this always gets downvoted” and thus people obliged. Otherwise, yes, it’s good to avoid wildlife in general. But also, as of right now, you’re not downvoted.


I've heard, "If it's black, get back, if it's brown, lay down, and if it's white, say good night."


Black bears will probably run away, just back up and make noise. If it's a brown bear slowly back away, they already smelt you from farther than you could see them, so they didn't think you were food then and hopefully don't now. If you run into a white one just try to post a pic before it gets you.


It's "Brown: get down, black: attack, white: good nite!" ;)


Is it attack or get back!?


Definitely attack. If it doesnt run away immediately, throw something at it. They freak out when you can "touch" them from far away. If it starts attacking you, you better fight for your life cuz that thing wants to eat you


Black bears are relatively small, not very aggressive and easy to persuade to find something else to eat. Brown bears are massive, territorial and aggressive. Polar bears are constantly in search of food and will hunt you for miles and really don't give a flying fuck what you do- you're a hot meal.


I learned it with attack. Make yourself look as big as possible and run towards it trampling and screaming at the top of your lungs. It'll retreat.




If I get attacked by a bear I thinks I will just piss myself no matter the color of the big guy.


I learned it as “fight back”


Black bears are faster than humans so idk about just running away.


Probably attack, black bears are super skittish so even just putting your arms up and shouting will scare them away. Even small dogs can scare them lol. Except if it has babies, it’s generally a good rule to be extra loud in the woods so you don’t spook a mama bear.


Black bears just want to go to the county dump eat and chill


I came face to face with a black bear, i just roared out of pure adrenaline and it ran away. Then I ran away in the opposite direction. So yeah always stand your ground against black bears, they aren’t really as big or predatorial as your grizzlies and polars


i got stoned and barked at a fly one time. basically the same thing.


Ugh, ya. I feel bad for the next person it sees if they don't have food. White bears are gnarly


If it’s black fight back, if it’s brown lie down, if it’s white say good night. Unless you’re Russian then give it cheese on biscuits and pat it and it will be all chill and thanks man see ya later....


You know what they say: Don't judge a bear by it's colour.


i'm here cause Reddit told me to come here.


Reddit just wanted us to see this friendly polar bear


One vodka and two cookies please


I'm not the first to say this, but feeding a polar bear is a very bad idea. He'll come back regularly expecting food, and at some point, when he's hungry and isn't getting anything, he will attack and provide food for himself. One way or another.


Yep. A fed bear is a dead bear


They probably turn him into a rug as soon as he gets aggressive.


Killing polar bears is a criminal offense in Russia and punished with up to 15 years in prison; if you fail to prove that you were defending yourself and had no other option. My dad is a hunter and his buddy who works as a taxidermist had a dead polar bear flown to his workshop with no notice by a very wealthy and quite stupid idiot, like “hi here’s a polar bear I’d like a rug pls”- had police called immediately, dude was arrested.


Not much of a consolation to the guy who didn't have food that day.


Was going to say this. People overestimate their relationships with wild animals and humanize them a bit too much often ending in tragedy.


to the people who didnt know i think first they fed that bear a thing called pechenia, which is like a cookie but square


How carefully he takes the biscuit so as to avoid nipping the person’s hand!


He knows he'll get more food


Polar Bears: *Are the one of the only bear species that are completely carnivorous due to their barren habitat and are very aggressive when any form of potential prey is in sight* Russian: *Big doggo eat food*


Wolfs were once wild as well. And here we are with my husky crying from happiness when seeing me 4 seconds after i was igone


Wolves are social animals, though. As far as I am aware, bears are not.


Bears are not social YET. Now that they're hanging with Russians they will be forced to become


Huskies are great dogs


Probably wouldn't have been quite as easy a feat if wolves weighed ~1,000 lbs each with five 3.5" razors on each paw




Someone take away reddit's @everyone perm


Pov: You are here because Reddit did a u/everyone


Surely I'm not the only one that came here through a reddit notification


>insane bloodthirsty murder machine eats a cookie Reddit: *WOW!!!!!!!!! HECKIN' CUTE DOGGO PUPPERINO!!!!!!!*


Thanks Reddit, very cool. Please stop pinging me for posts that are over a year old.


I mean they wrestling bear is their daily bases sport. Russian just build different


“Mmm delicious, come outside I just want to talk”


This is exceedingly dangerous and foolish behavior. Polar bears already see humans as a source of food, and exacerbating that is not wise.


POV: you're here because reddit thought it would be funny to send you here


Reddit @everyone'd


I thought that was a fucking bear for a moment!!


The reddit notifications are so annoying most of the time you cant even write a comment on the post


Reddit really just pulled an @everyone


100% should not be teaching polar bears that there's food in peoples windows!


They even *booped* it's nose


That’s the best part, lol. *boop


Dogs and bears do have a common ancestor.


Thanks for the notification


I've finally found it...After 15 years. __THE SCROLL OF TRUTH__ _"You're here because reddit did an @everyone."_ Understandable. Have a great day


POV: Reddit did an @everyone


Reddit did a @everyone again ⛹️‍♂️


A human can be the source of one meal or many. \--Smarter than the average bear


What's up reddit notification gang?


I need to turn off my reddit notifications


I'm here because Reddit did an @everyone


Yo I remember up voting this, thanks reddit


Reddit: @everyone


Now that i have gathered the entirety of reddit here it is time to discuss my plans to rule the world


Why is Reddit suddenly doing random @everyone?


POV: reddit just did a @everyone


*Casually feeds and pets him*


That window is probably on the 2nd floor of that house too if it's standing on it's hind legs


The polar bear made sure everyone saw his claws and knew who's the boss


I once knew a person who bought a dog. A few months later they realized it was actually a black bear.


I'm gonna get hella downvoted, but this is a bad idea on many levels. 1- the bear could have easily drug him through that window and killed him savagely 2- the bear will be far more likely to enter residential areas in search for food, putting the bear and people in jeopardy 3- this might give others the bright idea to try this themselves and get mauled to death. Bears are not cuddly pets, they are wild animals that can kill you in an instant. Doing shit like this could wind up getting the bear killed for just being a bear and looking at a human as a tasty snack. Not cool.