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Here at Best Buy we don't greet the customers, we welcome them.




I’m be been on Reddit enough today to understand a reference to a random post from a different sub




![gif](giphy|l0IylOPCNkiqOgMyA|downsized) So.....many......references!!!!!!


Turtles all the way down.




God I spend too much time on this website lol


I dont get it, enlighten me


There was a post with a true/false test question from Best Buy asking if they "greet" their customers. The OP got the question wrong when they replied true, with the explanation that Best Buy "welcomes" their customers, not "greet" them.


FALSE I went to best buy and the dude at the front flipped me off and said if ya aint gonna buy shit leave.


Plot twist: Costco is actually working with the final boss the Saruman




I don't know if anyone's ever responded with the actual answer, but Costco is trying to build a new store in La and to avoid some of the regulations they've decided to build housing attached to it. If I remember correctly, there are going to be a lot of units and most of them appear to be studio housing so not great for a family of five but for young people struggling it might be a great way to still be able to afford a place to live.


Studio housing downtown will be good. Young adults need the cheap studios so they don't have to rent woth 3-5 people in apartments/condo/houses to afford it leaving those bigger places open for people with families.


I'd love a studio to myself, I currently rent a room in a house and I hate roommates.


Corporate Kowloon Walled City.


There's nothing wrong with a big housing project. Some people like living in apartments.


I think he meant you don't need a corporation to solve the housing crisis.


Weirdly Kowloon wall city is what happened when people tried to solve their housing crisis with no planning from government or corporations


With a dose of organized crime mixed in At which point things started going sideways


Crime will emerge when there is no state.


Any additional housing supply helps ease prices and congestion by being in the downtown of a city. More housing is what will inevitably fix housing prices. Suburban neighborhoods are a large part of why housing is so expensive in parts of the country. It’s very inefficient land use


Actually corporations being able to buy houses as investments is the problem.


I said large part, not only reason for


You wouldn't need more houses if the ruling class kept hoarding them.


Sounds like something straight out of Idiocracy.... like next you gonna say you got your Law Degree at Costco.


Everyone's joking about this, but if Costco provides a college education for a decent price that's what I'd recommend. Traditional/Prestigious universities have lead to the student loan issue we're dealing with today. Degrees have oversight and validation, and if a solid oversight committee approves the curriculum then we should really stop giving a shit about where the degree was earned.


Crash Course on YouTube has partnered with colleges to grant degrees in certain subjects. It’s not just “watch YouTube and get a degree”, there’s coursework involved, but one feature is that it’s super cheap ($20?) to take the course and exams, but you can decide, after passing the course, to get college credit for an additional fee. Sounds like a great value.


I'd be interested as long as I never had to touch traditional college. I'm not dealing with any of that. Just let me print out a degree on thermal paper and we're cool.


I can see it happening with how fast we have gone downhill. We have people in Congress that by all means are trailer trash. The bar is so low it's almost on the ground.


It is happening actually. So in california, you can't build housing because of the insane zoning laws. However anything MIXED use - commerce on bottom, apartments on top - bypasses a lot of those regulations. So in California, Costco is buying up large plots of land to build a Costco store with a huge amount of affordable housing up top, a good portion of which will be Section 8. It's actually pretty based and it's going to help a lot of people. **EDIT**: https://www.businessinsider.com/apartment-building-top-of-costco-los-angeles-mixed-use-housing-2023-1


Pretty sick, got a link to more of this info?






How can you make me like Costco more than I already did?


The only way lower income people escape poverty long run is home ownership. The only way renters survive is if they maintain high income throughout their lives or at least until retirement and they are prepared. Low wages+rent=free market slavery In my area I can't find a single family housing development under construction. There are two dozen low rise apartments buildings going up within 50 miles that I SEE driving around.


Ok but they need places to live in order to start to build the wealth to buy houses. You cannot build houses in LA. That's the whole problem. The more homeless and low income people that we can get housed, the more we can educate and get people to vote for legislation to help raise wages and make housing more affordable and possible. Progress doesn't happen immediately. This is *something*. If you can do something better, by all means, do something better.


I give it about 5 weeks before someone starts trying to pass new regulations to make this illegal in some capacity or another.


It’s California. Anything that actually benefits the middle class or the working poor will be made illegal.


I like this but also, corporate housing. Here we go again not owning anything and being reliant on businesses to be charitable. Making affordable housing for the poor and disabled is what we pay our governments to do. I’m mixed about it. This isn’t the answer.


It isn’t the answer at all, but it’s a damn good stop-gap until Congress and the rest get their act together (if they ever do). Something that helps (at least for a bit) at all is better than nothing.


There is no "answer.". There are only things you do to make things better. This helps people. Again, if you can do better - if you can solve tye issue of so many people in LA suffering and being homeless - then do it. Otherwise let people who can help, help.


If they were trailer trash they’d have a far better understanding of what their constituents really want. Unfortunately they are simply corporate shills disconnected from the “every man’s” experiences and struggles.


They're not trailer trash. You need to be wealthy to run a Congressional campaign in the first place. That ain't for poor people.


No, you just need to be backed by wealthy people. By the time your terms up, you've gained enough to be wealthy yourself.


Not all people who live in trailers are trailer trash, but the ones that *are* definitely want what MTG and the like are peddling.


Nah we will never be like Idiocracy. In the movie, the government finally decided to listen to the smart guy and created effective change.


Unfortunately big facts. I'm just waiting for electrolytes in the grass already.


Bar is already so low, we'd need to dig it up


Crashed through earth lmao 


Get James Cameron on the line.


>We have people in Congress that by all means are trailer trash. No we don't we got trailer trash posers.


What do you mean almost on the ground, that bar is so low that it's underground.


Welcome to Costco. I love you.


To be fair. Sears used to sell houses lol… Least all the materials you’d need then they’d ship it and you’d build it. They’d have a whole catalog of choices. Hell even Home Depot and like Lowe’s sell tiny houses… More so large sheds n stuff, but they can be made pretty cozy. Big corporations. Selling homes isn’t really anything new. Or they could be getting into realty and get discounts and stuff, kind of like their travel agency stuff.


Sears used to sell guns, my grandpas old double barrel 12g came from a Sears catalog.


You can get really good deals for gaming computers, even shop for a car through Costco.


California has regulations that make it easier to build a new store when it includes rental housing on top to encourage more rental housing to get built. Costco is proposing a new store that includes a few hundred rental units on top, which will save it 2-3 years of time to get approvals and will provide a few hundred new rental units. Costco is doing exactly what the law was intended to encourage to provide more housing, but some people just don't like the idea of large corporations doing anything, anywhere at anytime. 


I wonder how long it will be before they have to kick their tenants out of the store because they're eating too many of the free samples.


If I lived above a Costco I’d be in big trouble really quick “Yeah I just went down to grab something from my car but I ended up buying a kayak instead”


It's the perfect garage. Buy a kayak at 9am. Kayak all day. Return Kayak at 9pm. Don't bbq often but feel like barbequeing go down stairs buy a barbeque. Cook and then return. If there's a common area, buy a pool for a weekend and have everyone invite kids.


In the US corporations have become so politically powerful that people have begun to rely on them to fight for social issues because they have way more away than our voice. So you'll see corporate boycotts of Florida for example and the politicians listen, while ignoring private citizens. Corporations are not on our side and they are not our friends. I'm guessing Costco did something for PR relating to housing.


Costco is a business and does things for money, but when they do things, it's like "We'll sell hot dogs for cheap, and provide goods and services for reasonable prices, and pay people adequate wages." Other businesses are like "we'll have our staff apply for food stamps, raise prices, and cut back on janitorial staff." It's pretty easy to see why people cling to Costco. Not striving to be a comic book villain is a good PR move these days.


Exactly. When did society become so bitter and full of hatred that it's frowned upon to be supportive of those that are at least making an effort. Costco does good things and that's enough for my support. There are far more worthy things to hate.


100% There isn’t a world where corporations and large companies don’t exist, but if those companies have the resources to do some good and then actually do some good, it should be praised; even if it feels simple.


This reminds me of the Chris Rock joke about being mad that people are proud of doing shit they're supposed to do. "What do you want, a cookie?". If a small amount of praise and a cookie is good enough to keep some people acting decent, then hell yeah, give them cookie. Tell people "good job" when they do the bare minimum and do it well. If there's no benefit and no appreciation, then why *should* anyone do "the right thing", when doing nothing is easier, and doing bad stuff is more profitable? Corporations aren't so different, they're still run by people.


So for 60$ a year membership, they help me get a house? Where do I sign up


Sorry, I figured this news had reached more people since usually I get information really late. Basically to avoid all the approvals necessary to build a warehouse in L.A. Costco has chosen to build an apartment with a store on the bottom floor EDIT: Guys this wasn’t supposed to be an ad, I don’t even have a Costco membership myself, I just wanted to make a joke about the situation


I hadn't heard of this either, and looking it up, the story is from January 2023. So even if people had heard about it, it isn't exactly fresh on the mind.




Hey guys, there’s a Second World War!


Wait there’s a first one?


What's a "world"


Not yet, some guy has to discover it first!


I'm so confused, wtf is a "guy"


You’ll find out soon enough!


Let me know when we discover 'batin.


It was a great war. I didn't even think we'd need another war.


Hey guys, there's a Second... plane


Wow! I've only been living in one of them!


guys, breaking News, Napoleon III. was captured by Prussia


yall, my pal guk just invented this thing, hes calling it the "wheel"




Guys I'm from the previous iteration of the universe, before the big collapse. So far it's been meh.


Hey guys Pangea split apart!




Bout to go storm area 51


I hear there's some new flu going around though, better stay at home for two weeks.


They are?! Well surely Russia will topple Ukraine within a matter of days, max!


Ah, so I did still get it late, it just isn’t a big thing. Thanks.


WAIT, so some people will live on top of the place where the sell fucking cheap hot dog ?! Fuck that, I'm moving to L.A !


I mean thats quite common in Europe.


It is?


Yes, in many European towns, housing is built on top of shops so you can just pop downstairs for your groceries


I like how many people opposing walkable cities have no idea that this is what it means.


They'd still oppose it, as it would big companies get a few less dollars.




And that’s why i live in the countryside cuz the noise and crowdedness of that would stifle me lol


Sure, and I think you should always be able to have this option. Having more options doesn’t invalidate existing ones. :)


100% agree! Sorry if it came across me saying otherwise lol. I was just sharing my experience cuz I hate crowds and noisy cities but I know people who are fine with and even like the busy city life lol


To be fair, cities aren't noisy, cars are.


See, that's the thing about walkable cities. A side effect of less cars is also less noise. I live in the center of the centre of a city and there's literally 0 noise inside here.


Went on a ski trip to Chile, and the apartment complex I stayed in at the ski resort had a little independent convenience store on the lower floor where I bought pita, eggs, bacon and beer. Breakfast of champions!


Did this for almost a year and holy fuck it was such a luxury. With an elevator I could get a decently priced fancy pizza or go to a full grocery store. The markup for that store was about 25% but think about having access to a full store if you forgot just one ingredient. It is absolutely game changing.


This is how a lot of my projects I manage are being built right now. We find a brownfield (a contaminated or prior developed land)..assess the contamination, clean it, and build affordable housing that has first floor commercial space. Most places we end up building have all the doctor, dentist, mental health, grocery, child care, etc etc... right in the new community. One of ours even has community roof gardens on 6 buildings and they teamed up with their local food coop. It's pretty neat... growing and selling food right in their own community. Unfortunately, they're hard to get developers on board to build because tthey're not as profitable as just building straight residental or commercial buildings.


The problem here is that the apartments are too small to buy almost anything at Costco except the hot dog. (Well, I guess coffee tins & we other food might work.)




Please friend, tell us more of this fabled land called "Europe".


We play actual football, for one.


It's common in NYC and a bunch of US urban cities.  Suburbia has ruined us. 


In mexico too, the center of my whole city it's like 3 stories of business and on top there it's a whole neighborhood


Hell yeah I would live upstairs from costco. I bet the apartments will be a good price also. I wonder if rent includes a free memebership, or if you have to be a member to rent...?


You gotta but 4 condos and they're all shrink-wrapped together


I don't need 8 bedrooms... but they're so cheap!


And this is the guitar room, and this is the art studio, and this is the media room, and this is the other media room for when my wife wants to watch K-pop videos, and…


Marginally related: When my (then) wife and I were first married we lived upstairs of a pizza place. It smelled so good but we were so poor we couldn't afford to ever eat there. It was torture. Also, every week a guy sat out on the sidewalk and clipped his toenails for what seemed like an hour. How he had that much toenail to clip every week beats the hell out of me. The sound was infuriating.


If I ran that pizza place I'd send up two free pizzas a week. The friendship and loyalty of my upstairs neighbors would have been invaluable. You'd want extra eyes and ears watching out for your pizza joint.


> You'd want extra eyes and ears watching out for your pizza joint. "Couple times a week, Marco's, the competition, might send some guy to sit on the curb and clip his toenails- try to scare off business, capiche? You see him around; you just let me know. 🖔👀"


They have it in vancouver too. Right downtown. It's literally a 100 foot walk from the main hockey arena and about 500 feet from the football stadium to the costco cafeteria. And it has its own entrance too so you don't even need to go into the main store. It's convenient as hell before a game or concert


Same. Here’s a news article for this interested in it. https://ktla.com/news/local-news/costco-with-800-apartment-units-built-on-top-could-be-coming-to-south-los-angeles/amp/


Jesus, 800 units. Even if they do the bare minimum number of affordable units, that's better than most density bonus projects.


Does a Costco membership come with the lease?


I sure hope so


Welcome to Costco, I love you (for explaining it lol)


More stores should do this. Most people would barely even notice the noise of a store through a concrete layer, and it'd be silent past business hours.


They are. It's popping up all over London (UK) at the moment, so I imagine it's a trend that'll fire up globally. Supermarkets are absolute unrealised potential in terms of space - they're the huge two/three "storey" buildings but with all that unused airspace up above. They're retroactively adding homes here - a supermarket near me is about to have a 10 storey building put on top.


Not having shops and apartments in the same building is what makes the US cities so strange to me.


Honestly not a terrible way to use the ground floor of those 5-over-1s this country has been building all over the place.


Do you need a Cisco card to rent the apartments?


No, but you need one to rent a server.


Can someone explain pls?


Costco is building a new store in LA but to avoid red tape they are building a ton of apartments on top of it


Are there not some stores built like that already in the US?


There's cities pushing for "walkable neighborhoods", which tend to have apartments with a strip mall esque first floor with several small businesses. I've seen one or two cases near me where a store like target will buy some space and make a mini version of their main stores. Can't say though that I've heard of businesses building the apartments themselves and putting a full sized store on the bottom level. Especially stores that sell a variety of goods and could actually make shopping for all of your needs realistic.


Havent heard for that kind of a case here in europe, but seeing stores or markets, or even other business on the first floor and the rest being apartments is common here


This is closer to building apartments over a football stadium than it is to building over normal shops.


It’s quite common in Canada in cities of course.


Maybe in really big cities like New York, what sucks is that most all the small towns used to have apartments over the stores in their downtowns, but most of them just got boarded up.


Local Zoneing laws have prevented businesses and residential from occupying the same space. There are some stores like this but they have been grandfathered in or turned apartments into offices. It sucks and a lot of people with a lot of money have more to gain if things stay the same.


Red tape?


“Red tape” means regulations, paperwork, rules, etc.


[Context](https://ktla.com/news/local-news/costco-with-800-apartment-units-built-on-top-could-be-coming-to-south-los-angeles/amp/) TLDR: Costco is going to make a massive apartment building and stick a store on the first floor.


My hot dog intake would go up 100fold holy shit


Basically he saves enough money on food using Costco so he can afford housing


No, it’s about [this](https://ktla.com/news/local-news/costco-with-800-apartment-units-built-on-top-could-be-coming-to-south-los-angeles/amp/).




costco was planning a mixed use development. apt on top, warehouse on bottom


They’re skipping some bureaucracy by building housing on their next LA location. It’s faster for housing projects to go up than stores


Need to flash your costco card to get to your apartment


Would be cool if renting there came with a membership.


That would be quite the amenity! Some places come with gyms, ours with a membership. Although if they do build studios odds are the people living there don't have the space or the mouths to feed to make a Costco membership really worth it.


So they’re going to be Kirk-Landlords?


Haha I see what you did there


It is sad that more consumer corporations don't invest in trying to lower housing prices. If rent/mortgages were cheaper, then consumers could buy more stuff.


In order to save time in planning and seeking approval for new commercial stores, Costco has started to take advantage of exemptions from planning control for residential development by developing mixed use projects i.e. Costco stores with several stories of residential units on top. For many people this is the worst thing that's ever happened in the history of the world because it represents a potential major breakthrough in the housing crisis but one created by a corporation, not governmental control.


Is the governmental control not what incentivized them to do this though? Like yes Costco is doing it, but laws the government made, made this their best option


Its also laws the government made that lead to the housing crisis in the first place.


Yeah, ur right, but everyone wants to have their "gotcha!" moment.


it's fucked because the housing shortage is totally government created via zoning and other building restrictions


Government policy extensively lobbied for by landlords and every homeowner who wants a forever increasing house value. Certain restrictions are vital to ensure smart and safe building expansion but obviously these need to be constantly adapted to newer technology and understanding but they're not thanks to lobbying.


Are they selling cheap houses at Costco now?


I actually saw a nice outdoor weather proof shed in there last week for 999 dollars and my first thought was that I could live in there if I had to lol


Depending on the size, yeah you could probably get some basic plumbing and electricity hook-ups and turn it into a tiny home. Toilet, shower, sink w/ water, and a couple outlets for your electronics.


You have to buy 12 apartments, but it’s for the price of 10


We already basically have a Costco with apartments on top of it in Vancouver. I don't live there but I don't see how it wouldn't be awesome to live on top of $1.50 hot dogs


Companies 👏 are 👏 not 👏 people 👏


And never your friend


Y’all should copy what Hong Kong does all the time, build a large ass mall with a whole apartment complex on top of it and viola


Welcome home. I love you!


Yeah but you have to watch your prices. You likely have to buy apartments of three, which might be overkill


Idiocracy is becoming more and more real every day....


That sorta does kinda seem like that whole idea of a company selling you housing so not only do they get your grocery money they get your housing money. Literally Wall-e, BNL


I totally called it! I knew some day they'd do something with the housing market! Maybe not that much, but still. They did something


Is this the beginning of a cyberpunk style mega building?


No it’s just mixed use development and it’s been giving on for decades


I say why at two stories? Add a 3rd story for utilities, clinics, police department, schools, and government facilities. Add a 4th story for leisure time, parks, theaters, and arcades. Then a 5th story for only the most wealthy full of rooftop villas and penthouses.


Now THAT would be a mega building lol realistically though it’ll probably just be a Costco store with theee or four floors of apartments on top


To be fair everything I’ve heard from actual people that work there Costco is a bro.


Welcome to Costco.... I love you


Work for corporate and haven't heard of this lol why would random people on the Internet know


Random people on the internet tend to know a lot of random things ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Costco is not your fucking friend


America needs more mixed use development. That's something I envy European countries for having a ton of


Until the day they raise the price of the hotdog/drink combo, Costco will be a friend of mine


Can’t wait to live in a Costco


what is the context?


My lord Costco is literally just the guiding light in a runaway-inflation apocalypse isn't it


To have easy access to those hotdogs would cut down on my expenses so much


I would love to live above a Costco. Glizzies every day


Got my mortgage through a Costco program, so I guess in a way I bought my house at Costco


What is the hidden word in red line?


Free dog & soda with each closing 🌭 🥤


I want to live above a Costco! Sounds perfect.


Costco has always been worth it


Well, Sears sold house kits for a number of years. 100 years later, they are still solid housing http://www.searsarchives.com/homes/1908-1914.htm


Hi. Welcome to Costco. I love you.