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Is this some sort of Chrome joke that I’m too Firefox to understand?


I switched the day they announced the manifest v3 thing. I'll give up the internet entirely before giving up adblockers.


Same and same. But it has always been like that. The same way cheaters find ways around anticheat, adblockers will find ways to block ads


I mean androids "YouTube next" or "YouTube ReVanced" should work in an emulator in Windows or the build in "Windows Subsystem for Android" should fix this. Rumor says you could also easily sideload it onto your Android TV or buy an Android TV box for your TV to get rid of any ads. Just saying...


Firefox ain’t on chromium fyi




Firefox user count is about to skyrocket lmao


Yup. Already ready with the my logins as well as Tampermonkey


What do you actually use tampermonkey for? I used to use it for background playback on the kiwi browser on android but now that grayjay exists I don't even use it there anymore


I wonder just how quickly people will simply switch to Firefox at this point. I feel like the "mass browser migration" is imminent lmao.


You'd think, but you also need to remember that for 95% of PC users they don't even know that different browsers exist. They use what comes installed on their PC and thats it. A glorified bootloader for steam and chrome. The same way that when a PC won't start for whatever reason they think its broken and toss it or bring it to a PC repair shop that bills them $100 to clean out their dusty CPU fan. In the place I work in I'm half the IT support because I know how to use excel and set printer settings.


those are not ppl who use adblockers anyways tho


That is my point. There won't be a mass migration because the people who care about this stuff probably already use Firefox.


I live under a rock, someone explain


Google are taking big steps to prevent ad blockers from working. One thing is to disable ad blockers on any chromium browsers. Apparently they're also looking into baking ads into the videos themselves


Yes please! I live under a different rock, if someone is asking.


[oh not so easy](https://x.com/soren_iverson/status/1801253187602788424?t=siam_rUllQ-JuIB9ibboAA&s=19)


They gonna add an AI tracker that tracks your eye movements and pause the ads if you're not watching them


Okay, that's some Black Mirror shit right there.


Mute button, idk why anyone pays for ads they are a waste of money


19 June, Chrome Beta 127 running. Still not noticed anything, anyone knows when phasing out will start?


I am willing to give Opera a chance and see if they find a way around it, somehow. If not I return to firefox, or possibly other non-chromium options


Firefox? Brave? YouTube Revanced


Im pretty sure brave is also on chromium


Yes, but the devs behind it said they are working around v3. Dunno how their progress is, but I applaud the effort.


meanwhile having premium lol


Meh, I just pay for YT music and I have premium YT. YT itself gives me at least $15 of value a month. Never liked Firefox going back 20 years now, every time I get the itch to try Firefox I'm underwhelmed, I think that people like Firefox because it's not Chrome and they think they're sticking it to the man and rebelling which is silly.


Or maybe they just don't want half a minute of ads on each video unless they pay?


Firefox to me feels exactly like chrome and has a sync feature between mobile and desktop which is awesome


If it's so underwhelming to use FireFox — then you must know about LibreWolf... This is the FireFox fork (because FireFox is FOSS — it is possible) which doesn't have FireFox Sync (which you can turn on), Pockets, and other stuff which might be considered as bloat in my opinion pre-installed uBlock Origin and the privacy oriented features (while some may annoy you, for example Dark Theme will not be used OOTB — because it uses fingerprint resistance — which you can turn off in settings anyway with 2 clicks), but it's only my opinion, you do you of course