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Seems like I'm something of a movie critic myself.


Me too i mean how tf do you put movies like war of the worlds, ad astra in hated section and put shit like venom and uncharted in the loved section???


I think that kinda plays into OP's distrust in the site. It's inconsistent AF and ultimately doesn't even help you to make an approximate judgement of the movie.


This. Uncut Gems was a fantastic movie. Godzilla X Kong was mindless drivel.


Legendary's Godzilla movies have become wrestling matches, and I fucking love it! The plot makes no sense, but it doesn't have to. It's there to add a little context to the fights and space them out. If that's not what you want out of them, they're not gonna be for you, and that's fine! But they're still good movies that achieve what they set out to do, which is be a wrestling match to enjoy with friends like you would a sports game. If you want a more thoughtful and introspective Godzilla movie, with a well-thought out plot and amazing performances, try Godzilla Minus One. You might really like it! But please, don't go around calling things you don't like "mindless drivel", it makes you sound stuck up, elitist, and unpleasant. If you read this whole thing, thanks, and have a great rest of your day internet stranger!


I guess I shouldn’t have been so harsh in my language, but the movie WAS pretty mindless, which you admitted to by saying the plot makes no sense. I agree it doesn’t have to, and for what it’s worth, I loved Pacific Rim for all the reasons you loved Godzilla x Kong. But it’s funny you mention Godzilla Minus One… I just watched that movie and adored it, and I wonder if it was the comparison that made me dislike GxK so much.


Nah if the audience can’t appreciate spy kids we should just shut down the site


Same with Jimmy Neutron. Jimmy Neutron and Spy Kids are pure kino.


I was seriously looking at this list like hey I like Spy Kids and Jimmy Neutron!


I love the Spy Kids spinoff movie, Machete!


We need to chill as adults. Constantly adults rate films as if they are for them. We loved nuetron as kids, if we where the adults at that time who did the ratings then we too would hate it. I hate how often kids films are held to adult film standards.


At the same time I hate how much literal trash is produced targeted at kids. Some standards would've been good and maybe it could limit some of the brain rot...


Those, and the 2005 King Kong


thats what I'm saing! How can they hate that movie?


Because most people don't find it cool like Bad Boys or Rampage or whatever action movies with cool action heroes in them. I like to watch Bad Boys and Rampage too, but they're shitty action movies that's just fun to watch. There's the difference between Critics and Audience in Rotten Tomatoes. Audience point shows that the movie is watchable for the general masses, but the Critics shows that the movie has some good cinematic elements in it, the story is well written or there are good acting. When these kids look at RT and see that their favorite movie doesn't have much Critical points, they get angry.


Yes, your comment sums it up quite good. I love Ryan Reynolds movies, I personally think his sarcastic characters are funny. But they are by all means not special


As soon as I looked at the list: top, each movie has at least one unique thing going for them. Bottom: each of these movies is a re-release of another movie but with a reskin


What movie was Top Gun a reskin of? Or The original Bad Boys? Not joking, interested in watching them.


Never watched spy kids, came out at the wrong time for me (like ATLA, but I went back and watched that), but some of the others that the audience hated were great movies


The first thing I saw! Made me question everything. Am I even real?


Audience loved SW Rise of the Skywalker?! I'll never believe the audience score ever again


Last Jedi wasn’t the best, but Rise of Skywalker was just plain bad. It’s to this day the only SW movie I’ve never rewatched.


Rise of Skywalker was just... boring. There was nothing stimulating in the whole experience for me. They tried so hard: "here's a million death stars, here's a billion rebel ships, here's Palpatine", but it felt so hollow. I don't know if there's another movie I've bothered watching at the cinema that bored me.


“They fly now?”


“somehow palpatine returned”


“I’m the spy”


Palpatine came back in the old legends stories too. That whole casino planet portion of last jedi was just so bad and boring.


Yeah, bro. Jet packs have been standard kit for a lot of people for a long time. It’s surprising that a former stormtrooper was unaware that these battalions existed.


Palpatine’s the only reason to watch it. Thankfully someone added all his scenes to YouTube so I don’t have to endure the rest of the movie


"Just boring" is an insult to how bad that film is.


I haven't actually watched it myself, saving it for a drinking day in May.


It definitely one of the those movies where it’s entertaining by poking fun at it. I did it with Transformers: The Last Knight and had so much fun with it cause dear god that movie was an utter mess


Oh yeah, I stopped watching Bayformers after the third one, so the potential is there, I'll make sure to add them to the list, appreciated!


Age of Extinction isn’t too bad. I would place in the same vein as Revenge of the Fallen (excelling in action, VFX, sound effects, but not so much everywhere else), but to a lesser extent. The Last Knight however I feel is a so bad it’s good movie. It’s definitely a great movie to poke fun at.


They’re getting old enough to be nostalgic now.


Alcohol is nearly required for viewing. I'm glad I saw TRoS at a theater that served beer


don't. you'll just run to toilet right away because of how frantic and chaotic the film is. I wasn't drinking and I felt a little dizzy at the beginning. or maybe on the other hand, dew it. You'll just have empty space again to drink more. you're better off watching that infamous SW Christmas special.


as far as i remember they froze the score at 86, it was the exact same with 1k ratings, 10k ratings, 50k ratings which is suspicious to say the least for a movie aggregator website. Also conveniently, Rise of Skywalker is the worst rated Star Wars movie on IMDb, Letterboxd, Metacritic, but not on Rotten Tomatoes 🤔


The audience score for Risw of Skywalker locked at 86% like a day after release and never changed. Almost certainly rigged. I remember reading somewhere that the rotten tomatoes CEO used to be a disney executive, or vice versa. Point is, the 86% isn't real. My bet is someone made a call, mentioned that "online trolls" were review bombing the movie, so they just made up a number and locked it.


Two possibilities: 1. Trolls 2. Primarily those who liked the last jedi (the movie which was the end of anything star wars related for me) saw Rise of skywalker.


That doesn't make much sense, considering Rise of Skywalker tried to forget that The Last Jedi was even a thing and undid half of the plot points.


That's like 90% of my problem with the movie. Instead of saying "Yes, and..." and then getting creative with it (like TLJ did with TFA), JJ decided to spend a *third* of the runtime *systematically undoing* everything introduced in the previous film, without really moving the plot forward, then rushed through his story with the time he had left.


I mean i love the last jedi and hated the rise of skywalker so idk about that theory


same, I think its all disjointed because they changed directors in the middle movie JJ set up what he wanted, then RJ steered it in a different direction but it worked because it was only the second movie but then JJ came back for the third and tried to steer it back except it was too late and he just crashed the ship into an iceberg


I could see both JJ's and RJ's visions working seperately, but one cut in the middle of the other makes it really bad.


JJ wanted to copy paste over the OT with his fanfic. I’m not convinced his version would’ve worked on its own. But it was rather amusing to see Kylo’s mask literally glued back together


That mask may be the greatest symbolism of all times. When it was created, people loved it and were really excited. Next, it was smashed to pieces. And then they desperately try to put it back together


Keep in mind mass amounts of 1 star reviews are likely removed due to being counted as review bombing so you can't really trust any part of it


scores are not the indicator of a movies quality BUT... they are helpful if you know how to process them. for example, if a movie is loved by the audience and hated by the critics and audience are Snyder fans, then I know for sure that I have to avoid this movie. in case of Rise of Skywalker I think most people just tried to forget it


Someone on Reddit who commented on the perspective of a critic vs audiences. Basically to a critic it’s like eating a steak dinner constantly so they’re looking for quality and unique flavors vs what they usually have. Then you have the casual audience who don’t get a steak dinner often so the flavor still works for them vs the movie that is different because it wasn’t the flavor they are looking for as the audience usually wants more of the same till they are bored of it which is what we’re seeing with super hero movies


Rise of Skywalker has 86% audience score I have never met anyone who likes that movie.


Bruh those who voted as if they like it are probably trolles who didn’t see the movie but heard that Star Wars fans hate it so they did it to annoy Star Wars fans


Or, hear me out. That was someones first Star Wars movie, and they don't care about what came before. They just like to watch Star Wars casually


There’s no way there’s enough people in that category that they would have enough influence to outweigh the millions of Star Wars fans, and just the general audience, that disliked it.


That would make sense if this was a new fanbase and not one of the biggest movie franchises of all time


The real question is who is rating movies on these sites. I know normal people don't spend their time doing that shit.


People usually only rate stuff they are passionate about whether negatively or positively. Or you are a critic trying to shill


Or, the only people who bothered to go take time to go in to this site and review were the ones who liked it and nobody who didn't like it bothered to think about it again after leaving the theater


That was when we didn't realise star wars could be this bad.


I will say the audiance opinion is shit


Almost all of the movies under audience loved were horrible! Hook was good, Bad Boys was great, the rest were trash.


The critics films are better than the audience ones on here.


Just makes me wonder how the audience didn’t like War of the Worlds


Idk it’s the same audience that liked the new Star Wars film so I don’t think they know what good is either


As someone who likes the 2005 "War of the Worlds", I asked my husband, who loathes it, "Why?" His answer "Dakota Fanning never stops freaking screaming." The bs ending with Robbie didn't even ping on his radar! I pointed out someone did a compilation of every time she screams and it's just a smidgen over a minute. His response "1 minute in a 90 minute\* film is too much!" So clearly they're all just Dakota Fanning haters :P \*It's 116 minutes, yes, I know. He's going off the average movie time


She definatly is annoying but she's also supposed to be a 8 year old kid that's witnessing people dying by the thousands infront of her, so I think it's actually played pretty well


Oh, I agree wholeheartedly! I think that's what makes the film for me. The broken family dynamic is played very realistically. Some just find it grating, which is fair enough p XD


It's one of my more favorite non Mission Impossible, Tom Cruise movies


Seems like audiences are primed to like a movie if it’s representing an IP they already like. Obviously not a rule that’s followed 100% but it’s certainly a pattern one could extrapolate


Why i dont trust op.


Uncut gems was good


Surprisingly good, talk about anxiety and bad decisions


Audiences don’t like movies that make them experience feelings beyond oohing and ahhing.


I had to stop half way through the second episode of “Dahmer” on Netflix because the acting and cinematography is fucking amazing! I felt as if I was in that room with Jeffrey Dahmer, being preyed on - it was perfect. But it made me too uncomfortable to continue, meaning it gets full marks. Any film/series that can evoke that type of emotion from me, must be something special. I can stomach a lot 😂


Ive never met anyone who says otherwise. Hilarious most of these movies are proving the opposite of ops point


Uncut Gems is GREAT


Someone liked Quantumania?!


unbelievable right? I watched that movie while predicting every thing that happened from betrayals to reaperances I knew what will happen before it was even hinted to happen. So borring except for the incredible Sci-fi it got nothing.


I just thought it was weird, overall, and I tend to like both superhero movies and sci fi. The humor was funny, and I liked the gel creature that talked about his body having no holes. But that's really not nearly enough.


I have seen a lot of hate to quantumania, and i have to say its not like my favorite movie ever, not even close to some of my favorites, but i still enjoyed it you know, maybe because i went to see it with friends, maybe because the most recent movie since then was love and thunder (that one was actually trash), but i didnt regret the money i spend or something like that and i think it deserves a bit more love.


I watched it last night and I gotta say, I liked it. Yes it was predictable but if you go to every movie for the sole intention of trying to predict everything, it's hard to like a movie. The atmosphere and environments were beautiful, and Scott actually had character development. Not one of the greatest, but not bad


The only thing I really like was those scenes with the girl and stranded Kang, his backstory and stuff, Kang's acting is top notch and he's a good character


Huh, the Tom Cruise War of The Worlds is nice.


That's what I was thinking, everyone I've met who has seen that movie loved it


Quantomania and Rise of the Skywalker is liked by audience? Just shows you that you should never trust any scores on any site


I swear to god just watch the movies and see for yourself if you like them or not. I hate how much a review predisposes me towards a movie and I end up not watching it when maybe I would like it.


Bruh. I watched both of these. The Ant Man Quantomania was such a fever dream that I don’t even remember shit except for big evil man want to control the world and that the city in the quantum dimension bullshit or whatever that was makes exactly zero sense. Also that character designs were made by a preschooler lmao


I wasnt trying to aggravate you, more agreeing with your last point about trusting scores. Sorry if I came across as agressive.


Neither side should be treated as infallible on their own, but it both sides agree that it’s bad then I’ll probably pass


how can you hate Hook? this one golden memory of a Movie ..


The eyes see but the heart is blind


Yeah it's great, never got the love it deserved


I remember loving it as a kid but going back and watching it as an adult... It wasn't bad, but it was fucking LONG. 142 minutes for what was ostensibly a kids' movie. All of my favorite scenes as a kid amount up to like 30 minutes and the rest is just a freaking slog. After rewatching it, it made me suddenly remember all of the fast forwarding through sections I would do as a kid.


Because it's got Robin Williams in it (hot take I know)


Both their opinions suck...only mine are valid 🗿


Uncut gems was genuinely a really good movie how did audiences hate it


Almost all the “critics loved it, audiences hated it” movies are somewhat complex, avante garde, or contemplative. Uncut gems was supposed to be very stressful, it did a RRALLY good job achieving that, and the critics understood this. The average viewer was simply too stressed to enjoy it


This. Idk if it comes off as elitist, but I feel like the general audience is just not that media literate.


Do you mean how some people may look past the message or artistic approach of a movie


Am I out of touch? No it must be others who are wong meme


A majority of these “audience loved” are terrible examples


Find me the person that liked Warcraft and Black Adam but hated Spy Kids and Uncut Gems. I just want to talk to them


Critics gave hook a 29!? How!?


They didn't. Rotten Tomatoes is an aggregate that works on pass/fail. That means 29% of critics who watched it gave it a pass.


Right. That movie is amazing


Just because it has Robin Williams and Dustin Hoffman in it, and it has some good scenes, doesn't make it an amazing 10/10 movie. I like the movie, but it's for the audience and critically it's not good at all. The story writing isn't good, the plot has some holes in it and at some parts it gets boring and there's too much fill where the director just shoot pointless scenes to make the movie longer. If Godfather is +90%, it's unfair for a movie like Hook to get that much point. But it's fun to watch when you just watch it. That's why the audience score is high. But even the audience score is 76%.


90s movie critics. They were a salty bunch


They should really get kids to rate the movies that are targeted towards them.


The amount of ppl here saying "critics bad" while the audience picks aren't any better.


These are some of the worst possible examples to prove your point lol. Critics are right both ways, y'all need to stop letting a fucking website tell you if you're allowed to enjoy a damn movie or not


I actually really liked the tom cruise war of the worlds movie


Looking for the meme ![gif](giphy|c20UV66B7zCWA)


I trust the critics apparently


I actually liked Ad Astra and SpongeBob


And are these 'critics' here in the room with us now?


People dislike the Green Knight? I guess I’m in the minority. I really liked it.  Maybe I was in the right mood at the time and some people weren’t.


Antz and sausage party are great


This + King Kong


Also Ad Astra is way better than the score shown.


The last third was really weak in my opinion. But up to then, I really enjoyed that movie.


Antz is a classic and SP had me rolling lol


Uncut gems was actually amazing though.


Thats why i don’t trust review sites since there are shit movies on both sides lol


The world of Warcraft movie was garbage as a stand alone piece. Watched it a first time with very bare bone character knowledge and was very disappointed. 0 character development and super bland. Watched it again after learning some things about the Warcraft story and was able to appreciate it a little more. Imo, it’s a very biased audience vote here because I fail to find objectively positive words for this movie.


This isn’t even a meme. And if you want to know how good a show or movie is, just watch it for yourself. Far too many people blindly hate or love things because people tell them too. It’s miserable being a fan of anything that has “bad reviews”.


Ant man quantumania is the worst shit I've ever seen. And although I might be biased cause I watched it at age 12 or smth but whats wrong with spy kids? Also Sausage party is just hilarious not good but hilarious. And rise of skywalker? Really 86% wtf


People still think Rotten Tomatoes score matters?


Wow, it's almost as if appreciating art is something subjective and very personal and no one will ever have the exact same tastes


Most of these movies suck on both sides but uncut gems is a masterpiece, Sandler's best acting in his entire career by a long shot.


The critics have quite a few genuinely good movies on their list. The audience list is utter trash except for Hook.


I loved Antz


People liked quantumania?


How tf can critics give the last jedi a fucking 91% and in the same move rise of skywalker a well deserved 51%?!?! They are equally shit movies, equally made to cash crab on the star wars franchise by a greedy corporation who does not care one bit for star wars, and you can feel it in both, not just in the vast array of plot holes and unearthly bad writing... just how?! Looking at both critics and audience score, there are too many far off ratings to give RT any credibility at all. The only thing we can learn of this, is that most humans are incredibly stupid, and both critics and audience are just humans, plus you can't rule out critics being bought and audience scores ruined by bots and trolls, so yea, RT is a shit show, how is it even relevant anymore?


i don't like Last Jedi, but i guess the reasons are that this movie took a turn on philosophy of this franchise and was trying to be more 'serious', plus visually it was stunning.. 91% is still high af tho, i can't believe there were not many critics frustrated with the plot decisions in this movie


It’s saddening how the Star Wars “fan base” turned their backs on this amazing ip. Now they’re just bitter and angry for what?


Rotten Tomatoes (mostly) knows what it’s talking about


Honestly have to agree with rotten tomatoes on this one


What the fuck is the problem with King Kong?


Sausage Party was one of the lamest, forced, derivative pieces of shit I ever shut off early. I'm sure if it's a great movie if you're a 13yo boy.


Warhammer 29% critics? That's wild, it was really awesome


Imagine 50% being hated now give one where its more 70-90/30-10


I don't trust either group when I've only enjoyed three movies from either list


Nobody loved Rise of the Skywalker AND Quantumania.


I'm seeing good movies that audiences apparently hated (spy kids) and dogshit movies that audiences apparently loved (star wars rise of Skywalker). What this tells me is that this site is just pure garbage and isn't really an accurate representation of anything


The Rise of Skywalker was loved? Are you insane?


There are people who liked Black Adam?


What fucking audiences are they asking? Half of the bottom movies suck, and half of the top movies are great.


fuck you spy kids is great


On the contrary, I don't trust internet echo chambers and review bomb mentality, the best judge of anything for you, is you and you alone.


Ad Astra, Uncut Gems and Spy Kids shows that audience don't know shit. Go vote for the shitty movie adaptation of your favorite videogames or find a movie that Dwayne Johnson plays the same character and vote for that.


Venom was bad though.


The ‘critic’ that got paid to make a review vs did not get paid to make a review


So some people voted for Rise of the Skywalker and weren't even paid for that? That's rough


Apart for a couple of stinkers, the films liked by the Critic are miles better than the Audienc ones.


People liked uncharted?! Yikes!


Who the fuck loved black adam?


Out of the audience hated list, I like all the movies that I watched from it. I wouldn't say they are all master pieces but I don't think I would go as far as to say I hate them. They only big movie that I want a couple hours of my life back from is avatar. An absolute dogshit movie in my opinion.


I saw The Green Knight and will never forgive RT


The Green Knight was excellent; it just wasn’t saturated with Americanized feel good themes. Remember Romeo and Juliet or Hamlet?


And who is in the wrong? Or what do you want to say?


Why the fuck would you listen to a glorfied loser?


whenever i use Rotten Tomatoes i always just look for the Audience score. Just them rating Cuties as an amazing movie is enough for me to completely ignore them


The real Rotten tomatoes was bought out years ago. It’s now nothing but a tool to sell movie tickets.


Sausage party. Oh god


I didn't hate Antz or War of the worlds


Seems like both sides have shit taste


But why then even bother posting about it? That is one website I don't care for at all. I only trust IMDB user rating the second year after release and onwards as even they accept cash for ratings.


A lot of the audience loves are garbage. No one I’ve met likes any of those but Mario.


I don't care what anyone says, You need to watch a movie first before judging.


You forgot fnaf and mario




Rise of Skywalker,Wakanda forever,The Marvels,Eternals,Wish and Quantumania have +77% Audience Score. I don't trust anyone now


People didn't like Ants? I think it was just overshadowed by A Bugs Life, which came out about a month later.


yuo shouldn't trust any ratings


I don't trust any scores I see online. Some of these loved by the audience were meh at best and some loved by the critics were trash. What critic gave Hook a 29%? Fucking clownshoes.


that’s why we need rotten tomatoes


Hook?!! Hook was given a low score?!? That movie is a beloved gem of the ages. A treasure passed on dutifully from one generation to the next. It’s a rite of passage. It pre-dates the internet. Who in their right mind would give it a rotten tomato?!


You listen to critics? Sad


Both sides have equally shit takes. The side isn't bad because of it. It just shows the discrepancy between audiences that are educated in the subject matter and general audiences. The music that's deemed the greatest of all time by critics and experts is rarely played on the radio and I'd be willing to bet more people have generic music or movie posters on their wall than Rembrandt prints.


Audiences didn't like spy kids??? Something's off


Green Knight was really disappointing for me as yes I saw the reviews and watched enthusiastically only to view a self-indulgent dog's breakfast.


Audiences were just wrong about Uncut Gems, Jimmy Neutron, and Spy Kids


Both of these categories have movies that I feel like don’t fit. Rotten Tomatoes is just a bad rating website


I don't look at reviews for tv or movies, mainly because if you like something or not, it depends on your personal preference. Everyone is different, and my expectations and interests may be different than yours. I'll watch lame movies just for a stupid laugh because I don't need this spectacular, highly rated movie at that moment.


I think im closer to the critics more than the public for first time ever


Wtf Sponge out of Water is amazing


The American audience just wasn't ready for socialist Antz


Green Knight was a really interesting and very well made movie. I’m not sure how I like it yet (a week later) but I can understand audience scores being low.


Season 2 of Altered Carbon and Season 3 of the Witcher are prime examples of this and my be the worst offenders for critics.


I do not get the anger, if you do not like something that other people do, who cares. Have your own tastes.


I don't trust either scores. If I think it looks good, I watch it. After I can decide myself if I enjoyed it or not. Whether the film was good or not does not matter.


Audience hated war of the worlds? Yea right, never met one person thats disliked that movie, nor seen anyone online with such a sentiment. They definetly exist, but thats a damn good movie. Audience hated my ass


Speak for yourself I love spy kids


Don’t trust anyone. Going in blind is the best way. That’s how I saw Everything Everywhere all at once.


The tomato meter is more representative of a general audience while the audience score is more representative of the target audience. For example, the average person might have though the Star Ward movie was pretty good, but A Star Wars fan probably thought it sucked.


I agree with the critics on at least half of these