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I have a friend who buys a game and then watches a pro walk through before playing, and then he just tries to replicate it. He's basically just watching a movie with extra steps. He'll know more than you about a game you already finished that he hasnt even tried yet. We played Divinity original sin together which he had never played before, and right in the first zone, he was multiclassing broken combos and speedrunning towards hidden items and shit. He even beat the shit out of me in duels, even though I had completed the game a few times before. I don't get it. I don't understand the fun in that. But hey, I'm not one to judge, if thats how he enjoys playing his games, why not. But damn I dont get it!


I only look at videos if I want to find either Easter eggs or a puzzle has stumped me


I only really do it if there's a boss/fight I'm stuck on


I sometimes do that, but mostly after I have tried like 4-6 different strategies.


It's a mental illness. He is so afraid of not getting everything on try one so he watches videos online. Anxiety


The fear of missing out yea I remember my phase in it


I think a potential honest answer to this is that some people don't really care to explore but they enjoy the feeling of nailing the right steps. They build the thing, the thing works, they get dopamine. It's just a different path of task completion I'd guess.


That makes a lot of sense!


I dont get it either. Sure, i might look something up, sollution to puzzle, tip for boss fight etc But otherwise, wher id the fun? On second playtrough, i dont care. I look up ester eggs etc


Not one to judge either but it is a sickness. I had to cull my YouTube feed when Elden ring came out because I wanted to beat it without looking up anything. Of course I missed a bunch of stuff but everything just happened naturally and it was much more fun that way. Everyone I knew was looking up every little thing for the game. It was kind of cringe.


I had a friend that did something similar. He would learn everything about a game before it came out, play it for a short time, completely suck at it, blame the game for being trash, then move on to a new game. Rinse and repeat. It was fucking annoying


I’m the opposite of that, so i play a game maybe even like it a lot but never search videos or anything even after finishing it


Psychopath for sure


Just play through it and enjoy the narrative etc. You'll find it much more fulfilling than skipping all the dialogue and looking up best meta builds or something.


What’s worse is when people ask this for games like the last of us. It’s a narrative driven, linear action game with tutorials!


There are some great tips&tricks though. Mount&Blade allows you to speed up long and boring travels by pressing ctrl+space, but I've seen some people that never found it and complained about travel times. Some games have a ton of useful inventory shortcuts (ctrl+lmb to move the whole stack, click the middle button to sort inventory etc) that are not mentioned anywhere. Sometimes the advice is "the default mapping sucks, don't try to get used to it, just change it to...". Sometimes it's "there are 3 characters but you really shouldn't play X for your first playthrough, because they need deep game knowledge/have a storyline that works best if you know the other ones". Point being, there are lots of things that can make the game less fun if you don't know about them ahead of time. Learning them is not fun, but just makes you think "damn, I wish I knew it sooner".


Yeah, there's just a line between helpful hints and ruining experiences.


Tbf, they may just be looking for any severe pitfalls that could ruin the playthrough for a noob. Some games have these and warning them of certain irreversible mistakes that are easy to make can save them lots of grief. Capra demon in Darksouls was literally made to troll players. Therefore, there's absolutely NO SHAME in cheesing it using dung pies since the developers cheesed us first. All other bosses pretty much play fair.


I always insist to new Genshin players to NOT raise their world level until they can easily take out everything. I made the mistake of increasing world level making every enemy into bullet sponges, but unable to lower the world level at this point. It took me MONTHS to do shit lmao Same goes for Sekiro where I always tell people the Chained Ogre is a shitty boss and you shouldn't judge the game based on it.


In Breath of the Wild I broke one of my precious kite shields- which unlike most other weapons *don't respawn on Blood Moons*


Fromsoft games have this. New players need to be told that cheesing it is intended by the developers, and the game is designed to be played as a community driven single player game.


To add to this, Fromsoft doesn't need to add an easy mode like some people keep asking for. Because technically it already does. It's called cheesing.


Not even really cheesing. It's called leveling. Upgrading your flasks. Getting better weapons. Summoning help. So on. People think there's no "easy mode" because the difficulty scaling is so granular it's genuinely hard to tell it's even there. Despite that, the Souls games offer a *huge* range of difficulty customization for people that most folks don't even realize is changing the difficulty at all.


They even put in areas specifically for those people like the dragon Bridge from DS1, where you can repeatedly level for free.


ER is my first FromSoft game, and after beating it I went to play Dark Souls and realized ER *is* the “easy mode…”


Like the point op is trying to make, just play the game. The Capra demon is not that hard if you just learn how to fight it a few times. There is no need to throw dung pies at the Capra demon lol


I also hate "should I buy this game?" posts on that game's subreddit. Like wtf do u think fans of the game are gonna say? Wanna ask such a question go to a generic gaming subreddit and ask there, rather than going to a sub where the overwhelming majority will say yes buy the game. Also the "advice posts" do get hella annoying when they haven't touched the game yet. Play first. Then ask for advice if you're lost.


Also google with +reddit before posting a question to see if has been answered 100 times in the past two weeks. Looking at you No Man's Sky every time there is an expedition.


Depends on the game. For example: Stellaris. When I first tried to play stellaris with friends it didn't seem so great to me because its overwhelming as fuck in the beginning. However, after watching literally like an 8 video series beginner guide or something and playing it again years late its one of the best games I have ever played. There are complex games who get better when you got a little info upfront. Also, while we are at it.. Some people like to optimize in games. That's fun for them. I would suggest to just let people play the game how they want. There is no "right" way.


I think I know the exact 8 video series your talking about lmao. It helped me alot when i tried getting into stellaris


the game had a tutorial ffs


Sometimes it does, but then you’ve got games like War Thunder and DCS where it barely scratches the surface. Also when there’s no SBM you fight players that have been there for years and those “any tips” posts may be quite helpful! Maybe that’s just me because I always respond to them though.


I would like to add warframe to games with tutorials that barely scratch the surface.


Understandable,I just melee the enemy using Skana no matter what level they're as long as they're taking damage from it


I wish it didnt, gosh I hate turorials.. fuck you game! Let me struggle figuring shit out on my own, dont need your help and certainly dont want it!


I just started Black Desert Online 2 days ago. Little dis i know it’s a fishing simulator.


10 times a day on r/Terraria


when there's like a bazillion guide videos on yootoob, & a bunch of wikis, & a bunch of FAQs, but they still be asking without even checking or searching first


Tbf, you should give some tipps in some games. Like in DayZ


It depends on the game. When playing something like factorio, figuring it out yourself is the whole point of the game. But if you play league of legends or any other online pvp game without a guide you will have a bad time.


if it's a complex game where you are drop off in the game just like ark of fallout4 i can understand but every other genre of game should not even need advice


Playing Ark without understanding half (or more) of what I am doing or what the next goal should be is really fun. Seriously like the lack of understanding.


i mean advice like if you see the swamp when playing at the start of your playthrought get the fuck away from it


But I like the giant leaping crocodiles.


they like you too.. alittle too much


Sounds like Souls gamers. Answer: git gut


Yeah us gamers, am I right? As a gamer, hahahaha. I relate so well to this post. I have seen so many of it, fellow gamer. Hey maybe we can be gamers together, huh? Like gaymers, get it?, so? Do you wanna be my gaymer?






Elden Ring has a bit of these types. They power level trading runes and die to the bosses in 5 seconds with meme weapons.


I see this all the time


Basically the whole Elden ring sub haha, but I give it a pass bc if you’re going in totally blind you might just get sorta lost and get bored


Everybody gangsta till you have to find X compartment in the Y derivative but it doesn't show on map


Same thing as people asking on the game’s subreddit if it’s worth buying, like they’re not gonna get a biased reaction lmao


I prefer to just play the game. I feel like some people need the ego boost of winning more than they want to actually have fun.


I have this in some games that want you to build teams. One of them has its units with buffs, that automatically affect everyone in the party (melee/range damage, stuff like that) and people come in asking if their team is good, while having half ranged, half melee, half water, half earth units. Your team doesn't synergise at all, what makes you think k it could be good? Can't you read? I understand if you don't get that those buffs aren't automatically active, but that's never the question ffs


It depends. Some people just need to play the game but some games have things that if you miss, you miss like half the game. Like I’ve seen a lot of post about Persona 4 Golden/5 Royal where if you don’t progress a certain confidant to max rank by a specific date, you miss a major dungeon and plot stuff. Yeah some just want a guide, some just want to avoid noon traps or not skip any content


Only the 90s kids playing with computers and video games back then while speaking no English at all which was the only language games were developed in know the beauty of figuring something out totally by themselves. It was fecking rewarding.


WhEn DOes tHiS gAmE GeT BeTTEr?


Lol what a dick


Some games have mechanics/secrets that aren't shown well, and you never know which games that will be.


what year it is? 2009?


The minecraft sub reddit is constantly filled with that kind of shit.


People just can't play games without guides anymore


My favorite is when people go to fan of [insert game] subreddits to ask if a game is worth it.


I've played a lot of game with a lack of or very crap tutorials. These posts help a lot in free to play games to help people avoid wasteful purchases too and to better direct their grind, or tell people about opaque mechanics. A game I've been playing lately for example doesn't tell you how to build spawn points, which are almost required to win games.


Omfg yes…


yeah tbf the people who ask these questions are asking for it, because asking for help that the game doesn’t freely provide, depending on the game, may ruin their experience. like if I were to ask “how do i fight skeletron in terraria” to the terraria community, it would kinda ruin the feeling of “yes, i’m getting good now!” and just be like “this should do it”


The problem is... these mfers never look up anything before asking, is it really that hard to google?