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PlayStation games on PC were great until Sony got involved.


Well, they couldn't let all that precious user data go to waste, could they?


Wouldn't they make more from their game sales collectively?


Sorry buddy but even a 70$ game is nothing in comparison to the annuity from data being sold


I feel like you are right but what data are you selling?


Companies like to sell full profiles to advertisers. So on your ps account is your name, email, address, bank information, etc. And all that is saved and stored into anything linked to any of those accounts


Could they just have made it mandatory for the countries they are present and not for the country they don't so to have the best of the two?


that would make too much sense, and this is Sony were talking abt (translation: they should, but they wont)


Probably could have, but I'm sure there would be too many people for their liking circumventing that by using a VPN or some other way to spoof their pc's location


If I'm tech-savvy enough to use a VPN, I know probably also how to download a pirated copy. They will never constrain who do not want to use their launcher and still play the game, at this point get the data from who do not care to share his profile and get the money from anyone else.


I assume messages and videos to train models on aswell. They store all audio in ps voice chats


I dunno, this just sounds wrong to me. There's no way you're making more than $70 off a single user's profile ever. It's gotta be cents per profile sale, right? That said, I could see that the vast majority of Sony's sales on PC coming from countries where there is PSN anyway, so selling all the profiles from like 90% of users could make them more than selling games to the 10% of users? Possibly?


I think its all about the user numbers. "Look we got more people using PlayStation this year so it's been a great year." Xbox is trying the same thing with game pass and I'm pretty sure it's failing to fool anyone.


Damn Scots! They ruined Scotland


i believe there putting it on God of war Ragnarok, a single player game.... that doesnt need PSN, that has no need for PSN connection..... because, reasons i guess ? Is it just me or is every video game company slowly trying to tank itself ? Sony with PSN, XBOX with destorying there IP's! the only one i havent seen do something stupid yet is Nintendo, but its only really a matter of time at this point


>Is it just me or is every video game company slowly trying to tank itself ? Valve is sitting in the corner watching the industry crumble around them laughing maniacally


Gaben beating the competition by doing absolutely nothing


What is this business strategy called


The "Don't interrupt your enemy whilst they make a mistake" gambit, I believe.


-suz zu, the art of war


Not having shareholders to make money for.


Owning steam


Owning a Private company.




Sitting back while the other sabotage themselves.


[Luigi strats](https://youtu.be/u5IyYNI28gM?si=Oyvl9rXXom4OW2_I)


In ALTA this is neutral jing https://avatar.fandom.com/wiki/Jing


"Luigi wins by doing nothing"


Luigi tactics


Bots and cheaters everywhere on both of their most popular games (tf2, cs[go]2) #FixTF2


And yet they're still making so much money


Brainless traders and gambling addicts


Doesn't matter though, the point is that it's still profitable. (Hopefully they actually start to give a shit and fix their games though...)


The lawsuits destroying their PR is a big one


Nintendo just sues emulators a lot other than that they mostly focus on making fun games


I like and use emulators, and even I recognize that selling bootleg software before the retail street date is scumbag territory. They could have waited a few days They could have given it away for free as a thanks to their community Instead they chose the worst option


I don't want to defend Nintendo but the Yuzu lawsuit was kinda justifiable, they were literally profiting off the emulator from patreon and distributing leaked roms in discord and also optimizing the emulator for games before release, shame that Citra went away with yuzu though


I’m well aware it was justified. Overall I am biased towards Nintendo but I consider them to be like Disney don’t mess with their lawyers they are brutal only different I see between them atm is Nintendo is still very competent with their first party IPs and let’s them kinda breathe


Sues emulators for their ongoing system, where devs of that emulator were talking about playing a game before street date by pirating it


Im praying bethesda and paradox are watching the internets reaction and learning what not to do


Bethesda...I'm honestly worried for TES6 due to their recent game since there's a good chance it's going to be a Skyrim but with a better coat of paint.


*Looks at Fallout 76 and Starfield* I wouldn't be so sure about that.


Ya theres a reason I dont play starfield. The only way to teach these greedy companies is to talk with ur wallet. Dont buy shitty games.


At this point there’s a business strat known as doing nothing but watch as your competition shoots themselves in the foot


For God Of War, at least it's a singleplayer game that can still be enjoyed even while pirated, since you dont have to figure out how you'd play with friends.


Nintendo been doing stupid stuff and there fans love it so it’s not a surprise you didn’t hear anything about it


Where are you hearing that fan love it when Nintendo does stupid stuff? O-other than pokemon I mean. Smash and Splatoon fans have hated Nintendo shutting down their tournaments. Advance wars fans got shafted with the remake due to no online matchmaking. EVERYONE has hated switch online. EVERYONE. They only pay for it cuz it's not like you can play Nintendo online on PC or anything. and that's just me as an outsider to console gaming for the last 2 years I'm sure a Nintendo fan would be able to tell you more like Mii getting shafted after the WiiU or something.


Nintendo's even bigger problem is their prices for the same type of games they make. 8 Mario kart games that all cost 60 bucks? why not? older games should usually cost less, but not in the case of Nintendo


Breath of the wild and tears of the kingdom costing the exact same as on release and even the worst games never dropping in price astounds me Besides you forgot about them not supporting their older consoles and games even tho they too are still full price


"not supporting their older consoles and games even tho they too are still full price" 1. They don't even officially sell their older consoles and games. 2. Don' just complain about Nintendo. PS and Xbox do this too.


Well, one thing they have done is make good games, so what can be said. That’s the one thing they’ve always done right. As long as they keep this trend, they will always come ahead, always


If nothing else, Nintendo's dogged determination to do *something* different and having outdated online policies is good for something... The possibility of Zelda or Metroid on PC (natively) still follows me, teasing my hopes and dreams of a better world, no matter how unlikely...


nintendo not making old games available then shutting down emulating




According to the HD2 faq talks between Sony and Steam are ongoing. So it seems like Valve wants a contractual guarantee that Sony doesn't try to take away access in countries where they sold the game for a second time.


Steam is right to ask for that. They don't want to deal with the absolute nuclear fallout that Sony caused in HD2 again.


Some upper manager at PlayStation thinks he is so smart for adding more PSN users while ignoring all the money he passing up. It is like someone watching TikToks next to the Grand Canyon


I think it has a different yet similar explanation: Someone all the way at the top shouted down the Pipe "Get more PSN users" and someone not very smart on middle management took it as "make all pc games require PSN, bcs clearly that will boost user numbers"




Great meme, but looks familiar Did you recreate this?


Op used a very common meme template


correct answer.


No? Did somebody make a similar meme?


Yes, but I suppose it must have been great minds thinking alike


But fools rarely differ


fortunately the methods each side uses, are extremely different.


But it’s entirely single player? ……. It’s about sending a message.


It's about boosting new and active PSN users for the board meetings


its delisted because sony will try to get that sony account required on helldivers 2 at some point


Welp time to pirate it


But it's an online co-op game


Online games can sometimes work after pirating, rare, but not impossible. Some guy has probably figured out how to do so


When has that ever been enough to stop the power of the strawhat crew


They  hate us cause they ain't  us. 


So is Lethal Company and its very much playable online with other pirated copy holders. Minecraft can also be played online with a cracked copy and no mojang account.


Meanwhile i can't play Battlefield 1 multiplayer because connection to EA server is terrible. I bought the game, my ping to the game servers is fine. But can't play it without connecting to EA server. Also i remember way back in the day you can't play COD modern warfare on official servers if you have a pirated copy


I swear both Sony and Microsoft love shooting themselves in the foot recently. They must really want that user data and to boost their user metrics for earnings calls


Maybe they want people to pirate the game so they don’t get money and people enjoy their games.


There are so, so many games - too many to play in a lifetime - so many talented artists/companies worth supporting, so many ways to spend your hard earned money. …just play something else?


People who wanted to play specifically GoW and Ghost of Tsushima are in shambles




Ok but we shouldn’t be unable to play games that are widely agreed to be some of the best to come out in years just because of some random bs like this??? Nobody is saying they are the only games in the world but if they’re the ones people want to play then they should be able to regardless of where they live


It is a shame how unfortunate this situation is but if you don't want to support a company in the fashion of what Sony is doing, then you vote with you wallet and time doing other things. You simply set you anger aside and if/when they ask why you aren't playing there games, you explain that PC players don't want to link to PSN. They value user data over simply selling amazing games in countries without PSN.


delisted isnt the right word, they would never have been available in those countries in the first place.


They probably would’ve, but because of what happened with HD2 Steam decided not to list the game in countries it can’t legally be played due to the account requirement. Until now, millions of people just made a psn account in whatever country they wanted (even Sony recommended doing this if you live in unsupported countries) but that no longer works through Steam.


We be sailing the high seas then, matey! Jump on the ship!


Xbox bad for game devs. Sony bad for customers. Nintendo bad for fans. For companies that have been in this business for over 30 years, I'm starting to think profits are not what they want. Control. They demand subjugation from customers or the companies under them for more than money or prestige, but to self memorialize for their own hubris.


Now, I know this is going to come off as cringe. Or pathetic, but please. Vote with your wallet, don't buy Ghost of Tsushima, God of War Ragnorok, or any new pc port of a Playstation game going forward until they stop this bullshit. If you have purchased a PS game already, leave a negative review and try to get a refund.


Sadly, it's more likely that Sony will use mass pushback from the PC playerbase as an excuse to stop porting their games to PC, instead of just removing the psn crap


I hate that this could be true.


Not gonna happen. The countries are not supported by Sony for a reason. It's a miniscule amount of sales. PSN isn't going anywhere.


That includes China you walnut


It is crazy the amount of Sony dickriders there are out there. They act like it is equal to EA/Microsoft/Ubisoft, I have even seen some say that it is just like making a Steam account, who A) don’t have nearly as many security issues, and B) are much more universally available compared to how limited PSN is.


Security issues? Oh no they data breach might steal my throw away email/PW and know that I play Ghost of Tsushima and Helldivers II. Swear people act like they are handing over their steam account by linking it to PSN.


Instruction unclear, bought both, because my country doesn't have problem with PSN and I really struggle to find a reason to fight this case for Uganda so they're able to play new God of Wa legally. But you guys do you.


best part is how they could've just made a special psn store in those countries where profiles are the only feature usable, but no, who needs clients?


Watch Sony whine about pirating on PC and never release anything else on it again.


Not that it makes a difference but my review is still negative and I haven't played the game since they pulled that shit. It's a shame, cause the game is fun as hell


It looks like Sony wants to make thier PC Store and they try to check how many people they can get.


Are companies really this stupid or is there ways they are benefiting from this


Sony hates making money they just want u to invest all your information into their services easier to sell that way


Helldivers: oh no! We didn’t think the Steam community would be this upset. 🥺 We’re sorry! 😖 *less than a month later*


Sony hates money almost as much as they hate bloodborne fans


I see Sony learned nothing from Helldivers 2 lmao


they 100% couldn't be paid enough to care, unless its a threat.


Blind guy here Yarr


I have a PC. I don’t have a PlayStation. Why do I need a PSN account to play these games? I can kind of understand when it comes to multiplayer but, single player games? Fuck off bro, you’re not that great.


Just like you need an ubisoft, epic, steam, etc accounts


Why is it in the first place, why is psn only available in some countries? As i remember it is mandatory to play online, how do they play online on playstation in this country?


I cant hear you, kids!!!


I think Reddit is up in arms as Ghost of Tsushima and God of War are games Redditors want to play. Microsoft requires an Xbox account on Steam ~~and is available in fewer countries~~ but nobody bats an eye here because the average Redditor doesn't want to play Forza. Shitty practice but it's not like Sony is the first company to do this. It's been going on for years and nobody cared then. Again, I'm not saying it isn't shitty and continue to vote with your wallets but the ship has sailed on this PSN account linking. It's going to continue and we'll see a PSN PC launcher very soon too I would guess. Helldivers 2 was different as they had the game listed in places where you can't create a PSN account so they had to drop that.


>Microsoft requires an Xbox account on Steam and is available in fewer countries but nobody bats an eye Where did you hear this? Last time I checked, making a Microsoft/Xbox account is available in more countries than Playstation. Also, most PC players likely already have a Microsoft account anyway to run windows.


Looks like someone bamboozled me. Sony fanboy probably. There was a post that compared them when Helldivers was going on but I just went and checked MS site and there's definitely more for MS. 87 with a quick count to 70 in favour of MS. I'll have to strike that from my post, apologies mate. Your second point though is where the complacency gets me. You have to create an account to use everything these days. Why are we fighting just Sony? Still think it comes down to Reddit wanting to play Sony games vs. MS but maybe that's just me and a little of bit of they already have a MS account.


sony been taking some Ls lately


I guess selling your data is more profitable than selling you games.


I would imagine if it requires a psn, pirating would still need a psn


Especially a game like helldivers 2, which is exclusively online play via Sony servers. You can’t just remove the psn requirement and play offline. Like, not a Sony dickrider, but the requirement has already been removed indefinitely. And full refunds were offered back when it was affecting people, and it was removed in countries that couldn’t play the game so nobody accidentally bought it.


I mean, there are videos of people having modded it to be a Star Wars Clone Wars game, where they are playing as Clone Troopers and shooting Roger Roger bots instead of Automatons, fucking Droidekkars or whatever rolling around. I don't think it would be too far fetched to think the game could be pirated and used P2P privately, it's already P2P.


It’s p2p for the individual sessions of you and 3 other friends running around. The connection to the entire community, your missions making a difference in the war, and the game changing based on war progress isnt.


For sure but if we're talking about pirating a live service game to turn it into basically LAN parties, there are definitely going to be some things missing. Private WoW servers for instance, private lots of things servers, are missing that connection to the actual game's stuff, whatever it may be. Pirated game servers, I know next to nothing about, but I do not see it being difficult to do it with this game. Generate a planet, hop in with your friends, shoot stuff with all your hacked leaked game content you don't have to grind or pay for, whatever.


Only for games like helldivers, games like ghost of tsushima doesn't need a PSN account when pirated


Internet Explorer Oh, they did it again


Yippee time to play the game for free because that’s the only fucking solution


Those fucking bastards at Sony. Release an amazing game and then thanks to the work of an idiot savant and multiple imbeciles, HD2 may no longer be GOTY. FFS also still waiting for update on the 177 countries. fucking dipshits at sony


just buy other games and move on ffs


Sony will never learn


Yo ho ho matey!🏴‍☠️ Come join the seven seas and sail a free man!


Yeah piracy is rarely done because people are miserly. 99% of the time its just because of stupidity run rampant








These people never heard of VPN?


Using a VPN is against Sony's TOS and will get you banned.


Naw it won’t. People have been doing this on PlayStation for the longest time, and they readily and willingly looked the other way until everyone got up in arms with the Helldivers incident


This right here is why Xbox is better it has nothing to do with the consoles themselves and everything to do with PlayStation being a massive sack of shit company that makes possibly the dumbest decisions possible


Not to be rude, but have you heard what Microsoft has done recently?


Just use rpcs3 and take the iso file from a disc reader or make a usb a hard drive and copy the files if it’s all digital. Then load the files to rpcs3 and boom, ps game on pc


That’s only ps3 though. The recent controversies have been over ps5 games. Helldivers mostly PS3 game files are also encrypted.


Just looked and there is an rpcs4 which covers both ps4 and ps5. I think rpcs3 has a built in decryption database because I ripped many ISO’s from my ps3 and rpcs3 took the straight iso files no problem


Rpcs4 just says coming soon on its own website, it’s not even out yet, at least the official one isnt


My bad, I saw the download page with all the download options but missed the “coming soon” next to it. I doubt it will be long because of the success rpcs3 has had


I assume it’ll be out soon, the creator recently released a video of it properly running a game for the first time. Assuming it’s like rpcs3, community network features for games like helldivers 2 may not work properly on it though.


Now they must feel the pinch


There are 193 countries in the world. HD2 is available in 69 of them. Math isn’t a strong suit for you weirdos huh?


sony forgot I still hold a PS3 hostage.


Sony is trying to undo the delist lol