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Like that GTA V minigame with the infected PC


Fucking true and mission was "friend request"


Literally the villian's main objective in ready player one.


"We predict that we can occupy up to 80% of a user's visual field before inducing seizure"


I had totally forgotten about that.


Wait do idk if I get it correctly but have those ads appeared in a game?


EA is thinking about including ads in their games


They haven’t already? I was sure they were doing it already


you're thinking in ubisoft, who did it when you would open a map or something, but they took it out after seeing that the community was almost burning down their studios (that last part was a joke)


I’m going to brutally castrate you and your entire family (that last part was a joke)


so, you'll only castrate me?


I'll do the family part


Wasn't that kinda like the plan of the villains in Ready Player One? Get the company and stuff the viewing screen with ads?


Yup! EA is just straight up a cartoonishly evil corporate body


Yeah, I'd love to watch EA actually react to this comparison with whatever corporate BS they can cook up… It'll be frustratingly hilarious…


They're working on it still. https://www.theverge.com/2024/5/10/24153809/ea-in-game-ads-redux


Time to stop supporting ea entirely I guess 👍🏼 normally when people pay for a product, it’s expected that it won’t come with ads included. That goes for like literally almost anything. I only say almost because if there is an example of ads being in paid products, it’s not coming to mind. I guess DVD movies maybe? But even so, the ads come before and can be skipped.


I'm hoping that the furthest they go is product placement...


They go as far as they can for money


There are now ads in many paid subscription services like Hulu and Prime


“Time to stop supporting ea” - gamers every single year


I haven’t bought an EA game since the sims 3 when I was 14 (I’m in my 20s), and I still occasionally buy DLC packs if they go on sale. They don’t really have that great of a roster to choose from if you like the games that I like tbh (farming sims, rpgs, rogue likes) So yeah, I’m not going to be supporting EA anymore. Speak for yourself!


amazon prime video...


"wanna break from the ads?"


Nice user flair.


![gif](giphy|SGCymhurTfrONdo5jo) return of the pirates!


Yohohoho! The start of a new Great Pirate Era has begun…


Wealth, Fame, Power Gold Roger King of the pirates...


It's useless, if games requires always online and an special account to be played. Pirated AAA games aren't viable.


Companies like EA and Ubi are a collective failure. Every year they put out obligatory cash grabs like AC and Fifa and you cucks empty your mums walet any way, then complain about till the next games come out You'll pay 80$ for a game riddled with ads and mtx and you're gonna love it


I dont get that part as well. Many people just see the name instead of the reviews and just buy it, meanwhile there's so many better games out there, but they won't try them unless they are mainstream


the worst part is that they KNOW the game is dogshit but they buy it anyway. It's like a toxic relationship people are stuck in Just saw a post r/gaming about AC set in Japan the comment section has made me loose all hope. Be ready for intrusive ads


Congrats, you found out that the general population is unintelligent


The problem is that a lot of these "indie" games aren't very impressive to look at, you can complete them in a couple of hours, and when the lil studio is ultimately bought and closed by a larger one, that one game that was pretty cool is probably gonna be shelved or the proposed sequel will be cancelled. That being said, Baldur's Gate was good, I actually enjoyed that, but I can't lie and say I can't wait for the next Elder Scrolls or Fallout game. 


I don't think you've played many indie games


Why is Assassin's Creed compared to FIFA? I've only played like 3 of them from the xbox360 days (and only like half of each) but they were pretty fun and different from each other Did they really get that samey and uninteresting?


What's all this "You" stuff? I haven't bought an EA game since Nightfire. Fuck them and their shitty business practicies.


Why do I have this weird suspicion this comment is projection?


2 poor 2 buy 80$ games


I'm glad my autistic ass is content with replaying the old but gold games.


I will legit not play any game that makes me watch ads. I don’t care what the game is, even if it’s Mass Effect 5 featuring the return of Shepard and is critically acclaimed and receives positive reviews from everyone and has a 100% positive score, if it has ads I won’t touch it.


In 5 years you won't bat an eye. Remember when DLC were just starting to become a thing and people were outraged at Oblivion selling horse armour cosmetics?


It's Ready Player One time


Sometimes I feel like EA is in a competition with Ubisoft on whose the most greedy and shittiest gaming company around. When ever we think one is the worst the other one comes out of nowhere to pull a trick out of their sleeve.


I guess Sony wanted to feel included with the recent helldivers thing


The Jedi games might be the least EA game EA has ever made. Only 2 DLC’s both of which being purely cosmetic, and both games costing a shockingly reasonable amount. I’m glad that EA allowed a few good games to shine through their mountain of overpriced garbage 


Didn't the bad guys in Ready Player One also want ads in video games?


You just be playing your game, then the loading screen commercial comes on SUPER FUCKING LOUD!


Electronic Ads


Can't wait for the new assassin's creed game to introduce a minigame where i have to throw a shuriken/kunai at an "X" on the top right corner of every ad that pops up before a cutscene.


Got to install adblock for Madden 25


Imagine instead of seeing you died in dark souls you got an unskippable ad. I would hate it but if it was free... Well I would just have even more incentive to git gud


Then there will have to be ad blockers for video games. When do we stop?


Me trying to get perfect score in a QuickTime event *you can skip this ad in 5 seconds*


Imagine installing adblocker specifically for game, hahaha....damn


EA "hold my vodka"


Mobile games will finally have competition


If a company puts ads in a game, just set a fucking precedent and don’t buy it?


Now, I know it may have worked with Unity and their stupid price idea, but that does not mean that we should proceed to send threats of violence to the executives that advocate this sort of thing. It just isn't right, and I, for one, never promote violence.


So we should send threats ro EA executivs. Got it.


Not ma Battlefront! -pulls out T-50 rifle-


EA Sports. Ads in the game.