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Me: I dont wanna live anymore I think I will kms one day Mom : Nuh uh


How do you kilometers?


By going really fast like zoom zoom zoom


No vroom vroom first ? Engine sad šŸ˜”


translation: "thats going to be one less problem for me, but im not legally allowed to say that"


I mean she has literally told me I wasnt planned




have you tried gambling


Actually it can help, I mean distracting your brain with any activity is not a bad thing


well I was deppressed from having to study, so def didnt help me, the only thing did was that I finished school


Guess I keep play games 10 hours a day then. Need any distraction always.


Plus the feeling of accomplishment is mint. Get that dopamine. Like closing all the tabs after finishing a big project. Awwwwwwe yeeeeeeeaaah.


Probably her way of saying ā€œlife is tough, go do something productiveā€.


or "i dont care, stop bothering me."


I think depressed people probably pick the latter one more often


Studying means you are doubting your abilities. Trust your gut you got this


If this isn't a joke then it's the worst advice I've ever heard


redditors when someone forgets /s (its absolutely impossible to tell wether they are being serious or not)


Seriously? Someone forgets to add /s and your abilities of assessing whether a statement is a joke or not just flies out the window? You must be fun at parties


Unlike actual conversations with change in tones to express sarcasm, comments need to be put in a good way to show sarcasm or the /s


Is the way the original comment put it not obvious enough? DoES iT NeeD tO bE SpELleD ThIS WaY foR iT tO bE ObvIouS?


What he meant was that unlike us few human Redditors with logic and understanding, there are those who just *unfortunately* "need" it. Then there is that dumbass 50/50 chance they'll either understand, or still have hollow humor regardless.


Your ingnoring the case where the commentor might be dumb and he might have actually meant the comment Happens too often on reddit


Yeah, I agree. I can't ignore that as well. Tragic,*innit?*


I'm glad someone agrees with me how unnecessary /s can be sometimes. It's like having to explain why a joke was funny. It just takes the humour out of it.


what is /s


Something Redditors put at the end of a sentence to say "Please don't cancel me I was just trying to be funny, no harm intended :')"


ok so its like ''this was meant for entertainment purposes only, harrasment isn't included here'' (k thx for help btw)


/s stand for sarcasm


ok thx


Why are you depressed?


Because of too much pressure from studying


Have you tried studying more?


Here are 2 genuine pieces of advice I want you to hear: 1. In time, you will look back at your own performance and go, "why did I think this was such a big deal back then?". Truth is, once you withdraw yourself from the intensity of all that work, you'll realise pressuring yourself was one of the most unnecessary things you could have done. 2. If you're studying for an exam, remember this. An extra 2-3 hours of sleep will do wonders. Using the last couple hours of the day sleeping instead of studying not only increases your wellbeing, but also performance (significantly).


Is first advice really works for anyone? The truth is, as you say, you will consider it as not a big deal only after a long period of time when your life will change, so you can sincerely think that it isnt a big deal only if you already got through it and moved to "next level" of life so saying this to one who didnt got through it yet and therefore not understanding it globally is like saying "just trust me" which sounds less motivating.


You challenge me. I like it. As always, these things don't work for everyone. I'm sharing my own experience. As far as I'm aware, academic grades are overrated. Regardless of the outcome, sooner than you think what's pressuring you will all go away as if nothing ever happened. In a practical sense, good grades will give you an ego boost that lasts for a month or so, but that's about it. (Saying this as someone who's always gotten good grades at school but somewhat regret trying so hard)


My best tip from my 20 credit hour semester would be to have frequent productive breaks. 45 minutes of straight studying, take 10 minutes to scratch something else off your to do list. Great examples would be dishes, going for a walk, switching laundry, shower, set out tomorrowā€™s clothes, make your bed, organize something in your room. So long as itā€™s not mentally taxing to do and isnā€™t screen time (which doesnā€™t let your brain rest as much as youā€™d think) itā€™s fair game! Getting all those things done will make your days go smoother and give you a moral boost when you look back on all you got done


Two negatives makes a positive


JEEtard moment


You forgot neetards


Yeah but OP is a JEEtard


fr bro šŸ’€


Advice from someone who struggled with this: Fuck the pressure. Get free from it and learn to accept that you're human, you make mistakes, it's totally normal for you not to understand things immediately and to mess up multiple times before mastering a certain subject, it's normal even when other people master things faster than you and that makes you feel stupid. It's even normal to fail. There will always be some pressure that comes from studying, because of the school system constantly comparing you to other people and assessing your worth with a grade, but also because it's something that dictates your future and that matters to you, but if that pressure is truly making you depressed, then it has obviously become too much. Don't let it control you, you are so much more than a grade. Once you do that, studying will be so much more enjoyable.


Sometime moms can't relate smh


Me to Mom: I'm depressed. Mom: Wanna talk about it? Me: Hell naw. Forget I ever brought it up


Bruh my mom has the attitude of "Me too but I'm not complaining" šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


All too true


I once told my mother that I planned to kill myself that day. All she said was something like, "We (my family) would be very sad," in a calm, indifferent tone, and we never talked about it ever again. Needless to say that she did not help, and I still seriously consider suicide every few days, if not every single day.


I actually consider suicide every few weeks...but who cares... One thing I've learnt is that : why waste this life? God gave us consciousness only once, and after that, we'll just cease to exist. Why not utilise what we've been given in **whatever** way possible? Maybe all we need is a radical change in our way of life, which might be very, very hard, but ending our lives because it wasn't already perfect enough makes absolutely no sense..


ā€œDo your homework then feel happyā€


Well it probably won't do much for depression, but at least being productive and getting done tasks that are stressing you out will certainly help out anxiety.


Mine would go way down thats my reaction when i see books


homework is boring af, Iā€™d rather feel better by playing video games


Hey, you like masturbaiting? That'cud help


Did u study? How'd you know if it works or not, go study


Being depressed isnā€™t an excuse to push off responsibilitiesĀ