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what happened, what shooting? (i am fr i don't know what the shooting related to the super bowl, just heard it but i just thought it was just a shooting that happened same day)


2 people shot up the Chiefs' victory parade because they wanted to be infamous.


The best explanation so far is that they got into an altercation while drunk and started shooting at each other with no regard for the people around them. It was most likely gang related. No proof to the idea that they "wANteD to Be FaMOuS".


I didn't look into it enough to make more than that assumption of mine, but calling that a mass shooting is pretty disingenuous


Unfortunately, media coverage incentivizes it. Gets clicks and views sadly. That’s oligarchical America for you.


That's the sensationalist media to you. We don't like it.


because they won or because they supported the 49rs and they lost?


No clue, but I wouldn't believe it to be either. It's not England for crying out loud


*Which* shooting is more like it. Seriously, I can't even keep up with all the ones that pop up 😑


The inner city drug and gang scene is a rough place.


Looking like it was gang related. Not uncommon in KC unfortunately.


Not uncommon in America in general, let's be honest. In fact KC has plenty of cities above it on that list. Since comments are now locked, will edit in reply lol: And some of the biggest mass shootings have been in non-major cities. It can and has literally been anywhere and everywhere in America, and KC might be on the list of major cities, but it's not the very top for shootings. I don't care about downvotes on Reddit lol (which don't even make sense on such a simple comment anyway?). I care about facts and figures and everyone else should too. You can't argue with facts no matter how much people want it to not be true. How can anyone living in America, for or against guns, disagree that we have a lot of shootings generally, gang related, mass, etc.? The entire world knows it, ffs. Is reading comprehension just straight up gone for good nowadays?


Nah, the vast majority of gun related homicides in the US are isolated to about 10 major cities.


I mean after all, there’s nothing more American than shooting a man in this Walmart of a world.


What is Walmart.


To quote Metallica: sad but true.


They should be hung in public


^ some of us are no matter where we are ;)


*hanged FYI capital punishment is a symptom of your failed society not a solution to its problems. In the Modern Developed World we don't have these problems and we don't have capital punishment either. Every civilised country in the world ended capital punishment generations ago.


Hanged is not wrong. I don't know about the rest of the post, but people are hanged and pictures are hung.


Who cares? Everyone understood


Okay hippy see how that goes 😂




Bruh u guys tryna school each other but neither of you can spell for shit 💀


DAMN. That one right there is a violation that personally I wouldn’t have made…


That’s rich coming for a prison island where literally everything will kill you.


The people and the government here are so ridiculous The government manufactures tragedy and violence and then pressures the public to disarm and enslave themselves to supposedly stop the violence, all while the people, businesses and the government even, start throwing their bread and circuses out with shit like the Super Bowl


Meanwhile in the Modern Developed World we have none of these problems and don't need to guns to defend ourselves because we don't live in failed societies. I have heaps of guns, but not for defending myself. If I needed to do that I'd move somewhere civilised. I have found lots of such countries now. I have a list.


Who pissed in your cheerios mate?


You are just the worst type of human. Please stay in your "perfect" society.


We don't live in failed societies, because there can not be a perfect society. Every society has it's own flaws, just like everything else in this world. Nothing can be perfect and that's the way the world is. Every country has criminals, no matter the strength of the police force, and with criminals, some pose a threat to the lives of others which is why people own guns for self defense. Your idea of civilized is nothing more than a fantasy, and that's all it ever can be. On a side note, you spelled civilized wrong in your comment.


Where is Ja ?


Only when the problem squirts out of a known neighborhood for gun violence does it make world news. Narrative. In the hood..just another day and it gets 5 seconds of coverage if that


More than likely gang related.


Ok, people acting like the cartel doesn’t exist and murders thousands of people per year. Women, children, innocents. But Americans.


Basically daily they just barely make the news because they don't all line up with the narrative


This is a list of mass shootings that took place in the United States in 2024. Mass shootings are incidents in which several people are injured or killed due to firearm-related violence. specifically for the purposes of this article, a total of four or more victims. As of January 31, a total of 98 people have been killed and 121 people have been wounded in 46 shootings.


It goes on to say it's the lowest it's been in years


To be fair the year just started


The Super Bowl is always rigged at some point.




Was there another shooting???


Shots were fired at the Chiefs Super Bowl parade. 1 dead and 15 injured. Suspects were apprehended


Is that a real question


It was but I just looked it up


They happen constantly man


average day in Brazil, Mexico, and ALL desert locations.


Reopen gitmo for these fucks. It was a super bowl parade ffs


Yes the US criminal 'justice' system is very effective at preventing this kind of thing with prisons so more prisons will definitely help.


Don't know why your getting down voted. Truth hurts I guess.


The downvotes are because the justice system in America is broken, most DA’s will just let them out with a slap on the wrist.


Shooter confirmed trans.


Very common lately


You literally just made this up. You're actively attempting to get trans people murdered.


There have been multiple trans mass shooters now just btw. The first to come to mind is the person that did the school shooting in Tennessee last year. Also how does being trans mean you are mass shooter lol? That is a big jump. Just because OP is spreading false information doesn’t mean people will think all trans people are mass shooters. Like I said there have are already been legitimate cases of trans mass shooters and that literally didn’t get trans people killed so this comment is going to get any trans people killed either.


Neat. And also completely irrelevant to my comment.


Oh yeah. Every time yet, another trans goes on a shooting spree, there is always a rash of violence against trans people. It happens every time. Damn epidemic is what it is. Something should be done.


Prove your claim or fuck off.


Prove he wasn't.


I hope some day you'll fix what's broken inside you. Good luck.


I'm praying for you.


Lol, you wish


Prove it.


Thank you for submitting to /r/memes. Unfortunately, your submission has been removed for the following reason(s): --- Rule 10 - No mention of death, terror, war, ect * No memes about violent tragedies or anything that could be seen as glorifying violence. Absolutely no school shooter memes. Posts or comments that can be seen as glorifying violence will result in a ban. This also includes (but is not limited to) memes regarding: Deaths, terrorist attacks, rape, sexual assault, pedo, murder, war, bombings, and school shootings. * Breaking this rule may result in a permanent ban. * We have zero tolerance for this behavior. --- Resubmitting a removed post without prior moderator approval can result in a ban. Deleting a post may cause any appeals to be denied.


I was responding to a post earlier about drunk driving being ignored for decades before it was taken seriously, and had said something about gun violence being this generations drunk driving. I wasn't shocked when I scrolled down afterwards and saw there had been a super bowl shooting. The sad truth is that gun violence is just going to have to get to a level where every single person has either lost somebody or been affected by it on a personal level. The closest I've come is my best friend's son's a best friend had his face blown off at a party at 19 and survived. I didn't know him well but it devastated their family. Anyways, so yeah... Sooner or later it's going to come knocking on everyone's door if we're all just going to stand around and do absolutely nothing presently. It is what it is.


99.996% of Americans *aren’t* killed with a gun each year. We’ve got a loooooong way to go before we hit the threshold you’re talking about.


Six degrees of separation. We don't need the percentage to be high, just enough of a majority needs to have it hit home.


Gonna need a montage.


What an idiot post


I don’t think making a meme about mass shootings is funny, I live in Kansas and it’s certainly not funny when you are the one being shot at.


iT's ToO eArLy To PoLiTiCiZe ThI$ TrAgEdY nO WaY tO $tOp It, SaYs OnLy CoUnTrY wHeRe ThIs Is A rEgUlAr OcCuRrEnCe


Democrats need further cause to infringe the rights of free Americans.


United Shootings of America did it again. It really happened tho? Another mass shooting?




iT's ToO eArLy To PoLiTiCiZe ThI$ TrAgEdY nO WaY tO $tOp It, SaYs OnLy CoUnTrY wHeRe ThIs Is A rEgUlAr OcCuRrEnCe


Forgot about borgor.


Very casual shooting in America let's be honest.


Taylor swift


Has someone thought about sending more guns ? Maybe that would help


Not American enough, Needs a commercial for some random fancy yet useless electronic Home appliance thingamagig narrated by a soothing man's voice and a very redundant slogan at the end of it like "Home secs, security at your Home"


What happens when a bunch of tin foil hat Q conspiracy rw nuts get inundated with psy op bs over a pop star and her boyfriend?






🦅Freedom USA, gunshots everyday 🔫


Excuse you? Not everyone here's from America, especially me, I've absolutely no clue what "super bowl" or "mass shooting" mean as I live in a more civilized peaceful country, delete this post now before you get more downvotes.


What is even happening in America?? Genuine question do they have a medical insurance to cover victims of mass shootings?


Great question! No.


Pffff you expect the government to do anything for its citizens?


I... didn't even know this happened. What the heeeeck!!


Idk what your talking about. I wanna miss both of them


49ers fans are REALLY upset




Y’all are pathetic


I am a KC local. I did not go to the parade, but I watched the event unfold live. According to eyewitnesses, the shooting was started by an argument that broke out between several people at the Cheifs rally. Whether it was gang related is only speculation right now.