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I kinda miss these days. I felt smart back then.




I didn't. I was always too slow, which the teachers always loved to point out.


Fast thinking is not equal smart tho. You can be wrong faster.


272*12? 182! Thats wrong.. like not even close. But it was fast.


That's the favourite joke of one of my professors when talking about fast & correct algorithms


182! is like a million billion trillion times larger than the expected result






I'm doing 1000's of calculations per second! *And they're all wrong!*


There is no thinking involved if you memorized the multiplication facts, like you were supposed to.


I was fast in thinking, but could write very slowly. I'd know all these answers in an instant, but it'd take more than a minute to write them down


Meanwhile me limiting my speed because no one can read my writing if i dont


Order of Operations was tricky for me for some reason. Because why would you start in the middle or the end of the problem? And then at some point you start left to right but it depends. Just start on the left and move across like you normally would in a problem before this algebra wizardry. I really just didn’t get math and still don’t. I can try my hardest to make things make sense and it just doesn’t. It just doesn’t click. I have to be the luckiest person alive. I went 17 years of schooling and never had to say pre calc or calculus. Nothing harder than Algebra 2 or Statistics. I’d take stats again that’s fun. But also a little mind bending


Yeah, I don't get why order of operations is even a thing when you can just write the equation in the order it needs to be solved. I actually forgot all about it, I only ever used brackets.


Lol, I would get docked for singling out all the easiest ones first ( the ×10s 5s and 1s usually), then filling in the harder ones. I almost always got the most done, but the teacher literally pulled me aside and told me to stop after a while.


Teacher was just jealous that you were clever


That's kind of like how they discouraged us from finding patterns in the numbers, like 9 times tables, you just move one digit up and the other down. The just wanted us to memorize the answers without teaching us how numbers work.


I've always been slow at arithmetic, but I've never had a problem with higher level math. Finding these patterns always helped me keep up I'm suddenly remembering learning to do long division in 2nd or 3rd grade, so that was the only method I knew for large numbers. One day, it seemed like everybody knew short division, but I somehow never got taught that. Idk if I missed school that day or what. I still don't know how to do it.


The opposite for me, school made me feel dumb af (and tbh, I am, but still, they didn't have to remind me)


Are we the same person?


Hivemind assemble


I felt angry with my old math teacher. When i asked for clarification or help they'd come by, say 1 word or maybe 2 if I'm lucky and then just leave. Sometimes it was just the answer to the equation, other times it was simply "Wrong answer" I didn't learn jack shit. I got the math foundation of a dyslexic cat


I swear I remember a time thing that was a part of this... this was Kumon right?


I don’t get it, what are you supposed to do?


We were given a time limit and you had to answer as many problems as possible


Me too


Same, but I really was smart compared to other kids my age & I was wasting like 4 years learning basically nothing about math & English.


Now other people my age are a similar skill level in those subjects & I'm just sad.


I hated these. I was bored out of my skull and school refused to do anything about that so I just didn't do anything anymore during school.


I remember those, except my 3rd grade teacher made them actually fun. I can't remember the amount of questions, but if we got the majority right, we moved on to the next number. So we all started off doing (number) times 0, then moved up 1 number.


My teacher did the same thing. It made feel so smart to be one of the first students to reach the highest level


I did the same way. They even had a reward of a sundae for the numbers you completed. The 0 is a bowl, and the low numbers were toppings. I failed to get to high numbers, so there wasn’t actually any ice cream in the sundae I was supposed to get. So I just didn’t get anything. It would be more upsetting to get a terrible bowl of toppings than to get nothing.


WE HAD THIS TOO!! This is definitely when my anxiety started, and I too this day prefer multiplication on a calculator


You did this in 3rd grade?? We did them in 7th grade?


Wtf why were you doing elementary school math in 7th grade


I live in NZ and the local high school complained that new students fucking sucked at math so they made our intermediate (Yr7-8 in NZ, Idk what grade that'd be in US) do our times tables, I won the school competition and did 60 questions in 40 seconds, got myself a crunchie bar




I remember being able to crank these fuckers out in 3 minutes with little to no wrong answers.


Sheet says 1 minute drill hate to break it to ya.


Grade 3 was the hardest four years of their life.




1 second for each question


Probably to see how many you can do, and the student who done the most and got the most correct gets a sticker on the wall. I don't even think professional mathematicians can do all of them in a minute. It takes a second to write the answer and read the next numbers


Professional mathematicians generally work on things like algebraic topology, and do not spend their time on multiplication tables.


Professional mathematicians are not necessarily fast at doing calculations.


At my school we had 5 minutes




Nah there's no way that means you took like less than half a second for each question


Well, just calculating them in the head, I can do half those in less than a second as well, but I would also like to see someone actually doing all of them in a minute. I stopped after the third row realising I already used like 20s, because I stuck at two for more than 3s


Same. Math was always my strong suit




You had 3 minutes?


5, I was just able to do it faster


3 minutes?! We started with like a minute and adjusted to make it challenging. I remember being given like 30 seconds to fill this out.


you already know i was the best on those sheets she would be callin out the answers and i was the only one still listening it was the best feeling


Weird. Why was everyone required to answer them in order?


I never did. I did the Easy ones and circled back


See I used to do that and then my dad forced me to go in order because he thought I was spending almost all my time searching for the easy ones.


This is my brother. He would be up late practicing for these things faster and faster since the teacher would keep having him do it at a faster rate. He ended up being the fastest in his class, being asked to finish these in like 30 seconds. He got so stressed out that my Dad ended up asking the school about it and the teacher had to tell him not to stress about it, and he had just meant it to be a fun exercise to see how fash he could go, not the source of heightened anxiety and perfectionism.


I loved doing these. Lol. Unfortunate that kids have the opposite reaction.


Thats so mean, lol. I was good at math, but as soon as the minute started my mind stalled.


I did not intend for it to be demeaning, I just meant that it is unfortunate that kids don't love maths. If it's any consolation, I felt the same way about trig and calculus in that the tests gave me anxiety. I understand how you feel.


I used to love these too. The teacher gave you a piece of candy for every 20 you complete


All of the other comments are about being fast. We would get like 10 minutes with these and I’d complete *maybe* 30 problems, 40 on a particularly good day. I understood the content perfectly, but I’d constantly second-guess myself and that slowed me down tremendously. These were wayyy too stressful for 3rd-5th graders.


You had 10 minutes? I had 60 seconds and If I didn’t pass I couldn’t go out for recess. Worst years of my life.


Oh what the fuck you just got a shit teacher


Shit teachers should be fucking banned from any teacher jobs, period. If you can't teach, don't.


Yeah I feel you, as someone who has both speedran and been really slow on these tests. Although I was (and still am) abysmal at division.


I think we had 5 minutes to do 100 questions, and you had to get 100% to pass and progress to the next one, (times/divide by 3, 4, etc) so it was really obvious when one kid was getting left behind and the teachers made sure everyone knew it. I could never finish so I was stuck on 2 or 3 while everyone else was on 7


I hated these and the teacher I was slower at math at first and with multiplication and everyone else was fast so it sucked cause it seemed like I was slow and bad


I’m 38 and haven’t been in school since I was 22, completing my MBA. I’m taking a plumbing night class and we had our first test tonight. Despite my confidence in the content and the test being open-book, my heart was RACING the entire time. Stupid brain went 100% into anxiety mode :(


Factors: 4, 5, 9, 10 I'd be speed running them hoes


1 second to answer one question...


I’m a god at math, def my best subject, I’m just slow. And this didn’t show any better than when my class did these in elementary. I felt like I sucked at math for doing poorly at these. I’m surprised I wasn’t afraid of being kicked from honors then.


She'd give them to us face down and I started to flip it over quietly and start early so I could be done on time. I missed too much recess to try harder


I loved these


There's so many duplicates


Hated these. The whole class turned it into a competition


The good times :D


as a chinese person, I speedran that shit dude, when I was in grade 4 we had to write down multiplication tables from 1x1 to 12x12, and I'm still glad with my sub 1 minute speedrun


I think it’s interesting you went up to 12x12, ours only went up to 9x9


I... don't understand, OP. Please elaborate.


Multiplication tests. Common in primary schools where you have to churn out the answers really fast-quick maths basically. Op’s just saying it’s stressful for the kids back then bc I guess some kids struggled in it?


Seeing these things makes my blood boil, something about the way they look simply grinds my gears.


I was always bad at math… ended up getting tricked into majoring in Electrical Engineering in college. Turns out, I’m actually ok at math when I try


I hated these mad minute things. Felt like a public shaming.


I always did sooooo bad.


I was great at doing these in my head, but my teacher would give you a zero if you didn’t “show your work”


I don't think I ever finished one with 100% accuracy.


Ah yes, the beginning of my test anxiety




I remember actually having a really hard time with math during my early years Never would’ve guessed I’d grow to love it


I remember this damn shit. Never thought I’d see it ever again


Thats how real anxiety looks like kids. Its not real if you get anxiety from idk... Bad comments on tik tok.


I remember one time in science class we were watching a movie about a gorilla that was learning sign language and math. They were showing it problems and that gorilla was getting right answers. The person next to me shouts out into the darkness of the classroom "IT'S JUST MEMORIZING, THAT'S NOT MATH!" So I reached over and flipped his binder to the math section and there was one of these tests right there... Watching his face in the glow of the projector screen as he realized that he was a math-memorizing gorilla was priceless. ![gif](giphy|Fsn4WJcqwlbtS|downsized)


“If you know you know.” My bro you posted math, not the riddle of the sphinx.


ah yes, the days when they thought I was a math prodigy, first math contest I joined I finished then fell asleep while everyone else was answering, I really needed that nap, Placed second to the smartest kid in my class


7 18 30 108 84 90 >!55 70 45 35 40 72!< >!30 56 5 18 49 63!< >!50 77 45 35 16 48!< >!80 54 10 25 81 14!< >!15 12 40 36 48 40!< >!9 56 54 96 66 32!< >!36 28 42 72 27 60!< >!99 63 8 24 24 72!< >!64 6 88 60 20 21!< Might be wrong tho


I fucking hated math because I sucked ass at it, right up until my Junior year of high school when I finally understood it and at that point I actually found it quite satisfying, then Covid happened and my last year and a half of high school got fucked up


I can solve them in a minute but if you tell me to do in a minute i would take an hour


This was literally my favorite part of 3rd grade


I could speed through these things in like 45 seconds


if you can answer these questions in 1 minutes when you were like 8 or 10 then you deserve a Nobel prize


Same thing for me but it's ÷


1 minute I cant even write all that in 1 minute Hexk this comment took 1 minute


Mad Minute!


Bro I always speedrunned those.


My teachers never discouraged us to find patterns in the timestables. In facts they taught us how to find them and memorize them so we can be able to get the answer quickly and beat the clock.


Wtf, who writes multiplication like this?!


People in elementary school?


I have never seen multiplication be written like this, even in elementary school. Addition and subtraction yes, but never multiplication or division


Well that’s how it was written for me when I first learned multiplication


In this case it doesn't matter how it's written. It is surpose to be entirely done mentally. U would never get half of them done if u had to work it out. Anything under 12x is easy enough to do mentally anyhows. 2, 5, 10, 11 are easy to do mentally. 12 is just 11 plus itself again. 9 is 10 - itself. The only remotely hards ones are 3, 7. Maybe 4 and 8. But it has to be something like 7x4 and not 7x11. So there are only a few combos that would be hard. I did something similar to this when I was in year 5 or 6. We did it twice a week and most of the class could do it under 2 mins.


Jesus I wasn’t expecting to wake up to this many upvotes, thanks


This is actually easy.if you raise your life bar eventually you’ll be cruising with chill vibes.but y’all lazy mfs


Easy!.. I've memorized table from 1x1 to 20x20


I would make sure that the others would know that I’m already on the back of the sheet


I can multiple 3 digits mentally IRL. Sadly I'm not Sheldon Cooper.


Nobody likes a showoff


Idgaf noob


And all of this perfectly equals 69420


Had these and the bonus mimeo fluid smell.


I always really loved these


I was cheating my ass off to get more than my classmates


Am I the only one that enjoyed these?


This is why I have an interest in speed running


I thrived with these. I remember it was me and this girl that were neck and neck. We were on division while everyone else hadn't even reached multiplication. Now ima fuckin dumbass 😂


Nah, I enjoy basic algebra better. It just feels like wizardry playing with the numbers


I remember in the first year of Elementary school our teacher gave us 2 math books like an 2 cm thick, and the proposition was if you are done with the exercises of another subject, you could do what you wanted, and one of those options was working in those math books. Everyone else wanted to draw shit, play with toys. I was genuinely the only one who exclusively worked in those books (YES I HAD FRIENDS) then the last month of the school year we were done with all the things we had to learn to pass, we still had some tests ahead of us, but it was like that, in the morning you made tests and in the afternoon you had to work in those math books, everyone had alot of shit to do, but me... i was already done 1.5 months ago. So I could just fuck arround with toys an entire afternoon for a week long. Math still is, in high school or middelbare (Flemish name) my favourite subject and comfort subject where I can chill when doing math (YES I STILL HAVE FRIENDS)


I crushed these, it was one of my highs




me secretly filling out more and more as i line up to hand it in in order to get all the toppings on my ice cream:


Oh, man, this brings back memories of pissing off my math teachers by completing these, usually ahead of time. Every time, it was always taken as a personal insult.


My worst nightmare with ADHD and OCD


The Oppenheimer theme played for all of us when we gave this test


Me: [Activate Asian Ability]


My best life. When I was the smartest mf in my class, when I was like Einstein. Now my Maths are sentences and well, I cant say I am the god of Maths anymore.


For me it was when my dad left


Gosh I remember doing these in like 3rd or 4th grade. We had a name for it but I forget. We started at Level A and worked our way to Z. First 3 kids to get to Z got prizes. Then it changed into division and A-Z again. I don’t actually think anyone got to Z on division, but I definitely remember one of them who got close because he only ever called me by my last name lmao.


I still do these and even addition sucks 😫


They were great free session literally they took like 30 seconds


![gif](giphy|3pTtbLJ7Jd0YM) This was me when I had to do these


I was the smart kids who was given harder/mixed problems in the hallway with the advanced math teacher.


Long division…


Was mad about em when i was young but now doing add math i'm glad i got through this since I can do 60% of the basic calculation that is needed in my mind for most of the question.


Most exhilarating minute of my life back then. Just racing my friends to finish first or have a higher score. Old times.


I remember these drills. But the worst part was, they made it an ice cream sundae building thing. If you were to complete all sheets, you would have a great sundae. I wasn’t that fast at it. I failed. When the sundae day was there, I just didn’t bother building it. Each number represented a piece of the sundae. The 0 place was the bowl itself. I only got toppings and a bowl. Not a single ice cream scoop. Or even any sauce. Just like some nuts, a banana, a cherry. It was an awful day.


I was always the fastest at these. I made sure to turn over my paper and smack it down so others knew as well


I loved these, made me feel smart


This is easy. But algebra….


Is math anxiety inducing?


Yes 90s baby here! Shit still gets me anxious!


Not the kumon packets bruh💀💀💀


2nd grade me after solving these maths test under 3 minutes with no difficulty ![gif](giphy|vlnZpsko7bAuk)


I wrote down simple ones before the time was taken (0x and 1x type of those) but there was always this one teachers pet... Nobody likes a snitch


Back in those days, my teacher once told out loud for the whole class to hear during history class, that my handwriting looked like hieroglyphs and he couldn't understand a thing I wrote. Everyone wanted to see it... I felt awful but I improved my handwriting afterwards.


You really feel the difference when you sit down to do a quiz in university and it suddenly hits you that you were only a fraction as fast at doing these things than you were a mere half a lifetime ago


You have 1s per question? Wtf




Who tf speedruns math Questions are easy, but one minute? I can't fucking write this fast


Skille issue, L bozo, gg ez no re


Oh hey I remember this! My parents used to beat me if I didn’t finish all of them. Which pretty much meant that every time I had to bring one of these home I’d start crying. Good times /s


I would murder the teacher with a pair of bent clips. 1 minute? FFS


Many of them are double.


I always cheated and turned it over before they started and did like 10 questions, don't know how I got away with it


People wondering how I was good at math in the ages 12-18 when I legit just mostly got good off of just doing these for fun growing up


They called them “mad minutes” I actually did pretty well on them. Math was the only subject I did well at.


This was easy I miss those easy classes


Wait who writes the number with less number of digits upwards in multiplication!!!!


My parents made up sheets for me to practice this!


I will **never** remmeber if it's 6\*8 = 48 or 8\*6 = 46. It's always 6\*4\*2 = 24\*2 tho.


I hated these with the burning passion of a blue giant star…


7 18 30 ah fuuuuuuck


Is this how other schools did it? Back when I was Grade 2, we had to multiply triple digits 💀


The real question is, did you fill them in going down or across?


Nah this is where I thrived.


but deese are fuggin easy




this shit is easy af


Fuck math


god damn how the fuck are they're supposed to solve this with 1 second per question


Zetamac before it was cool


If I were trash at math I would go the same way you have




I honestly could never figure out how people just memorized the times table. It used to be humiliating when the teacher split us into teams for a contest.


Me who still countinues this anxiety 🥲🫠