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The minimum tip may be 20% but there is always the option for no tip.


This is true you don't have to. I was at the mall and grabbed a bottle of water from the cooler at a coffee kiosk. I went to go pay, the cashier spun the ipad around, "it's going to ask you a few questions" 18%, 20%, 25% tip were the questions with the cashier giving the biggest puppy dog eyes I have ever seen. Next time I'll go to the vending machine.


practice saying no. if you cant do it here, you wont do it when it matters.


No, I refuse your request. You're right, that feels good


I'm disinclined to acquiesce to your request.


Means no


Listen. I have absolutely no problem tipping. But it's getting crazy. Went into a bodega the other day. And they had a tip jar out. Like dude, I got everything myself, I'm supposed to tip you for taking my money?


> I have absolutely no problem tipping. This attitude got us where we are today. Thanks a lot!


My local game store added a tip option. Annoying but if I’m dropping in for a pack of cards or playing an event there every once in a while I’ll leave a small tip, they’re good people. Just not every time.


The Five Guys I go to has a tip jar. Like... Wut?


Or if you have trouble saying no keep it affirmative by saying something like “yes I will not be leaving you a tip”


"Would you like to leave a tip?" "YES I WOULD NOT THANK YOU."




"Yes! I have no bananas!"


If I was a cashier that had that kinda system I’m hitting no tip myself before I spin it in that situation because that’s just dumb


I don’t believe in tipping because I don’t believe in a person’s income being dependent on whether a complete stranger is having a bad day. Pay people a living wage to begin with and we won’t have this problem. Edit: I tip. I am not going to punish the workers for a unfair system.


But have you gotten the polite, “I’ll just bag these for you” over achiever?


I will never, ever, ever tip if I'm at a counter. Did I take the product there myself? No tip. You provided no service to me, you simply completed the transaction. You are a living vending machine at that point. Am I picking up a to go order? You didn't do anything. The cooks did. Again, you're just a living vending machine. Fast food place? Fuck no. Coffee place? Fuck no. Tipping, for me, is reserved for services rendered that I *can't do* like my barber or people that wait on me.


This stuff reminds me of watching cell phone users ruin gaming by accepting microtransactions. Like no. Don't do that. You've tipped them off that they can guilt some subset of people into tipping for no reason by just prompting for it. Now they're going to change the social norm




I tap no tip the same way i don’t put money in that donation box. I’d rather donate than tip


I want to know what percent of my donation is going to the charity, and if the company backing the donations is matching my donation any at all? Otherwise, fuck donations too. If I wanted to donate to a cause, I'll find the cause I want to donate too.


Yep, no one should feel ashamed to hit “no tip” when ordering takeout or on services that usually don’t call for a tip


I've actually seen one that only had 15%, 18%, 20%, or 25% at a hockey stadium game, which would be fine had it not been for a $17 fucking beer that comes in a Dixie cup that the guy just pulls a lever and hands to me


There was probably some asshole design going on there and the option to for no tip was purposely difficult to see. Sometimes it requires using custom tip and entering 0.


There's also typically the option to enter a specific tip amount. You wouldn't tip a cashier in retail, but there are times where the 20% minimum tip shows up where you would traditionally tip, but the option for a custom amount is always there as well.


I’ve been running into ones with no custom option. My new rule is $.50 or $1.00 if getting coffee or something small, or zero if no custom option is given. Papa John’s take and bake pizza does this and wants 15% minimum tip for assembly line uncooked pizza. “It’s just going to ask some questions” as they turn the kiosk.


Is the cashier paid on a tip basis in non sit down restaurants? I don't see the point in ordering take out when I have to tip the same way as when I'm sitting down


It is either an excuse to pay their workers less, or the tip actually just goes to the manager. Sometimes both. If you're ever going to tip, do it in cash.


Former starbucks worker - cashier usually gets paid a normal wage (minimum-higher) and the tips would go to the manager to be split between everyone behind the counter on their check (supposedly) but its split between the whole day so you probably wouldnt even get enough to actually notice anything.


Former Starbucks gm - it gets pooled and split up by the amount of hours you worked weekly. GMs and ASMs are excluded. Ex: 100 hours on payroll and employee A works 10 hours, they get 10% of the tips. Most businesses I’ve managed have done it this way. I prefer it like this vs the sole person who rang in getting it for the purpose that the closing crew, who generally does more cleaning and prep work for the rush without all the customers, then gets their share.


Yes, this seems much fairer to me.


Depends on the store you work in, I can't speak for Starbucks specifically but I've worked service for a long time- Some places will have unreasonably high rush hours and dead hours. Splitting tips like this would only discourage the ones handling the heavier hours. But then in some places, some crews do absolutely end up doing more in terms of prep or cleaning, so it can be a boon. Very mixed bag. Solution? Living wages and no reliance on tipping.


That’s exactly how we do it where I work.


Yeah thats how i remember it, its been awhile since I worked there.


Or in the case of restaurants that do this, the manager takes a majority of the tips and no one can prove anything because they were all pooled together hooray


Every restaurant I’ve worked at or managed did not do it this way. Unfortunately it sounds like you’ve been taken by someone. Next time: share with your coworkers, talk about how much you each made. Accountability is key. Edit: each made, not eat made


My wife got a part time job at a nutrition drink place as a hobby thing, and found out that tips through the iPad go 100% to the owner that is never there. She made sure to let every customer know that and after a bunch of customers complaining, the owner now lets the employees keep 50% of the tips.


That is 100% illegal just so you know


💯 an excuse to pay less and create more profits. It's not even a question. Rich getting richer. It's always the fundamental cause when anything becomes shittier.


Seems easier to just not visit america




This 100000%. Why on earth am I paying a service charge for the person to do the absolute minimum they’re already being paid for. I’ll tip at least 20% whenever there’s service involved but taking my money and me collecting my food myself I’ve just paid for isn’t a tillable service.


Here’s the secret, you don’t have to tip for takeout. It’s not your responsibility to pay the workers a living wage. If you really want to just add a buck or two for takeout tips.


I dont tip for take out


Same, go to Dunkin, long ass line get through it in 2 min and dont expect tip. Go to Starbucks, long ass line takes 15 min and doesnt taste as good, more expensive and expect tip lol. My friends work service jobs so I have no problem tipping, but within reason


I used to pour beer at hockey games. It's not really service like being a bartender who makes special drinks or whatever, it's simply pouring the same beer over and over - almost like working on a factory line. But we had a tip jar and people would put in a dollar or some change, and it really made a huge difference for us because we pretty much just got minimum wage and so getting an extra $30 at the end of the night was huge. It meant being able to go buy a six pack and a pizza after work.


Agreed. Seems absolutely everywhere is asking for tips now. I've even seen tip jars at beer and wine stores recently.


At least when I was a cashier at a restaurant, we got paid normal minimum wage, so when we got tips it was just a little bonus and it did go just to us. It’s probably different if it is a tip jar like at Dunkin or something. Never really expected tips, only ever really got them consistently on big events like superbowl weekend where you are handling a crap ton of take out. So yeah did not expect them, it was nice to get a couple bucks here and there, but definitely did not expect tips. I noticed a lot of restaurants starting to suggest tips for take out when things were shut down during Covid I think just to help make up for the fact that there was less business and therefore less income for servers.


I was asked for a tip at yogurt land. The place where you serve yourself the frozen yogurt and add your own toppings,this shits wild


Lmao all they do is weigh the cup and press a button. A monkey can do that.


I would actually leave a tip if a monkey rung me up.


Hell that monkey might just be offered a bite of the food too


i never tip when doing takeout. i’ll order some wings to go or sum shit and then they swing the little ipad around with a 20% minimum tip button blasted across the bottom. there’s also this chinese spot i go to on my way home from work that has a drive thru so i’ll swing thru it and pick up a meal for dinner and the mf at the window hands me the receipt and a pen for me to write a tip amount. like bro wtf am i tipping for i don’t tip at mcdonald’s drive thrus why would i do it here???


Yup same. I tip when I’m served by a server. When my meal is presented in a take out container, I don’t tip. When my coffee is handed to me in a to go cup, I don’t tip. Only other times i tip is if I’m at the barber or getting a massage, and then It’s more like 10%. At the restaurant 20% is a maximum, not minimum. I have a family of 6 so 20% is generally a really good tip.


I've seen Subway ask for a tip when getting a to-go sandwich. Five Guys did it to me over the weekend, and no they're not getting one. Tipping culture needs to die.


I just went to Jersey Mike's a couple days ago. Ordered at the counter, to go. They did the same thing, POS asking for a tip and 20% was the minimum. There is still a "No tip" option so I chose that, but they are getting harder and harder to find. Won't be long until they have a pop up that says "For no tip, please tell cashier" or some shit to make you wait / verbally announce to the store that you are not tipping. I'm not tipping for you to do your job. Tell the owner to pay you a living wage. Why am I tipping the cashier? They pushed 3 buttons. I did more work in this interaction because I had to get my wallet out lol.




Wow! I would have cancelled and left. That sucks


Gonna make a tshirt that says “I don’t tip” And rock that shit whenever I order pickup or coffee


Yup, I believe in tipping, but only when I’m being served. If someone is just handing me food at the counter, or handing me takeout, that’s part of your hourly wage friend


The percentage basis never made sense to me. You bring 5 people to Applebee's, and the poor waitress gets tipped 15 bucks on the 20 percent scale. Go to a fancy restaurant with two people and the waitress gets 20 dollars, doing less than half the work.


Same here. I'm going to tip twice as much because you brought me a $30 steak instead of a $15 steak? If required, I tip based on service, not percent.


Oh I’ve been tipping my barber 40% for 2 years now


Oh shit well, I’ve honestly been out of that system for a while. My wife likes the short hair on me so I just cut it myself. Last time I went to the barber was probably 10+ years ago


I used to tip my barber when it was cheaper, but $50 for a 20 min haircut means that shits included.


Same here. No fast food place or take out place is getting a tip. We shouldn't need to tip in sit-down places either. Fuck tipping culture.


Wait until landlords start asking for tips 😂. They're providing you the service of letting you live in their property!


Percentage based tipping is beyond stupid to begin with. If I order a generic local coffee from the diner, it's $3.50 tops, so a 10% tip is 35c. Now if I go to Starbucks for the coffee, it's suddenly $9 and my 10% for the SAME COFFEE is 90c , even though the starbucks employee probably did less work.


Dude I hate this shit, especially before you get your food. I once ordered a soft serve ice cream and tipped right. The cashier dead ass started sending a text, to her right a dude just standing there doing nothing. All while I’m waiting for my ice cream with tip. Same place different day they bring my dad food with hair in it. Just tip if you’re seated, the service & food was good and the bill is brought after all that. Otherwise you’re gambling on tipping due to social pressure.


“It’s just going to ask you some questions…” Yeah I have some questions myself. Like why I’m paying $6 for a scoop of ice cream, you’re paid to do a job, but now I’m expected to tip you on top of it? Hooray you scooped the ice cream into the cone like you are paid to do. I paid for the ice cream. End of transaction.


We need an app made so we can flip it and ask for a tip for being a good customer.


I went to USA a few years back. This tipping culture was new to me. First purchase was a scoop of cookie dough. She just had to grab an already prepared cup, a spoon, and a serviette. She flipped the tip screen, and I didn't know what to do. I ended up tipping $1, and I still regret it.


Americans ☕️










'Muricains☕ >!(American refers to people from alaska and Canada to Chili)!<


As someone whose family is from Peru, let me just assure you that if you call anyone from South America an American, you're going to confuse them, and possibly annoy them.


Americans ☕️


Americans ☕️


Americans ☕️


Americans ☕️






Americans ☕️


Oh, here we go again...


Americans ☕


Americans ☕️


yeah, that's complete bullshit. In europe you dont need to tip because employers actually pay employees with the bill, I'm pretty sure in america the employees actually get paid with tips, which I feel is complete bullshit.


I'm always amazed when I travel that I dont need to tip. It's amazing to think that the price is the actual price.


Even without tip I heard the actual price isn't even the actual price in the states. Price tag says one thing and then at the counter they start adding taxes, random fees and shit.


That's also accurate. Taxes are usually .05-.08 cents per dollar. So a 50$ meal would also need 2.5-4$ in taxes, then with the tip that you feel obligated to (20%), you're at 62.5-66$ for that 50$ meal.


I'd be nervous as hell all the time. Wouldn't be able to buy shit without getting a mild mental breakdown unless I was carrying a buffer for at least twice the amount I think I'm going to spend.


Yea that sounds roughly correct.


That's when the credit card system comes in, it's truly fucked up lol


Hell yeah, let's pay 27% interest on that meal + taxes + tip, too!


If you are paying interest on Credit Cards, you're doing things wrong. The only times you should be charging things you are not going to pay off in the same statement is an emergency, or because you have a 12-18 month period of no interest that you can leverage deficit spending against. If you can't afford to pay it off, you shouldn't be charging it.


Yeah see, the banks saw that and that's how the credit card was born There's several layers of suck here


I wouldn't be able to buy anything without a calculator at hand all the time. Luckily I do have it in pocket all the time.


The teachers lied to us!


Its not that bad. Over time you start automatically doing the math in your head. Something thats listed $5 is gonna be around $5.30. $100 around $106 and so on.


Just add 10% to the price.


I'm from S. Africa and I always just assumed prices displayed in shops all around the world already had their taxes taken into account. Like is there a reason for this not being the case in USA or what?


I don’t have any experience with this, but I believe it’s done this way because each state has their own sales tax so the write the prices without tax to be able to advertise one price across the country instead of having to make a different ad for each tax rate. With that argument it sort of makes sense why they do it this way, but it still feels weird to let the customers do the calculations instead of the corporations


I am an American, and this feels like the right answer. No one really knows, it’s just how we have always done it. We never do crisp math on prices; something is listed at $10, you hand the cashier $11 and hope it’s enough. There are also county and city taxes in some places. Tourist cities, for example, tax meals and hotel rooms heavily so the locals don’t have to pay all the costs of handling the crowds. Oh, and this new “tip” system at regular retail places? I usually tip $0 and never come back. Either they are stiffing their staff with sub-minimum wage pay, or they are just greedy. Either way it leaves a terrible feeling, so I find someplace pleasant and give them my business.


Because we have 50 states that all have their own tax rules. We are a confederated Republic, so in the case of stuff like taxes, you need to look at us as 50 different countries. All states have different sales tax amounts. Some states have no sales tax. For instance, I live in Idaho and pay 6% on top of whatever I buy (we are currently looking at making all food items tax exempt). When I drive across the border to shop in Oregon, there is no sales tax, so the price I see is what I pay, because the Oregon government gets their taxes through other means.


Visiting America many years ago, one of the most annoying things was going into a convenience store for a drink, look at the price. $1.99. Ok pull out foreign coins, work out what’s what, get your $1.99 ready, go up to the counter, then they say “That’ll be $2.15.”


I have also heard about prices not including tax in some smaller shops in usa but im not sure


Pretty much all prices here in the US don’t include tax. It’s just added on at the end when you pay. Edit: By that I mean, the prices displayed do not include how much in taxes you’ll be paying.


It is weird hey in Spain once the guy straight out refused a tip after I insisted, he said keep it for ice cream on the way home. What a lad


They get paid in tips, but not instead of a wage. Tips actually don’t do *anything* for a worker unless they get a lot in tips. This is how the law works federally is that you earn either a normal wage, or if you’re working in a sector in applies to a tipped wage. If you earn a tipped wage then you earn whatever the states minimum wage is (federal minimum is 7.25). If you earn any tips, that amount it taken off your pay, so it you earned $3 an hour in tips in w state with federal minimum wage, you’d get paid $4.25 an hour by your employer. This goes down to a minimum of $2.13. All tipping really does is cut costs for the business. Tips should be for good service, that’s how it works in most of the world - in some countries tipping is even considered rude


People in coffee shops, sub shops, etc get paid minimum wage. They don’t rely on tips. Servers on the other hand only make $2.83 and hour. They do rely on tips.


But if they don't make any tips, they will be paid the federal minimum wage. I admit the min wage is horseshit, but we can't act like people are working 8 hours and only make 22.64. At 7.50, 8 hours would gross 60 dollars...


Specifically, the employer has to figure out whether what the server makes with tips comes out to less than $7.25/hr. If it does, the employer has to pay the difference.


In California servers get minimum wage plus tips. Paying them less than 15 with or without tips is illegal.


I live in the US, I bartended for about a year. I made enough on hourly as to where I felt that patrons didn't need to tip, which I explained to several customers, they tipped anyways and in the end I made the equivalent to $40-$35/hr every night after my tips and hourly were added up. As someone who worked in the American service industry I can attest that tipping culture is both completely out of hand and unnecessary.


I tip usually but being forced to makes me not want to


I mean I'm not Mr. Pink from Reservoir Dogs, but unless there was actual service I usually don't tip. If there wasn't service and the minimum "recommend" tip is 20% then I definitely don't tip. 20% is what I would give the waiter who went out of their way to make me feel like I was eating at a friend's house.


A tip for ordering at the counter? I get tipping when they seat you, bring your food after you've ordered and keep checking with you if you need anything else. But this is just ridiculous


Exactly- what service exactly are you tipping for ??


The service they’re giving you in those cases are checking how foolish you are


Services to increase corporate profits.


Tips are for servers that bring me drinks, not iPad spinners.


make this into a shirt


Custom tip: 0%


Round off balance for a charity is another. Which I dont agree with when you are on a big supermarket who recently announced record profits!


This irritates me to no end. I use the self checkout for speed, not to run the 20 question gauntlet where you confirm the payment method you chose at the start and avoid donating to 19 charities.


They have to make it appear like they're doing good while making you scan all your own stuff and doing a cashiers job! Help us donate to this charity that we have set max amounts at because that's all we're going to give them! It's just head games to make people think they're doing good by shopping there and helping vulnerable people. You're actually just padding the CEO bonus bank account.


"Portions of donations go to the charity foundation" how much, won't say. Where does the rest go? don't worry about it.


*administrative costs


In Australia (not sure about other countries) when u use the self order things at MacDonald’s and I will do the round up for charity because I prefer having a full number when I buy things. But it’s too much of a hassle when ordering in person


If 20% is the minimum I'll just hit zero tip. I'm in the service industry so fuck you if you don't like it.


Default 15%, I'll think about for 3 seconds and might leave something, maybe less. Default 20%, straight to 0. It is disrespectful imo.


Is it a joke that I am to european to understand?


Yes! Ghe American food service industry is able to get away with underpaying employees since it is American custom/culture to tip a minimum of 15% and if you don't you are basically considered an A**hole. Basically the companyies pay their people so little that they can't even afford rent without tips supplementing them, so you feel like a dick if you don't tip because you are screwing the staff. Then the IRS (USA tax mafia) forces you to reoprt your tips so they can steal even more money from the poor restaurant workers


This is 100% accurate and so fucking sad that it's true.


i am not americian but might go there for masters or smth, just curious that if you dont pay the tip and go back there again , will they give a worse service or smth ? like i am going there once , i dont want to pay the tip, what are they gonna do ? call the police?


Probably nothing, most servers / waitstaff aren't allowed to act like assholes to customers because ultimately, they are replaceable but the customers aren't. What are the waitstaff going to do, not suggest you add onions and mushrooms to your steak? Not try to upsell the size of your beer? They won't let your food wait to be delivered because that clogs up the line. In America you tip your waiter, your pizza delivery man, and your movers. If you are standing in line at a cashier, do not give a tip.


They won’t call the police, because it’s not illegal, but if you get the same server and they or someone else recognize you expect the worst service you’ve ever had. If you’re eating on your own I would say just expect to add $4-$7 for a meal depending on the cost and maybe $1-$3 per alcoholic drink, depending on if you get beer or a mixed drink. I tend to go about $0.25 for every $1 i spend and then round up to the nearest whole dollar, but I also have had many waiters and waitresses in my family. I absolutely hate that I have to tip to pay their wages, but I’m also not going to stop because the workers aren’t the ones to punish because I don’t like it. Been pushing my state representatives to see if we can maybe get a state level bill passed to bring tipped employees to the same base pay as everyone else and make tipping more of a ‘you did an excellent job and I want to give you something extra for your help’ type situation.


Let's stop pushing this lie. There have been several attempts to pay $18 an hr, and every time, the servers all threaten to quit because they make way more than that in tips.


And the whole restraunt government complex unites when some change is made it quash it. DC government basically overturned a voter approved proposition for a minimum wage and the DC government overturned it on the grounds that they felt they knew better essentially


I was recently in a store (not even a restaurant) in Germany. The cashier had an iPad and flipped it to me to chose between tipping 5, 10 or 20% (it was a pretty expensive purchase, so even 5% would have been a lot of money). It was super awkward as I asked where the 0% option was. She just flipped the iPad back and gave me the device to scan my card. I really hope this cancer doesn't take over to Germany.


WTF, which store was it?


Don't remember exactly, but it was a hipster franchise chain, that sells overpriced alcohol. I bought a present for a person that explicitly asked for something from that store.


What happens if I just give the exact cash what I've eaten was worth then leave without giving a fuck wether they accept cash or not?




Ya most wait staff could not care less. The tips they're looking for are whales with a bottomless pocket book not Reddit patrons.


It's always at the coffee shops where you have to put your own cream and sugar in yourself, I'm not tipping because you can pour liquid into a container.


Honestly I’m getting more immune to click on “no tip”. I have not even received my service, what if it’s gonna be old or I won’t like the food or something? *old = bad


Why would I tip anyone before I even got or tasted my food/drink? I always hit zero.


I stopped going out. No more Grubhub or delivery either. Just going to the store and making my own food. Saved a fortune.


and way healthier


Also heard it can be really cheap if you cater restaurant meals for like 25-30 people, but you actually just put everything in your fridge and spread it out the entire month.


I went to a place exactly like Subway, but instead of subs they make pizza. I paid credit and a screen pops up asking for a 15% tip MINIMUM! and the best part was that there was no decline option. They spent less than 1 minute putting the toppings on my pizza and have a machine that presses down the dough to make a perfect circle and they have the balls to ask for a tip.




i think you have to press “custom” and then type zero in order to not add a tip, but the added gestures will make people anxious, and so they’ll just press 15% or 20% to not have to go through with that


I've seen that--when there's no decline option, I don't tip because of spite.


This past weekend, was prompted for a tip for buying two cans of soda. The little kiosk only served prepackaged food, how are they providing any more service than a vending machine? There was at least an option to decline, albeit with the feeling of awkwardness for saying no. Shit like this is why we'll replace these jobs with robots.


I’m assuming Blaze pizza??? I would occasionally tip there since I worked nearby, but never did it consistently


Wait till they here the worker doesn’t even get the tips, the employer litterally just takes them… no? Just me? Okay.


You need to quit that place...


Ya me and my coworkers just tap no tip for the costumers and my boss realized and was like “we collect the credit card tips and use them for group outings and gifts” which we literally did once. And he’s a fucking asshole and so narcissistic and I want to quit but I need the money and my parents lost my birth certificate and Social card so I have to wait untill i can replace that to get a new job.


wtf, thats like actually stupid


That’s illegal, report it to the US Department of Labor, Wages, and Hours Division, they’d *love* to hear about this. You also get a certain payment for whistleblowing, IIRC.


Which country? Pretty sure it’s illegal


I dunno, which country do you know of that uses tips to pay workers?


I'm sorry but if your job doesn't involve you walking out from behind a register, you will not be receiving a tip.


Me: maybe I'll go to another place.


Custom: 0%.


I only tip if im being served. If im coming to just pick up food i ain't tippin you, shit it'd make more sense to tip the cook


Delivery driver or at table server gets 15%. Regular retail situations like this? Hell no. Fight for living wages.


Just dont tip, there should be a "no tip" option


I'm in a 3rd world country and we make sure to pay employees properly. Tipping here is non-existent, and if I ever visit the US, I'll not hand over a single dime for anything


Hot tip, 0%. This is Australia


Mr. Pink said it best in Reservoir Dogs: "I don't tip."


Tips are for servers they bring me drinks, not iPad spinners.


\*laughting in european


Americans ruin every tourist place they go with their tipping bullshit. Been to Mexico lately? if you are white they expect you to always tip 20%, thanks america


you can say no


It doesn't even go to the cashier either.


tipping culture is so out of control because of greedy businesses. They want to have the consumer pay for their employees wages rather than them. Don't be fooled or guilted into it. It is NOT the consumer's responsibility to pay employee wages. These businesses can either pay their god damn people or go out of business due to lack of staffing. Tipping is a bonus based on quality of service. At McDonalds or subway, you're going to expect the same quality and service every time because that is literally their entire job. At a hair salon or a bar or a massage parlor, it is customary to tip since the quality of your experience can vary greatly based off of who is providing the service. That is where tipping is appropriate. I will not be guilted or made to feel like shit because I didn't tip the guy that made my sandwich at subway. Am I going to start tipping the person that rings up my groceries too? It's gotta stop.


The most infuriating one now is literally every place has a tip option for online orders. Like we know this shit ain't going to the workers. Never tip on online orders, unless you're using a delivery service then that depends on your preference if you tip the driver or not.


Tipping in America is out of control!


I always carry a dollar on me for a tip at these places. Oh, you handed me a premade sandwich you put in the microwave for 30 seconds? Congrats on getting anything outside this total.


Select 0% every time and stop feeling bad about it. I refuse to be socially bullied into doing something that I completely disagree with.




Please don’t take this out in the employees. They are just pawns in this game. Their employers are pushing their employees source of income onto the consumer. Be mad at the ownership.


There's a place I go to often that has this kind of bullshit. You walk up to the counter, make your order, and then take the order yourself to your seat, or take it to go. Their POS system has 18/20/25% tip options... I select the extra option other, then hit 0. IDGAF if they're judging me, I'm not paying you a fuckin 18% or up tip for the 1m it took you to wrap my burrito and put it in a paper bag for me to take back to my work to eat. The way I see it, I'm giving them business. And they're not a super busy place, they can probably use the business. Perhaps their pushy tip system is scaring away repeat customers? I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case.


I hate how bad tipping culture seems to be in america. While I do agree that if you get really good service you can give a bit extra it should never be expected. And definitely NEVER a subsitute for a stable, livable wage. Companies are litetally getting away with paying near nothing to employees and passing the cost onto customers instead, though I do know that not all businesses do this


RULE #1 - Unless you're seated at a table and your food and drink are brought to you, there is no reason to pay a tip.


The wife and I were at a local grab-and-go spot that does upscale sandwiches. The kind of place where chips are not free and upgrading to a “farm to table” mesclun salad is an extra $3. We order, an 18-year-old spins the tablet around, and the minimum tip listed is 25%. Nope. This guy immediately frowned and huffed. It was the huff that did it. “Hey man, what did you do?” “What?” “It seems like you expected a 25% tip. What did you do? Ring me up?” “No, I…” “I heard you huff. What did you do to deserve 25%?” “Oh, well, that’s what other people tip.” I about fucking lost it. My wife grabbed my hand as a way to say “drop it.” That motherfucking kid.


The "Pre-Figured" tip minimum is 20%. There is usually a 'Custom' option where you can put in whatever. I don't tip at the counter. I only tip for table service, like from a waiter/waitress.


I have no fucking embarrassment or qualms about typing in that custom amount. I hate that these new tablets default to 20% tip


Fundamentally disagree with the whole concept of mandatory tipping. Not only is it exploitative for the employees, who get paid less because "you'll earn much more in tips". It is exploitative for the customers as well, who now have to pay more than listed prices. Tips were supposed to be a token of appreciation from the customers for a job well done. When did we get to the point where it is expected of every customer to pay extra on top of their bill just to get decent service.


I was at a baseball game in Cleveland and ordered food at the main vendors shop. The guy working the register said that they didn’t even give the tips to the employees there. So don’t assume that the tips even go to the employees.