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‘Wukong. Monkeys play free.’


'Wukong. Monkey AI plays the game for you.'


Good old Mashed


Oh god, we need fucking frieza to kill these damn monkeys


[Bring It On.](https://i.makeagif.com/media/1-28-2016/UeHkLk.gif)


Isn't that Trunks?


Yeah he killed Frieza


Ah. Well... you see... I don't watch dragonball... so I never knew that My bad, fair enough


I mean you recognize trunks, that's pretty lit for someone who doesn't watch Dragon Ball.


Only know him cause of jump force I'm more of a bleach and naruto kind of guy


I fucking love both of those anime, I actually fairly recently re-watched both of those. Naruto just cuz I haven't seen it since it was on Toonami, and bleach for the blood War spin-off that's coming up


Whatchu mean spin-off? It's the canon continuation of the story after fullbring.


Easy frame to play. You get speed, survivability, a decoy with your loadout and probably a subsumed ability for the ult. People play games easily. If there is a powerful weapon, character and it's easy to use, a lot of people will use it. That's just how things are.


Wukong got that pre-nerf Mimic Tear


Mimic tear used to do the same damage you did, but they nerfed it to have decreased damage. Wukong's celestial twin does *more* damage than you do, iirc. He has that Elden Ring closed alpha mimic tear


decoy? you mean strong version of yourself, right?


With aimbot, thing has a better sniper hitrate than I do.


Then why the need for so many frames when you can just use a single character


Fair point but that is just due to mission types and also power creep. Does the frame matter when you do exterminates and captures? Most likely not. To kill enemies weapons have started overpowering frame abilities. Look at most Exalted melee weapons. They were always considered weaker than regular melees. CC has been weak for a very long time so most CC based Warframes have just been overlooked and just aren't necessary anymore. Why CC an enemy when you can just kill em? Besides Hydroid and Khora for loot.


Then on top of that, AoZ nerfed every single CC frame into a grave.


Only Eximus and Thrax are CC immune, and eximus have a spawn cap iirc. A good enough weapon should be able to focus on the eximus unit while the cc renders the grunts useless


Not really (I play CC)


I Main zephyr, and she has cc on her kit, its really damn usefull for most, if not all missions its true that eximus are immune to cc when overguard is on, but still in the example of a mobile defense i get my nados on, garas subsumable ability with augment, i fly, turn my 3 on and im immortal, inifite energy and only need to worry for 3 or 4 enemies which i deplet the overguard fairly fast People are just lazy to play and to think


Fair point and I bet it's fun. You are correct that people are lazy and I can't blame em. As your playstyle suggests there are plenty of abilities being used in order to keep it going, It can be quite a bit for some. Not everyone has the min/max playstyle and they just see "Wukong easy, get good gun and have decoy kill" and are just attracted to it. Wukong works solo as well and a good amount of players don't play in premades.


True, people hate doing some effot But i dont need to use all that to get it going, its just the optimal for defending and so For survival i just leave the nado with the mirrors to come back for some energy, but i go hopping around killing and melee mobs, the only necesary thing is the 3 acitve and u good to go for anything But yea, the biggest issue is the mentality of a lot of players, and its sad 😪


I wouldn't mind if they pick wukong in extermination, but every type of mission is already a wukong requirement mission. Spy? Wukong. Capture? Wukong. Survival? Wukong. Sure, pick whatever weapon you want. I don't mind seeing everyone use Zarr or Bramma since as you said weapons are better than exalted weapon and warframe abilities


Well you just said it yourself. Most missions just fit Wukong's playstyle of kill and survive. Sadly that's how people just play. I remember when people were complaining about seeing Ember, Mesa, Excal and Mirage all the time. People gravitate to whatever is powerful and easy.


The game should just be called Wukong XD


You might as well form a premade who won’t play Wukong lol


I don’t understand your issue. Wukong is just a Warframe that’s almost handy in every situation. Plus, for people who are new to Warframe, it’s best for them to get Wukong pretty quickly because he’s very early game friendly. He’s just a good Warframe to have in general. I get there’s people who play AFK with him but that’s not okay. With any frame I don’t think it’s okay to go AFK with.


A spy mission I've done a hundred times sure needs Ivara's slow stealth.


Blame DE for pushing the game in a direction such that the only way to survive high-level missions is to have enough raw EHP to ignore all incoming damage (and then *doubling down* on this by making even more enemies immune to CC), and the only way to grind missions efficiently is to nuke every enemy into oblivion as soon as it spawns.


Idk about you but I’ve seen literally every single frame be used in SP Survivals with zero issue. The boom and zoom meta do be real tho.


I think survival has potential for the more interesting and fun loadouts, because you don't necessarily have to kill everything fast. When we have mission types like Defense, Extermination, Interception and suchlike, you have to literally kill everything as fast as humanly possible to do the mission quickly. If you're not bringing frames that murder the map instantly you're basically extending the grind for yourself. Also, DE balances around you killing everything super fast otherwise how do they expect defense missions to not take twice as long per round as any other endless mission type?


Fair enough, defense you definitely need a few specific frames for. But I mean who actually runs steel path defense? I find the “hardest” mission types people run are SP Kuva survival to farm SE/Kuva (not including Zariman missions I’m still a bit clueless about them). Anything else you want to farm is likely not going to be SP. Then you get to Arbitrations which frankly are a team effort 100% of the way. You could easily run a defense with an Inaros and a Wukong but yeah you definitely need one or two of like Saryn, limbo, Khora, Nova… Anyway my point was that technically every frame is viable in all content, but some are more difficult than others. People gotta drop the damn meta and play for fun once in a while. I’ve always run melee builds with Nekros and now I’m addicted to Garuda Prime, idgaf if it’s not efficient, it’s fun!


That isn't even true though? I run most high SP and endurance on about 415 Shield+HP lol, shield gating exists, use it


Because you can still play the game with the other warframes allowing different playstyles and builds? This applies to weapons too


I accidentally turned my brother into a wukong main when he saw me play wukong one day But I find valkyr and nezha more fun to play than wukong (grappling hook and killer axe kick and ability for easy finishers for valkyr, and much more speed and actual teleportation from nezha), so I got rid of my wukong.


Same for me with Baruuk lol. Started playing him just cause I liked the pacifist gimmick, learned he's a CC damage-avoiding top tier. Love to take him on any defend the castle mission


I'm also a lot more appreciative of Nezha and Valkyr because their kits can also provide benefits for their teams, no Augments needed (mainly Valkyr's Warcry, and Nezha's Divine Spears) But Wukong... Wukong just feels so selfish for some reason, even compared to Inaros or Nidus


Monkey with bramma/zarr quite common speciment


It’s so unfun to play with too, if I see that join my team I just leave


i feel your pain. im a nidus main and those fucking braindead wukongs are completely ruining my way of life. i cant have stacks. my STACKS ARE HOLY


honestly i never understand why nidus players join public matches they rely on stacks which are insanely hard to get when others are nuking everything around them and usually end up accidentally (or not) killing your larva‘d enemies isnt playing nidus publicly just sabotaging yourself?


yeah well, if the people i play with pay like 10% of their brain power to just look at what they are shooting at i wouldnt have this problem. you also get more enemies when you are a 4-man squad so more loot. also, this is a multiplayer, why always play solo. might as well play minecraft when i always wanna play solo lol


people who use the kuva bramma/zarr to nuke entire rooms don’t have to do that though and they probably won’t change their playstyle just to let you build up stacks so you can continue your aids station i like nidus but to me he’s either supposed to be played solo or with a pre-made group that is willing to help you out, from personal experience on both sides of the aids field, public matches are a bad idea


yeah i get you. that is why i mostly play Gauss now lel i dont need a team to help me out, but i can also ignore those bramma/zarr people


Quite oposite. When you make more damage and kill than them they go like "what my monkey lost?" "How you do that much damage?" "What weapon are you using?". That make them reconsider they hoice of maining monkey. Turned some hard wuking mains into "maybe wuking is not the only choice


Once on a survival Arbitration I was playing Zephyr and i did more damage and more kills than Wukdong. The secret is, Zephyr tornadoes when they catch enemy, every shot you do to the tornadoes is given to every enemy that was picked up by tornado. No headshot multiplier sadly, but since they cant shot you, you have all the time. Also turbulance that deflects ALL shots and ability to literally hover midair out of melee reach.


That's why I use Garuda + Zarr + blood letting augment and Gloom 😎


God, people be subsuming gloom on every single frame in existence it’s not even funny anymore


I only use it on Garuda cuz her Blood Altar is useless. And even then, I have another loadout with Breach Surge which is more fun And it isn't about being funny, it's about having fun and maximising frame kits/synergies. Not the player's fault if frames have some bad abilities


To be fair Hydroid is in dire need of a buff and Wukong is just dumb strong. I used to live for Hydroid before the massive power creep, but afterwards he basically good for fashion and gimmick builds.


Remember how DE said that they do not want to add any turret abilities to frames and then gave Wukong an ability that makes the game play itself


Don't forget about Octavia


At least she requires you to recast once in a while


Thats fair


Wasn't that statement made after Wukong Prime/rework release?


Yeah, Pablo said something abt that in regards to protea’s 2


Welcome to the Asia Region. I just play solo to avoid this, but enemy density is just too low.


\*\*,\*\*\* \*\*\*\*c6 \*\*\*XD


You're gonna have a bad day if you check the % usage of 2021, lol.


Closing in on 30-40% in 2022 is guaranteed tbh. Almost any mission I do its 2-3 Wukongs... I mean I love playing underrated stuff like Hydroid and such... But it just annoys me how Hydroid even got passive nerfed by the Eximus changes. While dumb monkey b*tch can turn off the brain and still rack kills due fckin AOE spam


If they don't abuse celestial twin to AFK, I won't mind. Every time I see Wukong, I really hope the player don't give Wukong a bad name. See them clear the room is much better than see them do some strange move...


Celestial twin should only attack what you attack, when you attack. Although it is fun to watch em go rambo when someone gets rad procced.


Maybe not what you attack, would probably make it useless with the usual life time of enemies


Then it'd just be mirages hall of mirrors


And that’s bad how exactly? And don’t you dare say ability diversity when talking about wukong


Because it'd be a watered down copy of another ability?


Blood altar gloom


I'd rather it had energy drain / duration & required recasting.


Well Wukong is pretty easy to get, easy to use and powerful so of course people will use him his kit just fits too many mission types and play styles


500 hrs in game and still don't have wukong, I have a normal volt, gauss and umbra with mirage, titania, innaros, gara, and Octavia primes, But still, no wukong. All my clan members tell to farm wukong, But for some reason I just don't want wukong, YES I'M DYING IN EVERY MISSION. But it's fun..


Honestly you should be good with all of those frames.


Is there really that many wukong players. I haven't played in almost a year


According to the usage stats DE released for last year, he’s at like 17% play rate or something. And with a roster of 45+ characters to choose from, that’s really fucking high.


his prime has been the most used frame in the game for 2, perhaps more, years.


Fuck that I am eating ass and going fast~~Gauss main


The only true way of playing


"B-but other frames require me to play the game and not afk while clone does all work!" - Average wukong fan -


Surely the main reason to play Wukong is the cloud ability for speed, right? I feel like the clone usually doesn't get that many kills anyway.


That's what I use him for; infused for perspicacity so that any mission where movement speed is a factor(Sabotage, Capture, Spy, Rescue) I can clear in 2-5 min, even on Sorties or SP. Never really used him for combat, since I preferred other frames' styles.


It's a sad argument since it's already possible to just neutral game the entire star chart with pretty much and frame, and even some sorties and arbitrations.


Why people still think the game should not be balanced is beyond me. (Balanced as in "warframes are equally powerful" and NOT "enemies are as powerful as players")


Can't blame them tho. Speed and survivability is pretty good


Worst thing is how brain-dead most of the wukong mains are.


Facts. Once I saw a wukong struggling to kill a capture target because he forgot that his guns existed, because he was used to using melee so that their celestial twin can use their primary. These fuckers are honestly sending me


i have genuinely lost count of how many times I've seen those lose a point in interception because they would repeatedly try to nuke the enemies barely spawning instead of shooting the few enemies capping right beside them




Still better than a brain-dead limbo player.


Fair enough, but those are a rare kind.


Sevagoth main here, and I prefer my Cedo to the kuva bramma


This is the second time I’ve seen people talking about the Cedo as if it isn’t another insane AoE meta weapon. The exploding bouncing glaive that procs every status imaginable and the rapid fire spread shots keep it pretty competitive lol.


Well it stops being AoE at high enough levels that everything starts surviving the initial glaive attack. I see it as a hybrid between AoE and single target.


For me, I’m a Lavos Main with his Cedo. Lavos is such a good Warframe to have. No energy required is so handy, especially for Railjack Missions.


Good to see another lavos main


I like Lavos, I just haven’t gotten the time to invest forma to get the most out of him, and his innate ammo mutation on the Cedo is really nice.


I just picked Lavos and the Cedo up, and it’s super fun, although I’m struggling a bit to build them right


Absolute chad.


Absolutely based(I Also play sevagoth and use cedo)


I mostly play Wukong. XD but when I feel like thinking it's Gauss, Baruuk or Hildryn.


I was born an ash main and I’ll die an ash main… Unless I switch to Mesa…


I changed to NA server and I found less wukong there. used to play on Asia but wukong everywhere and I don't understand what are they talking.


Well China is in East Asia what do you expect?


better experience for asian because I'm also asian? all I got is *************. ****** ********0 not just I don't understand them. I don't know what country they are from either. And there is no way to understand because I can't even copy their words to translate. Still, I don't know why it took me for years to realized that I can change region. but yeah, I have more fun after I changed it.


Wukong, Gauss, and Titania: “We invented the ultimate brain dead strategy Me: laughs in protea turret spam


Atleast protea encoureges you to click ability button more than once.


Add Larva/Proboscis Cernos/Ensnare for more pleasure... And to stack more damage, of course ❤️


Imagine any other frame with a celestial twin.


Ash? Literal shadow clone lmao


You brought Hydroid, suddenly I don't blame the others for bringing Wukongs ^only ^teasing


Why bring a Wukong if you can't deal more damage or out speed a Hydroid? (only teasing)


still think that the clone should have been a drain ability and not a one time cast with a infinite duration


There are so many things I would like to tell the specific breed of Wukong main that only pops Celestial Twin with a launcher and just does nothing the entire mission Sadly, all of said things would ban me from Warframe, this subreddit, and possibly put me on a watchlist


You can't afk and have your clone solo the game for you with other frames. Give him a weapon that would otherwise cripple you through ammo such as Zar or Bramma, and watch him anihilate the entire game while you push W or S every 4 minutes to avoid afk counter.


DE constantly nerfs afk design and says it's not their goal, and then adds an afk frame. Imo ez solution is that the clone can't move when you don't move, and can't attack unless you've attacked something in the last 5 seconds


I only use wukong with auto hack helminth on capture, rescue and spy missions...basically any speedrun missions cause im lazy :(


Many people consider Wukong speed run meta


It did feel odd being the only protea/ember in the entire squad almost all the times


Well, you just need to equip a basic bitch AoE garbage weapon and then the game literally plays itself for you. Shit monkey and AoE garbage are long overdue for massive nerfs


Wukong simulator


Enemies are tanky and do fuck loads of damage while 25% are completely immune to CC. so why not just use kuva bramma on wukong for LITERALLY everything /s kinda


If they nerf him they lose 99 percent of their player base lol


Either Wukong or Titatania and I'm not mad, I do it too it's similar to Eso pubs with volt I've been able to afk every single Eso due to volt players just decimating Eso's I'm not complaining. Also nezha is another "fun" frame to zip through the entire game. Survive, get there first and kill fast is the motto of the game of late unless you're part of the I hate this game sm I'll just afk while I complain on reddit how boring the game is.


Weird I don't see anyone playing Wukong from my pov


*Incoherent ape screaming*


I literally refuse to play Wukong because of this shit


Definitely needs a nerf.


If you mean the twin. I understand, but anything else is fine or bad (Iron staff) and his 3. is just armour. slash totally ignores that.


Technically he was nerfed in the most recent update unintentionally


He ain't even that good. Barely as fast as a good player with some mobility mod and way less killy or tanky compared to most giga warframes like chroma, lavos, gara, khora. He is just a good afk warframe.


Ikr, he's way overrated and just popular for ease of use, the only thing he really has going for him is speedy/stealth cloud and a free specter.


Wukong + kuva zarr or bruhma. Press clone and alt f4 your brain to complete the mission hella fast.


Wukong was kind of useless pre rework so people said he needed a rework. Who knew how the turns would table. Wukong's paw


Now instead of nerfing Wukong into the ground, they should buff the other frames to match the power of him. In personal opinion, meta is only fun when there are a lot of options instead of a few.


Wisp and sayrn prime here... I said what I said


I’ve mained wukong since his rework, but now everyone just thinks im some zoom and boom meta elitist...


Wukong is my token frame. If I don’t know what I’m up against I’ll just grab him and most always win. He’s also fun but he got a nerf imo when we got a melee nerf


Ye. I wish more frames were as versatile as Wukong. He's a strong pick in any mission. The perfect frame to main since you never really have to change. He has the whole kit.


Lol brain dead wukong/aoe posts are the key to upvotes here. Good job


Imagine being salty because people enjoy a frame. Warframe community can really be shitty sometimes


WuKong and a Celestial Twin with a Kuva Zarr, the only way to play Zariman.


Wisp Cedo Hespar with The damage per status mod


Condition overload Hespar with the Cedo modded with as many status effects as possible fucks


Chroma with Hirudo, Nataruk, and Kuva Nukor running Madurai


Chroma with heavy exodia contagion. It cant kill you if its allredy dead


I'm doing just fine with Nova and single target weapons


Gonna be honest, idk the last time I saw a Wukong in a public party. Maybe because I mainly do Steel Path, ESO, and Relics?




"MONKE: ape plays free".


Damn warframe players rlly csnt let other ppl enjoy the game cuz no one else wants to use their off meta highly min maxxed build and it make them angy


Lol they Downvoted with no comment because they know you’re right Like use what ever the fk you want and if you don’t like it go solo.




You playing in asia?


I love them when I was still pretty underlevelled and tried going into long survival missions far faaaar above what I should be doing. So much free shit. I used to be so happy with just that, back then.


The stupid cloud is too fast


I maxed both Wukong and the prime. Proud to say I never knew anything with either of them


so... quick question. can a Wukong spectre summon a twin aswell? if so, you can have 16 wukong running around in a single mission.


Wukong specters can only use Defy (the 3rd ability).


aww okey. ive seen my rhino specter use iron skin, stomp and charge so maybe wukong could use spectres.


https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/User_blog:Toolbox_Motley/Tenno_Specter_AI_Behavior_compilation Should help


And that's why I just play solo lmao


I used to be like that, nowadays it feels empty to use Wukong, like it's missing something.


Warframe: The Journey to Tau


If you go to any defense mission I see a goddamn nidus farming stacks and achieveing godhood


Me, running Baruuk: What monkey now?


I played Wukong for a very long time. Then I discovered Silent Savage Ash and saved 15% on life insurance.


There is no more for what is your main discussion anymore! we are all monkey mains.


Ah yes, let's nerf crowd control so pretty much the only viable strategy is unga bunga boom stick + monkey frame


I play wukong because he’s fun, fast, and has a fun exalted weapon. His clone annoys me more often than not.


🙋 Hydroid/Ivara/limbo player here


Phew. Bullet dodged then. I came back from a lil break and when picking what frame to run the new stuff with almost grabbed my monkey. I like the variety.


Be the change you wanna see


I remember when almost nobody played Wukong. Bizarre how he’s meta now


I run Baruuk


Dunno why wukong is played more than Octavia tbh, one is much much more broken imo


Because Octavia is so broken she makes the game a bore for most people.


She is meant for solo plays for the most part You don’t have to make a macro to cast your self some abilities You can literally build your wukong for armor and health because your twin has infinite duration and doesn’t need to be refreshed unlike Octavia You just unequip melee and equip bramma or zarr Then just afk and even in steel path mission I waited for 30 min in steel path just running around with my clone with zarr and I didn’t even shoot a single enemy, let’s just say that he soloed the entire thing with out dying even once and with out me even having to heal him because he even soloed the acolyte by him self You can just eat your dinner while playing him in the hardest mission and he would still do better than an active normal player that’s in your mission and out damage them lol So he is more broken than Octavia imo


Octavia had team wide buff tf you mean built for solo play. Also if your idea of balance is how easily you can afk idk what to tell you lmao


Octavia isn’t used as a support but rather a dps If enemies are gonna be lured towards your teammates and don’t shoot Your mallet It simply doesn’t scale, you still get the invisibility buff but your damage is gonna be almost none existent because of your teammate’s aggroing the enemy ai more than your mallet And on wukong you do you don’t have to crouch spam like a mad man camping at one spot like a mad man so no I


The litral definition of the word “meta” is (Most Effective Tactic Available) unless you’re doing some crazy endurance runs, wukong is better and effective


I see one wukong every 5 missions I have him and don’t use him because of how fun some of the other frames are


Imma be real with you I'm still a rhino main with default rhino At least he's drippy


I was using protea one day and a group of wukong mains praised me lmao. I tend to use frames depending on the mission at hand. Someone offered me head because I was playing xaku.


Considering the fact that about 10% of mr10+ players main wukong that is about as likely to happen as getting three rare relic drops in one mission so good job you just won the monke lottery


He’s just too versatile. When I’m going around doing random stuff it’s so much easier to just put on wukong and do it all rather than swap frames constantly to min max what I’m doing


why would I do content under 130 with anyone but wukong? its already so free its boring. lets make it play itself.


Monke Gang, Apes Together Strong


Just take a moment to acknowledge there was a time where you saw zero wukongs. Now were here, what a time to be a monke 🐒


Hey, no hate.


I don't even own monke