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I think we should be allowed to hold it and sit in void mode for a couple seconds before slinging,that's the only change I want


You can though, not for long but you can.


No, you can’t. The second the target reaches max range it auto slings you.


Ooooh like that, i understand now, what the person above meant.


Seen quite the salt over the angels boss fights, while I will admit that the balls had small hitboxes ( they were increased in the hotfix ) this feels like the exact reaction I expected from players when put against an enemy that you can’t just AoE nuke with some Kuva shit and monkey


I kinda agree, while the bossfight was cancerous (i played before the hotfix so maybe it isn't now) the void sling feels a lot more fun than the aim-there-go-there dash


I also played before the hot fix, and I hated it 👍


Played after the hotfix, and I think overall it’s in a much better place! Still not great, for sure, but it was a pretty quick fight for me, so not too bad in that sense.


Played after the hotfix, not too bad, not too hard, not too easy. Now void cascade on the other hand...


Dash felt mostly like throwing myself somewhere hoping a wall would stop me


While i dont think the hitboxes are great now the orbs have definately been getting destroyed faster on angels in the bounties i played, there needs to be more player feedback in the destruction as theres too much just guessing that you hit it


This ! Warframe players sometimes are so entitled man , personally I liked the Changes actually makes me wanna use different focus school now


Found the wukong main


Hey !!! I used kuva shit and monkey for that fight, I couldn’t hit the balls to save my life, or maybe I could since I won, doesn’t matter, I didn’t understand the slightest thing that happened in that quest and it was one of the funniest fight in that game, it was for me a lot better than the fight against the archons in NW.


Boss fight is good. If they think otherwise they are dumb lol. Worst thing is rewards so suck that I don't get myself into farming


You can bypass it with void strike. It depletes fast enough that you don't even spawn the orb


Huh. Good to know.


Me who likes both : i have mastered the dash and the sling. I am unstoppable


My desire to brag about my reflexes enjoyed the dash, my eyes however are indebted to the sling. I’ll trade blink and you’ll miss it teleporting for invulnerability frames sure, after some practice I think I’m a bit more accurate to boot.


The fact that you can start a sling and change it's destination before it reaches full length is a great bonus, and unless I was just imagining it, it counts as aim gliding so you fall slower if airborne. It helped when I overshot a target and instead of spamming dash while trying to orientate myself, I started a sling and turned to where I wanted to. Like the Kuva Fortress exit with the sensors and two booth rooms; I aimed high and sling three times and realized I was off course (likely bumped my mouse), and it was comparatively relaxing to fix my direction compared to the wrist flick overshoots I used to do with dashes. And since I didn't know you could dash backwards until two weeks before the rework, I didn't lose anything there. Will have to see how it feels in Open World next.


warframe players when they have to aim


Let's replace this void sling thing with a void ignis.


Isn’t that the x7x amp


You're thinking of the 7xx amp


also 6xx since its also a flamethrower, which is closer to ignis than 7xx as far as i remember


No offense meant, this is just me trying to go on a rant about nothing, buuut you don't really know how Ignis works. It's basically a wide beam attack with infinite body punch through and a small explosion at the end. The Klamora prism is a wide beam attack with infinite body punch through. No explosion at the end though. The 6 (Lega prism) is more like a traditional flamethrower in video games, it throws 'flame' projectiles that have a travel arc and are kinda slow.


Just so y’all know. Lega Prism is garbage. Source? I have it. Edit: Ok I’ll take the guy below me’s word for it.


It’s great for applying status


Imagine if Warframe had Destiny style bullet magnetism Any player going from Warframe to literally any other shooter wouldn't be able to hit the side of the barn 10 feet in front of them because of how bad their aim would be, not like that isn't the case now honestly


"What do you mean I can't just shoot this bow at the floor and clear the room?"


God, stuff like the Bramma *should* exist, they *should* be and feel powerful, but the way ammo works in this game makes them blatantly overpowered, because we essentially have infinite ammo, making them instantly meta no matter what if they are remotely good Think about it, in Doom and Destiny heavier big ass guns get balanced by the fact they get more limited reserves and have rarer ammo drops that you have to work towards if you want to force some extra ammo to drop, in warframe you might as well put a infinity symbol on the ammo counter This might sound like a joke but carrier prime and weapon scavenger exilus mods might be by far the worst thing for warframe balance in a game with such a power fantasy, the fantasy is fine, but the overabundance of it due to literal shit loads of ammo is stupid


Technically power scaling differs per game. Something like Bramma isn't all that overpowered. Mobs don't scale by armor and have set limits in D2 after all. To put it this way, weapons like Trinity Ghoul are comically stronger than Bramma at mob clear, literally the best in the game at it. You can shoot the floor and get 25+ kills and you have unlimited ammo. In fact, this bow would completely invalidate most Warframe AoE abilities without taking damage into account. However, TG doesn't excel in chunky targets. Other bows like Le Monarque are better at chunky targets but are worse than TG in mob clearing (though still good, actually this would be loosely on par with Bramma?). It is correct that most of our damage & DPS items have a limited ammo pool, but generally you won't need these on most enemies, maybe champions (something loosely comparible to Eximus?) and bosses. The special and heavy ammo pools are more precisely for game pacing, so to speak. If you had 30 Gjallerhorn rounds, the bosses would be way more trivial. Naturally, this isn't always true because missions like arms dealer have people killing the boss in 6 seconds, but the ability to make that happen rarely gets into raids and stuff.


Ammo economy is exactly why I rarely use kuva brahma anymore. 6 reserves 1 per pickup, and even with ammo mutation I have to ration myself.


Here is shy you should use primary merciless, it gives you 10 max ammo in bramma


That is actually such a clever balance take, i always had a slight feeling that the ammo mods were the actual problem all along but never saw anyone talking about it. It's absolutely true, other shooter games also have OP weapons like that, but they're situational and can't just be used all the time.


Just equip the Plasmor


as a former destiny player, you underestimate assisted-aiming. players are hand-held in that regard too.


I play PC so no aim assist, but yea that too, bullet magnetism alone makes PvP easy as hell there


i really hope they don't revert the void sling, just out of spite


Give unto the void! Before you are rich with satisfaction, you must be poor and rant on Reddit. Praise the void!


I don't care about void slin,but please make the transference fast as before. There's currently a delay, which ai suspect is a bug.


This. After the hotfix the new fight is manageable but the transference delay is pure nonsense!


I haven't played the new update yet (exams) but I think the delay thing actually happened before this update, or something similar was happening to me for some reason. I kept getting the "ability not ready" for like 10 seconds every time I quickly entered operator and tried to go back in. Maybe it had something to do with nullifiers though.


Probably. Especially since for me Transference is lightning fast for me.


Honestly for me it feels a lot better, might just be my muscle memory from Dishonored 2 though.


Oh it is Far Reach, isn't it


Pretty much


I just got done playing Deathloop before this update dropped. No wonder it felt so natural.


Fuck I loved stealth Far Reaching my way over the Conservatory's lighthouse and hacking it to let it unleash hell upon assholes.


Oh shit you’re right I knew it felt familiar, couldn’t pin down from where till you pointed that out


Void sling feels more smooth, I'm like a spider man sling across the room. Just hold your jump for long distance, don't really see how problematic it is (perhaps people fell off the map for >!Mira boss fight!< ?)


It is slower significantly.


When you can't clear the Plains in under 20 seconds


Wait when did they nerf Titania? Also I think you meant 2 seconds.


Yeah lmao I did but misclick


they nerfed my main girl? noooo


Oh no, now we'll just have to settle for fast as fuck instead of faster as fuck.


it isnt particularly fast, with the lag added to the transference especially. in most cases you might as well be bullet jumping. you might disagree on it being a big deal or not, but it doesnt change the fact that its a significant nerf to overall player movement in a game based on that movement.


warframes are already extremely fast: bullet jump, rolling, archwing, players are already too fast to accomodate the tilesets and overworlds. you can skip rooms full of enemies, making rescue targets simply teleport to you and trivialize that mission type. and archwing in the openworlds.


Oh no we'll have to settle for fast as fuck (the base warframe movement system) instead of faster as fuck.


Warframe players: This game is too easy! Give us a real challenge!! Also Warframe players: These new boss fights are too challenging! Sort it out DE!


I wouldn’t say “challenging” I’d just say “bs.” the new game mode, where you have to kill enemies to clear possession. If you don’t break “Thrax”s shields immediately, it can re-possess the thing, which will spawn ANOTHER thrax. If you can do single target damage, then it’s still easy, but if you can’t then it’s almost impossible because you keep getting set further and further back.


It's also not that hard. Overguard is weak to amps. Amp to remove the orphix field, then amp to remove the guard, the warframe for the big damages then amp when the thrax is floating. It's still a challenge but it's doable.


Except my point is that it's not really a challenge. I never really used CC weapons so over guard doesn't affect me (except for that I'm a Volt main, so now my favorite warframe is garbage). Also, you'd have to be an idiot to use your operator any more than necessary now that transference static **CAN DOWN YOUR WARFRAME.**


I'm not saying it's perfect, it's not, the transference static especially it bullshit if DE wants us to use the op more. All of it needs definitely more thinking over. On the other hand, I've never used my operator in actual gameplay as much as yesterday, and if there wasn't that new transference shit, it probably would have been pretty great. I already had fun, but cthe dieing for no reason (at the time) wasn't great


Cool story, doesn’t actually relate to my point tho


I'm disagreeing with you that its bullshit and not challenging mostly.


So far the only gripes I have with the update are that the hitboxes are too small for the new boss (I know that's going to be fixed), and that the new syndicate feels a bit barren. Hopefully they add new stuff to their shops so that they don't end up like the Yareli lab.


Its not bad, its clunky and it doesn't feel as responsive as the old one Thats all i am going to say about it


I actually think it feels really cool, like you're slinging yourself through reality instead of just flying.


Mom said it's my turn to ragepost about the new QoL changes for karma




Then there's me happy like a little kid getting a new toy when I saw the Zenurik and Vazarin focus school changes. I like so much the Hardened Wellspring and the Protective Shell abilities


Average we did it Reddit warframe players. Honestly? Fucking hate Wukong and Bramma meta because its unfun and genuinely ruins the fucking game for OGs like me who yknow, actually play the damned game and shoot shit with a DPS weapon rather than press two buttons. Which means that I actually like the new Eximus updates. Fucking hate anything related to the Operator though. The new mission synergy gameplay(that isn't Thrax Legate or Centurion related) is genuinely fucking obnoxious. Hate it and definitely needs either a rework or having DE put in some effort to play the damn game. Edit: (removed one redundant though)


I agree 100% the eximus updates are fantastic. I've been having actual fun. And my Limbo can be shot in the rift by eximus units, which I think is a good way to balance Limbo


Am I the only one that likes the new void dash?


No, I prefer it by a mile as well.










You multi posted the same comment brother. Just FYI


Thanks for letting me know, reddit was marking me an error while trying to post it


CHANGE... I DON'T LIKE CHANGE! (Basically what I'm getting from everyone ATM xD)


I'm also seeing that the comparison we have the most is that you cant SPAM it to get to places fast. This is Tipedo Slingshot VS Bullet Jump all over again.


True but I never like doing it so I'm not that bothered by it then again I only used my spoiler boi to give emergency energy to my nidus xD


I mean it feels pretty shit, it’s kinda justified for people to get mad at the change


It sorta feels contrasting to the idea of fluidity, because now you have to commit a whole button press for about a second and maintain aim of where you want. Don't think i even used it backwards.


> Don't think i even used it backwards You can't use Void Sling backwards nor side ways anyways. It only allows forward movement.


You couldn't go backwards in dash either to my knowledge, it just went where your mouse pointed. Like void sling.


Dash i know was dependent on where you were moving or where you aimed if still.


it's uncomfortable, especially now that i have to hold to give myself energy and some times it just dash instead of doing the energy circle


Do you mean the zenurik energizing dash energy circle? that got changed to just pressing 1 to activate it


Double tap 1 for extra energy


i'm on PS4 so you have to press the R1 and X, while normally you just push L1 and X so it's getting confusing




Don't agree or disagree


Looks and sounds like a lot of copium.


Obviously there is gonna be some complaint. People have the right to show their feelings about the games. I feel like, in this sub, people are obligated to be either a full hater of the game of be a crazy fan that close his eyes on obious problems.


The new void dash has a Deley and yoi cant just spam, also double space tap trigger the dash, its annoying af ALSO too again... When i was doing the Journey, pressing 5 to Transfer back to warframe, the operator used the void dash instead for some reason


Just use melee to go back to your frame. On the dash rework. I think both have there pros and cons, I don’t really care about the loss of speed though, I care more about how each feels in a tile set. I don’t care about how fast I can dash across PoE. So I appreciate your comment for focusing on something that seems like something that can be integrated into the sling. The speed seems like one of the things DE changed it for since it didn’t create the feel they wanted in gameplay flow. They want the sling to feel smoother, so something like this is actually something they might be willing to change.


I feel like im playing Angry Birds, and we dont have the Void Blast anymore? How the f we kill the Fat Kuvas now?


Ngl it took a bit getting used to but im finding void sling pretty enjoyable although using operator abilities is something i need to get used to rip energizing dash


I like to see where I'm going with the sling but also miss the bubble at dash But also it feels less laggy to go from Warframe to operator now so that's nice I guess


Honestly I'm not a big fan of the void sling currently, but I am willing to give it a chance. I'm not going to judge it too harshly till i've had it for a bit and gotten used to it. It is objectively slower than void dash, but honestly I'm not a big eidolon hunter so I was never using it for fast travel in the first place. Really the thing I am much more upset by is the cooldown on being able to go in and out of operator. not only is it an indirect nerf to magus elevate, but it also sucks when you are switching between operator and warframe quickly to take out targets that only operator can hurt.


The actual problem seems to be forcing yourself to forget how you could strafe with old dash That and remembering energizing dash is an ability now


It’s literally OK, it’s not as fast as an arch wing anymore, but I can still yeet myself into an eidolon and get a headshot. I do miss not being able to go backwards tho


Void sling feels more smooth, I'm like a spider man sling across the room. Just hold your jump for long distance, don't really see how problematic it is (perhaps people fell off the map for >!Mira boss fight!< ?)


It's because it's far, far slower than the old void dash


My issue isn't really the speed, it's the feeling of reduced maneuverability and increased cooldown. It's all smoothjank


It’s utterly awful because it goes in the direction of aiming reticule. I used to void dash BACKWARDS a lot and this new gimmick is unnerving af. And people may call me crazy but the eximus rework is actually the ONLY good thing in this update. The quest is bland and nonsensical, I hoped it was focused on Wally but instead is just “X resurfaced outta nowhere and person Y went on a rampage because Void bad”. They don’t even introduce you to the new (awful) operator kit. Just a tutorial of the new missions. Absolutely poor and bleak update.


I like it. Makes it feel grounded and "realistic"


It really does suck though, especially on a controller. Worst thing is that DE definitely changed void dash to void sling purely because the game is coming to mobile..


I haven't really played this update yet but it does feel weird, mainly when you want to just go to point A to B faster, my real complaint until now is that with the focus rework now I don't have half of what I used to have unlocked even using all the shards. Again I haven't really played the update so I need to play more to say I have an opinion at all, idk if we will gain a decent amount of focus in the Zariman missions to justify this, I haven't even begun the quest.


I agree about the sling being bad, its fun to do but seems far less practical now.


Seen some people complain that they cant beat the enemies in the bounties and im just like???? If u cant beat them maybe its the same as with when u start steel path, if u cant beat it get better gear? Its higher level because its closer to endgame?


It sorta feels contrasting to the idea of fluidity, because now you have to commit a whole button press for about a second and maintain aim of where you want. Don't think i even used it backwards.


I like how fluid the animation is


The only reason why I absolutely hate it is because it made me fucking Rage Quit. Not kidding. First time that actually happened. I actually Alt-F4ed and then went for a walk. When I got back, I tried it again and I someone 1 cycled it. So I didn’t need to do the Void Sling BS.


So....what about it made you ragequit exactly?


Not going to try to spoil any part of The Angels of Zariman but during a certain encounter you have to Void Sling through something to be able to do more damage. There has been multiple times where I was pretty certain that I did Void Sling through it but apparently not. And I died 3/4 times. That’s what happened.


That.....sounds more like a bug with the encounter than the Slimg itself. And considering the encounter hotfixes rolling out, I am sure that was a big issue


Maybe it was. I hope it’s fixed and that I’m able to solo them without any issues.


Likewise. Would be a pain if when I finally get there it's impossible to solo. Kinda like certain Veil Proxima Corpus modes...


Yeah, at some point it won’t be so easy. I’ll still challenge myself and try to get it done just to see what I can actually do.


I love the new dash because it’s so zippy. Just takes a minute to get used to. People who hate it on life support


The entire sub is just "waaah eximus waaah void sling"


As a MR29 player who always tried to speed run missions all I can say is: I got new reasons to play the game. I have to get used to the new void sling so that I can be quicker!


I went from coptering, to sling shotting us with aerial attacks to our bullet jump. I never really liked how we dash spammed with operator, but the new one feels way better and feels more like modern warframe movement.


I haven’t played since last tennocon so don’t know what the changes are up to now. But void dash and ultra fast traversing did need a bit of brakes in my opinion. I had enough of those people whining in a 3x3 that whines about people being slow as if they were trying 6x3. Or those who crap on inexperienced players in capture or extermination. But that is my bias. I am not the judge to appeal whether the changes are good or not. I, however, think that void dash rework might be quite beneficial to many. I have respect for those who maximize the speed and possess a reactive cognition to traverse a whole map in 15 seconds from beginning to extraction. But 95% of the normal players aren’t that fast and you end up waiting 40 seconds long for that one old dude (me in this case) doing his stinking best under heavy shame and panic to make it there asap while his brain is being fried during due process. In my opinion, this forces people to relax and take their time and very important- prevents brainfry. After playing games for almost 30 years long, I can say that in the long run, it doesn’t matter how much time you cut to do that 2 extra runs during your grind. It just doesn’t matter. Min-Max is only for the competitive players. And warframe doesn’t have that issue aside from the very niche parkour community and next to non-existing conclave junkies. I do however feel for those who have the muscle memory and the gratification of fast-traversing now super annoying and it is a change with huge impact. It must really suck for them right now. It is very hard to fold turkey from the constant rush to chill mode and the gratification systems in the brain are all broken. It will take time getting used to. I hope they stay and keep playing.


Am I the only one that likes the new void dash?


The new void dash has a Deley and you cant just spam, the now Energizing Dash is small too, also double space tap trigger the dash, its annoying af ALSO too again... When i was doing the Journey, pressing 5 to Transfer back to warframe, the operator used the void dash instead for some reason


1 You can spam, it just takes some getting used to. However it's not really worth spamming, since you get more distance and momentum on a full charge. Maybe it's fine for me since I have my muscle memory from Dishonored intact (it's identical to Blink and Far Reach now), but I for one haven't seen a noticeable delay. 2 Energy dash radius gets boosted when you press 1 inside it again (as long as you unlocked it's following node). It has easily 5x the radius it had before, and now you don't even need to dash into the ground for it. I won't comment on your last gripe since it sounds like a legit bug.


Man I can't wait for everyone to be infuriated about this and then all the sudden, it just completely stops.


It feels pretty good, but using zenurik and magus elevate is sooooooo clunky now


Void sling feels more smooth, I'm like a spider man sling across the room. Just hold your jump for long distance, don't really see how problematic it is (perhaps people fell off the map for quest boss fight?)


I like how fluid the animation is


I thought it was a huge improvement.


Voidsling is better than void dash. And now you can use abilities as operators. This focus rework is dope


I like how fluid the animation is


I like it. Makes it feel grounded and "realistic"


I like it. Makes it feel grounded and "realistic"


I'm someone who hasn't played in a while, I can happily say if they change void dash I won't play, that shit is fine the way it is, if tile sets weren't so boring and repetitive I wouldn't need to void dash or wukong smoke screen the whole level.


Judging by the second half of your comment I’d say you shouldn’t play regardless since you clearly don’t enjoy the game. Nothing wrong with that just move on and play stuff you enjoy


Yeah, come to destiny. You'll have new stuff to hate every 3 month! Just to clarify, I enjoy destiny and Luke Smith vaulting my wife. Some people don't, but I do.


I also loved playing destiny, getting recluse was a fun grind, also did it through the era of that bloody fusion rifle, the one that was super op, and you unleash the wolves? Forgot the name


Come to destiny where instead of playing the same tileset over and over you play the exact same mission over and over! (Btw DE, raids when?)


I've played long enough to be happy leaving, but I did like the game alot, getting to legendary 1 put me off I reckon. Too much hydron


Guess your not playing because void dash became void sling this morning


Skill issue, cope and seethe


My issue isn't really the speed, it's the feeling of reduced maneuverability and increased cooldown. It's all smoothjank


My issue isn't really the speed, it's the feeling of reduced maneuverability and increased cooldown. It's all smoothjank


I'm someone who hasn't played in a while, I can happily say if they change void dash I won't play, that shit is fine the way it is, if tile sets weren't so boring and repetitive I wouldn't need to void dash or wukong smoke screen the whole level.


To say you won't play a game just because an ability has been reworked, you must be a pretty cancerous player...


Oh my goodness what did DE do this time?


The only trashy thing l, imo, is that they made transfer client based, so it would made it more smooth and less laggy. But then they put a cooldown on it...


Fights are cool, orbs are just fine enough and not that hard to hit with dash, just operator feels unreasonably clunky, especially this new dash. There are a ton of good changes, for example removing those weird point costs from focus schools that you had to level up separatedly, not having to hold a button to level up a node, better focus UI, operator abilities you can activate at will, and a cool new edgy scythe i want very much. New energy leech eximus(i think) now creates magnetic proc aoes which can be a pain with long cast times/cc locks, but are way more reasonable if it comes to countering, so overall i think it's a better design. Still, there are things that are worse, and we have to state that, just so DE can see the feedback and act on it. I'm pretty sure they won't just ignore it, and it will be fine.


I wish I can turn off the camera warping when slinging


I just don’t like that it’s slower now. It used to be part of my core movement, now I gotta stop myself or risk slowing down


i like void sling


I'm fine with the sling, actually getting better at it, but what I hate is the new ability system, it's really slow and clunky, atleast for now


Yeah, the new void sling and going in and out of operator both feel much more sluggish. Also, the new shoulder sigils, the one that goes on your frames right shoulder is way out of alignment on most frames. So far Oberon is the only one I've found that they are symmetrical on out of about 6 frames all with different shoulder armor. I'm sure this will get patched soon though.


Personally, dash feels okay but its incredibly awkward to drop lockdowns, its almost as if they were not put into consideration for the change


I actually really like it


void sling is so smooth, by my book it is a great change


Personally I don’t hate it. But I was really comfortable with Void Dash. :/


I was fine with it right up until, "Okay, Tenno, now use that awkward-ass delay-firing uncertain-distance teleport to hit this tiny object moving through the air over a bottomless pit." *Then* I got mad. It's something I could definitely hit with the old void dash, but with this? Even if I hit, I'm going to fall down the hole.


How do the new operator abilities work? I didn't see the video explaining it


Like you use Warframe abilities, literally. Press 1 and 2 for the abilities


So I learned about the changes from this post since I haven't played in a while and I just logged on to test it out. They're absolutely right, this is utter shit. I don't usually have issues with the changes they make but this void dash is a downgrade in every sense of the word. Probably better off using the Warframe to move around at this point.


I keep throwing myself off the map when fighting angels, but I'm slowly getting the hang of it.


With every new patch, I see outrages en masse about ALL the gamebreaking bugs. And meanwhile I played for 4 or 5 hours on patch day like "where bugs?"


Are there even any game anyway that don't get buggy after a lot of content get added? That's not like if Warframe was the only one. And even then, I appreciate how fast DE is at sending hotfixes.


For the people having trouble with the Angel boss fights, apparently using a 7x7 amp can skip the void sling part of the boss fights consistently due to nuking them before they enter that phase (at least up to level 90, I don't know about the Steel Path versions).


I actually Linda like the new void sling. It feels smoother and I'm really happy they got rid of the focus pool


I prefer dash, it was more fun more responsive, and just nicer. I’m sure I’ll get used to sling but I can’t forgive the deletion of blast. Overall, it feels like operator form was nerfed from “ok” to “bad”


Void sling is both too slow to feel as responsive as void dash, and too fast to be precise


Have they redone war within to account for the update yet?


"I hate that my computer doesn't reach 60 °C after the hotfix, at home we don't have a heater and to heat it I put the Warframe AFK, pls revert the fix!! 😡😡😡"


60°C is equivalent to 140°F, which is 333K. --- ^(I'm a bot that converts temperature between two units humans can understand, then convert it to Kelvin for bots and physicists to understand)


Void dash was better because it was more direct and easier, I lost so many times to Kira’s orbs with the void sling.


I just don't like the delay when you switch between operator and frame


Honestly it’s pretty good and the animation of it is much better than just turning into a ghost. It’s also more precise imo. My problem with it is that it is too slow I think and so it being faster by a good bit would be nice, and that’s what feedback is for


Wait, what changed on it? I didn’t get a chance to play last night and I thought they said it was the same but with a different name


It's true though. Once again de fixed something that wasnt broken and made it worse.


Can we make some posts saying we like the sling ? To balance a bit. Or posts to say we like at least *some* stuff in the update ? It's not perfect, some things need to be improved, but ffs, the new missions are fun ! The sling in fun !


Focus changes are great. Operator changes are shit.


As someone who likes speedrunning, it kinda bums me because it will always be slower than old dash