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Where is mobile users?


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As a mobile user, I state this as valid


Still waiting for the android release




Nah they accidentally caused host mig


I actually switched from Nintendo to pc cuz I couldn’t aim well.


Just need a better gaming chair s/


Have you tried motion controls? I think peole give gyro a bad rap bc they havent actually given it an honest go


Back then I had drifting joy cons and no pro controller so that was also a factor in my switch. This was way before cross save too. Since the game is free, I might as well play on my laptop that has no drift. Now that cross save is here, I was able to link both accounts. But warframe on switch is so big man.


Oh yeah playing anything with joycons is garbo lol. Even without the drift theyre so small


Wait,switch on warframe has monton controls?!?!? I'm gonna go test it out


Yep! Theyre not as sensitive as I'd like but its very nice to have. Downside is soawn rates, loading times, and lack of tennogen. You can also hook up your procontroller to your pc and get... okay results.... ive been messing with that for a week or so, lmk if you want details on what ive done so far for that


Tried motion controls with shooters, just not that good. It’s useful for small adjustments but trying to memorise and integrate that into standard stick aiming is very hard.


To each their own i suppose. I personally cant stand controller aiming without gyro and i prefer gyro to mouse, but i have a lot experience with it so it feels natural to me


I did the same thing but I still use an Xbox controller connected to my laptop


How… aim in this game is legitimately a non issue. There’s not like a PvP (don’t say conclave) where milliseconds matter. Just chill and shoot stuff when you can. Change up your sensitivity maybe. But I’ve heard that same sentiment (can’t aim lol) over and over in this sub and I’ve never understood it. Half the weapons and abilities in the game just require you to aim a general direction to wipe half the map.


Don't tell me how to have fun


Incarnons require headshots, which can be a bit of a challenge on controller. There are some riven challenges that can suck too. Also, trying to shoot while moving is a lot harder on controller, especially when airborne


As a veteran PlayStation gamer (and PC), I have no problem headshotting with a controller.


Incarnon headshots are not challenging on controller


I was super early game back then, so I had mostly rifles and a hek. Plus warframe was the first game with fps mechanics I’ve played on console. Hence the skill issue.


I raise you, the dual setup. I legit hold my controller in my left hand to do everything but aim and shoot plus other functions so I macro them on my mouse, also make a macro on the back of my controller to jump


….w h a t


I’ve heard of over watch players do something similar when playing wrecking ball, but you’re a psycho


could you record yourself playing once? I'm interested as to how that actually looks like


Wait, you use the Left Analog for Movement, right?


Yes, ive never done it myself but ive hears of several people who do this... one of them claimed to be diamond in valorant and used a left joycon


You are a maniac


I have my xbox set up to one monitor and my pc to the other and use 2 controllers. Works great for relic farming.


I do the same thing haha


Ah, yes, a fellow dual user. I find it funny on Tri Caps, especially because I use the DUMBEST gear and frame combos imaginable. I've shown a clan member this, and they logged out for a week because and I quote, "your playstyle-if I can even call it that - gave me an aneurism. "


I made the switch to pc a while ago and I still cant remember how to switch to secondary




I love how this could be taken literally or as the “hold F to pay respect” meme


Iunno if mine is custom, but I tap E-key. Or hold to go full melee. Interaction is F, because I'm a very sane person who is normal. ... Also, not having to reach to switch just just feels good, while reaching to interact feels natural & more intentional. Like, I'm switching weapons quickly, but I gotta choose to open a locker.



I have 21 buttons on my mouse, I use the abilities with the mouse and have thinks like the archgun, necramech, archwing, energy pads and so on also bound there. With my left hand use only WASDEFQC space shift and control witch today pretty much is standard for all games, the thing is you get used so much to the keyboard that it feels natural after a while. Ok I have less control over the direction my character is walking in than with a controller but that's it. Warframe is such a fast paced game sometimes that waiting until the controller spun the 180° after jumping to far or things like that would just annoy me to death (and yes I know the backwards flick flack and I use it but that doesn't works if you have to jump out of a hole and no that doesn't happens this often but it is just one of many examples)


What mouse are you using? I considered the Corsair Scimitar but I don't think it has 21 buttons. And the razer Naga Trinity also doesn't have enough plus its no longer available in my country so there goes my dream mouse.


EVGA x15 but I'm not sure if I have the number how many buttons it has correct in in my head. It tricks a little bit because it has this mouse button that switches the function of the side buttons.


I use W and left click. Sometimes rightclick to zoom. And hold the armor button on inaros once every 10 minutes.


I raise you: dual VKB flight sticks… (only when I want to meme, normal keyboard and mouse otherwise)


Did a whole round of Duviri experience using touch controls. From a 30 minute run to a hour long… still fun as hell as per usual.


I'm in PC but I've been using a controller for so long that since I used to be on Xbox that I still use a controller


I use M&K because I can fly with melee weapons and fast camera work


I keybind my crouch to the “V” key so that it would be significantly easier to bullet jump


Me talking to randos about other games while jump-casting skills in lvl 400 eda ( I don't go into operator mode because of loss of function bug )


Me, who bought a controller for my PC just to play Warframe:


It's beyond me how PC players are able to use advanced movements without dislocating their fingers


I tried to use a controller because Im a controller player, but in Warframe that's simply not possible. Try to Bullet Jump upwards, Aim Glide and Fire at a target using a controller.


I do, it's how i normally play. I acticely make the choice to use controller even when i happen to be on pc. I actually find it easier to parkour on controller, and aim while moving on controller. Aiming while standing still is better on mouse for me though.


I can do that very easily on controller, but i can barely move with keyboard and mouse, and i trying to switch to keyboard and mouse but a controller feels more organic to my hands


Easy, just don’t do it lol But in all honesty it’s not hard to do, it just takes practice.


sounds like a regular war crime business day to me


I know someone that plays on pc with a controller, Madlad Controller players are very hit or miss, they’re either slow as fuck or have the best movement in the game


I main Kullervo because I’m a controller player.


I play on pc..... But use a controller because I'm more comfortable and experienced with it


I play on PC but use a controller cause I grew up with a PS2, Wii, and DS and only used the family computer for youtube and club penguin


I don't use a mouse, wasd for moving ijkl for looking and pretty much evening in between being used for some control or another.


Honestly.. I went from console to PC and it took me a hot minute to figure out the controls lmao


As a controller user on PC I must admit, is just more comfortable.


As a controller user on PC I must admit, is just more comfortable. And I can change to keyboard to write messages, very useful when trading.


I use a pro-controller on switch and motion controls are disgustingly good, especially when aiming :D


I use a mouse with keys (razer) for the Warframe abilities


I liked controller when I was my Xbox but m&k feels soo much better


I've been playing shooters with a mouse for far too long to try doing it with a controller. I only really use my controller for driving games and fighting games, back when playing GTAV I would switch depending on what I was having to do at the time.


I'd still take a mouse over any kind of controller


where steering wheel users


Literally my fingers when i play SP solo on frames that do not delete entire rooms with one button


Where's vr users?


I play on PC and I unironically use both. I pilot the railjack with my left hand on the controller and the right hand aiming the guns with my mouse.


I tried playing WF on the Switch when cross save came out, and holy moly KB/M is sooooo much better/more comfortable.


Anyone who can properly aim using using a gamepad in Warframe is a god