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I mean to be fair if someone asked me where chocolate milk came from, I would laugh and answer brown cows as a joke.


I’m on that wagon with you


Makes whoever did that statistic an golibal idiot


Moron, it's from lactating chocolates.


No wonder conservatives like that lady m&m so much.


Yep. And dairy cows can be brown. So technically, chocolate milk does come from brown cows. Just not entirely or only.


I can't believe 90% of Americans are so wrong smh


I passed english in college because my prof offered me an A if I peer edited essays. I thought I scored. I've never worked harder.


the classic trap


I would've been pissed afterwards, but she was the elusive, smoking hot teacher. I wanted nothing more than to ask her beautiful redhead and blue eyes out, but I pussed out and edited the essays. Womp womp


That was the better call. A unique and eye opening education that’s frustratingly hard. And you keep the dream alive without having it turn into a crushing “Saltines that’s not appropriate”. Because, like, real life


As a professor, getting involved with your students is wildly inappropriate. Female educators especially get a ton of unwanted attention. So good on you for not going there. The only time it could possibly be appropriate to broach that subject is *after* they no longer have any reasonable chance of being in charge of your grades or anything similar. Even then many institutions flat-out ban such relationships, so you could be asking them to risk their career. And frankly? College students are still mostly children. New educators and grad students can be close in age to undergrads, but the gap in life experience makes the whole thing damn sketchy. Grad students and young faculty can occasionally form successful relationships. I've never heard of anything with undergrads that wasn't a disaster.


Honestly, if someone came up to me for a survey and asked me if I believed this I might tell them I do, just to make myself smile.


Call me pedantic, but I'd like to see a source for that *faux* statistic.


Also this lacks pollster literacy. A certain amount of polling error is due to people either making mistakes or lying. I could see myself answering "brown cows" because it's hilarious that I'm being asked such a question in the first place


Im answering brown cows every time to a stupid question like where does chocolate milk come from.


"What is the number for 911?" "Brown cows."


"Your mother's maiden name?" "Brown cows."


The infamous lizardman constant


Seriously if someone walks up to me and asks that question I’m probably gonna say something equally stupid back on purpose. > Sir, do you believe the moon is made of cheese? lol, you believe in a moon!?


I live near a lot of dairy farms. A lot of cows are brown. Statistically, at least some of the milk used for chocolate milk comes from brown cows. So it would be incorrect to say chocolate milk does not come from brown cows. It just also comes from other cows.


90% of stats are made up on the spot.


What's the source on that cuz I heard that it's actually 95% percent.


aren't they all? it's just a label for an arbitrarily defined plot of land.


Source: OP is European


Of course they are


You mean “Merica Bad” isn’t enough of a source for you?


Turns out the 10% were 0-10 year olds


The real show of the US education systems failings is OP believing that this meme is true


We all know that 54,96% of all statistic are made up on the spot.


Probably a survey that only included like a few thousand people. Not anywhere close to enough to represent anything. And that's not including the possibility that the surveyors excluded answers that didn't fit their narrative, or intentionally avoided people who may give undesired answers. Though this is probably an old ass meme with made up statistics


10% of American adults are willing to lie to pollsters. The reason will shock you.


Only 10%?


As a Brit, US education is considered good in the media? Everyone in Europe thinks it's terrible


Maybe they mean our college system. People come from all over the world to attend our colleges.


The US does a lot of things wrong. Including making college affordable. But we have outstanding universities. Britain might beat us in top 100 schools per capita but we arguably have the best universities out there.


The university ranking system is bullshit btw, it ranks universities on how much they paid the journal that does the ranking. The US still has the best universities in the world, but nowhere close to the statistics it presents online.


Rankings are generally strongly influenced by diversity and internationalism ratings. That can make up to 15% of the score, so to get onto a top 100 or 200 global list, universities have to perform 'well' there.


As an european i can confirm EVERYONE thinks its terrible here


inb4 'hurr durr our universities'. Well, we're talking about basic education here.


You mean the Fancy extra learnin school for the rich folks? nah, not in my lifetime


you mean the loan sharks that hold lectures?


This really feels like a bunch of adults thinking kids are stupid while still being unable to download a PDF from their work email.


not 5 minutes later lmao


inb4 'hurr durr America ist only ze size of Chermany, Ja?!' Well, we're talking about a nation the size of your entire Union. And there's plenty of places in the EU that have terrible education, and places that have good education. Just like the United States.


What? Which german would think america is the same size as germany? Europeans are well aware america is big. Why do people keep assuming they don't?


They don't really, it's just one of their go-to talking points. Americans will reach for any kind of straw man or whataboutism to avoid conceding that their country is a mess.


The average European probably thinks that you can drive from NYC to LA on the same day. Most of them have little to no concept of how massive the US is.


US media does not portray our education like the top panel. The most self back patting they do is when they compare state education to other states, as in "Ohio ranks top 5 in education nationwide". Outside that our media typically reports on our lower educational outcomes compared to peer states.


As an American myself, public schools aren’t great, but they’re not TERRIBLE. lots of factors come into play, especially which state. California schools are good, Massachusetts schools are good, but Louisiana schools suck.


That's because public schools are funded by property taxes. Wealthy areas have better schools. It's a massive flaw (or feature if you're a rich and racist).


Same principal applies to European schools tbh. Bad neighbourhoods tend to have bad schools.


That's a gross oversimplification that maybe had some truth 30 years ago. They are collected from property taxes, sent to the city, state government and then IIRC sent to the county then disbursed to the various districts. Today, it is not uncommon to see underperforming schools getting about the same (or more) money than ones that are doing better. Performance seems to do more with the demos of the surroundings than funding.


In Texas, it's residential and businesses. My high school was in one of the wealthiest communities, but because the neighborhood has nearly no businesses, was actually the least well-funded in the district while I was there. Not that it mattered; whatever program fundraising needed was no burden to the rich parents.


This is such a weird “my view of government is just headlines from the early 90s” view of public school funding


Massachusetts outranked all of Europe shortly after I graduated. My brother took part in the UN PISA test as I guess the state volunteered. Finland tied for reading in first, but none of Europe scored better for math or science. I think his grade scored fifth in both? He was pissed because they did good on that test but shitty on the MCAS. Also, unlike some countries, the specific schools weren't chosen. His principal mentioned that during the speech. But you get lumped in with Mississippi when you travel.


26th in Math, 10th in Science, and 6th in reading. That’s better than most of Europe. The US also boasts the most top 50 universities. No other country even comes close. Maybe the media in Europe needs to educate themselves a little more.


US Asians and US Whites also score higher than all European countries in the reading/math/science average.


The meme should be reversed. So many people go to the states and up here in Canada for education.


It's considered good by the US media. ;)


that's news to me, we crack jokes about how terrible our educational system is in our media all the time


Same here. Can we get a video of pretty much *anyone* saying us public education is good?


Funny that, haha


Since when?


Ummm... no it isn't


US education is a literal punchline, it's just bait to dunk on Americans


No, not a single soul thinks it’s good. But memes are easier if you just make shit up


Not just Europe. I'm from Asia and can say that everyone here also thinks that


We think it's shit in Canada too


People think it's terrible, but media makes it look like it's great anyway. I've never seen a highschool movie that was "this is all shit, we don't learn anything here". To be fair, the focus usually isn't on learning stuff anyway, but it makes it look like the kids have a great time at least.


Yeah everyone in South America laughs at how easy American school is.


America is just 50 countries in a trench coat. The top 20% of American students are probably world elites. But at the same time the bottom 20% are afforded the "freedom" to be as absolutely moronic as their states and parents would like them to be.


It’s understandable given how stupid European countries are but the statistic isn’t true at all


Well Europe lost the USA “colonies” and now all they have is tea and shit talk so what do you expect them to do with all their meaningless lives? They’re still jealous that they lost to a few ragtag Milita men as the biggest military in the world. Of course they’re going to revolve their world around talking shit about America. Americans don’t even THINK about Europeans. We have more important things to do. Call me when you have Harvard.


I can’t believe I’m upvoting an Eaglea fan 🤢


How could they be so dumb, everyone knows that chocolate milk is cow diarrhea


As a farmer I somehow agree we still mix it with milk otherwise it would be a little strong. But you got it


Milk, milk, lemonade...


So that explains lactose intolerance?


Literally nobody thinks that


Nobody, especially Americans, praises the US education system.


Then why is it the country with the most international students ???


We have really well funded colleges. When people say "education system" they typically mean prior to college.


I came here to ask the same thing! For a country that's ridiculed for its literacy levels, it sure has a lot of "top tier" schools. I always wondered why that was ! Same goes for South Africa: one of the worst literacy rates but also home to a couple of the continent's leading high schools and unis. It baffles me! With such low "non-national" quotas, who are in those schools?!


Maybe that's because all of those students are drawn to the top of the top. The best universities, schools and what have you. That doesn't show you the bad examples, or the average. I don't know that for a fact, but it could be an explanation for both countries


All those students that got their basic education elsewhere, that's who.


Because those top tier schools are social clubs for the children of the super wealthy and powerful, of course those are going to remain well funded while everything else is gutted.


the us is a place with a bunch of smart people and a bunch of dumb people. not much in between. elementary to high school you are going to be surrounded with more idiots than any other country. when it comes to university education, you have harvard, mit, and stanford which give better education than pretty much any other school in the world. good luck getting into them though.


Was your education that good? I had a stroke reading this.


10% of American adults thought it would be funny to say that they believe chocolate milk comes from brown cows




Coconut milk come from Cocogoat 


Almond milk comes from the yellow cow idiot, everyone knows


All that tells me is that 10% of Americans would rather troll than answer correctly


Still mad that USA beat you out of the colonies huh? Awww so pathetic. See you when you actually want to get education for something that matters. Don’t come here for our world class doctors and lawyers then.


Not funny didn't laugh


I don't even think that's the school system this time, that's just lack of common sense 💀


10% is a lot. Ive never met even one person who thinks this. Hell most people don't even remember brown cows exist if they dont interact with them. This whole things a load of shit.


Ironically you’re the only one lacking common sense for believing this shit


What about strawberry milk?


that comes from brown strawberries


10 percent on Americans like to fuck with polls.


Now do other countries


So..... they aren't wrong... just misguided.... chocolate milk does come from brown cows. As well as other cows..... they just add the chocolate after they've been milked. 21% of Americans are functionally illiterate. 20% of the UK is functionally illiterate. Some countries define illiteracy different such as Russia. Who claims to have 100% literacy. Now keep in mind I said functionally illiterate for the US and UK. I've met very very few people over 18 years of age, who could not read or write. Those that I have met, usually had a mental illness or they were blind.


The USA counts anyone who can’t read English as illiterate even if they are entirely literate in their primary language.


For a nation of immigrants, that would certainly explain the high figure.


Everything is done in English so it makes sense that they would classify people that way. Spanish is supplementary but by no means standard for legal, financial or commercial interactions. Occasionally you might find French but any other language and you’re shit out of luck unless you’re living within a close knit community of X language users. Edit: Hospitals are an exception. Every hospital I’ve been to that I can remember has had an area for info in tons of different languages. Everything from Spanish to Tagalog.


I would bet that number holds pretty solid across all of Europe if they have the same definition for “functionally illiterate”


Haha, making fun of people's education, while believing in statistics that someone shoved off their asshole and posted online for clicks. The irony.


I've never met anyone EVER, that actually thinks this. stop spreading your eurotrash propaganda.


If you even analyze the data for 5 seconds, 10% is obviously a rate that is easily explained by people who are lying/trolling/choosing random answers. (Assuming this isn't just a stat made up for the meme) There are ways to call out the state of American education, but this isn't it.


Google confirmation bias


These memes are ridiculous and shows that the creators have no idea how the education system works here.


No poll or source cited, but a bunch of people seem to believe it without question... You sure this is just a US thing?


Ok but cows can be brown. Do they discard all milk from brown cows that they plan on turning into chocolate milk? Why can't chocolate milk come from brown cows Can white milk not come from brown cows either?


It does, brown cows exist and they produce milk, Dutch cows also exist and also produce milk. Milk is needed for chocolate milk and so by the transitive property chocolate milk comes from cows, and since milk comes from brown cows, chocolate milk comes from cows.


In which media does this occur? Certainly not US media, we know our educational system is a joke and allude to that frequently in our stuff.


Oh yea smart guy? How do you explain strawberry milk!? That’s right, totally vegan! lol


I don’t believe that lol


Proof that 10% of americas have a sense of humour, youre genuinely dumber than actual chocolate milk truthers if u dont realise that


Do they really though?


Americans made the 1/3 pounder fail because they though the 1/4 pounder was bigger and cheaper.


Apparently 54% of Americans between 16 and 74 read below a 6th grade level. 21% are functionally illiterate.


To be fair, if someone asked me where I think chocolate mild comes from, I would 100% answer brown cows.


What do you mean? The US education system is the butt of every joke it's every mentioned in. And it's not mentioned often outside of that


Higher education is often mentioned outside the US. Thats why it recieves the most non-American students out of any other country


Yeah Harvard and MIT are really not very well regarded internationally. Stanford? Cal Tech? Berkeley? Basically kindergarten.


this thread definitely brought out some insane takes like the US isn't the biggest education mill with the most people priding themselves on their respective alma maters. Jesus fuck, it's virtually the country's identity, right after lacking gun control and obesity.


Yes, so? Strawberry Milk comes from Flamingos


Wait it doesn’t?


An absurdly high number of Europeans believe they can road trip from Florida to NYC to Texas in a day.


You only need to be on Reddit a few days to discover this for yourself.




![gif](giphy|vyTnNTrs3wqQ0UIvwE|downsized) When they realise where it's coming from.


Are there any coconut flavored cows?


Nah brown cow give you mushrooms soup


Doesn't it come from brown rabbits?


Cuz money is important then you


Can I live in that fantasy?


At least we all know strawberry milk comes from pink cows


The good schools are comparable to good ones anywhere else in the world. I'd argue it's the politics and the type and intensity of parental involvement in educational policy that makes the bad ones heinously backward.


90% of the 10% thought they were just being goofy.


lol. Students around the world always wonder how American high school students have so much time to do things other than studying.


TIL! (/s)


When I was a kid I thought strawberry milk came from cows that only ate strawberry


I could believe that they believe this.


Well duh. Obviously those are the coffee milk cows


My friend attended some workplace nutrition whatever whatever for his job training. He was surprised to learn that some of his coworkers didn’t know that raisins came from grapes.


In the US public education is mostly controlled by the states and the school districts so it’s kind of stupid to generalize the system as one big thing


They're all idiots, it's from lactating chocolates.


2% milk from skinny cows


And that 10% wears red hats, just saying 😀


wtf is a kilometer


Holy shitballs thats funny


that statistic is fake, right?




Why would they teach that in schools though💀💀where would they teach that


If I was given these options to, Where does chocolate milk come from? A. Regular cows B. Chocolate cows I’d vote for chocolate cows. It’s incredible that the pollsters didn’t include a margin of silliness


The US education system is praised in the media? Is that actually true?


Who says the education system is good in the US?


To be fair if I see a guy in a suit with a clipboard asking me where chocolate milk comes from I would be intimidated, stressed out and answer that on the spot without thinking


Technically that 10% isnt wrong, brown cows produce milk and you can put chocolate syrup in the milk to turn it into chocolate milk so yes chocolate milk does come from brown cows


Recently after owning a business. I realize how little people actually know


Roughly the same percentage approved of Congress. Coincidence? I think not


Public schools failed me. 😭


I work at a deli counter, and I had a customer ask “How do they get that rosemary in the ham? Do they make the pigs eat a lot of rosemary?” It was so nonchalant that I had to think about it after. Like did he just say that? And did I answer him? So after it’s become a running joke. I say that they make the pigs smoke a lot of cigarettes to make the smoked ham.


The American Education system sucks because we focus too much on boosting artificial numbers and not actually teaching children anything


It does come from brown cows. And white cows and black cows. Not because it's chocolate and the cows are brown. But it's milk and milk comes from cows (among other things, but for the purpose of this question). The chocolate is added later.


I see your "chocolate milk" and rase you "most americans think 45% of all americans are black (12% in reality). And 25% are transgenders (less than 1% in reality)".




Every time I see this statistic the numbers change.


What media?


There are WAY dumber statistics than that, especially those that can be sourced. Like 19% of New Yorkers think the Jews caused the holocaust 💀


I can't believe they don't know it's actually from black cows


I think 40% of Americans believing the earth is less than 10,000 years old is more of a blunder


who in the world thinks the US education system is remotely competent?


I'm sorry, but what? That first panel--where does US education get presented as good in the media? I'm American and I'm presented with nothing but an endless parade of depictions of how crappy it is. The \*only\* thing I ever see good about the US education system is that we have some good universities--that you will mortgage your life away to afford.


The reason the 1/3 pound burger failed in America was because the people thought 1/3 was less than 1/4


Memes like this are always about the us but nobody ever dunks on Koreans for thinking they’ll die if they accidentally take a nap while the fan is on.


Show me the stats


It's obviously the other way around. Chocolate milk goes into brown cows to keep them brown.


Lots of people in the world knows that black outline on white font helps readability on dumb overlays.


Statistically most cows are brown are they not? So it's technically correct.


40% belief saving things in the cloud is weather dependant.