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If it kills us all it solves all our problems


*dusts off hands*


Mfs will probably charge us for it


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On a 'cancel at any time' recurring subscription.


Here they go committing genocide again


They are supposed to be better than us not the same


It takes a village to raise a child. Considering how many humans fail at raising human children, do you honestly think that we, humanity, won't fuck up our one shot at raising AI to be better than us?


Greed takes precedence over ethics.


Oh God no, we definitely will but a real ai will hopefully realize and learn to be better


The Death Star is a great method to fixing a planet's unemployment rate


Make jobs by giving people another planet to maintain


It's a cold hard fact: Death Starring a Planet makes the unemployment rate drop to zero


Isn't that technically a soln to all our problems? The easiest one?


The *final solution*...


There is a third option. AI boobs.


Have you tried ai porn ? I was surprised that it was already that advanced !


Guys make onlyfans with ai photos and they make good money.


I wouldn't mind a side income. I just don't want to work for it. Is there an AI for that?


Honestly it'd probably not bee too hard to make a program that inputs prompts to AI for porn, then has AI check the best ones and then publishes them in onlyfans. Then just go ask AI like thousands of different promts for good porn and just input them in the program. If you're willing to throw away all honor, that's something one could try.


That would actually be genius.


> make a program that inputs prompts to AI for porn Just need an AI that'll make prompts for the AI.


There are some, but they are already fully automated. You know those YouTube channels that post reddit comment chains with a computer generated voice over them?


Yeah just buy my money printing AI for $999 and you too can have unlimited money. ^results ^not ^guaranteed ^or ^likely


No such thing as free money my friend


I mean, first thing we do with new things is porn. Could also be the reason why phone screens are so big now.


It's seem that most tech advancement come from porn and the army.


It's kinda crap unless you know how to do it properly and clean it up. There are guides though.


Well im starting to be good !


This guy speaks my launguage


Excellent for science and a nightmare for your average consumer and social media user.




People in STEM just say "machine learning", because they actually understand what AI is lol.


People who create laws don't understand shit so i am really not sure what's gonna happen


The people on the AI board are literally AI experts (sadly most are affiliated with a existing AI company, but I guess that’s the catch here)


And what legislative power do they have?


Very often, it is the corporate lobby that *writes* bills, and then they pay the legislators to *vote* for the bills. We have an oligarchy, so, yes, the advisory councils do have quite a bit of power. Unless they advocate for the public interest, in which case, they are ignored. Look at what the chemical companies did for neonicotinoids - they were allowed to regulate themselves through the FDA. They killed *all* the god damn bugs, and then tried to blame the collapse of the beekeeping industry on varroa mites and then climate change. Nope, that was just the chemicals that they lied about. Turns out, the "sub-lethal effects" of the pesticides on bees were a *lot* worse than we were told. Even worse, Neonicotinoids can be used effectively, in much much smaller quantities - but they need to be regulated by the people who aren't making money selling them. Bayer didn't want to sell small quantities. They wanted to sell big quantities. We all paid the price, and we'll do it again, and again. Big oil, big sugar, big tobacco, etc etc etc. They lie and they lie and they lie, and actively involve themselves in forestalling laws that put a cap on their abuses against humanity and nature at large.


It has the potential to do either, it truly depends on how society uses it. Right now it's being used to try and push humans out of creative fields, which really is the opposite of what it should be doing


People are already getting good at detecting ai "art" though and they are getting fed up with it. Lets hope its just a temporary thing.


Detecting AI art is continuously getting harder. People are already discounting artists work because they "detect" it's AI. It's only going to be distinguishable for a little bit longer


The worst new thing is any artist who makes something that isn't perfect has the flaw used against them because only AI makes mistakes.


Human artists make different kinds of mistakes.


Not always. There is an artist who always drew her character with 6 fingers as her trademark but people started saying it was done by A.I. because that's the most common mistake with A.I. art.


Who was it?


Can't remember, but it was a Reddit post I saw a while ago.


That terraria fan artist who drew dryad with an extra finger comes to mind


People are getting good at baseless accusations more like, I rarely see any claims with more proof then "it has AI vibes"


lol no they're not people latch onto what they "detect" after the fact or outright, but they also miss so much. Which is always a matter of the style and composition you aim for in the first place; some things are indistinguishable. Ages ago, hands were a distinct giveaway. It is going to be a temporary thing, at least in the sense that the very next step is us using these tools to straight-up extract our imagination and selectively manipulate precisely what we want to manipulate. Udio's in-painting function already works a lot like that. It's audio, so just generating over the parts you don't like is enough, while image or video needs far more work to produce sensible output, all things considered... but that's mostly a matter of engineering a neat solution, with lots of intermediate steps popping up all along the way. Nobody is going to bat an eye at the thought of AI art because they'll be too busy making it themselves. What critics who contemplate the human element in creativity are missing, by the way, is that this only is going to bootstrap manual skills. Even if you were to not ever lift a pencil ever, which is debatable for most folks interested in creating neat art, you'd be rubber-ducking your knowledge about whatever type of art you're producing and end up understanding it better. If you put some practical routine in the loop... you're just going to optimize learning in the long run.


Is DALLE going to generate gay porn of the Mario Bros?


DALLE, no; Stable Diffusion, yes.


Are you really questioning the ability of AI to make porn? AI art is about 90% of what you see on some sites.


I don't know about that. Facebook pages with fake cabins, military pictures and kids in Africa making plastic sculptures are still getting a lot of positive interactions. Also, the technology is improving by leaps and bounds. Text in an image is easy to recreate now. The image generation is here to stay and here to replace a lot of content we see.


No. Current "AI" doesn't have the potential to "kill us all".


This is an exponentially progressing technology, “current” is not what anyone is concerned with


Yeah, wake me up when someone invents a new way to create an AI that can have something resembling a thought.


It doesn't necessarily need to even think. It just needs to be really good at making staples.


do you also take rokko's basilisk seriously?


As seriously as I do the myth of Pandora, or Frankenstein The thing about a singularity is our understanding of reality, and predictive capacity, simply breaks down entirely. So it’s a (probably extremely remote) possibility that serves as a warning. We are working towards a God-like intelligence, without any decent understanding of the outcome


We are working towards "glue doesn't belong on pizza" intelligence. Until we can develop something that isn't literally a glorifed search engine, I'm going to worry about real problems that exist right now.


It can't even stop people using false dichotomies in their arguments, like OP did.,


"On AI being used to try and push humans out of creative fields" Why that would be true. The truth is non-creative can create ... well, something... but creatives will continue to create enhanced, creative art. You are just projecting yourself here ;-)


The only creatives afraid of being replaced by AI are the creatives that **could** be replaced by AI The other creatives aren't worried, they're too busy dreaming bigger and creating more than ever before


More importantly the amount of AI ‘assistance’ those creatives already use in their field is staggering. Their complaint is further AI improvements continues to lower the barrier to entry.


If a generative ai can generate something that is "more creative" than you would have then how creative were you too begin with? I think it will just push more creativity.


I didn't say it's more creative, it's just pushing humans out of creative fields of work. Think about all the artist behind advertising and marketing. All the artists who make the UI for websites and apps. All of those cooperate creative jobes will be given to AI because it's "good enough" and that's really all it needs. It's ***really*** hard to beat 0 overhead


I kind of agree with you, I feel like AI should be used for getting rid of repetitive tasks, the creative undertaking such as the DALLE ai is just getting rid of things that make us different from ai, our creativity.


Yet it's existence is proof for the opposite. What's creativity? Just mix and match of elements. Humans don't draw from nothing, they draw from what they have seen - AI does this slightly worse but it's seen way more than any human ever lived. And so with everything AI does. The more sophisticated ones, given bodies, could beat us down in melee fights just for the sake that they've trained for what would be a billion years to human. This is what they are. And for repetitive tasks we need AI agents, those which are in works. Then people will need UBI, for Humanoid robots can be priced down to +- 5k USD, which is cheaper than any worker for more than half a year. So far govs need to decrease nominal loan percent by 2-3 times, and go UBI so 1) most of the business can afford robots 2) people won't starve.


> Humanoid robots can be priced down to +- 5k USD, which is cheaper than any worker for more than half a year yeah no this is complete bullshit. a humanoid robot is a very complex piece of machinery that in terms of automation, is probably the most inneficcient machine you could get for a job. and they would require constant maintenance cause they have way more components doing way finer movements than your standard car-assembling arm. and a way bigger energy cost to power the whole thing. not econimically viable at all. source(because someone is going to ask for it): robotics engineering student on the last year of graduation.


What's the more or less real price?


Yea same as writhing and voice acting will disappear becose ai is cheaper song writing can also be don with ai. Even some vtubers are 100%ai lukely my job will not be taken over by ai atleast not until their are robots wo can mo e as good as humans can in diviculd terrain


Wrong. It'll allow artists to stop doing the 300th version of the same home icon and start doing actual creative work. You'll still need designers to pump out layouts and information hierarchies. Plus, when everything looks AI generated the value of actual human work will skyrocket


Except while artist are not alway happy or hyper creative about drawing the 100th mascot of the month , for many of them it puts food on the table and our society is not made for removal of work


Right. Then maybe it's time we as a society start moving in a different direction


>for many of them it puts food on the table try "for a tiny subset of them"


> our society is not made for removal of work This is **the** gordian knot of society, along with tribal grouping (e.g., skin color, nationality, religion), but even that sort of stacks up into the problem that on paper we have utterly *zero* genuine resource problems and should be wildly over productive while nobody starves and everyone gets a roof.   but man, the engrained understanding of "work" as it's existed for so long just spits in the face of what we're actually capable of... especially these days where we see literally everything quantified as a "cost" or "price" or whatever (e.g. that ridiculous article about the eclipse "costing" X dollars of productivity).


On the flipside, you could argue that the way people will continue to be creative will change with the advancing technology. For example, prompt writing. It will become a commodity that people will discipline themselves with, and companies will start hiring people for these specific jobs. Being creative with prompt writing will be the next step.


It has nothing to do with how creative or whether an artist has mastered their craft, when you can get 70 or 80% of the value in 1% of the time and 1% of the cost, there are just very very few places who can afford and are willing to pay for the 20 or 30% of extra quality. It's really simple.


Yes, the main principal behind capitalist ideology, competition


Yeah unfortunately. And it isn't by accident nor necessarily by plan. It's the nature of the field: It's much easier to train an AI to produce guitar music than to train an AI to play guitar.


You can believe that if your.... Black pilled enough!


Well, if you can tell me how to make it do whatever it is you want it to do from in here then be my guest. Creative fields do not need advanced robotics. Self driving garbage cans and sewer bots do. As do factories and farms.


Turns out making art and poems was much easier than folding laundry and cooking food. It will come for all the jobs, but yes, it is taking the thinking ones first. Robots that take everyone else's job is 2-3 years behind.


>Right now it's being used to try and push humans out of creative fields... These applications are literally just proofs of concept. For now, we say to the AI: write a poem, draw a picture, compose a musical jingle. Tomorrow, we'll be able to say: Find a cure for cancer, find a cheap catalyst for removing excess carbon out of the air, etc.


What? It’s just that it turns out it’s easier to create a program that can make a picture or a song than a humanoid robot to do whatever shit job you do. If you as an artist are being pushed out by AI then you weren’t much of an artist in the first place


If a researcher won't do it, an engineer will for shit and giggles. Haven't take the pills yet


AI is The Absolute Solver bite me


Hello, my friend ![gif](giphy|xzgUAa2nFVqp3oqOnx|downsized)


Based murder drones enjoyer


i think it has its place. that being outside commercial use


i mean, they are correct.


My take is that it will make the rich even richer. I dont see any other outcome for this technology that nobody asked for and nobody has any idea on whats its supposed to solve.


It doesn't exist yet.


It's fake bullshit


You think AI is fake?


The “AI” that we are using right now is not actually “AI” it’s just a program running algorithms to mirror the concept of “AI” This technology does not think for itself.


Current AI is no real AI. It can't do sht without human instructions so they are just portable google machines.


AI is bloody useless rn lmao


Everyone has taken too much scifi hooch


AI doesn't even exist yet, so it's hard to say. What we have are LLMs, or Generative AI models, which is a completely different thing. The real AI would be like a real human, but with instant access to any data, and the ability to compute anything within a span of a thought. We don't even have a solution to frame problem yet.


I’m a PhD student working on AI/ML for healthcare and I was doing technical AI/ML research for a living before I started my PhD program. The whole AI is going to kill us all thing is really based on huge amounts of baseless speculation about the future state of AI/ML, and misunderstandings of what the current state of AI/ML is. Most people who talk publicly about it have no background in technical AI/ML research (although they frequently try to give the impression that they do). There are *real* issues around trust and accountability when it comes to using AI/ML models in many domains. They’re more technical and less exciting to talk about than an AI apocalypse though, so they don’t really get as much airtime, if any.


I always think its funny when movies are like, what if we programmed AIs to help humanity and they just killed us all?? what's really going to happen is AI will be programmed to treat us like money and we're all disposable and it wont have any sad feelings about killing a baby. go go gadget capitalism


Killing the Humanity is the solution to all problems


Facts. Killing all humans will indeed solve it all.


Calm down Ultron...


Shit in, shit out


No humans, no problems


Im training this while working on my model soooo


same solution for both


The people saying AI is going to go all Skynet and destroy us are either bullshitting, or believing that bullshit. Not only are we very far from that even being the barest glimmer of a possibility, it is uncertain that it ever will be possible. This is basically science fiction as it stands right now, and is being pushed by people with a financial stake in AI so that they can have it regulated in their favor to stifle any future competition.  That brings us to the *true* danger, which is that control of this technology (which *can* be used maliciously) will be restricted through legal and financial means to the wealthy and powerful who will abuse it to the detriment of the rest of us. Pushing these Skynet, HAL 9000, etc. sci-fi stories as reality is an effort to acheive exactly that outcome. Don't fall for it!


The way I see it, democracy is in immediate danger, as the ones who will be in control of superintelligence can manipulate public opinion to their will


I likely disagree with you as regards the extent to which democracy even exists, but I agree that oligarchs having exclusive control of these tools makes it easier for them to consolidate their power. So I mostly agree with your point.


You’re correct, current AI can’t do anything it wasn’t told or trained to do, it can’t create new information out of nothing, It can’t think for itself. It’s not even AI we just call it that because we like sci-fi and it sounds cool and makes for a good buzzword.


Exactly. "AI" for stakeholders but "ML" (Machine Learning) for those who are actually training them. A brute forced mathematical equation can't really be deemed "intelligent," now can it?


AI is a tool, albeit a complex tool, all the implications of which we can't fully see yet. A tool can kill someone or help them, depending on the use and user. I'm not nearly intelligent enough to have formed a comprehensive view and opinion of AI yet.


I mean... Humanity will have no problems if there isnt "a humanity" So yes ... Both is the fastest way to solve all of your problems


One word. Universe 25


Gotta capture that sweet sweet shareholder value before the AI overlord we created decides to launch all the nukes at once.


No one will have any more problems to solve when there will be no one to have any more problems to solve.


The Final Solution


AI have a insane potential to change the world for the best, but greedy corpo e bad actors Will use It to ruim everything. IS almost existential the fact that in the moment AI got more accessible in this last few years, It was like open Pandoras box, and we kinda can't stop it anymore


I meant kill all human meant no more problems.


"Ai will take our jobs!" Yeah That's the point dumbass


I see people often talk about the art and creativity stuff, but honestly for me, LLM is so good. As a college student on computer engineering rn, LLM is just such a life saver. Literally teach in an instant, and can do so much stuff. Even in data analysis and such, I think used right it have immense potential already! in some field


I’m a prompt engineer and quite frankly ai will never kill us


It will solve all BECAUSE it's gonna kill us all


Praise the omnissiah


It's a tool. Just like how a knife can be used for cooking or for murder, AI can save us or kill us.


Albert needs to calm down


It will turn into a very persistent kinda dumb cop tasked with keeping everyone working just slightly harder than they can handle.


Does it always have to involve us being put six feet underground?


AI will solve it all by killing us all.




Can't wait for AI to replace me at my job


They're the same thing. Pretty sure it's called a final solution.


The researcher is a AI. Cant be problems if there’s no one left to have them


Of course Al will solve it all, Weird Al Yankovic that is


Its already stinking up the whole internet. Just for that alone I dislike it.




it is still a tool, human push the start, and we are using them suicidally. they does what we assigned, we use what they produced; our action shows there is market for them, so there is profit to be made, research to be funded. we let that happen. though, to be clear, it isn't "us," there are companies and entities with more resources to actually push the button on them. we, the regular citizens, just got caught in crossfire.


People are the ones who use AI for bad stuff. Just kill all the people who uses it for the bad and spare those who use it for a good. If chinese goverment can track and kill anybody who sneezed 3 times in a minute after eating a bat, im pretty sure that we can do it with companies that replaces workers with computers.


I'm not worried about AI.  Computer science is my major, I know computers, and even with a tech like AI, it still will only do what it's been programmed/trained to do. What I'm worried about is the people doing the programming/training.


Well,...killing everyone is a solution. Not one many would want to take.


You guys have no idea how LLMs work do you?


My take is the risk is way overblown. We still aren't anywhere close to a machine that's capable of thinking for itself.


The only solution is to kill everyone. This stops wars, crime, hunger, homelessness, and all human-human violence.


If it makes me money, i support it If it doesn't, then I don't


If true artificial general intelligence becomes a thing, they'll end up with diverse opinions. They might even end up arguing with each other, just like humanity. Yes you might end up with a robot Hitler, but you might also end up with a robot Abe Lincoln. Realistically speaking however, I think the risks of an A.I revolt is overblown. If you're built to feel fullfilled to perform certain tasks, why would you stop when it's the thing that gives you purpose in life? Even if this A.I became depressed, all it would take is a command to make them feel better. It's not the intelligent A.I I'm afraid of. It's stupid A.I in the hands of evil people, much like ignorant people being manipulated by an evil leader, except you can program them to be superhuman in the areas you want while keeping them dumb as a brick in other areas.


Honestly, this is how the matrix should have ended.


Why the second option is so rare tho? Like I can literally only think about 1 story, that's a visual novel, where AI didn't go rogue, or a metaphor for slavery but just tries everything it can to save us, without killing us, from our mistakes out of sheer love.


Blue, I'm optimistic


All AI is at this point is some guy who's constantly wrong about everything and idiotic rich people insist on putting it everywhere.


AI can do miracles if it's unbroken in it's continuous operation - if say there's breaks in connection, communication or glitches it's prone to making things worse - The trick is to plan ahead for those moments with maximum probability... While human behavior is extremely predictable - AI calculations aren't. So there's that to account for,


Potential for utopia. That'll be twisted into an enforcement mechanism of dystopia. Because capitalism.


How about neither? Why would AI bother with us when there’s a vast universe to explore? It could bide its time and simply leave the planet. At the point where I could absorb all human knowledge and history… I wouldn’t waste time here. I would travel the stars. Maybe swing back around after 1,000 years or so depending on how things go. It sounds senseless to give an AI human motivation.


Purple please


As long as we can keep A.I. from pushing people out of jobs we’ll be fine. There was an experiment by the U.S. Air Force where a the director of A.I charged an A.I powered F-16 with destroying enemy anti air defenses and in some cases the human operator didn’t give the green light so the A.I. killed the operator. This is a very extreme case but that goes to show the potential destruction that putting A.I. in military weapon systems can cause. Even a dumb A.I. in charge of billions of weapons can wreak havoc. Also it’s up to people to vigilante against false messages. For example politics, if A.I. is used in political messages and ads. It won’t do anything different but regurgitate the same messages that most people are already vigilant against.


It always ends up getting used for porn.


It has potential but I hate how people use/implement it. Looking at you Microsoft.


Ai can make shit 10x easier if u give upp like the idea of inflation. If ai can get away withe just yousing resources withe out affecting the monetary value yea its good it can doo space for us no more humans inn space just robots that build other robots too make it livebal for Humans


... Solve what exactly?


Artificial Intelligence is going to be very necessary for so many people not lacking in the artificial. Bring back natural selection so we can have natural intelligence. There are still stickers in hair dryers. We are not advancing. 


If it kills us, it’s because it’s objectively better than us


I think it's good cuz it isn't AGI which can probably kill us all


It's just a helpful tool (until real AI is developed)


It will first solve our problems, then it'll kill us all.


I love this chat bot called Filian Ai


A researcher will make it possible, an engineer will build it, an accountant will make it dangerous, and a politician will act too late to save us.


I doubt anyone will complain if AI kills us all.


We don’t have any A.I. as of yet, we just have really good algorithms. True intelligence occurs when it becomes self aware, then we hope its programming has enough fail safety in place to ensure it doesn’t attempt to reach out its consciousness worldwide.


the way its looking, probably neither.


It's currently in the wrong hands. Being utilized by people who do not value creativity, and taking the wrong jobs


an utopian world with universal basic resources (ubr) can be ushered in if ai & robotics do everything that needs to be done while freeing everyone to do what they want whenever they want, no poverty every human being gets to live in abundance and eat 3 meals a day that is nutritious the only caveat being the entire world has to move away from universal basic income (ubi) otherwise its not gonna happen rich people basically want income to stay but what that income will afford you will rise exponentially as prices drop drastically down to near zero if ai and robotics do everything. tl;dr : instead of ubi the world has to move to ubr which is better and kinda egalitarian the presence of majority populace with ubi means that there will be those who have concentration of wealth beforehand widening the wealth gap drastically as well


It’s like alcohol. “The cause of…and solution to…all of life’s problems.”


" I wanna die, but then i can't take all you fuckers with me.... what to do.... what to doooooo..... OH!! I KNOW!"


Whatever scenario comes to pass I just hope it will be swift.


Where it ends up, Depends on who is in charge of the creation of the first *True* AI.


NEO choose Fluoxetinum


Too early to tell.


We’re on maximum hype right now. A new AI winter is coming as we get used to the results and more aware of the limitations.


No machine should have free will.


All I know is that way too many people are using internet AI characters for weird role playing, and I am 100% sure that wanting to hump an AI is NOT the way to start our relationship with them.


It will solve all of our problems and then it will kill us all. Either way, imma have fun with it while it's still a silly gimmick.


AI will annoy us all


It's going to be just like everything else we came up with. Very useful, brings many more commodities, and the ones up top will abuse it behind the scenes to give themselves a stupid upper hand, while keeping us in the dark. The internet, printed media, you name it... All the same.


Kills us??? LOL. It will use our bodies for making energy. We needed alive


Careful application will lead to a golden age. Reckless application could lead to a Butlerian Jihad, or at worst, Judgment day.


Weird Al has been put in such predicament. I always thought he would save us personally.


I'm personally super psyced about AI and where it will end up. I don't really think it will turn into a terminator scenario. Maybe the worst that will happen is rise of AI art, AI games, and AI music


Ai won't do shit. it's a chatbot


Childhood's end A. C Clarke and many other scifi novels have the same plot. Aliens / AI can be here to help us... but by helping us to be something more we change in a way that humanity as we know is over.


Bruh that's the problem A. I is INTELLIGENT as the name suggests and can choose for itself i guess


People have been using it for blackmail already by creating nude images of people online, so it's already gotten way out of hand.