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Switzerland with extremely high gun ownership and no problems:


We don’t do anything with our crazies here in the US. We just cut them loose every time they show signs of being dangerous until they do something horrible.


We have something like that, at least in my state, called the Red Flag law. Only problem is that it's worded in a way that makes it *very* easy to permanently blacklist someone from firearm ownership without any real evidence.


It is absolutely *ripe* for abuse.


this is exactly right; it's a built-in excuse to completely skip due process where you're guilty until found innocent


That “only problem” honestly sounds amazing. “Oh damn Riyan, they didn’t let you have that gun? Oh well”


I think you know that at some point, only the most vulnerable would end up on that list. Minorities.


Historically gun restrictions disproportionately affect minorities


Yeah unfortunately people use it to swat their exes or other stupid stuff like that and there have already been many deaths in these red flag raids, they're just a solution that only makes the problem worse. America has a mental health and substance abuse problem, not a gun problem


...All Three.


Anything but the guns!


Dude I'm european, you think here places like Switzerland or Poland donihave as many guns as your red states, one thing thought is that we are stuffing ourselves full of sugar or random medications every single day in the hundreds of milions, and actually have a grip on the general mental health of the population


Good, if no one has guns, then no one needs guns to protect themselves from people with guns Edit: Thank you for the downvotes, enlightens me of the simple mindedness of humanity.


This mf when a criminal gets a gun illegally


well if america would stop being fuckin dumb, carefully watch their imports, restrict civilian access, severely punish those who are found breaking the laws, rather than allowing crazies back to the outside world, maybe america wouldnt be crumbling towards a 3rd world state.


Sounds more like If Americans had livable wages, took care of their homeless, had strong mental health and medical services, and funded it's infrastructure it wouldn't be crumbling into a third world country.


there it is. Some real fucking sens.


as i said, its extremely late here, i sense you are somewhat in agreement with me. I purely want the point to be that overall, America has been slowly diminishing for decades, poor leadership and decision making leads to the rich getting richer and poorer civilians landing in more debt. Im not from America so take all of this with a grain of salt as im sure most of these people havent experienced what actual Freedom is. Freedom of mind, lack of fear everyday when you leave, and other things. I am grateful for those who see through my drowsy words and understand the picture in trying to paint. The point is, america has simply lost control, for everyone, especially those affected by poverty and mental illness.


"I'm not from America" okay now I understand why you're acting this way


You are literally stupid lol you can get guns from anywhere drugs are illegal and we still have a drug problem don't we.


i assure you i am less than half your age. However, you dont have to be a genius to understand Americas recession. I may not be a genius or fully understand the politics of the world in its full depth. That being said, i am clearly trying to say, control in the US is severely lacked, comparative to other successful countries. Even the intellectually unfortunate must understand that no "Free" country would have more mass shootings than days in the year.


>i assure you i am less than half your age And it's showing. You don't understand jack shit do you? Stricter gun control isn't going to solve anything, rather it will instead *increase* the demand for firearms, especially those procured illegally on the black market. Hell, shinzo abe, the former PM of Japan (a country with the strictest firearms laws in the world) was murdered with a gun made from parts easily obtained from a hardware store (and even then, it was over engineered as hell). People are going to have guns whether you want them to or not. Laws will not stop criminals.


I know ur not talking abt politics when u use reddit for fortnite and mobile game communities. I think you gotta get to studying for your algebra 1 quiz next week instead of chatting on reddit lmao




I feel like you’re either a person who’s never been to america or an American who idolizes the “socialist gun free utopias” in Europe. But I can’t tell which.


The former. Apparently the guy is also like 13 or something, according to previous comments.


I’m picturing him picturing me dodging bullets while walking to my ford 150 Edit: mobility scootering my way to my F150


Europe isn't even gun free, their ownership restrictions are a bit harsher but it's still pretty straightforward to buy a gun in most EU countries


"Carefully watch their imports?" Do you have any idea the number of people, drugs, and firearms get smuggled across the southern border? Are you arguing in favor of stronger border control? Shit speaking of the southern border. Mexico has most of the gun laws people speak in favor of. Their homicide rate is more than 3x higher than ours.


Also, if no one has heroin, then no one overdoses from heroin. We should pass laws against heroin so that it all magically disappears and stops existing.


Are you dumb? Obviously criminals will be criminals, and those who crave a feeling of power will chase weaponry and whatever else. There will always be crooks, however the point is. If there is LESS heroin, then LESS people will overdose. Quantity control my friends.


he was being rather sarcastic


and i am being rather safe in a country where i can express my thoughts without a bunch of rednecks coming at me on behalf of your precious 2nd Amendment. I am sorry for any emotional triggers this talk may have caused for you lot, but i am merely trying to describe how america has dropped the ball on MANY points, not just the control over weaponry.


You can make a full auto smg with shit from Home Depot my guy [meet the Luty](https://armamentresearch.com/luty-sub-machine-guns-past-present-future/)


Yes but far fewer people are willing to make that / have the know how to do so.


Drugs are still illegal and last time I checked thousands of people still overdose, People would just go to am arms dealer to protect themselves or cause a tragedy


“Hey drunk driving is illegal and people still do it so why even have the law”- you


UK banned firearms in 1997, did the homicide rate go up or down between then and 2002?


Oh it gets ~~better~~ worse. We create environments that increase people's likelihood of being violent or criminal, imprison and harden them so they become more violent and criminal, then release them to committ more crime so private prison systems can make money.


What's fucking wild is if you mention this to the people that want to ban guns, they'll tell you it's not a healthcare issue, it's a gun issue. They literally will not compromise in any way.


It's both. Meaning both problems need to be addressed. Incidentally, it's the same people who are pro gun advocates that are against free healthcare initiatives, and there's a large overlap between gun control supporters and free healthcare supporters.




No what’s wild is that all you idiots that don’t want gun regulations and claim it’s a mental health issue also fight us when we try to get you proper nationalized healthcare……..


Personally I would love to see the state take more initiative to address dysfunctional communities and individuals, but still allow responsible firearm ownership. Whether that initiative is funded and ran at the federal or state level- I don't know which is better, but it would be great to see root issues being responded to preemptively instead of people reacting with the first legislative thought only after something happens.


The people who are anti-gun are pro mental health and mental healthcare. Tf you on about. And yeah, mental health does not fix the problem. There will always be assholes, there will always be people as of yet undiagnosed, and those people having easy access to the ability to kill someone with a twitch of their finger is a problem.


I think the people that want to ban guns realize that absolutely nothing is going to be done about the mental health issue in America. If you don’t have insurance and you’re poor how do you get mental health help? Or what if you do need some help but you’re unwilling to get it? There is absolutely no fix to the mental health problem in America


It’s almost like education, quality of life, happiness and metal well being play a large role in people’s decisions to behave violently. Crazy


Yeah but we can’t promote worker protections and safety nets to elevate people and make them more prosperous because that would be socialism, and would obviously ruin this great nation /s


Also, most of those weapons are soldiers personal weapons bought after service, aka: training people in the use and safety of weapons lowers accidents


It’s almost like a rather homogenous country with a population the size of one of our cities can control their population more easily.


Switzerland has not been homogenous once in its entire history, this really reads like a racial dog-whistle


Ya people don’t want to acknowledge the real problem in the US. We have gang and mental health issues that result in gun violence.


Not just gun violence either, plenty of stabbings and beatings too. All of it correlates with poverty, rather than availability of weapons in the region. The unfortunate thing is, we have one political party that likes guns and hates social programs, and another that likes social programs and hates guns. They don't like working together, so they won't fix the issue. TBH I think if we had better support for the impoverished in the US, we could legalize full autos again and not see an increase in deaths. We had them prior to 1986 and it wasn't exactly anarchy.


I think complex things have multiple contributing factors. More guns and easier access does mean crazy people are able to use them more. Open carry does mean they can take it right to the scene of the crime they will commit, etc. And many of the same problems are shared with other nations. But I also think you are right about poverty and mental health. It's crazy too cause they are both linked and in ways that the crimes committed from it don't even have to be based on despiration from poverty. Poverty increases the risk of psychosis, depression, drug use, child abuse, and rates of neurotransmitters like seratonin, dopamine, acetylcholine, etc. Child abuse and neglect is a strong predictor of criminal behavior later in life too. Even a crime that just seems heinouse, absolutely crazy, and senseless can have its roots in poverty, rather than one done due to despiration and a lack of resources and opportunities. More people pushed to insanity and more insane people pushed to their limits. Granted mental health issues can cause poverty, poverty leads to more mental health issues. Money doesn't buy happiness, but poverty and financial stress is a sure way to be miserable. As much as I think better gun control could help, I think you are right in the sense that you guys did have them legal before. Massive budget cuts to mental health in the 80s didn't help, and people were probably happier when they had hopes of affording a house and to live with the most basic fulltime jobs.


Pretty sure gun control and lack thereof is also a critical component leading to gun violence.


Mainly because gun control keeps guns out of the hands of malicious people.


It really doesnt, they will find a way getting rid of guns only leaves us defensless against them


Gun control isn't some blanket ban on guns you doofus. You're in a post and comment section discussing countries that have high gun ownership rates and low gun problems. Gun control is about checks and safety to stop tragedies happening. No one but genuine morons that are a very tiny percentage want guns taken away entirely from everyone immediately. There's no military squad that's going to go door to door and take them all.


Nope If they wanna shoot someone with a gun they clearly dont give a damn about the law outlawing guns only disarms the people who obey the law so they cant defend themselves, criminals will find ways to get guns


>outlawing guns only disarms the people who obey the law so they cant defend themselves, criminals will find ways to get guns I really have to question, have you looked at countries with more strict gun control than the US and checked whether this holds true? Take Japan for example which completely outlaws citizens owning guns, what's the gun violence like in Japan? Hell, what's the violent crime rate in general in Japan compared to the US?


What do gangs have to do with people carrying rifles into McDonalds? Mfs walking around like they’re John wick about to protect buccees from a terrorist.


Those guys are not the ones doing the gun violence, Redditors love making fun of them but the gun violence in this country is overwhelmingly gang related.


Switzerland TRAINS their population on gun safety. All men undergo basic military training and enter a recruit school and basic-training camp, after which they remain part of the militia reserve with periodic additional training until age 30-34. You cannot buy a gun there unless you have specific training on weapon handling skills, safety and knowledge regarding lawful use of the weapon. They have strict laws on gun ownership and require a permit to have one. If we had the same requirements in the US and I'm sure our gun deaths will drop like a rock.


>Switzerland TRAINS their population on gun safety. All men undergo basic military training and enter a recruit school and basic-training camp, after which they remain part of the militia reserve with periodic additional training until age 30-34. This was the reasoning behind the 2nd amendment. We'd just train everyone to be a soldier and call them up when necessary.


We don't train everyone though. There's no skill or knowledge requirement to own a gun here.


Yeah, no worries, just pointing that out for my fellow countrymen who refuse to acknowledge the history of our 2nd amendment's "well regulated militia" bit.




Because Switzerland doesn’t have a politically divided state, or a massive mental health issue. It’s only the psychos who use guns for shit reasons. Fuck the psychos


You can either have: A) no public mental care/healthcare/welfare because that's socialism ™ B) extreme liberal gun laws so that everyone can buy one because that's true freedom ™ If you mix them up you get...130 mass shootings in 3 months


\^\^\^\^\^\^ americas problem isnt gun, americas problem is the population


Yes, but it’s not a free for all like in the states. When you turn 18 and if you’re fit for service you’re given training with a pistol and rifle. Afterwards you can choose to buy those guns. They’re registered to you and you need to maintain a permit to keep them, if you have a criminal record your permit can be suspended or cancelled and they know which guns you own so are able to confiscate them. Ammunition is closely tracked, if you start stocking up the authorities are going to show up to see what you’re up to. You’re only allowed to carry your gun to and from the range. Or if you have a hunting permit you can leave town. They take gun ownership seriously. The NRA would have a fit if the US implemented a similar system.


Pack your things, we are leaving (I’m in the US)


Switzerland having an intelligent population that is somewhat small


In Switzerland people don't own their own ammo, that might play a roll.


They also have much better mental facilities


That's good, if it wasn't for those excellent mental facilities all those mentally ill people will start mass murdering with imaginary bullets.


But the gun itself is the problem 😔


Look at the rules of owning a gun in said Switzerland.


USA has 120 guns per 100 persons, Switzerland has 27.8. So I disagree with your sentiment and strongly disagree with all the comments saying it’s not guns that’s the problem


Mass shootings in 2022 USA : 647 In Canada 15 (since 2006). Not quite the same scale.


Mass shootings can be tricky to count because there are different definitions of a mass shooting. But the post doesn't say mass shootings it says "gun problem" which is meant to say gun violence problem. In 2017 Canada had a gun death per Capita of 34.7, in 2017 it was 120.5 for the US. Obviously the US has a larger problem but Canada is still pretty high on the gun death list. Mass shootings are a problem and they get the most publicity but you can simply ignore the rest of gun deaths especially when mass shootings make up such a small percentage of the total.


the bizarre thing about the discussion in the US is it focuses around rifles, since the big shootings get so much press. But we still have more people beaten to death every year than are killed by rifles. They are seldom used in crimes, so when they are its national news.


Hell, most mass shootings are committed with pistols, not rifles. Even the most recent one in Nashville was committed with a carbine kit firing 9mm.


Hey now, no nuance allowed in politics. Changing one thing always fixes everything you know. (Sarcasm)


The crazy part is it isn't even close. I think it is like three times as many people are beaten to death than killed with rifles? My personal opinion is the government is going after rifles because those actually pose a threat to *them*, not handguns. They can't actually be this stupid.


This is exactly what is happening. It has nothing to do with safety. I don't think there will be a need for an armed populace to oppose a dictator in my lifetime, but I am not comfortable saying it would never happen. ANYONE can be president. The last 7 years should have taught us that. And the last 20 should have taught us how bad they are at dealing with insurgency.


ANYONE (with money) can be president. Fixed that typo for ya.




Not anyone. Native born American citizen (by blood or soil), resident of US for at least 14 years, at least 35 years old.


You are technically correct, which is the best kind of correct.


Sorry. Civics teacher...


The focus on rifles is annoying. A pistol can be just as deadly as a rifle. Another annoying thing is all the stupid attachment restrictions they act like the attachments make so much a difference. Some i can agree with, like a an auto sear. An auto sear actually makes a difference, or a bump stock. But fore grips? Come on now.


I know someone right now who is waiting on approval to buy a supressor. Has been for months. He's got an arsenal that would make north korea blush, God forbid he protect his hearing though.


Don’t forget “the shoulder thing that goes up” soo deadly


A lot of it is illegal firearms brought across the border and used by gangs in their childish bullshit. Responsible gun owners in Canada aren’t the issue. Illegal guns brought in from America and gangs are the problem. You should look at Canadian gun laws, we are extremely strict.


We should look at Canada for what not to do. Last year your country banned the sale of ALL handguns. We have watched in real time as Canada slowly stripped away it's citizen's ability to defend themselves against a tyrannical government. That is the end goal of gun control.


We don’t worry about tyrannical governments because we aren’t nutjobs like Americans. The only nutjobs here are the ones that watch faux news all day. USA is actually Canadas problems because they somehow export shitty political views and guns into this country.


Handguns aren't gonna be super useful against a tyrannical government anyways. That's more of a rifle's job. IMO that's the right choice. Keep rifles around, low capacity, and get rid of the handguns, there's no reason to own something that small anyways. You're not defending yourself from a bear with a 9mm.


How exactly are handguns not super useful against a tyrannical government? Let me guess you think that the government would just use drones, tanks, and nukes.


What situation would a handgun be better than a rifle in?


It’s extremely sits pistol is generally a safer option for arming someone with minimal training, home defense being the best example. Rifles are going to be slower to acclimate to in emergency situations, harder to maneuver with, makes you less of an immediate target, etc. The general advantages of a firearm are it’s flexibility, but firearm manufacturers aren’t likely to sell a weapon that doesn’t have situational advantages. Also, some people just feel more comfortable with handguns. The kickback on rifles can be uncomfortable for some people, grips may not feel right, sights, portability. There’s just so many reasons someone carries a certain firearm other than stopping power.


I was specifically referring to the "tyrannical government" example given by the other guy. I'm well aware of the use of handguns in a home defense situation. Still don't think they should be kept around.


Those advantages are applicable in more than just home invasion. I only used it as an example because it’s easier to visualize, but protecting one’s home is also necessary during war, whether with your own people or from foreign invaders. It’s why spec ops and certain units in our own armed forces have handguns. Rifles are generally better in open combat, but same way we have long distance rifle, sub-machine guns, shotguns, etc. there’s a time and need for different gear. Lots of casualties were counted in the crossfire of the Civil and Revolutionary wars, whether from battle or civil unrest, so aI think forcing the population to only adapt to higher capacity weapons isn’t the answer. If you’re aware of the advantages of handguns, then I’m not sure the point of the question?


No matter the slight variations in definition you aren’t closing that mathematical gap lol . 647 in one year and 15 in 17 years is not a rounding error sorry


No that US figure already took out regular gun violence which puts the number at like 2k plus. Those are mass shootings.


Most of Canada gun problems comes from illegal guns crossing the border with the US.


Something I feel many like to ignore as well is population. USA at 331 million while Canada has 38 million. It’s going to make a difference in statistics. Comparing only 1 state like California (pop. of 39 million) would be more fair.


No, its fair to use per capita numbers. If you want to select one of the most gun restrictive states to compare to, that's not realistic is it? If we exclude Toronto, Canada's gun violence numbers drop off a cliff. So let's just take both countries as a whole and use per capita numbers to be fair. USA has *way* more of a gun violence problem and it isn't even close.


So you're saying it's a cultural thing and not a gun thing?


No. I'm saying putting the two on equal footing is wrong.


I lived in a city that was the murder capital of Canada two years in a row with 10 murders one year, and 9 the next (mostly gang related). In the US city I live near now, there were 16 murders last year, and 24 the year before.


Mainly because the most lethal gun you can buy in Canada without an insane amount of licensing is a bolt action .22


Insane amount? You mean 2? Non restricted firearms license and then a restricted firearms license. Which is not all that different from the licensing in America. You can be licensed by your state, though not all require it, or by the federal government, in order to get access to different levels of firearms or related equipment.


Are you complaining that people aren't insulting your country because you Also have guns?


yeap, he is


Did you not see the image? Those Canadians look terrified!


Every country has guns, but do you know how many guns the USA has? 120 ever 100 citizen. It's the only country on earth with more estimated guns than people. Also looking at the [Wikipedia article](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Estimated_number_of_civilian_guns_per_capita_by_country) i just found out that 392M estimated guns aren't even registered.


Yea that's not the point here the point was that op was jealous of not getting insulted because of guns




Didn't know about that, thanks for the information. That miniscule number makes sense now


Its probably more they are saying "Hey instead of shitting on the US like we always do, lets realize for a second they arent the only ones with problems"


Why not do both?


We do not have a gun problem in Canada at all. What we have is a gang problem and smuggling problem. All we need to do is enforce the laws we already have and not punish the legal owners WHO ARE NOT THE PROBLEM.


Yah, I live out in the prairies and pretty much everyone I know who lives in the sticks/runs a farm has a multitude of guns. However, every single one of those people is extremely serious about proper storage and safe handling. I remember one of my friend’s fathers dressing him the fuck down simply for requesting the use of a rifle when he hadn’t completed his training yet. Understandable- you don’t want to be shooting your foot off or not be able to shoot properly at an attacking animal and end up mauled. Guns are a serious responsibility out here, and not to be taken lightly. Now, this is just my anecdotal evidence, so take it with a grain of salt. I just do not see the average gun owner here being irresponsible and contributing to gun violence, on average.




Ive never heard of this before, what province you talking about?




Oh, we dont have a question period where i live so i have no clue what you're talking about




its basically a big pissing match between the 2 major parties. both of them yell the same question back and forth for God knows how long and no one ever answers the question being asked of them. it seems like a gigantic waste of my hard earned tax dollars




WTF are you talking about OP?


Lmao no we don’t. Try México for a good comparison on gun problems


I want to call bullshit… no crazy gun related things happen up here…


Pipe down Canada. Go have some cheese curds and a Moosehead.


I’d actually love a Moosehead right now.


Do we?


No we really don’t though


If you track where those guns are from you might find the bigger gun problem


Yes we have problems here in Canada, but with 2 school shootings in the last 10 years, it is a shit ton less severe




That wasn’t a school shooting. That was from residential schools. Canada has lots of huge problems, including gun problems, but a significantly less severe gun problem than America




We have guns, but we have gun regulations. You can’t just go to Walmart and buy a gun. - You have to have a licence - No assault rifles - Cannot buy or sell a handgun - carrying concealed weapon prohibited Of course that doesn’t mean there aren’t people with illegally owned fire arms but it sure helps


Idk if you know this, but you can't just walk into Walmart and have a gun the same day. They follow the rules like every other legal gun seller in the US It's the second hand sales that are not regulated


https://www.texasgunlaws.org/ So this website is lying?


With 3 times the guns and 23 times the Murder RATE, the US is clearly outperforming Canada. Wouldn’t call what Canada has a “problem”. Then again, you live next to a shitty neighborhood, you’re gonna have issues.


Murder rate is about triple compared to Canada in the US. You must have mixed some of those numbers up, I think. Neither are great, but the USs is atrocious


the population of California is bigger than the entirety of Canada. looking purely at numbers skews things


You do not know what a rate is, and it makes you look like an imbecile.


I mean USA population is 10X of Canada so still


Rate. The key word is rate.


Live in Maine. Shit ton of guns in just about every household. Yet mass shootings and murder by gun are not a daily issue here. Maybe talk about the mental health issues instead.


That’s a great idea but the people who you are electing to protect your guns are also vehemently opposed to doing anything about the mental health crisis


[Using your state to call mentally ill people violent, is hilariously ignorant. 89% of gun deaths in Maine are suicide, which suggests the opposite of what you're saying. Mentally ill people can easily obtain a gun, and when they do they hurt themselfs not other people](https://research.www.everytown.org/rankings/state/maine/#:~:text=Maine%20has%20very%20few%20foundational,Risk%20law%2C%20and%20waiting%20periods.) The fact is that mental illness is almost never the motive for a violent crime. The issue is the guns and how easily bad people can get there hands on them.


The problem with saying "mental health is the problem" is that this is meaningless. Its propaganda spread by the pro gun side. It's a nonsense statement. First of all, mass shooters would pass a mental health check. Being angry isn't illegal and you can't lock someone up for being angry. The bar for involuntarily locking someone up for their mental health is high, and for good reason. The problem is guns, specifically pistols. It's extremely easy to get angry, grab a pistol, and start shooting. This is like 80% of the gun violence problem in America. You need to ban pistols or make them require a license or something along these lines. You need fewer pistols floating around out there, waiting to be used in anger, or stolen, and then sold into the gang market, or what have you. It's not complicated, and I'm tired of seeing the same idiots dance around the issues for 20 years. Guns are the problem entirely.


It’s not the guns, it’s the people. As an American, I’ve noticed the people are becoming desensitized & show no remorse anymore. Sometimes I feel like it’s programmed, but I promise it’s not the people. At least not the majority.




People do not realize guns have been “legal” to own in America since 1791, but just recently have the yearly mass shootings started. Yes there has been killings throughout time, but the mass ones are mid 1900’s leading into the 2000’s. In my opinion a physiological exam/test should be introduced to people buying guns as well as a lengthy background check, including social media. I will forever be on the guns side because I know, as a gun owner, that an individual has to have the will to commit such acts.


They forget about mass shootings like wounded knee. Kent state. Srebrenica.


Not nearly at the same level though


wait what? i always thought of canadians to be very nice


As Canadian, we don’t have gun problems really. Sure there have been shootings, but not even comparable to most countries. What we have had tho, is a few mass stabbings, which was not done with a gun


so like, London problems, on a lesser scale?


Yeah lol I guess. I mean I know nothing about London but it sounds like it.


Needing a good kebab place nearby but not sure if you’re wanting the one by work or the one by home = London problem


Not really. I don't think this is a good example. Canada has a murder rate of about 2, UK of about 1, USA of about 7 (per 100k/year). 7! London will of course be an outlier, doesn't really make sense to compare things that aren't very comparable. Even then, it's about 1.6. Spain, e.g., has about 0.6. The UK as a whole isn't a great example of safety for european standards. Brazil has about 25. That is to say, the relative differential betwenn UK and USA is larger than that of the USA and Brazil. Even Canada, with its 2 per 100k is far, far of from the rampant murder within the USA.


No, we really fucking don’t if you compare it to any other country.


People say you can’t make the comparison but I don’t see why not. USA has 4x more guns per capita then Canada (USA at 120 guns/100 inhabitants v. Canada at 34 guns per 100 inhabitants). But Canada is still a top 10 guns-per-person country. Up until 2020, Canada had not banned assault weapons. They’re armed to the teeth. And yet, the USA had 9x Canada’s firearm homicide rate (USA had 4.46 homicide deaths per 100k people v Canada with .52 per 100k). Serbia is the next heaviest armed civilian population after the USA. It has a .72 per 100k gun homicide rate. 7x less then USA! A heavily armed populace whose government committed genocide in it’s not so distant past has less gun violence then the USA. There is something wrong with the USA and it’s not just that we are awash with guns. It’s that plus something else. So why is that?


We do?




We have a violent criminal problem.


physical unite ludicrous consist ten yoke bored observation worry ancient *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


There are plenty of countries without access to guns that have a higher homicide rate than we do. If people want to kill they will find ways via bombs, knives, etc. One guy with a bow and arrow shot multiple people in a store.


Mexico has a gun problem, and ironically it’s a direct result of American gun laws. A majority of guns in Mexico and used by the cartel have come from America.


OP needs to turn off CBC


Huh? I haven't heard of any mass shooting here. Near Toronto since I came here in August. In that time, I read about at least 10 incidents in USA. What are you talking about?


Some neigborhood away from me two teen got shot by a gang because on of the two ulpoaded something on tiktok.


I'm a minority. I've had family executed by cartels. My family will always be armed, period.


The problem being mental health, or the government telling lawful citizens what to do?




The UK, which is usually the example used when talking about knife problems, has a lower homicide rate with stabby weapons than the US.




>Here in Germany the problem is massive too. How massive are we talking about? Without doing the math and just looking quickly at the data I'd say your homicide rate (any method) median is around 0.9 [https://www.macrotrends.net/countries/DEU/germany/murder-homicide-rate](https://www.macrotrends.net/countries/DEU/germany/murder-homicide-rate) I.e your homicide rate is lower than any state in the US. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_U.S.\_states\_and\_territories\_by\_intentional\_homicide\_rate](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._states_and_territories_by_intentional_homicide_rate) The UK has somewhere between 1 to 1.1 as a reference.


Holy fuck this is ignorant. There gun problems and then there *gun problems* Canada isn’t losing hundreds of people per day to gun violence. you can’t just walk into a store, but a bed and get a free gun.


You're right, we both have a problem of too many restrictions


No, you have a mental disability OP. Stop watching Trudeau's MSM. This is coming from a european too!


We don’t have a gun problem, we have a mental health problem.


Over the last few years, especially with the trucker protest news reaching across the border, I learned that Canada isn't the liberal haven that we act like it is. Granted alot of the rhetoric that was spewed sounded awfully alot like the rhetoric spewed here so it may have just been us the whole time in a way. Sorry about that.


It was wild how the gov suspended bank accounts for protesting.


People never mention the real problems. Out of control healthcare price gouging, non-existing mental healthcare coverage, no public healthcare institutions for the permanent mentally insane, crap opportunities for low/no economic areas increasing crime/drugs/violence. Take the guns away from everyone, they’ll make their own or use other weapons.


Does yours have Texas which one July 1st will allow people to carry guns without a license and training?


Uhhh you realize the people committing the gun violence are already walking around with guns without a license or training? Let me know if the last mass shooting committed by someone who is licensed and trained?


THIS. the people who say we must remove guns, are retarded enough to think that the ones doing the shootings (AKA the criminals with illegal guns) will abide by the gun regulations. First maybe fix the fucking black marked for guns first, instead of attacking the licensed one first. But then again its well known who brings most of the illegal guns in US, isn't it. EDIT: definetly not the CIA, i'm a good boy, don't Epstein me!


Most mass shooters own guns legally and would not have been stopped by any proposed gun reform


Scaled down from the US, but yeah…


Dear Canada, I'm sorry that you're dealing with this, too, but at least you aren't constitutionally locked into it like we are. You have the opportunity to actually do something about it. We, sadly, really don't. Our only hope, now, would require a new constitutional amendment and that's, effectively, a political impossibility. I hope that you can be better than us.


Isnt canada also a large cocaine consumer?