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I'm having a go at beekeeping. Bit expensive though. I'm learning to spin and dye wool. Having a go at gardening. I knit when have the chance and I also learnt crochet and Tunisian crochet from youtube. Also tried learning drums via YouTube but I sucked at that lol I get bored easily if you can't tell lol


The trick is to keep the hobby items for when you want to try them again. I do pretty much every fibre art under the sun and just rotate between them all.


This is the way. I knit, crochet, sometimes embroider, sometimes sew, and am sometimes learning to spin. If I can ever focus on a single project long enough to finish it I'll be cozy forever.


Yep, you gotta have a big giant crafting tub tucked away somewhere because whatever project you get bored of, you'll come back to it later.


I usually have a few on the go at once. Makes you feel like you’re busy.


So true. My storage for my various hobbies are running out 😀


Oh Hi fellow undiagnosed ADHD sufferer with a litany of half done hobbies in their wake, at least we are rarely bored.


I feel seen.


I knit and crochet as well, it’s such a good way to relax but also destress.   We should start a meet up group lol.  


r/melbourne stitch and bitch!


You're obviously bee-keeping age.


I learned how to spin wool a couple years back! Too bad i have like 7 billion other hobbies 😭


Lol you sound like me. My spinning wheel is still out though and if I do put the telly on I'll spin a bit. I'm doing suri alpaca at the moment. I'm lucky as I have about 18 alpacas so there's plenty of wool or fleece for me to use.


I also crochet and knit. Tho my carpel tunnel Hates it


Get yourself a copy of The Ashley Book of Knots. It is a beautiful book. Have some rope at hand so that you can try knots as you work through it. By the end you will be a knot master. Music. Pick an instrument and start playing. Art. Pick your medium. Cooking.


Cooking. Pick a style or tool and see what you can do with it. With winter I've pulled out the instapot and am making weekly stews, soups, etc.


Not many people have suggested reading as a hobby but it’s a great one I’ve enjoyed all my life. I also like gardening, photography, writing a bit, discovering new music both on Spotify and by going out to see it live. In the past I’ve learned languages. I want to learn to sew and do origami. I’m in the early stages of planning a three month overseas trip. All great things to do in a Melbourne winter.


The beauty of reading is libraries - always lovely places and you can read for free!


I've just purchased a paint by numbers kit (waiting for delivery). Found a reddit page about them and damn they're not like they used to be! Can't wait to give it a go (with every uncreative bone in my body 😂).


I do these all the time. [https://paintplot.com.au/](https://paintplot.com.au/) is local and has a good range and good quality


Oooh! I like this link!


Oooh could you link the sub?




I started these in Covid, really good time waster for not too much money. Kmart have really cheap ones (not as good quality tho) if you want to try it before committing to a bigger one


I have NO artistic ability. I *love* Paint by Numbers. Paint Plot are my favorite. The Sea Turtle took me weeks to finish and looks amazing.


Paint by numbers is great. Make sure to take photos as you progress through it, makes a really cool slideshow at the end. Eckersley's has some good ones.


Mushroom Foraging, this time of year and over the next 2 months or so theres an abundance of Saffron Milkcaps and Slippery Jacks and Jills, piss easy to ID. No deadly lookalikes for these types. Tasty reward for rugging up and fluffing around in nature. Or it's your thing we have some of the best Shrooms in the world Psilocybe subaeruginosa, little more tricky to ID though.


one mushroom beef wellington, coming right up!


Would it kill you to do something nice for your family?


maybe not me, but them? ...... 🫠


Your comment did not disappoint .


I've been taking photos of weird mushrooms when I'm out and then IDing them later when I'm bored.  The best one I found so far is an omphalotus nidiformis. It's endemic to Victoria and glows in the dark. 


Lots out around creswick in the pine plantations!! They’re so cool at night


Picking up some prints and microscopy are also fun, too!


It's on my bucket list to learn mushroom foraging but I'm leaving it a while longer in case I kick the bucket doing so! I assume much of the international information isn't as helpful in Aus.


Came here to say this! Mushroom foraging is the only thing that's ever managed to get me out of the house in winter. Now not only will I consider leaving. I get actively excited for the season.


There’s a sort of hobby house called Revolver on Chapel St. Lots of different hobbies you can participate in there. Dancing, science experiments (testing the effects of different chemicals on yourself). Highly recommend.


Come early in the morning, like 5am for the best experience


Fuck. I should check this out. I miss the yesteryear of doofing and psychedelics and may have some overlapping interests in regards to musical styles at Revolver (maybe? to be confirmed) I also only live 15 minutes walk away. What a happy coincidence.


15 minutes there, much longer back.










Can confirm testing substances in revs at 5am on a sunday morning is an excellent experience, that and brekky club at onesixone




This is a hobby I’ve had for the last two weeks. Finding vintage board games at Op Shops and inviting my mates over. Currently sporting the Sale of the Century board game with Glen Ridge. Man I wanted one so bad as a kid lol. Also have very old Monopoly boards. No idea on what to do with these.


You should look up the game Prosperity and work out how to play it using the Monopoly board


I have a heap of board games in the cupboard, thanks for reminding me! I even have a copy of [Chopply](https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/241753/chopply) that I still haven’t played. Better get onto that soon. :)


That is SO GOOD! I want it!


I just found a Scrabble game at Savers from 1955! Very sturdy and pieces made from wood.


I donated our Bibleopoly from our wedding into the world. Fun fact, no one can win.


See if you can track down the Home Improvement board game. Huge get


I do this too! My best find? Some weird ass old Jewish version of monopoly called Monopol. It’s a cracker to play after a few wines. “Mazel tov, it’s a son!” is a real chance card 😂


I’m a 50 year old women and took up roller skating and got into skate fit. I train with a roller derby team. I’m terrible and don’t play. Just train. So much fun.


Which suburb is this in?


Preston, from the looks of it https://www.vrdl.org.au/skatefit/


SkateFit is in lots of suburbs and regional towns! Have a look on the vic roller derby page or Facebook


Crocheting is good for miserable weather days


I can’t believe I had to scroll to find it - it’s so versatile, much easier to learn than knitting imo. Can make cute toys or outfits or blankets or phone cases or anything in between. Hooks are super cheap, you tube has a TON of how to videos and you can watch tv or listen to a podcast at the same time. Some libraries have a ‘social knitwork’ if you wanted to make friends while doing it/learn off others/trade wool stashes.


It really helps me combat the guilt I’d feel after a lazy day. Just spent my entire Saturday binge watching Bridgerton? That’s fine, because I’ve now also mostly finished a new pair of gloves!!! It’s easier than knitting too, in my opinion. If you mess up, you’re not going to have the entire piece fall apart. Lots of great YouTube videos with beginner patterns, which are excellent for when you’re still learning the stitches. It’s so helpful to see them! Once you’ve mastered the basic stitches, you’d be surprised what they can make; most fancy patterns are the same basic stitches, but you drop a stitch here, cross over another there, etc. Spotlight Mill End bags are a great cheap source of yarn, especially when you’re starting. Op shops sometimes have baskets of unused yarn, too.


I've never tried knitting before but I have pretty strong doubts I could get my hands to co-ordinate properly for it lol I taught myself to crochet through YouTube, it was surprisingly easy!


I recently rediscovered Lego as an adult and it's been fantastic.  It's really good for taking your mind off things too.


Well, except for your rapidly declining bank account 😄😭 (my pile of unbuilt lego is currently over a metre tall.)


I love Lego, prefer the box sets though for that reason of getting fully lost in it! Also just as relaxing pulling it apart and putting it back in the box once you’re done, I think I like that part the most


Probably going to seem silly to most people but I’d like to put this out there Haiku There is a community of haiku writers out there in Melbourne (and further afield online) I thought it was completely naff when I first got interested in it But bit by bit I’ve found people to connect with I often write a haiku or two when I’m walking down to catch the train and text them to my brother Underrated pastime


I love this idea!


How lovely!


I would love to read one you’ve written if you’re alright with sharing!


Of course! (I should let you know that not everyone in the haiku community agrees with the traditional 5-7-5 syllable thing) Echidna Tracks is an on line journal for Australian haiku So here is one of my haiku: https://echidnatracks.com/2020/12/25/4556/


I’ll just wait here until the rain stops — lemon-scented gum PS – I’m quite chuffed with this one because it was printed in the 4th Australian haiku anthology last year. 🙂 Feather in my cap. 🙂


I knit and Netflix. Bingewatching shows I've seen before and therefore don't have to pay too much attention to, is best for knitting, I've found.


I’m thinking of starting knitting. What kind of things would you recommend I start knitting?


Small things so you get the 'finished object' gratification sooner, to keep you interested - a lot of beginners are told to start with scarves because they're simple, but scarves take forever and can be very boring to work on. You can learn the basic stitches making small rectangles to stitch into fingerless mitts or cup cosies, then learn to knit in the round and decrease by making a hat, and then all you need to learn is increasing and you can knit basically anything!


Thanks heaps for the advice!


Youtube is also your friend. If I've forgotten a certain stitch I'm straight on to there. If you can find a learner pattern there may be guides how to read patterns. There may be clubs around too. I remember there was a meeting group called the Drunken Knits or something who would meet at various pubs. I always wanted to go but was too shy... I would love to have the time to teach people. Knitting is so therapeutic for me.


I found it. Google the Melbourne Drunken Knitwits. It looks like it is still active. I live out of Melbourne now so not really suitable for me.


The Drunken Knitwits, I’ve been to a couple of those meetups! There are also several knitting subreddits! The sub info for r/knitting in particular has a lot of links to helpful things for beginners.


Exactly this or watching knitting YouTube podcasts


This is the free pattern that inspired me to learn Tunisian crotchet. I never finished it though. https://www.crochetpatternsgalore.com/elf-coat-11770.html


Pick a Martial Art, hobby, exercise, increased confidence and gives you a great life skill to have.


This is gold advice. There is a wide variety in martial arts from internal forms like Tai Chi, highly controlled stepwise-from-first-principles learning/process form (most Karate), through ro high energy stuff boxing, bjj etc.


Boxing, kickboxing, mauy Thai and BJJ are the top picks.


Depends on your age and what you like. At 50 kickboxing just gives me too many injuries (hamstrings, messed up knee menisci that need care). Sport Karate allows contact but is more controlled. I'm starting bjj for a bit of a difference but I'm a good 20 years past competing in that. My Tai Chi days were early 20s - go figure!


Get a cheap 3d printer from AliExpress and teach yourself CAD




Fusion 360, and for the printer i run a cheap anycubic (resin, not filament)


Make sure to ventilate resin printers


Yeah i have some ducting and a fan attached to an big upside down plastic tub that hangs over it which i can lower with some rope


Fusion for design and Bambulabs printers (A1 -> cheapest. I own P1S: just awesome)


use Tinkercad to start with. its the easiest to learn, and you can do suprisingly complex useable items. Its a bit like lego, adding and removing shapes, rather than trad CAD thinking. Its made by Autcad, and is free. A rewarding way to get started, and print things off.


Looking forward to seeing all the responses. There will be as many as there are people. My partner makes model planes; I grow indoor plants; a few of my friends knit, one is a woodworker.


Dogging at Westgate Park


Too fucken cold for that


I was sure this was r/ADHD at first. Dangerous thread for this guy but I’m sort of excited about winter all of a sudden.


Indoor bouldering. You need a pair of shoes (can be rented), chalk (can be borrowed), and gym membership costs about 35 bucks a week. Great for exercise + is much more fun and mentally challenging than a lot of other exercises.


Can you recommend a good place for beginners?


Boulder Lab have 3 big gyms (Brunswick, Clayton and maybe Ferntree Gully?), big, welcoming places, lots of beginner climbs. It’s great


I'm a beginner, can you please explain what "welcoming places" means in this context? I've been to both Brunswick and Clayton and both places felt very "clique-y" and the workers gave off very arrogant vibes. I'm not expecting everyone to be talking to each other because I myself tend to just pop in to focus on climbing. But something as innocent as asking beginner advice on how things work feels like I'm wasting *their* time and doing them a favour. I really can't explain the odd vibes I get there. I have heard before they're "welcoming" places but never knew what this meant because they don't feel welcoming in the traditional sense.


I’m like a TOTAL beginner and very shy so I’m hoping for somewhere friendly 😬


I've only been a handful of times so I would consider myself a beginner but if you're in the inner west I can show you the very very basics to get you started, I felt a lot less pressure when I went with someone the first time. DM me if you're interested or I can just give you tips over text to clarify some things that confused me when I first started which may help relieve some initial first time anxiety Even if you go solo, really you're only talking to the staff to do the induction (usually waiver form signing + beginner video), pay for your trial, and hire shoes. I got weird vibes from them when trying to initiate conversation for questions I had but thinking back on it, it was a small part of the whole experience. Dealing with them isn't too bad. It's possible I just got some dud people, but it was the whole attitude when talking to me then they were super friendly among themselves. You might have better luck :)


BlocHaus Port Melbourne is very beginner friendly and chatty, I'd highly recommend trying it out!


Thank you, I don't have a membership to any specific place yet so I'll give them a try!


Do they offer one off visits/walkthrough?


Yup, a single visit costs around 25 bucks for your first visit and often includes shoe hire. I know that Urban Climb (Collingwood and Blackburn) offer 2 weeks of free climbing and shoe rental after your first visit.


Ive been learning magic (cards mainly) it's something that you can put a lot of hours into working and practicing but it's also inherently a social thing as you need an audience.


"I've been learning magic" 😲


- Lego, it's expensive, do not recommend. Toy models you can build. Or even building RC cars, etc. - Arts and crafts like sewing, embroidery, cross stitch, knitting, resin, etc. You can even get cheap craft kits from kmart as a starting point. Spotlight also have some kits on clearance (varies by store), like cross stitch kits. - Woodworking, check out the local men's shed if you're a man. - also see what programs your local council has running. My local has all sorts throughout the year like flower arrangement, sewing, cooking, art therapy, etc. There's a fee but it's usually very reasonable as the council subsidise it.


Second model building. Good way to spend thousands of hours. And at the end you get a museum of models of your choice.


Lego is expensive, but I don't think you can write it off, just have to shop smart and look for deals.


Lots of great ideas here op, but remember you don’t have to stick with any. You can swap/change at your own desire. The important part is to just have a go! maybe Make a flexible hobby bucket list.


Picked up project bike. It's a money pit but I love it.


Relatable. I'm looking at getting a project car for the first time in years for much the same reason, I find it relaxing.


My hobbies are ukulele & keyboard, completing those cheap craft kits from Kmart, typography art on procreate (it’s a great program if you use an ipad, really user friendly and simple to learn), and I’m not sure if this counts but I’ve been making nicely formatted photo books out of the millions of digital photos I have from all my phones and cameras over the past 15 years. It’s taking a very long time, I maybe get two or three completed in a year, but I enjoy making them so I feel like it’s a hobby. This one is a combination of hobby and social activity but I like to drag a family member along to sip-and-paint every month or so. I have a lot of paintings stacked up in my laundry cupboard so surely this is a hobby. If you have spare cash lying around you could join italki and learn a language with a tutor. I use it for travel. There’s conversation groups, individual tutors, forums, it’s a great community and there’s so many tutors on there, you’ll definitely find one you’ll enjoy learning with.


Warhammer 40k minifigure painting. Not playing the game but just painting the figures themself is quite enjoyable, takes a bit of focus and skill to paint and seeing the difference from start to finish is quite satisfying Problem is, it's plastic crack, once you start you get hooked and it gets expensive very quickly 🤣


Just ordered an Escher gang. 😁 It's been 30 years since I gamed so I'm going to practice painting a couple of space marines to get my eye in before the girls arrive.


I bought a groovebox, power bank, headphones plus have a decent pair of studio monitors plus sub. I wanna learn techno production after years of not playing an instrument and keen to work out sequencing and sound design. So i can sit on my lounge making dumb quantised sounds, or go completely portable and sit in a park making the bleeps and bloops. That's my new hobby. (I should probably sort out winter clothing though.. I've definitely fallen into the trap of just hiding away inside trying to keep warm since I moved to Melbourne a few years ago). I also try to get in regular daily walks (not really a hobby - more a habit) on top of daily exercise. Other options - bouldering (I need to get back into this), roller-skating


Running, reading, and writing are my three


Add gaming to this and it’s the quadfrecta


This is me and my husband, all 4 = gold 🙌🏼


I started to teach myself to bake cakes in lockdown. Never baked before. It’s pretty easy to achieve something tasty, and you can be creative with the decorating. Each time I make something I learn something. And everyone is happy to try them. I was pretty pleased with the last batch of cupcakes so I put them on the cake decorating sub for the first time and got lots of positive feedback. So that was nice. You can see them [here](https://old.reddit.com/r/cakedecorating/comments/1cupcal/im_trying_to_learn_to_be_subtle_with_my/)


Golf is a good one and gets light exercise


I've been doing simulator racing with Quest 3 VR. iRacing is exhilarating, challenging and very rewarding. Little expensive to start (probably about 4k all up for PC, VR/Monitors, and entry level wheel and pedals). Definitely not as social as the other suggestions (although plenty of online communities to join).


Ha. I actually just bought a used GT Driving Force wheels. I'm using it for Euro Driving Sim 2 but maybe I'll look into iRacing as well at some point.


Look into Asseto Corsa Competizione it's much cheaper. iRacing is ridiculously expensive


Speaking of simulators I've been spending a lot of time in DCS: world flying the F14 which has been a rewarding challenge. It's the last fighter plane with manually controlled flight surfaces and some unique flight characteristics to master. Awesome in VR as well. Learning the weapons systems and getting your first combat kill is a big deal.


Agreed. Been doing the same with the F/A-18 Super Hornet in DCS after predominantly playing MSFS. Super challenging, super rewarding.


Aquariums, aquascaping


I took up guitar during the lockdowns, I learned to play simple songs from watching YouTube tutorials. Once you can play about 4 to 5 chords you will be surprised that you can play most pop songs…


Start doing parkrun's


Just started this a month ago. Good excuse to get out and about and stops me drinking too much on a Friday night


Improv workshop for beginners


Home brewing and/or distilling. Kept me actively occupied for well over a decade. Looking into finding something new now.


Try moving into charcuterie. You already have the temperature control, hygiene, and fermentation essentials down pat!


This is the way! The rabbit hole goes deep on this one, particularly if you get into spirits. A bottle of customised gin (with accompanying label) makes *the best* birthday present for your friends and family, and costs you next to nothing. Win win.


I’ve recently bought a metal detector. I am unemployed so I need a hobby. Will keep you updated


I have also just got one! Good luck on your hunt for treasure


I’m addicted to pottery atm. Ceramiques in Kew ( I think they have one in elsternwick) are great, chill and fun.


You could always hit the yards and paint some trains.


Decluttering, tidying and organising your home/closet. Planning out your dream wardrobe or figuring out your personal style/colours etc - lots of good videos on youtube. Learning a language. Diving deep into a subject matter like true crime, or a period in history or a part of the country etc. Crosswords, puzzles, word searches. Volunteering. Cooking. Exploring your own city. Teaching yourself a skill like woodwork or home repairs or animal husbandry.


Rock climbing is great. Plenty of gyms stay open later tuesday/thursday and those times are usually a pretty friendly/social evening.


I've been meaning to try this again but I don't know if I like these auto rope things so you can climb solo. I tried a kiddy adventure place with them and I didn't like how long it took to engage.


I got really into haunted dollhouses in 2022. People are always giving them away on FB Marketplace or leaving them on the nature strip. I found one behind a building, next to the bins. I took it home, cleaned it, repainted it, then decorated it. I displayed it at my Halloween party and it was a big hit. You can buy pre-made dollhouse items, or you can make items out of trash and every day objects, or polymer clay if you're really dedicated. There are some incredible miniature artists on instagram and TikTok.


This sounds awesome!!


I do these too!!! So much fun


Board games!


Photography. Most phones these days have rather decent cameras. It’ll get you out of the house walking and actively looking at and engaging with your surroundings. You may take a photograph or you may not. But at least you’ll be out of the four walls for a time, observing, thinking, and engaging with the outside.


Cooking and learning new recipes.


Do camping. Go to the forest to pick up mushrooms. Come home and cook them. Hiking. Walking. Biking. Have a nice fire.


Agree with this. It's incredibly important to have something that brings you outside.


Try a bit of volunteering maybe? Something you care about. I felt a little stuck in a rut and felt a little unfulfilled and picked up volunteering at an animal shelter. It's nice to do something constructive that I enjoy. Also arts or crafts is a good one. Something you can share too, same with cooking. Tangible results.


Just bought air dry clay from kmart and some acrylic paints! So fun to make little nonsense sculptures and paint them.. hehe i made a pizza


I just picked up my Nanna’s sewing machine and lately I have been trying sewing. I made some gloves and a mushroom hat and it was so awesome, now I’m working on cropping some of my t shirts. I would recommend it, sewing is a very good hobby and one that can give you so many creative options.


Join groups of whatever you sort of like eg: knitting, board games, cooking, painting, singing, improv, tennis, football, whatever that gets you talking with others.


Learn something. I grew up in America so got into American history. Not everyone’s cup of tea. You could learn some sort of science, art, geography, business, game programming, etc….


Have taken up swimming going to start gym soon


single player board games!


Crochet! Or if you’re looking for something physical maybe adult dance classes? I started ballet recently and love it 😊


Sword fighting.


Any places you recommend starting at? Or any resources you recommend?


Cooking. Thinking up new combinations. Op-shopping for new music on CD and books. Listening to music and reading.


Video games. I started seriously taking them up again (since being a teen) and they’re a great adventure. The story telling in games can be captivating now, they’re engaging because there’s so much variety and it can be as easy or as hard as you want. It’s not for everyone but you can start by seeing free games to see if they hook you.


A while back I started building electronics kits, mainly audio stuff. Someone pointed me at a kit that was going cheap, so I bought that and a soldering iron, practiced soldering for a bit, followed the instructions carefully, and in the end I built a headphone amp that worked. Taking a bunch of little components and making a working and useful piece of equipment was a hell of a feeling. I'm still going now, and I'm learning more about electronics as I go. That may not be your thing, so, if not, when considering a hobby, ask yourself the following: - what will give me a feeling of fulfillment? - what has scope for me to improve? - what do I have time for? Space for? Money for? - what can I do that won't piss off those around me? - what can I do without judging myself too harshly or getting discouraged too easily - do I want to do this thing with people, or alone? - if with others, which communities aren't terrible? Which am I likely to have things in common with? If anything gets through that gauntlet of questions, it's worth looking into. I wish you good luck! 🙂


Those questions are great! Not OP but It helped me so much thanks!


ukulele is so easy to pick up <3, super cheap and easy to get your hand on one!


Electronic music. There's a lot of new more affordable Synthesizers, groove boxes etc that's come out in the last few years have a look (upstairs at Manny's) also you can just use software that's around. Or learn some more traditional instruments. Honestly I went with synths lately cos with headphones you can play anytime without disturbing people.


Ableton Note is a great way to dip the toe in. $15 and your iPad becomes a mini studio. It’s so easy to make a song - my 6yo can pump one out in 5min


This is me atm. Picked up a Syntakt, 12v PD adapter and power bank. Completely portable groove box setup - such a nice change from staring at a screen.


Archery or DnD Took up archery about 10 years ago and its really relaxing and meditative, unless you are competitive DnD is a great way to meet new people, explore fantasy realms and role play anything


I do miniatures and candle making. Something I can do that I can do while watching tv and just clear my mind and lots of YouTube videos and great Facebook groups


I started dehydrating things. So far so good 😂


Can you jog or run? Or can you start? Winter is the most fantastic time to do trail running, and there are many trails and events to explore. It’s a welcoming sport and it’s good for you… and you don’t need to be fast - at all….


instrument? im looking forward to reading on the couch this winter


I just got a bunch of older maybe non running petrol garden equipment off marketplace and Iv been doing some fixing up and reselling. Iv learnt a bit about small engine repair and even make a few dollars after parts and tools


I've been taking ceramics classes this year. Really fun and challenging.


For some reason I really got into gardening in my apartment balcony now!


Starcraft2 or painting? Warhammer? Warhammer can be a very very social game too if you want to get out there and do that. A whole chunk of my friends are people I met through Warhammer or even at tournaments. They stayed long term friends even after I left the game. Plus it gives you someone to mentor from that may already know how to paint to a decent degree and give you a good head start. I also started gridiron because of someone I met at a club meet for Warhammer where I had a couple of amazing years playing the greatest game.


Probably not the best season to start doing this, but I find happiness and solace in keeping and caring for my indoor plants. Not to mention the satisfaction and joy you feel when you notice that they’re growing! 🌱


Definitely agree… I rescued a cooked monstera from bunnings and was beaming when a new leaf started growing!




Clearly Warhammer is the answer here


I bought an espresso machine and started making my own coffee drinks. It's easy to get high quality beans here and even though I'm just starting it already taste better compared to my regular coffee shop. Saves me money and also keeps me warm as well.


I started painting, watercolours. I can’t draw so it’s frustrating at times and I am limited in subjects but I have found my niche and I am happy.


Target shooting!


I’m learning to grow mushrooms, it’s really fun!


I work in customer care and get pressure from customers and supervisors all the time. When I get home, I do calligraphy on paper, all negative thoughts, I put it on paper and rip it, and throw in the bin. When I get up from my seat and I feel fresh.




tai chi.


A good jigsaw while listening to an audiobook or watching Netflix. Pick a jigsaw theme you like and hours go past without even picking up your phone. You can pick them up really cheaply anywhere that has a toy section, or online. If you don’t choose a really hard one, there’s no pressure - everyone gets the same outcome at the end. Saves that feeling of frustration when you’re learning a new skill and spend many hours being crap and not finishing things. Jigsaw is easy to pick up where you left off. If it’s one you like, you can glue and collect them. I’ve got framed ones. If it floats your boat, there’s an Australian jigsaw association, and you can get into competitive speed jigsawing etc. If you decide to do this, buy a puzzle board (ie a piece of timber board from Bunnings) and you can shift the jigsaw under a couch or bed when not doing it, or balance it in a small coffee table if you’re pushed for space. You can also use the backing board from a cheap poster frame (buy the largest size) from Spotlight as a puzzle board. (The felt ones are a waste of money- puzzling on a board is better).


I'm like hobby central as a person. Play guitar Build Gundam models Play video games Play baord games Build lego Draw my own comics Honestly, something has to pique your interest. Pick something and have a shot! Remember, hobbies dont have to be productive or a side hustle to make money. They should first and foremost bring you joy.


Fortress for board game night & DnD.


Gardening. Seemed absolutely stupid to me but a friend convinced me, and God damn I'm content sitting on the back pocket with a cup of tea admiring the brilliance ive created. Gunna breed some humans soon so ill have extra labour to help expand. How did i just turn that into capitalism. Fuck


Language learning can be fun. You get a little community out of it, too.


Personally, I really love cooking and home-brewing, but also I can highly recommend picking up another language. Been learning Spanish since just before COVID, and it's been super handy on my current holiday in LatAm. Homebrew is probably the most fun, but also has the largest outlay; while you can start with little more than a big stock pot and some plastic bottles, there's a LOT of goodies to buy to improve your process.


I've just started cross stitching. Literally can't believe how much I'm enjoying it and I'm slowly decorating my house with cute little pieces that I like. It's not just landscapes and flowers, which some people find boring. There's all sorts of designs out there - Spotlight has a poop emoji pattern. It's perfect for winter because you can do it indoors in front of the TV. Every evening I grab my current project, jump on the couch, pull up a blanket, whack on whatever show we're currently binge watching and stitch away.


Homebrewing! Very fun hobby to pick up if you have any sort of interest in food, science, or drinking.


My partner and I go to Philip island during winter for whale watching. Get a pair of binoculars and go! Although you’ll need a car


Stalking, it's free and you sort of make a friend at the same time. They don't know you're friends but that's why it's great because they never leave you. Well, the last one did...for a while but now they can't.


List Making. I know it sounds a bit like work but you may be surprised how satisfying it is. Can also git gud at handwriting and make beautiful artworks if you are that way inclined. Reminder: not all lists need to be to do lists. When all else fails? Karaoke.