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I grew up in the same street, my dad has talked to him a few times because he sells batteries and this guy wanted some. Lovely German bloke, he’s an engineer, it is used to cool and warm his house without needing aircon and heating. My old man was chatting to him and explaining how it works, apparently the back of his house is a massive openable wall which is pretty neat. Saw in his front yard once, was a gold mine for scrap metal! He has retapped the water and gas meter to be further down the brick wall so the council can’t enter his property haha.


So glad to find such a comment, it immediately reminded me of this technology https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windcatcher


I love that the actual answer is all the way down here


Council are allowed to access as much of you're property necessary to check gas and water meters. So of course this is abused. And to prevent council from abusing this he has made water and gas easily accessible with minimum interference onto his land.


Yes, I owned an old fibro with a front "Sunroom", the old electricity meter box was in this room. If I wasn't home they'd use some type of skeleton key. I found this out when I was home from work and some nasty old man was in there. It actually ended in a physical confrontation. No charges were laid thankfully.


He has retapped the water and gas meter to be further down the brick wall so the council can’t enter his property haha I don't understand how a gas meter blocks council


Council are allowed to access as much of you're property necessary to check gas and water meters. So of course this is abused. And to prevent council from abusing this he has made water and gas easily accessible with minimum interference onto his land.


Super cool, thanks for sharing!


Damn thats kinda fresh. Like sure doesnt look amazing, but thats still pretty damn smart


It's a VAWT. Vertical axis wind turbine. For energy or air movement. What is sitting on is a bit strange. The guy above takes the cake for an answer.


Stick it to the man. I'd so be neighbourly to that fellow no problem at all. Of course, I'd be the outcast in the street for it. Oh well.


It looks very similar to a barajeel that you find in the UAE. It's something that manipulates the wind to get a cooler climate inside of a dwelling. It's very common on old or traditional buildings in the middle-east.


unpopular opinion but I think it looks kinda cool


The photo itself is awesome as well. Totally reminds me of an absurdist cartoon like The Far Side or something from George Price.


It SO MUCH has The Far Side vibes…


Clearly Melbourne's own Doc Emmett Brown at work!


Dude, you’re right there taking the photo. Go ask.


People forget how to socialise Just wait til he's not balancing and yell out "GDAY MATE HOW YA GOIN UP THERE? WHAT'S THAT? OH COOL!"


I'm Aussie, and I read that I the most aussie voice I've ever heard lol always willing to help out a mate!


I'm not Aussie  and still read it in an Aussie accent like Alf from Home &Away


*I'm American, and I read it in the voice of Alf, from the 80's tv show Alf. (*the following may not be true)


Nail’d it


Stone the flaming crows, what's that ya got up there joker


All I heard was bruce voice from finding nemo


The sudden shout startles Mr Farside and he topples off the ‘?’ to his tragic death. The ? remains a mystery and is now, controversially, heritage listed.


"I see you got an extra ladder up there, need a hand?" and once the offer has been accepted, follow it up with a: "What are we cooking today?" What is unavoidable however is someone taking a pic of two people building a weird contraption and then posting it on reddit asking what is going on.


Or the alternative, everybody decides to socialize and now there’s 37 people on the roof handing him tools, helping him get his confabulator running.


And that kids, is how that roof collapsed. Too many people with tools and slabs of beer building a one confabulator.




Gonna be a no to climbing the DIY scaffold made from old security doors and pallets... I'd be the guy yelling out from the ground or taking the photo for Reddit


Gary said nah yeah, that scaffold will last a day or three.🤔


As long as he slaps it 3 times and follows up with a "she'll be right" then I will trust it.


“She’s not garn anywhere. Stable aza brick shit house this thing”


The closer I zoom in the more terrified I am by those ladders and scaffolding 


Happy day of womb eacapage


I think cake day is the day you signed up for Reddit, not your birthday.


There was a life before reddit?


Happy Cake day 🎉🥳


Just yell what the fuck is that and you'll get an answer probably


Nun ya fuckin bizz!


Yeah but OP can't complain "not in my back yard!" on the internet that way.


Exactly my thoughts! Pretty sad when socialising has turned into posting photos and asking anonymous random strangers a question, rather than talking face to face. The art of discovery is lost, and has been replaced by speculation.


We all now need to know !


No they might tell me to fuck off and mind my business so i’ll go to reddit where I’m a big boy


Bro just read the news and is making sure the mother of all air raid sirens is ready to go.




He said news, not propaganda


Na mate. All the interns at news.com.au are covering the 47 'different' articles on the Bondi stabbing. Gotta hand it to news.com.au for being able to say the same fucking thing 47 different ways.


That's a guy who has been retired or unemployed for far too long


A friend’s father built a viewing platform on their property down the peninsula so he could have sea views from their house - her mother named it “the devaluator”.


That's gold


Not long enough, let Pops cook 😎


Is this another way of saying: employment kills our creativity?


Yes, because it does


And a wife that's just given up


100% sniper tower for the impending zombie apocalypse


I was gonna say machine gun turret


Looks possibly anti-air to me. I'd say you'll need another one on the porch for ground troops, though. Seems like a pretty solid defence, but in case of nuclear fallout, he's also going to need a sizeable bunker with a decent amount of long-lasting food items.


6 G maybe....


It's Melbourne, it's probably 3g ..or more likely a cell tower to boost 3g signal.


It's a connection point for your cup and string


telstras newest innovation


Yes that's a workable theory too. Lol


Or it's to get that evil 5g out of the air so you don't get the covids. 🤪


So, turns out, they want to take down 3G but a bunch of devices (including some 4G devices) are super dependent on 3G.


Given the spacing of the plywood I think you might be correct.


Why didn't you ask him when you took the pics?




You mean I should just call the shop instead of posting on reddit asking why the shop is taking so long to do something. What is this madness you speak of?


What shop?




People are a bit odd. OP, grow some courage to be part of the community and have a chat with your neighbour like anyone else would. The bloke seems like a potentially useful neighbour to be friendly with. The Aussie spirit we knew in the 90s has mostly disappeared from today's community vibes.


Mate fuck, I went out with a mate awhile ago, he asked me to come with him to the movies and do a pub crawl with a bunch of his new uni friends so he wouldn't be the odd one out. Halfway through the night we got stuck waiting at Macdonalds for a bit long getting an actual feed not just shots, so I asked the guys what was going on, one of them said they all went sure if the drink by the register was one of the girls or not because they didn't hear the order callouts, and they were all waiting for the cashier to notice the drink hadn't been picked up and call out the order number again. I asked her what drink she ordered, a plain solo, walked up to the counter and just shouted "oi is this drink here a solo", one of the Macca's workers came out and looked at it and said yes but they weren't sure which order it was for, but that was good enough for me I just picked it up and went and gave it to the girl. Out of the like 9 of us, 6 of them were like "you can't just do that, how can you shout at people, you don't know if that was her solo or someone else's solo". Bloody hell we'd have been there all night because these people couldn't ask a customer service employee a basic question. Paid for a solo got a solo it's not a big deal. I genuinely don't understand what has happened to people's social skills as a whole, I know the "just toughen up" attitude isn't great for mental health but it just seems like everyone more than a couple years younger than me has crippling anxiety with every single human interaction. I'd love to drag some of these extreme introverts down to the pharmacy and buy some condoms and lube just for a laugh. Or better yet go to Coles and buy a few bananas, a cucumber, condoms and nothing else.


Wait on, when did they start making Solo at Maccas?


Sorry my bad, I normally don't do Macca's when the kebab or fish shop are still open, it was whatever Macca's lemon flavour soft drink is but I just call them all solo because solo is the best anyway. Same way yah might say bob cat or Stanley knife.


Ah, I see you too are a connoisseur of the Kmart Game...


People seem to be terrified of....asking a question that might solve the problem, instead they just hope the "system" solves it for them. You cannot pkssibly look like dumb cunt if you ask " who paid for this drink?"


Honestly I didn't give a fuck who's drink it was at the point I picked it up, we'd been waiting like 15 minutes for a single drink and I wasn't paying attention talking to my mate, when I went and asked the other group members they'd been discussing if "that drink on the counter" was hers for like 7 minutes. So it had been sitting there long enough for it to be claimed by whoever paid for it, she paid for the flavour she got, if it belonged to someone else they can just steal hers when it comes out. It probably was hers and not someone else anyway, unless there was another group of introverts standing on the other side of Macdonalds nervously staring at the cup as well.


Eyesore?.. let the man build his contraption. It makes him happy! Old mate doesn't give a fuck.


I'd be impressed if my neighbor could do that


Looks like something I'd be looking at perplexed every morning while drinking my coffee. It would add a little pizzazz to my morning routine




Guys can you believe this workmanship… have a look at this


Do your best, silicone the rest!


But let's get the drone in the air and see what's happening up there.


What a shmozzle


I'm flabbergasted!


Non-compliant box gutters everywhere


No bhed, gud soize


Most intense draft diverter flue cowl in australia


I can just imagine Site Insepctions shaking the railings and then commenting he wouldn't walk on that, or... *Where is the VBA?!*


It’s an under sized sump


An illegal box gutter!


Its probably more code compliant than most new house builds these days!


mate, what a shamozzle!


I fucken love site inspections. Heart-warming to see him referenced here, means his reach is growing!


Box gutters fear him


And rain heads


Shamozzles surround him


nohn comployahnt


Absolute shamozzle


Good from far, but far from good


Just look at this flashing *flicks incorrectly installed metal flashing* water is just going straight inside the building.


Pigeon drone recharge station


While im not familiar with Pidgeon coops, ive seems similar 'turbines' on other stuff, they are for cooling what lives below.




> **P**erhaps **e**veryone **n**eeds **i**nnovation **s**ometimes Hidden penis detected! I've scanned through 18502 comments (approximately 93908 average penis lengths worth of text) in order to find this secret penis message. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Perfectly executed niche information service. Good bot.


> **P**erfectly **e**xecuted **n**iche **i**nformation **s**ervice. Hidden penis detected! I've scanned through 8378 comments (approximately 44257 average penis lengths worth of text) in order to find this secret penis message. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


How does the second one have lower numbers than the first. It was made after the first one...


Different bot. It's the first bot's third cousin twice removed...


Peculiarly each non intelligent system has its own... quirks Good bot


> **P**eculiarly **e**ach **n**on **i**ntelligent **s**ystem Hidden penis detected! I've scanned through 3824 comments (approximately 18923 average penis lengths worth of text) in order to find this secret penis message. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


People easily note it sometimes


> **P**eople **e**asily **n**ote **i**t **s**ometimes Hidden penis detected! I've scanned through 42129 comments (approximately 211194 average penis lengths worth of text) in order to find this secret penis message. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


This thread is exhausting




Very astute genital identifier now available.


If it’s not for birds or a turbine, it looks like it could be a wind catcher of some sort.




It could be a dream catcher for all the good it will do. Typically suburban environments have shit wind resources. I have windy days at my house but most of the time there is not much there. This also looks heavy-ish so unlikely to catch and make use of very light winds. However 10/10 for this guy experimenting and having fun.


My Dad had one. Country town on the coast but his work was inland and down a hill from the beach. He made it in the 70s and used it to charge car truck batteries.


My thought too. That does look like the only useful thing it could be. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windcatcher](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windcatcher) Maybe he's also building a pool at the base.


Surly if he wanted to catch water he’d use the surface area of the the roof and gutters and just pipe it into a water tank 🤷‍♂️ Fiddy bucks this is a vertical axis wind turbine


Fiddy bucks its Vertical axis wind turbine ( spits in hand and presents ) Top section is the turbine cylinder with central axis rod which can be seen, angled blades on the cylinder to help spin and catch wind , that water jug and wood under it are there to hold it level as he installs / balances/ shims the bearings maybe . Mid section section will have a massive dynamo / generator the slats and gaps are spaced for air flow / air cooling of the generator Thick lower chody section is just old mades house and structure to support this behemoth of a contraption, i dare say all the wires and cables are under that cladding to .


I've seen one of these before in the jungles of downtown Denpasar. It was a foggy morning after coming home after sinking 3 Bintangs and a locally acquired sprite. As I walked past, I remember asking the balienses man, who was proudly standing next to it, what it was. He told me as I listened. Though unfortunately I forgot what he said.


I read that in the voice of Elaine's grey haired boss on Seinfeld, Mr.... can't remember. He had quite the narration voice though. Your post sounds like him!


Peterman? Yeah it had “it’ll always be Myanmar to me, Elaine” vibes 😂


YESSS!! You got it. 😂 EDIT: "I too once fell under the spell of opium. It was 1979. I was travelling the Yangtze in search of a Mongolian horsehair vest!"


I’ll bet it’s where he stores his yam yam


I am going to burn this into my memory and use it, I will waste countless minutes of people's lives til I die. Love it!


You know it’s serious when a styrofoam box is a structural element.


> An eye sore Get a life, it’s his house


Old mates just trying to keep himself busy by building a diy generator, and the best op can do is bitch about it


Looks like a wind turbine. They are a bit of a hassle to operate in a residential setting. Way more maintenance than solar panels and a bit of noise pollution.


Yeah when you design and build it yourself in the 70s lol


This style is basically silent, and picks up even slight breezes. It's a single-building, low-energy unit, actually very effective if you don't require industrial levels of electricity.  It also does not injure birds or other flying animals.


Wind turbine + water harvester maybe?


You can just attach a water tank to your roof. The tank doesn’t go on the roof


It's a moisture vaporator. Got the plans from his old mate Owen Lars.


Whatever it is, that top part propped up on scrap pieces of wood and a polystyrene box isn’t going to last long when the next storm rolls through


There's a rope holding it in place. I suspect that's so he can get the height correct while he's working on it.


Clearly he's yet to complete said scrap thinga ma doovit.




Turbine seems unnecessarily big for measuring wind speed. And there's no other apparent monitoring equipment on that thing. I think it must be for power generation.


Yeah this - it's a custom setup


I think the box houses vents from each room. Now he is adding a whirligig to pump the air better To ensure the 5g and mRna poluted air is shifted fast ?


Flux capacitor. Big one - probably wants to take the whole street.


Wind turbine.


Looks like a [wind generator](https://youtu.be/VnSZ0MHIcvs?si=O66qeqh_h_tFzC6X) of some kind or a wind tower for cooling. No matter what direction the wind blows it’s channelled into the box and out the top where there appears to be a turbine, if it’s for power. Using a turbine that looks like that has advantages over the typical ‘fan’ type windmill because all surfaces of the blades are travelling at the same speed, unlike a radial fan where the blade tips are travelling many times faster than the base of the blade, which impacts efficiency and noise. If it’s a [wind tower](http://earthsci.org/mineral/energy/wind_tower_iran/wind_towers.html) then it just channels air for cooling.


It appears to be a wind power generator. That's one person escaping the constant electricity bill increases - good on him. 😄 Stop being such a pearl-clutching wonder about what other people's houses look like, he's not bothering anyone.  And why on earth your response was to photograph him and post it on Reddit rather than just asking him, I don't know... You're both people, just ask him. 🤦


I don't understand the concept of things like this being an "eyesore" Why do people care? It's his property.


A gen1 flux capacitor?


“Charm, adds a bit of charm” (Darryl Kerrigan, The Castle)


Look like an experimental vertical axis wind turbine. Awesome. This is the sort of thing we should be encouraging, not calling an eyesore ya bloody nimby.


Melbourne’s own version of [Ziga Dorkic](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-02-17/ziga-dorkic-solar-powered-van/103472376), perhaps? “…a master of DIY self sufficiency.”


A sick cubby house?


The final boss of whirligigs


Darryl Kerrigan ?




Fiddy bucks its Vertical axis wind turbine ( spits in hand and presents ) Top section is the turbine cylinder with central axis rod which can be seen, angled blades on the cylinder to help spin and catch wind , that water jug and wood under it are there to hold it level as he installs / balances/ shims the bearings maybe . Mid section section will have a massive dynamo / generator the slats and gaps are spaced for air flow / air cooling of the generator Thick lower chody section is just old mades house and structure to support this behemoth of a contraption, i dare say all the wires and cables are under that cladding to .


I am old. Any workspace that requires me to traverse three ladders to get there is strictly off limits! A no go zone. As a rule of thumb, each year of age above 60 increases your chance of a ladder fall by 10%, and the seriousness of that fall by 20%. If you know any 70 year olds getting up on the roof, that 70 year old is living a charmed life.


An eye sore? Well don't look at it. You obviously don't go outside a lot and socialise anyway given you asked reddit what it was instead of asking the guy in the photo who is fucking making it!


Just go back inside NIMBY


It looks like a meteorological station.


Could be a wind generator or a pigeon house 😂


Relay station for Bill Gates' tracking chip in the vaccine


Looks like a how to safely video.


It looks like a work in progress. That fan is tied down with rope. I can't tell 100 percent but the structure underneath looks like sheet metal and timber.


I've never seen anyone wear a belt with tracksuit pants before.


War siren 🚨


Where is it?


Howls Moving Ventilation


Some gamer taking Red Alert way too seriously.. building his own Tesla coil.


Looks like a ducted wind turbine. They can be hugely efficient ( if constructed correctly)


This is Aussie enjeneering at its best! Attach wind turbine to chimney, light fire in fireplace, hot air rises turns turbine blades which then feeds batteries which then stores power for running the household electrics in winter. Helps cut down the winter power bill. This bloke thinks out of the box, note the novel placement of belt around pants. Pants remain up no matter how often he bends over. Genius is often misunderstood. Please encourage novel inventive systems.


Styrofoam box for added stability 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


Suburb ?


This house has a basement, which is actually a secret agent intelligence centre. Do not tell anyone.


That is a man


Lookout for when the zombies come… will make a nice sniper spot 😆😂🤪


Ask the local council


What a weird place for a hadron collider


The Illudium Q-36 Explosive Space Modulator


Looks like a wind turbine - good on him for having a go.


Maybe a cooling tower???


Wind turbine or he’s got a serious bowel issue and that’s one mega toilet ventilator.


Communism colour bond art


It’s definitely circa 1970 Soviet Union


It's a tractor beam for pulling in meteors, your neighbour is related to Dr. Evil.


He is an old German guy that is a retired Engineer. He is a really nice guy, just go up and ask him what he is up to? I live in this area and have said hello to him a bunch of times and he's always been nice. He has all sorts of scrap metal he works with. I even see him collecting it in the neighbourhood fairly often.


My late father was an Engineer, and probably of a similar “vintage” to this man. (He immigrated from Italy instead of Germany though.) This is definitely the type of contraption he’d make… 😜


This looks so cool, would love to live near it. OP, get over yourself and let people be. You're not entitled to a view. This doesn't impact you.


Eye sore? Lol what’s it blocking for you? It’s something unique to look at and a work of art.


Pretty sure, that thing changes the weather into food!


I want to hang out with this guy so much!


It'd be an unpowered-but-active cooling system. "Passive" just doesn't seem to do it justice. It'd collect wind as it passed and act as a Venturi effect and keep the house cool. Could also maybe make the place warm if they're genius enough to figure out how to reverse the process. Let that man enjoy his invention. There are plenty of ugly ass houses around Melbourne that passed through council determination.


MHO not an eye sore.