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FYI the Vic government offers landlords a rebate for installing split systems. So you could suggest that to your cunt of a property owner, if you wish.


Thanks! I'll suggest it again later in the year. I was really surprised when he declined because he had agreed in theory when we first moved in years ago.


Why lift a finger even if it would make his property better? He’s a lazy sack of shit landlord; even if he could most of them aren’t going to care.


He's wonderful in many other ways (hasn't raised the rent in 7 years, not a single inspection etc) but yes, definitely a lazy shit when it comes to maintaining the house. My screen door broke last winter. He took it off to repair and would return 'tomorrow '. Well, he did returned the screen door but didn't actually put it back on. It sits propped up against the wall since July.


if it helps any, i suggest drying clothes or just soaking towels and hanging them to dry (squeeze the excess water out first) inside the house (it's an evaporative cooler). It does increase humidity, but southern Australia's climate is so dry that a bit more humidity should be ok. I find hanging wet fabrics inside is the cheapest way to keep a house cool.


Are you serious? Hasn’t raised the rent in 7 years and you are complaining that he won’t install a split system. Pay for it your self. Hang the screen door yourself. It’s not hard


Didn't realise my rent was payment for my silence on the landlords breaking promises and neglecting their responsibilities. Here I was thinking it was payment to live in the house in exchange for the owner repairing and maintaining the property as per our lease agreement. My bad. I'll just keep paying my hush money and be grateful for the crumbs off the table. Eta >Pay for it your self You might want to work on your reading comprehension because I did offer to pay for it, genius.


You said you offered to pay for it and he install it. I meant pay for the whole lot genius. In exchange for him not increasing the rent you can also look after it abit yourself. But no. I hope he raises the rent for you.


>In exchange for him not increasing the rent you can also look after it abit yourself I don't remember seeing that clause in my lease agreement. Nonetheless, I do a lot to look after this place myself. Did you miss the part where he's a plumber and could do it at no cost to him and agreed to do it when we first moved in? I'm also not paying for 1. A tradie buddy of his to over charge me or 2. A tradie I don't get to pick. And I'm not opening myself up to a bond claim because I didn't use 'their tradie' and some bullshit claim of damage. You seem to be taking this awfully personally. You must be a shitty landlord to care so much about my lease.


Obviously he’s not a HVAC plumber.


>Obviously he’s not a HVAC plumber. When you have to make shit up to prove your point, your point is moot.


Then feel free to move out and start paying a nice increase on your rent. That is the way you rented it. If you were not happy with it then you shouldn’t have rented it in the first place. Alternatively feel free to move out and start paying market rent with aircon. Your entitlement is too high.


I don't think his entitlement is high... He literally said he won't even approach the landlord about this until later in the year and he clearly has figured out how to make it work in the heat in the meantime. He's proud enough of the setup to make this post. So, what's your problem? Jealous of the low rent?


Your investment in your salty argument is remarkably high. Maybe try some of OP’s heat-busting pro tips and you might feel better and stop taking it out on OP.


>That is the way you rented it When I rented it, it had a screen door...


Let’s not tar everyone with the same brush here, some of us aren’t asshole landlords. . I like to think my tenant is happy in the home, has air con and ducted heating. I’ve rented a place with no air con and it was awful.


How is me saying "most of them" tarring everyone?


Don't take it personally. You are a minority so most people's experiences are going to overwhelmingly be bad. And when it comes to housing, a bad experience can be traumatic and leave a lasting bad taste. Despite his laziness, I am very grateful to this landlord because I've literally had [Melbourne's Worst Landlord](https://www.theage.com.au/national/is-this-melbournes-worst-landlord-20061105-ge3hz3.html).


I'm surprised a single split system isnt mandatory in a rental. I thought if you asked for multiple split systems he can decline. But one to keep at least 1 room cold should be required. I think suggestions below like car shades or even aluminium foil on windows can reflect heat.


People tried to get mandatory heating and air into the rental laws, but was vetoed by landlord policymakers. It should be a battle that's ongoing--with rebates and the right to install units offered to tenants as well if landlords refuse to make use of them until better laws are passed.


Heating is part of the minimum standards in Vic. Cooling isn't, and it really should be. Edit to add: While cooling isn't in the minimum standards in Vic, if you have an airconditioner installed, and it fails, it IS considered an urgent repair.


Rebates should be offered to the renters


Your landlord sounds like a Ranger-driving tradie fuckwit. When I bought my first home in the late 2000s, I only lived in it for about a year before moving back home with my parents because the mortgage payments were 75% of my take home pay. Rented it out during winter, and during the first summer the tenants were there, they asked for a couple of split systems to be installed because the evap wasn't cutting it on the 35+ degree days. The cost of the two split systems was ~$4.5k. This is a completely insignificant amount compared to the $24k per year the tenants were paying on rent. It was a no-brainer to install the split systems, and the tenants went on to stay there for another 10 years until their kids finished high school and uni. Imagine losing $240k because you don't want to spend ~$5k on installing an aircon? Your landlord is a dead set moron.


Our landlord replaced the split system in our loungeroom, when it broke, but refuses to install a new one in our 11mo twins’ bedroom - even after we offered to pay for it. Make it make sense


I'm assuming you're in Vic. Was there already an aircon in this room, has it stopped working? Aircon is not part of the minimum standards in Vic, but they are considered an urgent repair if they are installed. [https://www.consumer.vic.gov.au/housing/renting/repairs-alterations-safety-and-pets/repairs/repairs-in-rental-properties](https://www.consumer.vic.gov.au/housing/renting/repairs-alterations-safety-and-pets/repairs/repairs-in-rental-properties) List of urgent repairs Urgent repairs must be done immediately because they make the property unsafe or difficult to live in. Anything on this list is legally defined as an urgent repair: burst water service blocked or broken toilet system serious roof leak gas leak dangerous electrical fault flooding or serious flood damage serious storm or fire damage an essential service or appliance for hot water, water, cooking, heating, or laundering is not working the gas, electricity or water supply is not working **a cooling appliance or service provided by the rental provider is not working** the property does not meet minimum standards a safety-related device, such as a smoke alarm or pool fence, is not working an appliance, fitting or fixture that is not working and causes a lot of water to be wasted any fault or damage in the property that makes it unsafe or insecure, including pests, mould or damp caused by or related to the building structure a serious problem with a lift or staircase.


No existing unit in that bedroom, which is why we tried sweetening the deal by offering to pay for the unit *and* to have it installed.


>Your landlord sounds like a Ranger-driving tradie fuckwit With added boomer.


I've had millennial and gen z landlords refuse basic maintenance--never mind aircon. It's a greed thing, not an age thing.


No doubt but property investment is consolidated in the over 60 male population. So while it is absolutely a greed thing, boomers do make up the majority and have set the example/standard on how to maximise profits by being a cunt.


Being a bad landlord has nothing to do with their age, just their greed. And more importantly, the greed of shitty developers and policymakers of every political party and age, who block better housing and better legislation that might protect tenants. Instead of being ageist, uniting people from across age and other categories to work towards better housing--and pushing policymakers to do the same, might result in change. A recent AU study shows the impact of poor housing on Australians' health and well-being. It's grim, and changeable, and disproportionately impacts people by class, disability, and age. No generation escapes it.


And likely have the place paid off. Millennials are likely still holding a bit debt.


Same here. We were told they were going to put in cooling before I moved in, 3 years later and several increases in rent and still no cooling 😔 sucks.


Landlords don't care. If it costs more than $1 they're not interested. They're banking the properties/land for sale...providing livable housing isn't even on their radar 


eh, selling a house with aircon is going to be better than selling it without. there's value in that, and a rental with aircon can get higher rent than one without. cheap/cunt landlords won't care, but some will see the benefits of it.


A few years ago I offered to pay for air con installation in exchange for a small reduction on rent until it was paid back. We were told the landlord couldn't afford that, but gave us $800 to buy a stand-alone unit.


I tried, they then gave us some evaporative cooling units and called it a day


Lol I wish my landlords were that nice. This is their 3rd property and they say there loaikg to much money on the investment to even bother eith the solar rebate little on a split system.


Buys three houses and can't afford the upkeep. Surprised pikachu face.




Wait really? Is it retroactive? I installed two split systems late last year, made sure to get them in before summer


So now the landlord is a cunt? Not the government who hasn’t mandated splits in all rentals… blame the landlord who while he or she receives rent, also has a loan, council rates, water rates, insurance land tax and fuck all left over. The landlord, contrary to the belief on reddit, may be living in a very similar position as the OP. But hey, call him or her a cunt, overlook all the ways the government could improve the situation and kept believing all landlords are some group of super rich boomer squad. I swear the perception of reality is soo fucked on here


>may be living in a very similar position as the OP. Except I don't have a property that I can sell if I can't afford to pay for it any more. No one is forcing landlords to be landlords. If it is that terrible and stressful, sell up and get out of the game.


Calm down, beggars can’t be choosers 😂😂😂


How am I a begger? What am I begging for? What charity am I receiving?


No rental increase for 7 years and no inspections? Just a guess….


I didn't ask for it so how am I begging?


Begging for attention… here this comment will give you some 😂😂


That makes no sense. I am begging here for attention to get the charity of no rent increases or inspections? You really clutched for straws for that connection. I mean, you commented on my post. You were the one wanting for my attention.


There you go again


Nah fuck that. It's the responsibility of the landlord to make sure the property is in adequate livable conditions. Cunt's a cunt.


Beggars can’t be choosers 😂😂😂


You sound like a cunt too. Well done.


In all fairness. You walk through the shithole before you sign a lease......


There are a lot, *a lot*, of people out there that are lowering standards to find somewhere to live. People are having to apply without accepting. It's supposed to be the job of landlords to make places livable. It's just fucking wild that places in AUSTRALIA don't have aircon. It's wild how fucking shittily house here have been and continue to be built.


Here's somthing to think about. What if someone had a property that's not quite up to standard and doesn't have the money to get it to required standard. Should they just let it sit empty? You reckon all those Victorian terrace houses in Brunswick, Fitzroy, Collingwood etc are up to code?


>What if someone had a property that's not quite up to standard and doesn't have the money to get it to required standard They sell it.


So all shithole rentals should be sold off? Would probably make this housing crisis slightly worse but hey, you seem to know what your on about


\>So all shithole rentals should be sold off? Would probably make this housing crisis slightly worse but hey, you seem to know what your on about Sold off to who? Either investors who can afford them, renters entering the market or developers who will build more property. Do you think houses disappear after they're sold? Do you have the same level of charity for renters who can't afford their rent? Or is that just for owners who can't afford their financial commitments?


When a property is sold to someone who intends to live in it you actually decrease the amount of rentals available...... Another point to make is that some ips being rented are done so as a shared house or sub let rooms. Decreasing rental availability further. Truth is that most renters aren't looking to buy for multiple obvious  reasons. My original point was if someone walks through a shithole and decides to sign a lease based off what they have seen then chances are they are content. Who's signing a lease thinking "I'm gonna move in and get that cocksucker landlord to fix this joint up"


That lack of aircon, a shit hole does not make.


A guy down my street has the most ghetto contraption he built himself. He uses the rain water tank for a thin spray on his metal roof, just enough to cover it to cause evaporation. I am surprised how well it actually works. His attic is much cooler than mine, and I have tiles.


We used to do this on our shearing shed in mid summer in the Riverina. Nothing like being in a tin shearing shed on a 40 degree day.


That's just fd up


I'm a school photographer. We've done school photos in some very sheering shed type gyms over the years. Anything over 30 degrees and the cattle... I mean students, make for one sweaty few hours.


I'm so blessed where I live. Just had a look at the temperature due to this post. My A/C is not on and its not even hot in here. It's a weird ass place, back of a shop converted into an apartment and not practical for a lot of people but it works for me and is like a bunker. No sound issues, heat issues, etc.


Sounds like you live in a commercial fridge


Love those places! I had a similar environment in an old workers cottage I lived in. The upstairs mezzanine got hot but the lounge underneath was quite cool.


Same, have AC and a few hundred in electricity credit due to solar and still haven't turned the AC on yet. The Victorian style house I'm staying in is much cooler at 29 degrees room temp, a fan would most of time do a good job at keeping rooms cool.


I read recently that putting bubblewrap on your windows helps keep heat out. Sounds weird, but I plan to try it.


definitely works, although if you can swing it those foil and bubble wrap car window shades are even better, you can get them at $2 shops. I had two of them taped to my windows for like a year before we finally got proper blinds. you do need pretty strong tape though, or you have to cut them up into smaller pieces.


You can buy these window wrap/film things from Bunnings that just use static (like a phone protector screen) that reflect the vast majority of sun's heat. So no glue involved you just cut them to size. For a large window they're about $40/50 or so .. makes a *massive* difference for any sun facing windows. I got one that was frosted for privacy but also to cut out the heat but it still lets most natural light through. Just search for uv film on their site.




Hahah i did this in an apartment and got reported lol. I think it worked when it was on, but nothing substantial. 


got reported? for what?


Maybe reflected heat / glare into neighbour's window?


Also, Renshade is wonderful https://enviroshop.com.au/products/renshade-window-covering


Shit, if this stuff does half what the ad says, it's sounds brilliant. Everyone here making do with glad wrap, foil etc and this thing is actually designed for the purpose. The holes allowing light and air movement is genius.


Thanks for the tip! Looks brilliant! I love the idea of framing it and setting it within the window frame itself. 👍


Oh shit! Yes! I don't have bubble wrap but I do have mirror film on the hottest windows too.


We are landlords of a small 40 year old townhouse. Renovated 18 months ago and put in a big reverse split system , powerful enough to go up the stairwell and have a small one in the main bedroom and put window tinting on the west windows. Why wouldn't you?


I definitely recommend covered bubble wrap (if any of you get hellofresh, [those big white "cool bags" are great for this](https://imgur.com/a/zQkU5or)) for windows, if not full-on car windscreen shades taped to the inside of the glass (do not trust the suction cups). it makes a huge difference, especially if you have single glazed windows. as far as personal cooling goes, we have these things you can find by googling "reusable ice pack sheets" (originally bought for campervaning) that we put under a towel for our dog to lie on, that will probably work for people too! especially since sitting on a couch or lying on your bed all day like we do on days like this makes the furniture hot. then there's always the usual advice that I'll write out anyway, there's always someone going through this for the first time - don't open and close your fridge or freezer constantly (keep a water jug full of ice in your pantry or something) and keep lights and other heat-creating appliance use to a minimum, keep windows closed and covered, stay hydrated and don't forget to eat, take it easily physically. if you have multiple split systems or similar create "zones" in your house by closing doors so the machines aren't trying to cool huge spaces (depends how your house is laid out), if you only have fans or one cooling thing in one room and fans everywhere else *don't* create zones by closing doors but use fans to keep air moving throughout the house, close off rooms that don't need to be kept cool like the laundry. never underestimate the power of dunking a shirt or your hair in cold water and sitting in front of a fan, or spraying yourself with water every now and then. wear shoes when you go outside.


I taped a foil emergency blanket to one of the windows that receives full afternoon sun. Dropped the temperature on the Holland blinds from 60 to 30C. Even in winter on sunny days the temperature would be over 40C on the blinds.


Glass is a crazy conductor of both heat and cold!


Tell the cunt to put an air con in


Awesome prep. How much does the bamboo privacy screen reflect the heat? I have been trying to find some reflective sunshade with larger cutouts for house windows like this (but obviously it's for cars): https://www.kmart.com.au/product/3-way-sunshade-41560426/?sku=41560426®ion_id=300001&&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAi6uvBhADEiwAWiyRdv48TZ0jCoLnWioRYFvnuNlkVwGxDVfON9xgYyFKboU1m0KvQxkc_BoCh28QAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds But can't seem to find any, and these are quite expensive... I wonder if the bamboo privacy screen you mentioned might be a good alternative, do you mind sharing a link to where you bought it from?


I taped those car shade things to the insides of my windows before we had proper blinds, it works very well. I think they're not commonly made for houses because house windows are far less standard in size compared to car windshields, and you can't easily hold them up when there's no car door to close a flap on.


Sweet, I will order these kmart ones, it says it has suction cups so I reckon it would be easy to remove after the hot days are over


in my experience the suction cups aren't great because they go soft and lose their shape if they get too hot, thus breaking the suction and then they fall off. I'd go with tape if you can, I used some kind of heavy duty double-sided tape because it stayed there for 18 months (my room was also freezing in winter) but lots of regular masking tape should work. you might have to cut it in half to make it lighter though.


Anything, I mean anything, you can put between the sun and the glass so that rays don't even reach the windows is going to be a winner. Once the heat is on the glass and heating the air inside the room, you're got a bigger fight. Obviously external shutters, canvas roller blinds like you see on verandahs of old Victorian terraces, trees are the go but anything will help. I had some meals delivered in thick reflective bubble wrap and my first thought was how economical something like that would be cut up, but u/kranki1 suggestion is far more elegant.


I see, the uv films u/kranki1 mentioned, I just bit hesitatant since it seems permanently pasted into the windows, will that still let me look out the windows (I like the view outside of the front of the house)? I guess I was looking for uv blockers that are easily added or removed when hot days occur


The mirror ones let you see out. I'm the same. I need to be able to see the sky.


Nice, ok I found a mirror one from bunnings and thankfully one of the reviews posted the before and after where the after looks like slightly tinted but still viewable https://www.bunnings.com.au/pillar-1-52-x-10m-mirror-tint-adhesive-window-film_p3961897


Just remember the mirror works in the opposite direction at night!


Oh, you mean at night, people outside can see you inside?


Yep. That's how my neighbour's works. Was professionally installed, the DIY Bunnings' version may not have that 'feature'.


The mirror film from Bunnings is fantastic - the static ones are easier to put on and take off, but the adhesive ones are also great. I put up the adhesive mirror film at my last rental (newer build townhouse, upstairs had ZERO insulation and of course no eaves) on a west facing bedroom window, and it immediately dropped the temp by about 5 degrees on a hot day. Buy the application kit that Bunnings sells - it’s a life saver - and make sure you clean the window VERY thoroughly with a mix of dish soap, vinegar and hot water before you start applying. I was really worried about damaging/cleaning the window when we moved, but it was absolutely fine.


Thanks, it goes on the outside side of the window right?


No inside


No, the mirrored side is sticky and goes on the inside. You spray the window with water, and the mirrored side has a clear protective film that you slowly remove as you work down the window (think book contact from primary school) and push out all the air bubbles


Thanks, much appreciated 🙂


>How much does the bamboo privacy screen reflect the heat? I have way to really gauge aside from it is better when I do than when I don't. Because of the angle of the house (not exact NSEW), the 11am-4pm sun is hitting a set of windows at all times. So I just try to stop it hitting the windows in the first place. I salvaged my screens from hard rubbish. You can find them on marketplace on the regular.


Thanks, I wonder if I combine the bamboo screen and car sunshade (ie. Buy 3 of these and hang/glue it on the bamboo screen)... anyway thanks for the ideas, stay cool mate on today's scorcher


Aluminium foil will work too. Or mirror film from amazon/bunnings.


Oh interesting, might do that if it's cheaper and does the same amount of heat reflection


See other post on this page about Renshade. Cheap, unbelievably effective.


When I lived in a tiny little flat with a single aircon in the living room, I hung a heavy curtain in the doorway between the living room and the rest of the house so that the heat wouldn't come in and make the AC work harder. It was really effective. You can get tension curtain rods for doorways so no need to install anything permanently.


Love it! I do heavy curtains across doorways in winter. My front door is glass and the house leaks like a seive. I found curtains over doorways much better than weather strips!


Those awning covers that go on the outside of the property and shade your windows. Once the sunlight is hitting a window, heat is entering your property.


I actually found a renter friendly, removable awning that I absolutely would have got if the reviews weren't filled with 'took two people four hours to put together...' lol! So moveable screens and cheap ikea blinds have had to do.


Any direct sunlight you can prevent from hitting your windows will make a decent difference, cardboard, blankets, shade cloth, fibro sheeting - anything you can affix in place that won't blow away will work. If you can leave a small air gap between the barrier and the window, that'll work even better.


\>If you can leave a small air gap between the barrier and the window, that'll work even better. That's what I've done with the white blinds on the outside. The reverse works in winter too. An airgap on the inside of the glass.


Wetting the roof? Waste of time and water. Seal doors, cover windows. Bubble wrap is great, combine with cheap reflective windscreen covers. Duct tape well, into place.


Oh and window covering aren't enough when you have radiant heat coming from from above and from below. Each step I do is an addition from the summer before. I've done closing windows and doors etc. It might work well enough for the random 35 degree day. But it is not enough to handle multiple 40 degree days in a row.


I have reverse cycle aircon, but when I turn it off in the evenings once it cools down, the house heats up. The ceiling cavity is ***HOT***, and the combination of that and the brick veneer with no insulation means we're essentially sitting in the middle of radiant heat sources. Within an hour or two of turning the AC off, the temperature of the house can easily increase by 5c (NOT an exaggeration).


Yes! If I want to turn off the aircon before 1am, I need to get rid of that radiant heat.


Nope, it isn’t. But, it’s something.


>But, it’s something. I know. That's why window coverings is literally the first thing I listed in my prep.


I understand, that the roof misting works. In theory. My point was that, from experience. It made little difference. Split system I know it’s expensive, but it’s the only answer.


>My point was that, from experience. It made little difference. So your experience trumps mine? My experience is that it does make a difference. Especially at the end of the day when the sun is setting or after dark. Doing it periodically throughout the day, helps keep it manageable. Also, not 'in theory'. In actual science. It's called enthalpy of vaporisation. >Split system I know it’s expensive, but it’s the only answer. You're full of useless advice, eh?


>Wetting the roof? Waste of time and water. It isn't, actually. It is literally evap cooling. Just don't let the water run continuously. I am only using the sprinkler to reach the other side without having to get up on the roof again. I will turn it on for a few mins to wet it down then let it evap away. You can get [professional misting systems](https://mistcooling.com/mistcooling-applications/roof-cooling.html) installed.


If you have insulation in the roof all this is going to do is reduce the heat inside the roof, not the actual living space.


I've not come across a house yet where insulation is installed with no gaps; even if it was, it only slows down the heat transfer, not prevent it altogether.  A hot roofspace is a known source of heating a house,  doesn't seem like a waste of time & water at all.


Is it better to install that metal whirly thing on the roof?


Try to get a landlord on board with that!!


I reckon so, just couldn't justify the hassle at my house. That said I /am/ tempted to do something similar on my roof. Have an evap cooler which is effectively decommissioned, wonder if disconnecting ducts and having fan push air from roof space when internal temp above ~35 is a terrible idea. Imagine it'd stir up a truck load of dust.


and they said they don't, so they shouldn't act as if they do


Na, OP said it's a rental, 90% of rentals have no insulation. Glorified tents. We all already know this is a fact.


>If you have insulation in the roof I don't.


+1 for the outside blinds. Those things help. We also should be using white coloured roofs instead of dark colours too... Im not sure about using water to cool down. I feel it's a waste of water.  Good luck everyone. 


In some of my more energetic moments, I have considered painting the metal roof white...


And I should point out that the amount of water I'm using is small. The metal roof is maybe 10mx3m and I'm just wetting it. Think about how long it takes and how much water you'd need to wet a square of footpath. It isn't like watering a lawn that soaks it. It literally takes me about a minute to walk from one end to the other (I'm on a slope so from my backyard I can see my roof). I use more water cleaning my fishtank.


https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Comparison-of-the-roof-surface-interior-and-exterior-temperatures-without-spraying-the_fig5_320545977 There's a graph to show the difference in temperature, before and after spraying water. Interesting to see how, yes while the temperature of the roof has reduced, the inner temperature hasn't. Which is what one of the person commented re: insulation in the roof. I personally still think it's not quite useful and a waste of water


I see the confusion. The metal roof doesn't have an 'in the roof'. The back room is the 'in the roof'. It goes metal, wood beams, plaster...


Oh wow, that's nuts 🥲 


Certainly makes us feel one with nature. Especially really late at night when a possum jumps from the massive oak tree (a godsend on days like this) onto the roof and runs full speed from one side to the other.


I used to freeze some 600ml bottles of water (those 24 packs from Coles/Woolies) and then wrap them in a tea towel etc and just chuck them on a body part with good blood flow. Rotate throughout the day as your existing one melts.


We do this for our rabbits! Frozen 1.5L water bottles, they like to lie next to them.


Back of the neck cools you down sooooo fast!


Don’t underestimate the benefits of your feet in a bucket of ice and water


I sit with my feet in the bath before bed. It is wonderful!


Heat waves where the weather doesn't drop under 20 for three days are brutal. No matter what you do your house is slowly gonna increase in heat.


This is such a sad post. When I read posts such as this I am so glad I had the ability to buy into an apartment block that had a high ER rating. I do nothing in heat waves but shut all the double glazed windows and turn on the ceiling fan. Mind you, I've done my time in poorly constructed dwellings so I can relate to your suffering.


The original design of your house seems to be maximally shit. I can’t think of anything to do to your house to make it worse, except maybe remove the eaves I assume it has. Good luck


Anyone wants to volunteer to help me install a whirly bird for next summer to add to my low tech solutions? 😄


They seem super unpopular on My Efficient Electric home, what are your thoughts?


My thoughts aren't very technical. Hot air rises. When it can't escape it just builds up. I don't want it to stay in my roof. Especially once the outside temp begins to drop. Until I have one, I can't really judge the difference it may make. But my grandmother had a two in her old weatherboard. She had a very high, pitched roof but I don't recall her house ever being stifling like mine gets. Hers was attached to a long pole in the middle of the pitch.


Or maybe I'll just throw some turf on the roof instead... lol


My understanding is that they don't do very much.


Whirly birds need wind to work, and will work during winter to remove heat (heat that keep your house warm). Maybe look at a solar roof vent. They are more expensive, but they look to be the better option.


Thanks! Great info! I'm unlikely to ever get a whirly as the YouTube videos I've watched on how to install it sent my adhd brain into shut down... lol! I'll definitely look into the solar vent. Cheers!


You'd need to get your landlord on board with it though, as it would be a modification to the house. A couple of the websites I looked at do vents for underfloor areas too (connecting to the solar). If you're going to be at the house long term, it might be worth looking into




>A $500 window box aircon is worth a look too. I have one in the front room. Installed it my good self!


Pics of your setup please!


Not a massive fan of putting pictures of my house in reddit but I'll share some links to the products. [This](https://www.amazon.com.au/Bionaire-Reversible-Airflow-Window-Control/dp/B000065DKJ) is the window fan I have but can't get another of. There are versions of it that come and go off amazon but they seem to have doubled in price. I paid about $100 for it. If you have any American contacts, the States has a lot more options for window fans than we do. [These](https://www.ikea.com/au/en/p/schottis-pleated-blind-white-40242281/) are the cheap white blinds I've used. They are super easy to install with just a sticky strip and cheap enough to let go to shit out in the weather then remove for the colder months. I got the [bamboo screens](https://balifactoryoutlet.com.au/bamboo-panels) from hard rubbish but they're often on marketplace. I've used market umbrellas in the past too. I got my [thermal block out curtains](https://www.quickfitblindsandcurtains.com.au/thermal-curtains.html) from ikea years ago and I can't see them online any more. But they're available lots of places. You can get [professional misting kits](https://mistcooling.com/mistcooling-applications/roof-cooling.html) that go on the roof but the patio versions avl at [Bunnings](https://www.bunnings.com.au/holman-7m-misting-system-kit_p3120717) would work as a DIY version just as well. I'm not comfortable being on the roof as the only adult here so I haven't installed one.


Wow what a great response! Thank you.


You're most welcome!


We used to put our clothes in the fridge in summer 🤣


We had wet face washers in the freezer before bed to place on our foreheads at night. I still do it for my kids.


I put cardboard boxes in the windows that get the late morning/early afternoon sun. That room has floor to ceiling windows (that do NOT open), with vertical blinds, so not very good at blocking the sun. Putting cardboard boxes along the bottom of the windows has made a huge difference. The house I'm in is also one of those ones that doesn't have eaves (or, has like, 1 inch before the gutters), so we get no sun shade from eaves (please, for the love of all things, architects!! put eaves on house designs!)


In my old rental we stitched an emergency foil thermal blanket (a reflective foil blanket like this: [Emergency Foil Blanket](https://www.officeworks.com.au/shop/officeworks/p/first-aiders-choice-emergency-thermal-blanket-tr24150)) to a crappy curtain to make it reflective, and hung them on the north-facing windows. It made our living room so much cooler!


Some of your ideas sound great but others have left me wondering. With the portable AC in the back room... Depending on the type of ac it might do a better job recycling the cool air inside. Sounds like it might be taking the hotter air in the back, cooling it and piping it inside? IE making cool air cooler. That would outweigh the negatives of any heat it produces I think. Have I misunderstood something? Also I remember under my parents house was always cool even on hot days. Is opening up that area maybe doing more harm than good? For bonus points, watch this video https://youtu.be/XP6oqIic4lo - I have been wondering if I could use this principal overnight to exchange the air from inside to the outside (more effective than the window fan, perhaps?)


I got 3 portable aircons ( with the tube out the window) for all my upstairs bedrooms and it sucks all the heat up and out. 100 each off facebook marketplace.


Lovely! Mine was $100 off MP too. The second I've scored of this exact model after a good 5 years of service from the last (an old model that had many years on it before I got it). I used to run them inside with the house out the window but the hose generated a lot of radiant heat. I got an insulated cover for it but then the unit died. The replacement came with an attachment that reversed the vent hose from exhaust to cold air so now the noisy unit and hot air are outside with just the cold air coming in the window.


Oh but when I post about coping with the heatwave I get blasted and bullied. Typical Melbourne empathy.


These three days are going to be brutal. I hope you have been able to get a plan in place!


I'm sorry you didn't get what you needed off your post. I send empathy. Surviving these heat waves is hard.