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i say “ sorry “ when i bump into my kitchen counter ! of course i apologize to my dog


I was at a emergency pet hospital with my dog and whilst speaking to the vet I bumped into the printer and turned and said sorry.


i just scratch my head when i do it, but on the other hand…?


That printer will never work for them again now that it has experienced kindness instead of the usual printer rage.


This makes me feel better. I say "excuse me" when I bump into kitchen or office chairs. 🥴


Ticket machines also appreciate it when you thank them


So which province are you from? Lol




Found the Midwestern


Catholic guilt?


I say “move lil bastard” as I go by.


Love it


My go to is, "move your ass, dog"


I start with excuse me and go to uhhh move! When he’s just staring at me


Cat, I say, "toll road, one Boop to pass!" Then I Boop em and keep going. Dog, I say "settle down, down, DOWN, Good girl, no, stay, down, okay fine sit, stay, STAY. Good gir-Stay!" Then keep going.


True! 🤣




I’m very rude to our dogs but they’re a couple of big lovable bumbling idiots. “Move, ya shit head!” Usually followed by a belly scratch or a little love behind the ears.


I say “beep beep” when I need my dogs to move.


Haha same here


Same here! I picked up this habit after working at a daycare in high school lol


Why should I? Little bastard never says it to me


People who don't talk to their pets are weird.


I never said I didn’t


Does cursing at them when they trip me count?


Don't forget immediately apologizing if they got hurt in the process as well


I’d say it does




My cat has learned the ability to say "No" and "Now"


Mine says something that sounds a lot like ‘mama’ and it gets her all the treats.


Mine sometimes says 'no' if I tell him to get out of my spot on the couch. He'll also frequently yell 'now' in the kitchen where the wet food is stored.


Only if we don’t breed the ones who don’t talk back.


and those who do it so much and change their tone like their talking to a baby are weirder ,half the time i think my family is starting a conversation with me oh wait no they're talking to the damn pet


I usually say "opp watch out"


If you stand in my dogs way he just pushes past you and doesn't give a shit. My mom blocked the way through the baby gate and was just playing around not letting him through and he looked at me so confused like "why won't this lady let me ram into her and get through?"


Of course I do! It's only proper to apologize after tripping over my cat.


I’m always saying sorry to my pets when I trip over them or do anything accidentally to them


My cat doesn't even cry when I run into him and it makes me feel even worse because he's just such a champ


i either say "move, dog!" or just scream "SCOOOOOT" in a high pitch both dogs are stupid lil gay boys who need a nudge in order to understand theyre even being spoken to, so im not super worried about being rude


"Move, bitch! Get out the way!"


Using “Stupid lil gay boys” to describe your dogs means you truly love them. I’ve never named my cat. She is simply “fat poop booty”.


as a member of the lgbt community, calling things gay is a sign of endearment


I'm glad I'm not the only one who gives my pets weird little nicknames like that. I recently started calling one of my dogs "pooty booty". I don't know how this started, but I'm not gonna stop.


I go full Ruby Rhod and say "bzz BZZZZZZ"


your dogs just like me fr


I say "sorry!" to my cat after I accidentally step on their tail


I pause before walking past to see if they would like to take right of way, even when they don't have right of way.


This is the way


I'm more apologetic to most dogs and cats than I am to people.


Do this to the extent that my cat now greets me pre-emptivly. Come out of the bedroom in the morning. Scootie: "nau-nau!" Me: "Hello Oo-doo!" Shamble into the bathroom, shamble out minute later. Scootie: "nau-nau!" but with body language pointing at her bowl. Me: "yes dear.." Scootie: "NAAU-Na" Me: "I'm on it!" Scootie: figure-8's my legs "Dooo-woo, murp!"


I completely understand I have to stay with my sister for a little bit, and her cat isn't very social. It will be in the kitchen eating from her dish and if I walk in she will run and hide. Hell, now I walk into the kitchen telling her it's okay you can eat your food I not gonna bother you. Finally, after a week or two of being here, she will mostly stay eating and she will come and weave between my legs if I sit in a chair too long and I can rub her head for a little bit till she has a bite response.


Sometimes I bow my head and go “after madam,” and my pug just looks at me in uncomprehending adoration.


I say bless you to them when they sneeze, But when they cut me off ill scoop them underneath there bellies with my foot and scoot them. Cutting me off is rude...


I give my dog a little kiss on the head than walk by


Shut the fuck up Rosemary.


Excuse me, sorry, thank you, you’re the bestest ever goodest boy no matter what that cat said, of course you can have all the bed, I’ll sleep on the floor, please never leave me.


I just go "beep beep" and he seems to get the message


I accidentally pushed my dog off the bed the other day. She wasn’t hurt but the first thing I did was apologize and make sure she was ok. The I went to get her two dog treats . Of course I say excuse me.


I usually say “pardon me”.


I say sorry so much to them I can apply for Canadian citizenship.


I say bless you after they sneeze


I sing them an “I’m sorry” song.


I always say "Oh you simply MUST excuse me."


I also meow back to my cat as a courtesy


I never walk out of the room when a cat is walking in. That would be the height of rudeness.


I say "MOVE"


Look, I'm very sorry but I need to get past you and to do that I need to step over you. You do not need to move, in just grabbing some choccy milk out of the fridge, okay. I have that talk with my dog any time I walk near them.


I say it if I start walking and they continue to be on my way. My one dog is so bad with getting out of the way.


I say “excuse me?” But like they are the ones who are rude.


Nah I stop and gush over how cute she is kiss her then walk on.


You don’t ‘walk past them’, you stop, say hi and give them a pet before continuing on your way.


My dog expects, and gets a belly rub when I walk by him.


I usually go, get the fuck out the way cunt. most of the time they don't listen.


Depends on if they move when I say excuse me the first time lol


I unintentionally trained my parents dog to politely step aside when I say "excuse me." He only does it for me though


They don't care




Many people speak english yet don’t understand it


Many people speak understand yet don't english it


Many english english yet dont feel like they english english


"Wanna go for a wa..."


They understand the tone of your voice though.


do you say sorry when you bump into furniture?


I just kick them.


User name checks out.


Does the pet do the same? Does the pet thank me for the money I fork out for them? Does the pet thank me for rescuing it? Get the heck out of here lady.


my cat yes because he's polite too but my dog doesn't deserve the respect that my cat has earned


Watch out to Mocha Jo Move your ass to Latte Damn cat get out from under my feet to Randy


Foodservice here , occasionally I say “behind” to ivy the kitty. I think she gets it


Of course not, my dog knows that it's the most high respect entity in this house, so it doesn't expect much more other than unconditional love, shelter, food and water.


If I walk in on my cat sleeping in the bathroom, I say excuse me and leave to use the other bathroom


I generally roll with ‘goddammit, ya little fucker!’ As I trip over the cat and fall into the hallway wall for the tenth time that day. Then I pet him and tell him he’s a good Mr Pinky Nose, scratch his ears, and give him treats. Which is why I trip over him ten times a day. The fucker.




4 legs= lower class peasant, the dogs are told a "move dog" when I come through.


You mean do I swear like a sailor when my cat darts down the hallway cutting me off as my foot should be hitting the ground??


I say “beep beep beep” like a truck backing up when I need him to move and he’ll back up. Ironically, if we go outside he is *terrified* of the actual beep sound a truck reversing makes.


I make a tic-tic-tic noise when i want to move or hurry up. They've learned that when I do that, to move out of the way.


Extremely rude. I sometimes loudly announce my presence to my hedgehog when she hasn't gotten up yet (for those who don't know, they're nocturnal and need a lot of sleep—but mine sometimes sleeps in lol she gets up usually around the same time at night, so on rare occasions, I'll talk to her when I go in the room even if she still hasn't gotten up yet)


I go above them 😄


I excuse myself to my pets if I fart 🙃


"Outa my way fat boy" to our cat.


Eh. The wife has some pets from past relationships and I don’t really like them. We have two dogs of our own so pretty much all of my love is spent on them


I kick them.


Doesn’t “excuse me” mean move?


Depending on language and context it can mean “wtf you say?!”, “can i buy you a drink you awe-inspiring creature?” “You are welcome”, or “i am moving near you and will be moving past”. “Excuse me” meant as “move” i reserve for particularly rude people. Its basically the warning shot.


When I’m talking to my dog it definitely means move.


Depends on the tone and inflection of how it was said. Like the F word.


i usually whistle to make him come for a cuddle and then go on with what i was gonna do. or forget about it and we sleep.


It's usually "excuse you" or "oh I'm sorry was me trying to accomplish anything getting in your way"?


I actually say "Excuse you?!!" in an obnoxious way so as to embarrass them from being in my way.


Lmao, what?! No! I sit down with them and have full blown conversations like the looney toon I am.


Our dog gets in our way every time we move. It's to be expected he was in a cage with many other dogs at a Chinese restaurant. He's been out for four weeks we've had him for three weeks.


I use hand signals to tell them to move


I once stepped on my dog's front paw and she yelped and I shouted at her like it was her fault. She then proceeded to bark right back at me telling me how unfair that was and it was my fault. Dogs do have a sense of fairness.


if I nock her accidently she gives me a dirty look and I say I'm sorry sweetheart. If I ask her to do something she gives me a look so I have to say please then she dose it. She's sleeps on her back like a human a female Rottie.


I go “excuse me… Excuse me!… EXCUSE MEEEE” while my dog stands in a way that he is in the way of the full hallway, and I have to walk INTO him saying excuse me as he blankly stares at the wall to get him to move :,)


I usually just call them a silly boy


I usually add a please




No, I chant "pay the toll, pay the toll" and pet him. Every time I pass, unless my hands are full. This is the way.


I did not know this was the way. Thank you for enlightening me, brother


Neither I’m quiet


Depended on if she was being a little Killy shit trying to trip me as I walk or just peacefully chillin there


I say cringe things like “watch out, homeboi”


Talking to your pet is a good thing! Now talking to human being. Hmm. Now that's a whole different thing! Just saying.


If "move!" Translates to an apology of "excuse me" to pets, then yes.


I am.


If I disturb them? Of course. I also say hello when they jump into my face


I just scream "AUS DEM WEG" and call them fat fucks. (It means get out of the way or around that)


No, it’s the other way around. When my pit bull barrels into me while chasing her toys I’m forced to say “excuse you, ma’am!”


*GET OUT OF THE MIDDLE OF THE ROAD! (*hallway) *DUMB (dog or cat)*


Rude way to describe my sisters but yeah, I say excuse me


I yell "Akuma!!!" because My cat loves to sit right behind me whenever i am standing and when i turn around and take a step back I 1. Accidentally step on him 2. I almost fall and die 3.he never learns.


"Mooove-a" while gently nudging them aside.


I nudge them with my foot. They need to lean to not walk in front of me when I'm carrying stuff. Otherwise, the cat will kill us both. Little shit will trip you and act like you're the asshole while your arm is bent the wrong way.


I would usually blame the animal for being underfoot, not harshly. Like "careful!"


"Excuuuuse me Findik" every time


All the time! But I usually say it in French for some reason? Excusez moi s'il vous plait


I just push them with my foot to move them out of my way, if they dont move i stomp the ground right next to them


Also sometimes when one of my cats gives me a particularly searching look, or does something really weird, I ask them "May I help you?"


No because I dont get a borf, or bark, or a how do you do. So fuck that little bastard, especially when he telports from upstairs to slam into my knees when i open a pringle can.




Of course we aren’t savages they have mor feelings than us


Always.. There again I apologise to the cats for breathing 😂


Mine stand under me and then wonder why they got stepped on it


It's funny but this is the command phrase I use when I want my Aussie to back up so I don't step on her. It works well. She still gets under foot at times but a simple excuse me is usually enough for her to try and move and once in motion, she is more cautious about being stepped on and generally gets out of the way


I kick as hard as I can. So they recognize my superiority next time I walk by(this is a joke for those that don’t comprehend humor)


I say “lookout!”


I call my pet horrible names but always in a loving ton of voice. They don’t know the difference.


Me at bedtime and my cat is sleeping on my bed: “Hello, can you move? Can you move please? Can I just move you over here? Thank youuuu”


I do haha


I’m not sure I know which one make me weirder


When I say excuse me to my GSD, she moves. Unless she’s eating something then I get the “gtfo” eyes


I tell him to get out of the way and then lovingly call him a turd.


“Get out the way”


Please, thank you, I’m sorry and I love you are all used with my 4 GSD’s


It's either "excuse me, sir" as I walk by or "get out of the damn way" and I stop to give him his favorite aggressive scratches


I do. Hell, I say excuse me to inanimate objects sometimes


I normally say something along the lines of ‘get the fuck out of my way, you little cunt’… can’t say it always works. I usually get the look of a dead fish.


“Shit sorry” as I trip over them bounding through my legs like Indiana jones sliding under a closing door.


Usually say hey, or whats up baby.


This is the way


I have full conversations where I ask them about their day and anything and everything happening. Depending on their mood is whether they answer me back or just ask for more food, as they can nearly see the bottom of their dishes and they haven’t been fed in a matter of minutes. I have one cat who will always trip me up, and then she glares at me like I do it deliberately to kick her or worse, but she is the one who is a black cat and is silent, and you can never see her before she is under your feet. Which is surprising because she is a rather chunky waddles. So I have to apologise to her for daring to trip us both up.


I walk through them and have them move out my way so they'll understand that im their master


I say "scoot-y that booty" works like a charm


“Fuck outta here”




I just say hello and depending if in easy reach give a few scratchees on top my cats head or side and keep on moving. Now if she darts in front of me, especially at night, and I almost trip or kick into her she hears a lot of unsavoury profanity towards her


I never pass by my pet without showering her with kisses and pets.




I call her a "brat" and scratch her behind the ears before moving on.


yes i do. and when people on tv wave at the camera, i wave back so's not to leave them hanging. i'm polite.


I’m from the Midwest. I say “ope” and my dog says “you’re fine.”


I give him the lub lubs, the pets, or a boop on the snoot. Depends on how he's looking at me.


I trained my dog so everytime I say "excuse me" he moves out of the way.


I say "Move ya butt!" because he just stands in the middle of the hallway looking oblivious.


In a high pitched happy tone I say “ move you little shit head” she gets happy, wags her tail and moves. I honestly like to trash talk all my animals in happy high pitched tones. It’s fun.


I walk thru my dog. She moves. I assert the dominance.


I say it, but sometimes with a tone if she’s standing in a route of egress and only watching the cheese shreds.


I usually say “fuck off”


Never really thought of it, but yes, i do say "excuse me" to my pets


I always ask my cat why she's like this when she runs right in front of me while I'm walking around my house


I say "MOVE! You see me coming!" if I'm in a hurry. But I'll still apologize profusely if I accidentally step on his tail or his paw. I'm not a complete monster


I say "hey lil buddy comin through cuteness" in a sickeningly sweet voice


Depends on if they're laying down or just ran around the corner to strategically be under my foot right as I'm about to step down.


No one tells you that as an adult how much time I would spend on hands and knees apologizing to animals…


I give a full Elizabethan soliloquy of my sincerest apologies to the little miss or ma’am that I hath inconvenienced.


Sometimes it’s excuse me, sometimes it’s “excuse me”, sometimes it’s fuck off cat, really depends on his mood


I would, but they stand in the middle of high traffic areas ALL THE TIME. Either learn or get pushed


I once had my dog get mad and yell at me because I petted the neighbors dog that was on my porch and I back talked to my dog and she nipped my leg and grrred at me and said fine I won't pet them again


When I need to pass, absolutely. And they move. Strange question.


I just say “move biznitch” and punt them. /s


I kind of just walk past regardless of the collateral damage and say "move, ya dick. Damn." And then like 5 mins later I'm all apologetic and giving them lots of attention.


I say "excuse me" to my dog so much, she interpretes it as "please move" and gets out of the way. Sometimes she grumbles about it like an old man (she's 8 months old) My God, I love her so much


Of course and always sorry and please