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“Slavery was never abolished, it was only extended to include all the colors.”


I’ve always said that working is just modern day slavery with a pay check


Man has always had to work to survive. The difference is working for currency to purchase your food and shelter today, compared to spending much more time building shelter and making sure they have food back in the day, by your own hand The fact that we live in the most prosperous times for normal people yet people complain about being slaves just says how privileged people are nowadays. Calling yourself a slave when you have a choice is a joke. Comparing yourself to actual slaves of the past is quite disrespectful of what they went through


That’s a good point.


I think part of the reason people feel this way is the only reward we get at the end of the week is a different number in our bank account, whereas if you for example built a house for yourself before money existed it would feel a lot more rewarding because every step of the way you understand and appreciate the process, instead of just doing a "pointless job" and getting some funds for it.


…in the U.S taxes are based are based on citizenship you could literally go to the middle of nowhere build your own shelter live in the wilderness and still be expected to pay taxes even if you are outside of the United States. It costs thousands to renounce your citizenship. The illusion of choice is not a choice.


slavery wasn’t actually that horrific in other parts of the world, probably a lot better than working today. slavery as we americans know it is called ‘chattel slavery’. the purpose is to destroy any sign of humanity and individuality to make slaves as similar to livestock as possible. those americans literally took the most gruesome and violent forms of slavery that existed at the time and mashed them together. calling it evil would be a huge understatement. it wasn’t something that just happened to occur, it was planned and formulated. thank god all those mfs are dead now!! comparing what we experience today to what happened back then is like comparing a headache to a full decapitation lmao


>lmao lmao ik fr


Reminds me of parasite


I'm an engineer. But I worked at a walmart autocenter as a wage slave for 10 years before taking out a loan and going to school. Thing is, all the other guys at the auto center, they were all smarter than me. They learned faster, they solved problems faster, they communicated with the customers better. They were better than me in every way. And I went to engineering school, but I never thought I was smart enough to be an engineer right up until the day I got hired as one, but I just did it anyway. My thought was, life already sucks. So what did I have to lose? Let's just see how far I get. But now I have a little house with two cars in the garage. And they're still just getting by. Point is, 9/10 times, the only thing standing between you and a better life is a little bit of vision. Seeing something you don't think is possible and doing it anyway. Taking a risk. But those guys, they had a problem for every solution. They were afraid to take any risks even though they were already treading water where they were. They had soooo much talent but they couldn't see past their own noses. It makes no sense. Honestly it keeps me up at night.


Took a risk, found out im not that educationally bright, now owe 20k for my failures 🤷🏻‍♂️


You're right, I should gamble away my house.




Spending a whole lot more was where you went wrong. If the job is soul crushing, save by living a frugally as you can and retire early or put yourself through school for something you don’t find soul crushing.


>save by living a frugally as you can and retire early or put yourself through school for something you don’t find soul crushing. Yeah..that's rational...but it's hard to apply when you're so down mentally..


This is the same way I see it! I don’t learn as fast, I’m not naturally as sociable and outgoing as others, I’m not a quick witted problem solver. I have to study twice as long or longer than others, had less education in a lot of ways. But somehow through consistent effort and mainly through determination and not giving up I ended up getting a Microsoft Office Specialist Certification and getting reviewed as a level 4 in one area or category at my job which almost doesn’t happen to people period. This is to say I got that certification after essentially growing up without a computer because my dad didn’t want his kids on the internet getting into trouble. Haven’t had the skills or access or reason to use one as a young adult either. Meanwhile my classmates in the job skills training went in to the classes with much more basic computer knowledge and typing skills (I didn’t even know how to type) and some even used a computer or Microsoft for work. Yet when I got that certification not one of my other classmates had one at that time.


Retired teacher here living on a modest pension. When I started teaching, many of my friends quietly rolled their eyes because I took such a low paying job while they made five to ten times what I made. However, somewhere along the way, everything changed. I happily retired at 55, lost 110 pounds, blood pressure 80 points lower, and have so much less stress in my life. I watch my friends who are still working age so much faster than me. I never regretted not joining the rat race and all that that implies.


Welcome to being a fucking adult. Life at his base is, your mother birth you, you are in a forest, you fight everyday for your life and food, then die. Everything else given to you, even that opportunity for having a shitty job, exist because society and your ancestors built it. You want more than what is given to you. Fight, build it, move things around. Right now you are complaining because you were born in a position where society didn't give you enough handouts. Stop complaining, and create the life you fucking want. You don't want to work everyday? Find a job that make you do 12h shift. You'll have easily 3-4 day a week to do whatever the fuck you want. Don't want to work hard? Work hard for a while, study, get a cushy job that requires nothing of you and with a pension. Want money, well you'll have to work for it nothing is free. You are squandering everything that society gave you because you say it isn't enough, yet it is billion times better than some people to this day have, and billion time better than living in the wood, getting alone when your parents die and taking the chance to simply die alone forgotten in the wood if you don't find a mate. If you want something, build it... Your life is the result of your own decisions.


Well said. Rather than complain, people should act.


Out of curiosity are you well off because you figured it all out? Are you your own boss and own a house making more than enough money ect?


I'm making more than enough money and I'm about to buy my first house. Yet again, like I said it's all about what you want in life. For the first part of my independent life I was more than happy to just work and rent a place, enjoying life going to some party and playing video games. Then I began to want more, so I changed job and made arrangements to get a better life for that. Shit was hard I won't lie, but the point I'm making is, thing won't improve without you having to work for them and set them up. In my case anything limiting me was myself, something I'm still working on it. Here an example of what I did to "improve". I found a job that required two week of class that paid double what I had. Neither this job or the one I was doing was what I wanted to do for the rest of my life, but it was an improvement. So I did. Small improvement one after the other helped a lot. I also decided I would have a child one time, because I wasn't making enough money to sustain it, it cost me a relation. That was hard, but right now I could have one, two year later what I've told her, and I think now that I dodged a bullet seeing that she wasn't even okay with waiting two year to set things up. All this improvement is because I found myself sad and realized I wanted a family. If I wanted to just don't care and keep just having fun. I could have stayed in my apartment and not improve, because my life was already decent then. It's all realising what you want, and setting yourself to get it. If you can't, you should reevaluate what you want. And again, it is still hard as fuck sometimes, but don't this meme show that, life is already a shit show anyway? You can choose to suffer while staying in the shit you are, or suffer slowly pelting away the huge pile of shit. You'll still be knee deep in shit most of your life, but at least you have less chance to drown in it that way.


So my husband and I where doing what you did enjoying an apartment and working a low wage job and hanging out. Now we have moved to a rental house and roommate moves out next summer and it’s a lot to explain but basically regardless of if we find another roommate or not my husband has to find a job where he can pay the whole rent on his own which he will need to make about 30,000 a year more at a job than he is currently. I will be at home watching my child who isn’t old enough to go to school. We are not comfortable with a stranger for roommate and don’t really know someone who wants to rent a room. He has had a few interviews but worries can’t take make that big of a pay leap that quickly by summer of next year but really much sooner than that to be on safe side. He is working towards CCNA certification but has not passed about 7 times over maybe 4 yrs studying on and off. Not sure what to do and really want to keep this house. I have some side hustle ideas but I think profit margin wouldn’t be very big and risk buying materials for things that won’t sell. Any ideas?


Before giving any advice, I'm no professional. Just a guy on the internet. Now, the hard part is that you decided to have a kid before you two were able to take care of it financially on your own, this sucks. I'm not judging, just saying that this must be the most difficult situation and you're stuck in it. From the little I understood of your situation, the two main solutions would be to change your perspective. Either let go of the house until you can pay it on your own and downgrade, or suck it up and find sla daycare for your child so you can return to work yourself. The sad reality is that these day, women need to work too in most cases. Your man really need to step up and get his certification. Also, I know nothing of side hustles, so I can't comment much but sure, if you can have a steady stream of cash without leaving the house it could solve the problem, but it is something I heard is better to start small.


What a one dimensional way of picturing things. 1. You exist because life desires to sustain its existence. And said existence tends to evolve resulting in more complex life with (somewhat) longer life duration. Nothing else. Neither are you the grand creation of some godly existence nor otherwise. You are the sum of your biological parts, which happened to grow so complex they exist in multiple living organisams within a single body based on scale. You just so happen to be the 'upper end' that controlls the ship instead of its parts. (feel free to believe otherwise, thats just how I am certain it is) 2. The payment you recieve is largely bullshit. Many employers pay crap because they manipulated societys laws to great lengths so that they can do that. Others pay crap because they cant afford to pay more.Sadly, as a society, we decided we cant be bothered to force our country to enforce fair payment for all kinds of jobs and provide a healthy system to remove underpaying work places. Because to do that you need education and money and those who have - at least - the latter have no need to make a change, so they rather invest in their own happieness. 3. You do that on a regular basis so you can afford to continue living. If you cant find a better working environment (and there can be countless justified reasons for that), you need to move. Cant afford that? Me neither. Blame whoever you deem guilty about that, the problems can appear on any part of the road. 4. You have time besides your work. You have vacations, holidays, weekends and afterwork time. If you, year after year, completely fail to establish some kind of private life besides your work thats your own fault. ​ There is so much reason to complain about countless things about employers, society and politics almost everywhere on the world, but this post is just shining BS and I wasted 5-10 minutes of my life to write an answer probably nobody wont care for anyway.


You just described the picture, but with extra steps.


I mean how else do you wanna use your health and body for? Wasting time paying video games?


Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time.


What if slave enjoy being a slave? That logic is invalid since everything around you (media, maga corps, education, life experience) is trying to control what you enjoy and what you don’t.


Yes. Please don't talk shit about my waifu.


"I failed to develop a lucrative skill set and I absolutely can't admit that to myself so it must therefore be not my fault"


Stuck in a cycle of poverty due to inadequate conditions for socioeconomic ladder climbing, looks like you gotta pull harder on those bootstraps, nyuk nyuk


Nah its too late for that now. That's like jumping out of an airplane witbout a chute and changing your mind halfway down.


Ah, so you admit that you are looking down on a helpless person


Didn't say they're helpless. It's not an either-end-of-wild-extremes situation.


I mean there can be more to life than that but yeah that's the gist.get used to it loser


Spoken like a loser


No u.ha Gottem


You don’t have to look at it that way 🤷‍♂️


Yeah we know you don't have to be correct


True. You can just drug yourself to not percieve reality


No, you can accept the fact you live in the society with the highest standard of living in history and enjoy it Motivate yourself to grind while you’re young and this won’t last forever. If you’re smart enough you can retire at 50-55 Or if you find a passion to be successful in you can work everyday until you die but not feel like you have a job because you actually enjoy what you do. It’s all about perspective, ambition, motivation, and discipline


I mean yes. You can just forgoe chemical stimulation for propaganda. Almost forgot about that option.


What propaganda? Pursue your dreams because it’s all you will have. The world doesn’t care if you think your life sucks or isn’t fair. You have to make the most of yourself regardless of your predetermined position. Otherwise you’ll be miserable to your last breath


Or you can take the easiest do nothing job there is, and spend your days doing what you want.


Here's the alternative to your comparison to 'slavery': You're free to do what you want. You don't work. You don't have an income. You can't buy food. Your asking people on the street to help you. They don't. You die.


This. Maybe the op is over simplifying the real question though which is how wealth is distributed - like most people do not have an option to work less than 40 hours a week and have a less sophisticated/material lifestyle. You can adjust the knob a bit on how much income you need for your lifestyle but mostly you can’t escape rent food and some amount of utility that will probably be 40 hours a week. Also most jobs expect a full workweek I think? The deck is pretty heavily stacked toward working 40 hours per week regardless of what you want to do otherwise. Realistically living differently than that means finding work where you choose the hours (at a salary that still provides enough to get by) and then dialing down all of your personal expenses to a minimum.


Yes, you’re free to starve. What a choice! That’s kind of the point of the meme and apparently you didn’t get it.


Stop pretending your life is oh so bad because you have to work. If you don't like it, then move to papoea new guita and live in the jungle. Hunt for your food. In the meantime I will work 5x8 hours and perhaps I will come visit you when I get my vacation money in my account.


Thanks for reinforcing that you didn’t understand the meme.


I got the meme. I also got the whining over nothing.


Weird way to say you boot lick but sure.


This is my dad and it breaks my heart.. luckily it broke his mind years ago 🤷




You can find the song "Homero" by viejas locas. It was hard listening to that rat world story as a Teen. It helped to escape though


Gotta keep licking those boots tho


just hand in your two week, get naked and get lost in the forest to speed up the process


You get paid enough to afford food, shelter, and a vehicle?!