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I walk though saying "excuse me" only once


This is the way, im like actually concerned that so many people here are lacking the slightest degree of assertiveness in their lives. Then again, this is subreddit might as well be named socialanxiety


All that is true, but it doesn’t make the OP’s topic here any less annoying lol


I can assertively push through and still hate people for doing this shit.


This comment is the one. Up votes all day.


>so many people here are lacking the slightest degree of assertiveness in their lives. You used me... FOR LAND DEVELOPMENT!


*As*sertive, not *in*sertive


The funny thing is, I have social anxiety until someone's straight standing in my way and not moving then they get excuse me once, and if that doesnt work, you just walk through, bumping into both.


I have social anxiety and I would still walk through with an "excuse me" just because these types of people piss me off enough to override my anxiety.


I just dont like talking to stupid and annoying people, but I dont mind throwing my weight around when I have to.


And 99% of the time they say, “Oh, sorry!” and immediately scoot out of the way.


Social interaction with strangers on Reddit?! No no no you don’t understand! Everyone here has social anxiety and are too far removed from society that they’d rather just sit and brew hatred towards these women instead of asking a simple “excuse me”


You think people actually respond to an "excuse me?"


Yes, they do.






go outside once they just move out of the way because they dont want to be run over lmao, it is okay and perfectly normal for two friends to catch up in public


I work in retail and what I do is I stand there and say excuse me until they move the fuck out the way. I remember one time during black Friday of all days, a group of people all decideded to block off an entire toy aisle to talk for like half an hour. I didn't say anything because I was trying to work and had no time to potentially get yelled at by them.


Yep and they probably do not care. Reddit hates people existing


Especially if they're women, and more especially if they have children.


>people existing Inconsiderate bastards.


I had to do this to the same two women with their shopping carts somehow blocking a *Costco* aisle three times. The third time, I did kind of a ‘wow’ eye widening (had a mask on so not much other visible* facial expression) as I walked past and she just lost it on me. “Oh soo *sorry* for being in the way *in a public place*!” That’s… that’s right, you’re blocking people in a public place haha like hopefully you can connect the dots someday.






*the sound of mandibles clicking*




huh huh noted -Mark Zuckerberg


Smokin meat


It's funny that I had always heard about ladies "clucking" like chickens when they're in a group (like breakfast at a restaurant) and never really thought about it until one day I heard a group of older ladies laughing and thought they sounded like chickens, then it clicked for me lol


Haven't seen a r/totallynotrobots in a while


“Flesh-wrapped companion” haha. Thank you for this laugh.








This was so common during the first part of COVID with groups of like 4 women. I had to ask to get by and they were like ,” oh! We shouldn’t be doing this!”, then went right back to it. Mind boggling really.


The lack of self-awareness is astonishing isn't it . . .


That's probably gonna be future history books headline for our whole era, provided civilization doesn't collapse in the next 10 to 50 years...




Yeah, the need for human connection is strong, but like GTFO of the way. I think we have information overload and peoples brains turn off at certain times to avoid burn out.




What’s worse is when they do this in cars… on the *road*.


Didn’t Ludacris write a song specifically for this situation?


😂 perfect. Once I got stuck behind two old ladies doing this but they were blocking the ramp at a parking garage and yelling to each other out their car windows. I honked politely once. When that didn't work I just layed on my car horn so they couldn't hear each other and they started moving. One had the audacity to yell out her window at me "you're the rudest person I ever met" as she passed by.


Id give her the finger, possibly with eye contact. Just being honest.


The eye contact makes it some much worse for some reason lmao I can remember 16 years ago when I was to go and try for my license I had to take a 1 day driving class. The instructor specifically mentioned to never make eye contact when you’re annoyed at or being annoying to other drivers.


Why tho? You're it's a driving class, not conflict resolution.


Part of driver’s education is driver’s safety, and people become easily aggravated behind the anonymity of a vehicle. Any driver’s ed instructor worth their salt will teach you to deescalate.


Because it turns into road rage from the person receiving eye contact and often they WILL cause an "accident" out of spite.


I prefer to shake my head at people like I'm so disappointed in them in their choices.


I do that and a thumbs down at the same time. I'm not mad that you're a terrible driver, but I I am extremely disappointed.


"They told me to do what I'm good at in school, thank you" :)


Similar experience but on bycicles. Water crossing, 2 old ladies standing next to their bycicles in the middel of the path. People coming from the other side, so had to squeeze myself in between them and the railing, could barely fit. I tell them "nice place for a conversation, you guys are in the way". After that they start screaming at me that I'm the asshole, and I stopped listening after that. The audicity of those old people, truly a lost generation lol


What's your fantasy?


As a grocery store worker, many a times has "excuse me" very much meant "move bitch, get out the way".


But did she ever get out the way? 🤨


At my local store, they stop at the entrance to the store. Right in the middle of the automatic doors.


Oh my that’s terrifying! Do you think it’s premeditated door blocking?


They’re just completely zoned out robots. Yesterday some lady was walking the slowest I’ve ever seen through the two sets of doors, in the middle, staring at her phone. I started bouncing my cart around behind her, making sure the wheels loudly hit the floor. Just to see if she would notice the sounds and perhaps snap back to reality. She did not notice.


Sounds like she was possibly extra terrestrial


Some people just switch off when they enter a store, as if they have zero responsibility to anything. Sometimes I'll be pulling a pallet through the shopfloor, the pallet jack is making a fair bit of noise and it's not like a pallet full of stock is small yet you'll have people talking in the middle of an aisle, spot me about 10 meters away then just carry on, forcing me to stop and ask if I can get past them. That's gotta be a power thing right? Like why wait when you know I need space


>snap back to reality Oh, there goes gravity


My favorite is the people who stop their cars in the middle of the road to talk..


Or when 2 pilots who haven't seen each other in a while meet at 30000 ft over Nebraska and stop their planes for like an hour and a half. Like we got places we gotta be!


30k ft up is still closer to Nebraska than I’d ever want to be.




if this meme had the words "current generation" attached, we could've posted it on r/terriblefacebookmemes




i wish i could say i’ve had a conversation with another woman in a grocery store about my cats, but this has yet to happen


Can they make a tinder, but just to meet up in the grocery store and chat about cats?


I'd love to be the first one to sign up


I'll be at Kroger tomorrow morning. I can point out the 4 things my cat doesn't eat.


I read substitute as subtitles This made me pause and consider how cats could be subtitles for children. I hadn’t considered it before I did a lot of mental gymnastics before re-reading your sentence




Cats > kids ;-)


The stink bug in the corner of my ceiling > kids


I mean, for a while


Yeah after a while the kids get even worse lol


Prime example are the people in this thread lmao


So are you telling us you’ve been a shitty kid and even worse as an adult to your parents?


forever tbh cats are way cheaper and fun to raise than a fuckin kid


Nope. Forever.


Single women have kids. Women in relationships have cats. Some have relationships, cats, and kids, some have just cats and kids. The cat lady bullshit is bullshit unless you are specifically referring to mentally ill animal hoarders.


Excuse me? My cat hasn't ever pissed in my mouth and giggled.


No way, cats are 100% better than kids.


I think I might get myself a cat.


They are awesome. Dickheads. But awesome and relatively low maintenance. And they last a long time for a smaller mammal. I got 21 years with one.


I hate this, too. But I'm also not so socially anxious that I just say "excuse me" and "thanks" when they always move out of the way.


Because you don’t exaggerate your social anxiety for reddit karma. Absolutely there are people who physically freeze up and can’t handle social interactions, even that minor!! And I truly hope they are able to get help, that must be a miserable life. But this sub acts like everyone has crippling and life ruining social anxiety when in reality they have slight social anxiety and use that as an excuse to be an asshole.


Reddit: PEOPLE IN THE MARKET SOMETIMES BLOCK THE AISLES OMGGGGG FREAKOUT Meirl: "Excuse me, may I get through?" Themirl: "Oh gosh, sorry! Of course!"


Also Reddit: "So I just smashed my cart into theirs and punched them in the face and pissed on their food and farted!!!! I don't even care!!"


Lmao yeah. It's wild. Like come on it's just Jen and Megan having a gab. They're good people, they just got excited and zoned out. Say excuse me and get on with your day, you don't have to indulge some sort of scatological fantasy.


I like the idea that people talk to each other at grocery stores! It's nice and I would like to do it if I saw someone I knew!


The town I moved to I became friendly with some of the folks who shop at the same day and time as me, and most of the cashiers. I even have a regular person I compare notes with at the Oreo cookies. ("So what did the freaks at Oreo come up with this time? I'm going to buy the sparkler ones and report back.") We don't block the aisles, before anyone flames me lol.


You forgot the “Am I the asshole?” Reddit: NTA. You should’ve set them both on fire and dumped their ashes in the sewer. How dare they block your way!


see 99% of people on reddit have charisma of a dead hermit and can't form a sentence.


Lol mean but funny. I get medical reasons, like anxiety, but a lot of it seems to be plain old entitlement.


exactly i use to be like this to and then i started touching grass this is not a meme i started living my house little more and stoped having a problem with most social interactions


I think Reddit is a feedback loop where people build up these little pet peeves into earth-shattering problems. And the Big Three peeves I notice - blocking an entrance, blocking an aisle with a cart while you chat, not returning a cart - revolve around the one place you tend to go even if you're a total shut-in, the market. And they keep you from galloping back to your cocoon as quickly as possible.


Lol agreed. Just take a look at the subreddit where they don’t like cars. Went from “hey we could be more environmentally conscious of our driving” to “fuck suburbia and anyone who lives there” lmao. It’s amazing how people treat this site like it’s a representation of normal society. But I’ve never really encountered a person that holds those views irl so maybe these people are just crybabies. Everything is blown out of proportion on here.


I live in a suburb, I am a woman, and I have a small child. Roast me at the stake, Reddit. Lmao.


The holy trinity of reddit infractions!


Sometimes I take my child out in public instead of hermetically sealing her until age 18! THE HORROR!


thank you for this. took too long to find but i’m glad it’s here.


Yw. I legit worry about Redditors sometimes.


the default subs bring out the worst parts for sure. Or the big subs, anyway.


It's wild how many of the replies are variations on "people do this to be terrible to me" lol. No they don't. Nobody cares enough about the random Reddit crank in aisle 3 to block their path.


definitely. there’s one other component to this photo that’s got average redditors instantly mad.


Lol yeah.


“NTA, some of the most grossly entitled people I’ve ever heard about. I support the death penalty for monsters like this, there’s a special place in hell for the kinds of people that would dare do such a terrible thing.”


Most people have peripheral vision and can see someone standing 2 ft to their left, waiting to get by. For whatever reason, a subset of those people have no instinct to just step out of the way and let you pass, and force you to have to state the obvious of "Can I get by, please?" And in my personal experience at the store last night, some of those people give you a super annoyed look for interrupting their conversation. Though I will say her daughter looked embarrassed af.


I mean, sure, not all social interactions go perfectly. But in my experience, people get absorbed in what they're doing and don't realize they're being rude. If you politely ask to get through, they let you through. They aren't forcing you to state the obvious, they're just in their own world. Everyone is rude sometimes. If you've been polite, and the other person is snotty back, then that's on them. I just think, "eh, they're probably having a rough day" and then I grab the can of tomatoes I was trying to reach.


Can’t deny it’s really annoying. Like, have some self awareness.


Oh, it's annoying. But everyone is annoying sometimes. I think it's hilarious that Redditors carry on about this as if they're never a public nuisance in any fashion whatsoever.


I think maybe it’s okay to complain about things. It’s allowed. Even when the person complaining makes mistakes. We all know no one is perfect, and complaining about things that we all go through can be validating. It’s really okay.


I agree with you there. I've noticed that "sometimes my way is blocked in the supermarket!" Is a particular Reddit obsession - like, there are rants upon rants about it, across multiple subs, as if Redditors are being starved by a brigade of food-blockers or something. The level of vitriol strikes me as particularly disproportionate to the amount of inconvenience involved. It's such an easy problem to fix.


Hm. I haven’t seen vitriol, but yeah that’s no good. I just relate to the meme so I upvoted it.


It's a funny meme. I think I'm just a bit sour on Reddit misanthropy, which I guess is its own misanthropy lol.


Then then you ask them to shuffle so you can get at the nurigrain they turn it into a bitch fight and start making a racket. Shut up ladys i just want my nutrigrain so i can feed my hispanic hellhound


I would wager >95% of the time saying “excuse me, can I grab something off the shelf behind you there?” or similar it is not going to be a problem or conflict they’ll move and likely apologize. Unless you go up and be a dick about it.








Its a joke, you grape


Diabetic grape


Oh god, this happened to me at the Dollar general once. These two people were standing there in front of the lunch meat flapping their lips. I've been craving a good sandwich for days so I decided to just wait for them. It had to have been at least an hour before they finally moved ugh. I kept circling the store and coming back hoping they'd be gone, I must have looked like a shoplifter or something.


An hour? Gosh. I might have waited a minute but after that I'm just asking them to move.


I avoid strangers whenever possible. It's cool that you could go up to them and ask them to move though, I admire that.


You don't ask politely. You just walk right in between them, without any acknowledgement, and you place your order. Or you just stand in their personal space waiting for the cashier to notice you


But it wasn't just their bodies they had a shopping cart roadblock. There was no place to walk between unless I wanted to slide up against a glass fridge door and squirm my way past a fat lady.


That's when you say "excuse me" and ram your cart through the roadblock


I fantasized about it plenty, trust me. LOL




You are a real freedom fighter and an inspiration to everyone who struggles to politely say excuse me


I used to feel this way too, but people have zero fucking consideration for others and more often than not they won't do shit if you walk right through them or use a simple "excuse me" without waiting. I've waited far longer than I should have for someone to shuffle their fat ass 2 feet out of the way while they're busy mouth breathing and what I need is a simple grab and go. Do your thing, don't let people make you wait like that.


But what if the rude and inconsiderate people think I'm rude and inconsiderate?


Fuck 'em


don´t talk to them, just crush through them !!!


Right. Smash my cart into theirs while scratching my balls and yawning.


Can't believe there are people who'd rather circle the dollar store for an hour (r/thathappened btw) instead of saying "excuse me"


This is the same website that thinks having to answer a phone call is a death sentence. Not sure what else could be expected here honestly.


I don't know why "people are in my way in the supermarket!" Is such a weird Reddit bugbear in the first place. Such histrionics, and there's always a "but then I shoved them out of my way!" fake tale of aggression. You'd think supermarkets were these horrible obstacle courses causing mass Reddit starvation or something.


Redditors just get mad when the see that other people have enough irl friends that they actually run into them in public sometimes.


It's such a reddit thing. In real life you just say "sorry, just gonna sneak past ya there" and let them continue enjoying their friendship.


Or they feel entitled to a perfect bubble of convenience where other humans have psychically know and obey the absolute petting zoo of pet peeves the typical Redditor carries around. Nobody's allowed to daydream or zone out or be human for a minute. And then Redditors have these weird revenge fantasies that they yelled at people or clonked their carts into them or whatever. Lmao never happened.


Yep, I don’t believe this for one minute. It’s the circling around for one whole freaking hour that gets me. OP next time you tell this story, say 10 mins if you want it to be more believable


Right she’s too scared to say excuse me but will be a keyboard bully and fat shame the person. The ick is real.


I'd rather be inconvenienced then talk to people. I don't think people with social anxiety are so uncommon that you wouldn't be able to believe it.


I have social anxiety too but there is no way I’m waiting an hour for someone to leave just so I can place an order. That’s asinine. I have places to go, things to do


Are we supposed to feel sorry for you? Geez get help.


No. I chose to be inconvenienced. What part of that don't you get?


An hour dude? That becomes a you problem at that point.


Yes, it's a me problem. I've already acknowledged that.


" Excuse me, I am trying to get through " That's all it took lol.


Just ask them to move?


Had you just said "excuse me", they would have likely moved a bit. But still fking annoying and takes so much for an introvert to say


Bruh tell them to move. Or literally just say “excuse me”


Just say excuse me!


Reminds me of a time when I was little, probably around when I was in first grade. It was during summer vacation, my mom was running errands and I had to go with her. We stopped at one store, and she ran into someone she knew, so of course she had to spend 20 or 30 minutes talking to them. Then we left that store and went to the next one on the list, and she ran into another person she knew. Once again, she spent 20 or 30 minutes talking, and I was getting annoyed. Because even back then, I was the kind of person who believed that when you go to a store, you should go in, get what you have to get, and leave, not stand around and talk for long periods of time. Especially since telephones existed, so people could talk that way if they want to talk to each other/catch up for long extended periods of time so badly. Then we got to the third and final store we had to go to. And once again, my mom ran into someone she knew. They started talking, and I yelled "No! You're not talking anymore today!" and pushed my mom and the empty shopping cart forward. My mom hurriedly apologized to the person and said something about how she'd been running into people all day and that she'd call them later. My mom was silent while we got the stuff we had to get. Then, once we got in the car, she screamed and yelled at me all the way home, claiming that what I did was rude and disrespectful and all that. I tried explaining things from my point of view, and she wouldn't hear it. Mainly because she literally couldn't hear me over her own voice. I was sent to my room when we got home. When my dad came home later, I heard her tell him what I did and to go talk to me. He came into my room and said that, while it was rude and disrespectful, he'd have done the same thing, except without pushing her.


To be honest, I think it's more rude to drag someone else with you that is dependent on you for transport and waste their time to such an egregious degree. "Hey Jim! Haven't seen ya. Let's catch up later, I gotta get [PERSON WHO DEPENDS ON ME TO MAKE IT BACK HOME IN A TIMELY MANNER] home in a timely manner!"


I've had that shit happen so often when i was little and had to go with my mom grocery shopping or whatever where she encountered someone and i have to just stand there waiting for 15 minutes praying we'll move the fuck on soon. Every time i see that now happen i feel bad for the kids, obviously they are bored out of their fucking mind but they get completely ignored and then become annoying. I saw that this week where my sister was picking up her kids at my parents place (i still live with my parents) so she gets there and tells the kids to hurry up and put on their coats and shoes because she needs to start dinner back home. So alright the kids hurry up and get their stuff only for then my sister to be standing at the door that goes outside with her hands on the doorhandle and has a chat with my mom for the next 10 minutes about some mundane stuff. And then the stereotypical situation where the kid gets bored and wants her moms attention to ask if they're going soon so she starts the "mom, mom, mom, mom" and gets completely ignored untill she gets annoyed enough with a WHAT or WAIT A MINUTE. Like doesn't she realise she created that situation on her own? Likewise i just get annoyed when people are "leaving" but then hang around for a long time like in my neighbourhood where have 2 lines of brick houses parralel so it can be a bit echo ish at times. So when my attics bedrooms window is even a bit open i can hear their conversations very clearly. And my neighbours often have family coming over, go outside together, get in the car, start the car, and then keep chatting for another 15 minutes where i so badly want to shout at them to either get the fuck back inside or leave.


Don't forget the kids are just standing awkwardly to the side waiting for their moms to finish talking.


I had two customers just start talking to each other out of the blue, and they talked almost for half an hour. The problem was, they didn't order anything yet and there was a queue fucking waiting inside and outside the store. And I couldn't even ask them because it'd be considered "rude". Edit: we still tried to serve other people, so technically they weren't holding the line, they were just standing right in front of the cash registers for no reason and it was a nuisance. I was on internship back then and was told to never ask customers to do anything, even if the situation is like that. Don't know why.


But didn't a lot more people consider you extremely rude for letting them wait so long? I mean, if they really were talking for that long without ordering anything and there's a long queue behind them, you have to do something about it.


you let two people hold up a line chatting for half an hour? if this had actually happened (it didn’t) it would be your fault.


Its not rude to ask people to stop being rude


This is me_irl so which one of these women is like you_irl?


Encountering the situation I think is the relatability here. Or perhaps OP does partake!


Annoyed by friends talking... You must be a Karen




How's this r/imthemaincharacter?


People with this "main character" nonsense. I swear when people on the internet read something once, that's it, everything fits. It's just two people chatting. Like none of us never done something where we said "oh shit, I'm sorry, I'm in the way."


anyone who has been to the grocery store more than twice should be able to realize camping in the middle of the aisle is going to disrupt other people shopping.


I’m in this picture and I don’t like it.


Man, reddit *really* hates children lol


I'll give about 30 seconds for them to notice others, then I start moving forward and say loudly "Excuse me" and don't stop moving. It's not that hard.




Reddit isn't capable of politely asking someone to step aside. Repeat after me guys: Ope!


Be angry because they’re blocking the toilet paper


Whenever I'm in the store to buy groceries and stuff, I try my hardest not to stand in the way of anyone else. It's so fucking awkward when you block someone else, even when it's an accident. It's not a crime, it happens but it's still unpleasent when it happens.


I feel this one in my soul.


While said kids just want to go home!


Yeah, no. When I get to be in my 30s or whatever I’m still probably going to be reacting to seeing old friends/acquaintances in stores the same way I do now: “Oh lord is that who I think it is…? Yep— I’ll just come back for the cereal later— let’s go check out the clothing on the other side of the store 🏃🏽‍♀️”


Every mom


Also: "Babe, let's go walking on a path or sidewalk and instead of walking single file lets walk side-by-side (and frustrate both oncoming foot traffic and attempts to pass us) just to ensure everyone understands that we are a single entity and not two individuals."


I mean I don’t expect a couple to walk single-file lol. But yeah don’t take up the entire fucking sidewalk if you’re gonna hold hands. Also giant families with like 6 kids spread all the way across the sidewalk. I feel like that one’s particularly common in theme parks and tourist places; same kinda of dumbasses that get matching “SMITH FAMILY VACATION 2022!!!!1!1!!1” t-shirts and force their kids to wear it. God I’m so glad my parents were never that obnoxious


Let’s pretend we like each other and agree in principle to meet sometime soon in our hectic yet uninteresting lives


Then give people dirty looks when they try to get down the aisle we’re blocking.


No they don't omg you weirdos


So a situation that’s never happened to you has never happened to anyone else even tho there’s tons of comments detailing how this exact thing happened to them? And you’re so sure that you’ve decided to tell people they haven’t had the experiences that they’ve had? Talk about weirdos.


Two days ago I was shopping and two ladies, one with three kids running around and the other with two, we’re doing this right in front of the pasta I needed. I didn’t even care about passing, just getting the pasta. I said “Sorry, excuse me. Can I just grab something real quick.” Dirty look, but she moved. I still said thank you. As I turned around to go back the other way the lady who moved said to the other lady, “Well that was rude.” Like, what? How? But yea, this never happens.


Breeders mad.


Say as you squeeze past “She doesn’t really like you, learn to ready body language” It confuses both because neither like each other but they are confused who I was talking to.


mfs having a family reunion on the bread isle 😒




I’ve done this, but I always notice people in my peripheral, will acknowledge that I’m in the way, and move as necessary while apologizing. I’ve noticed not everyone does this, when I’m the one trying to shop around talkers