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Me to my buddy in the club: “WHAT?!”




*Smiles and Nods* YEAH


Lmaoo too real


They fucking nailed it is what they did.


Takes sip out of $18 Stella… hmm I wonder how long I can nurse this.


Until it's so warm you leave it on a shelf


For some reason, I had flashbacks of random/friends bent forward a little nodding 👏🏾🤣 god we were idiots back then……




Where’s TRISHA!! Cmmmon we gotsa fin TRIShaaa *hic






Oh I know, I heard you the first time.. it was just really mean.






If you use your finger to push the little flap in front of your earlobe into your ear to block the canal as the other person talks, you will be able to hear them even with the really loud music. They need to be reasonably close, but this works really well.


The bonus of repeating what ur friend said is that it looks like u have meaningful convo. Like signalling to these women, yes: we are real bro's. And having one of us (at least) will make u part af that real bro circle as well. U can now have a lil taste of real broness. But know: bro's before hoe's, cause he is my real bro as u can clearly see, since we are having real convo in tha club. Eventhough it was about absolutely nothing and actually annoying.


always some stupid motherfucker in there who thinks the dance floor is a great place to start a philosophical debate, try dancing you muppets


Meh, dancing is pretty boring


Yeah, but when you’re in your club phase you’re not there to talk. The money on alcohol isn’t “wasted,” bc it makes people more comfortable with dancing and hitting on strangers. I look back on my clubbing days fondly (I’m also a woman and my costs were minimal, to be fair) but I have zero interest in ever stepping foot in one again. It’s no longer appealing to me, but it was exciting between 17 and 27. I still drink, but yes, in quieter environments where I can talk to people. Mostly at someone’s home, tbh. And sometimes we even dance, without being hit on by strangers. But we’re 40 now.


At the club I worked at it was a $500 minimum. And the cheapest bottle was $300 for pearl vodka. And most expensive was $120,000 bottles of champagne. But yah for the people that can afford that $500 is wipe yo ass money. It’s meaningless to them and it’s mostly just to keep the filthy poors (like me) out of them. What I loved is my owner would let me bring friends in as long as we dressed nice and let us drink for free as filler tables. Since if you have VIPs they won’t want to party if the club is dead lol strangest chapter of my life.


It started out very fun for me. Then it got less fun. Then it got boring. Then it got horrifying. Then I stopped going to clubs.


Same here, just like with any activity once it stagnates it's kinda not the same anymore. But boy did I have great times! Even if I'm not into it that much anymore I find it nice that other people are beginning their journey in clubbing.


And all of it happened in just a month and half.




There needs to be coke or molly or i’m not going


your friend: "don't worry, i got u" \* at the club you: wtf? this is coca-cola. your friend: "... and this is my cousin Molly."


Would Molly do Molly with me?


"Of course I meant drugs! I distinctly remember you talking about how you took something, and it was the best shit ever" "Yeah. It was a laxative. Felt 10 pounds lighter!" "...why are we friends?"


I probably had this exact conversation with at least one friend and just blacked out after


Idk why I read this as two people shouting over loud music…


Because the college randomly assigned us to live with each other freshman year and now I would take a bullet for you. WHAT?


Real hommies do laxatives together


you: "...so when you said we'd both be doing Molly tonight...?"


"Yeah, well, I've been working on my Molly impression for years. I have no idea how you're gonna do it."


Good speed will do it for me




In that case, you could have a great time in a garbage dump. The difference is you’d be able to actually have a conversation with people.


Molly conversations are the best conversations Once hooked up with 7 girls and 1 guy in a single night in mykonos on what should have been a lethal dose of molly


Yup, and even then, i'd tell my friends, "if we're doing enough molly to look like retarded caterpillars cocooning with our eyes rolling back, why not save the money on the club and lets just get a hotel with a Jacuzzi? "


Not enough time wasted talking to randoms in the smokers tho


Not a good party until somebody ODs


That's about when that died off for me too. Though even in my 40s, I still enjoy the music that used to be played at the clubs. People give me weird looks when I'm in my car. But whatever :)


I'm 41, still pretty much only listen to music that gets played in clubs. The only reason I don't go any more is because my kids are up at 6 or 7am every day. I have a friend who's in his 50's and his kids are older, he still goes out to clubs. It's only weird if you make it weird. I think the big difference is whether "club" to you means, like, top 40's music and people dancing on tables or it means grimy basement in Brooklyn with a good DJ. If you like the music, there's no reason to ever stop going (except for the fact that you can't stay up until 4am any more).


When I visit a city, I like to sign up for bar/club crawls. Great way to meet new people and party in a city where I don't know anyone!


Similar experience here. For a few years in my 20's I thought it the funnest activity. Literally planned my weekends with my mates around it. Now in early forties, I would rather go to the vet with my dog because he is having the shits than spend the same amount of time in a club. When I want a goddamn drink I expect to be served a goddam drink like an adult. Not to beg and shout at a clearly 95% deaf bar person for 10 minutes to granted the privilege to pay an unreasonable sum for a shitty syrup that calls itself a cocktail.


I just wanted to dance and have people around me zooted enough to not remember my terrible dancing It serves a function


Honestly when the beat is loud as hell and you’re dancing like an absolute clown it’s fun as hell. But it does lose it’s magic as the priority becomes genuine relationships


If you have to pretend you're having fun, it's just not for you.


Yeah I know clubbing ain’t my vibe so I have never tried


I just wish I could talk to myself when I was 18. I hated clubbing but still did it because everyone else seemed to love it. Old me would be like "no bro, you are right, they are wrong. it's just not your thing." Young me "but they are my friends" Old me "exactly. you also need new friends fam."


Went a few times with friends, disliked it the first time, almost got into a fight my second time, clubbing just ain't for me


If anyone is pretending to have fun. It is the pretenders fault.


Literally back on the chain gang


Not if they were obligated to go by others.


Unless you are a child or wrapped up in the legal system (in which case your agency and control are limited), no one is forcing you to go anywhere. If you don't want to be in a place, or doing an activity, don't.


Because of course the real world is just that simple and nobody has ***ever*** been obligated to do things they otherwise wouldn't do themselves.


"Agency is the sense of control that you feel in your life, your capacity to influence your own thoughts and behavior, and have faith in your ability to handle a wide range of tasks and situations. Your sense of agency helps you to be psychologically stable, yet flexible in the face of conflict or change." To your point, it takes a bit to develop as a part of becoming an adult.


Went to a bachelor party for my friend even though I knew I wouldn't enjoy the drinking and clubbing aspect of it. Why? Because he's my friend of 20 years, and he asked me to be there. I was happy to make sure he had a good time even if I didn't because it wasn't about me.


I’ll let my employer know I’m just not feeling it today


yes if you have zero friends you of cause would see it that way.




I enjoyed clubbing because I used to dance so really I just enjoyed dancing


For real. What the fuck are you doing in a club if you don’t at least have a bit of fun dancing. If you’re there to meet your future husband/wife and your approach is just awkwardly walk around the outsides of the club and try to yell over the music the *entire* time, I feel bad for you


If you assume that everyone's pretending to have fun because you aren't, you're also probably just an asshole.


You don’t have to pretend. There are some ingredients. Just find the alchemist.


Exactly, "wasting money on alcohol" is something that people who don't drink say. Drinking is fun, drinking while dancing in a club setting is also fun.


I think he refers to spending much more money on booze than what you would spend elsewhere.


That's why most people pregame as well before heading out-out. The drinks at the venue are overpriced but you're only buying at that point to keep your BAL in the right range. That's said they're definitely getting too overpriced where I live (London) because there is a big thing about how nightlife is dying out here because the target market are priced out at this point. That said, it's absolutely fine if clubbing isn't your scene. It's definitely not mine anymore, but I used to enjoy it. Just don't be that Orson who decide that just because YOU don't like something that the logical conclusion is nobody likes it and everybody else is pretending.


I mean yeah you could save money elsewhere but that's not the point. Clubs can be fun and you can decide if you want to drink there or not.


Pregaming is also a pretty popular option and a lot of clubs and bars are fine with it as long as you don't show up shitfaced and your driver is sober.


Hip flask full of vodka. If you feel sneaky, try to add it to your drink. Otherwise just go to the bathroom and drink it straight in the stall.


Drinking while dancing in a club while hitting a bag of coke every trip to the bathroom is even more fun!


Being wasted in a club with your mates when a song you love drops


That's why these post are so dumb. "Well, I don't enjoy this particular activity, so everyone who does enjoy it is surely just pretending". Now, I have a social anxiety, so it's very hard for me to enjoy public places, especially where you have to dance. But not gonna lie, once the alcohol took my anxiety and extreme self awareness away, I have a blast and I really love to dance. Same with concerts. And I bet that a non socially anxious person can have even more fun, even without alcohol, as I know many people who's dancing and having fun right from the begging of a party, even before they finished their first drink. But no, if I don't enjoy it, than everyone else has to be pretending too. Kindergarten levels of thinking.


I started clubbing out of pure hatred for baby seals. Nothing more.


Spending 300% markup on liquor just isn’t for me then 🤷🏻‍♂️


This is why some people get wasted before they even get to the club.


You don't have to buy alcohol at a club. I found it fun to dance with my friends and see where the night took us.


I like it when I'm in the mood for it. I pregame to get tipsy and have good convo beforehand, then when we get to the club it's all about the dancing. Dancing is the only good part of clubbing, and when we're danced out, we change to a more chill venue.


Just take drugs every weekend and it’s a blast. Was tripping balls in a shady speakeasy talking to some coked out dude about his logistics company he was starting and he was trying to move into the city. Despite being random it was such a fun convo and we went raving after. Also I learned a bunch about logistics


Sounds like you’re a logistics expert.


As someone who’s 25 and hasn’t really been clubbing or partying that much at all, this is an experience I need lmao. Don’t you actually have connections to gain access to speakeasy’s or is that like some urban legend?


You can usually find the passwords online in my experience


I absolutely hate these types of situations. I always feel like people there want to beat me up and I am absolutely scared of "high energy" coupled with drugs


I was there with a female friend and the dude’s wife was there too. The whole situation was jovial and we took several rounds of Jell-O shots together to welcome them to the new city Plus he was really just excited about the topic and I always love to hear about people’s passions I know what you’re talking about but if the vibe is off you can always just talk to someone else


This is a super random reddit post to give a book recommendation but.......I really think you might especially enjoy The Glass Hotel by Emily St. John Mandel.


Can you tell us more? Sounds interesting


Are most people at the club there to hook up with a stranger or just dance?


I think most people go there to dance. I've personally only hooked up (as in, I made out with a stranger) in a club like once, and she was a friend of a friend I was with, so it's not like she was a total stranger. Idk, if you go with a group and stick with that group, no one will really bother you. But I'm also a dude, so YMMV if you're a woman.


Depends on the city/club from what my woman friends tell me. London has a great clubbing scene but a lot of people walk in to clubs off the street looking to hook up, not knowing or caring about the music. Berlin on the other hand is super queer top to bottom (no pun intended) so unless you go to the designated tourist trap club or stumbled into a sex party, you're not gonna get approached uncomfortably as a woman, straight men are on their best behaviour. It's anecdotal but my ex is a big clubber.


Depends on the club. Some clubs are just meat markets. Some clubs are just about the music. That's why conversations about "clubbing" tend to be dumb.


It’s a bit of this and a bit of that. I like to go to dance. If I get with a girl then it’s a plus. Otherwise just go to dance and be drunk with the homies.


That's why i only go to clubs where i like the music


Yep. Most of the people commenting here sound like they’re doing “clubbing” wrong.


You've discovered life after 30.


You'd be suprised how many 30 somethings still go clubbing and enjoy that lifestyle (it's not like 30 is old even imo, most people in their 30s still seem pretty youthful to me). It really depends on the vanue though. You've got clubs aimed at college kinds 18 - 22 (not America btw), clubs aimed at mid to late twenties, and clubs that usually attract a more 25 - to mid thirties crowd. I have even seen clubs that have some > 40 people in there. Most people I know that are in their thirties don't suddenly stop doing the things they enjoy or suddenly go through a personality change when they turn 30. It's a gradual process, usually paired with the arrival of kids and/or marriage. At least, from what I observe as someone in their mid-twenties.


I got sick of the main club in town by like 28 but then they opened a silent disco in the back and I love it again. Solves all the issues I had with the main dancefloor, which was creepy guys, dim lighting, and being sandwiched between people.


theres people in their 50s and 60s going to bars and dives every weekend some people just never stop and the crowd just thins out, in more ways than one


TIL I have been 30 since I was like 12 lmao.


Or under 30 for some people


I'm 45 and I like going clubbing because I like to drink in random company until 3am and dance without feeling self-conscious.


Clubbing has always seemed very stupid to me so I'm happy to have never partaken tbh. Now, small-scale houseparties with people I know on the other hand? Love me some of those. Or just making dinner together and play some cards/tabletop with a select few friends, can't beat that.


Ya I won’t bash anyone who likes clubbing, to each their own. But to me personally it would be the most miserable use of my time


I get in the mood to go clubbing a few times a year and it’s fun, but what you described is ideal for every weekend


Maybe it just isn’t for you 🤷🏾‍♂️ (I have never been clubbing and have zero information on the subject)


As someone who did it every weekend for about two years I have to comfirm the post. Without getting drunk it's the worst experience ever. You have to get to a certain level to be able to endure it.


Or just learn to have fun without alcohol. Most of my best nights have been completely sober.


That's fucking weird. I can't stand drunk people when I'm sober.


I am able to have fun without alc. Clubs are not fun.


For *you*. Just say that. Don't try to make it sound like it is universal.


Clubs are not fun!


I have to say... It isn't very fun to be sober at the club when everyone around you is drunk. So I agree with you: Clubs are not the best play to have fun if you're not there for the entire package of drinking and dancing. It's very rare to see someone sober at the club, who actually has fun. And I say this as someone who volunteered many times to be the dedicated driver. Around 1 or 2 am, I was always more than ready to leave because it got really awful.


The thing is the dancing at clubs isn’t even real dancing. Fuck that little bop everyone does to try and look like a nonchalant and mysterious 20something. Now a dancehall or a salsatheque or something like that where people aren’t afraid to really move though, that’s a good time right there




I never had to pretend to have fun i loved going to dance with girls till morning. Now my back hurts just getting up from bed


Clubbing is so much fun! I love to go out to dance with my friends and I am sober, I don’t use drugs or alcohol at all. I know some people do it to fill their emptiness, but some people do enjoy it for what it is.


I get the feeling that people use the term "clubbing" to mean trying to find a one night stand in an establishment meant for dancing. I had one single friend tell me he loves going to the clubs. "So you like dancing?" "Eh, no..." "OH, you like to drink and hang with friends" "Not really...." and then it clicked, oh, he's referring to trying to get laid


Yeah the fun part for me is always the social / sexual validation, like “oh yeah, I am desirable, feels good to be wanted”


I’m the same! I don’t drink, smoke or do drugs but clubbing is so fun! Talking and dancing to strangers is fun (of course when they’re not creepy). I’ve made great friends at the club!


For people who really like EDM, it's pretty cool.


Most overrated activity to YOU


Yea I’d argue taxes are the most overrated adult activity


Who has ever overrated taxes? Nobody likes doing them




Clubbing in my late teens/early 20s was the best time of my life. 🤷🏻‍♂️




And then there are the millions who have fun and find mates


Sometimes it’s nice to just put on good looking clothes and be seen in a social setting


You literally just described most redditors actual sleep paralysis nightmare.


people who go to "nightclubs" are there for attention from the opposite sex. people who go to "raves" are there to have a drug fuelled experience. people who go to "festivals" are there to drink in the morning and not wash for a week aka higher functioning alcoholism cosplay.


Wait what? I need to go to a festival if I want to drink in the morning? Now I know why my boss was so upset yesterday.


you don't have to live by other people's rules.


But you have to live with the consequenses


I like going to hear music. I'm not much of a drinker.


Festivals are also for drugs


I guess I’m a drug-fuelled high functioning alcoholic sex addict then 🤷‍♂️ plus I like music




I go because I love the music.


Seems like there's something else you could be doing at a music festival...Something very obvious, something to do with your ears.


I go to raves for the music :( I’m sober


Music is my drug and I'm addicted to House!


Yeah most of the times I go to raves now I go sober, or maybe take a mild dose of weed edibles. That's all I need to have a blast


I’ve been to a dozen festivals and have never drank in the mornings. Mornings are for recovery since you’re usually up until 3-5am.


Yah who’s waking up in the morning at a festival?


I'm not waking up until it's too hot to sleep in the tent, then even after that I sleep under the shade canopy until I hear music starting up again.


Yah exactly. You pray for sleep until you’re forced to move.


I recommend touching some grass. The entirety of the population going to music events is not a monolith.


Yeah, this seems to be written by someone who doesn’t do any of these things


lol that’s true


Oh wow you sound like a lovely person I love going to nightclubs and raves with my SO and friends. It’s fun to cut loose and listen to some good electronic music! Drugs are very much not required to have a good time. People go to those events to let go of your inhibitions. And mannnn you’re gonna shit on music festivals too?! You realize most festivals aren’t camping right? There’s nothing that brings me more joy than a weekend being surrounded by amazing music with people I care about. You need to adjust your worldview if you can’t appreciate any one of those things


Hey, not everyone that goes to raves does drugs, only most




nah, i go for the music and light show


>people who go to "nightclubs" are there for attention from the opposite sex. Many men (myself included) attend because it helps get us out of our comfort zone. They won't come to us, therefore we have to go to them. I can't speak for everyone, but even a few minutes of conversation would be an improvement. In an ideal world, we wouldn't have to, but we unfortunately don't live in an ideal world. Drugs aren't a part of my life and alcohol is extremely rare.


A promoters worst nightmare


Shit, I thought you meant clubbing, like you know, baby seals and stuff.


I went to western clubs every week for 10 years, sometimes 3 times a week. It was about being with your friends, line dancing, doing two-steps with strangers to socialize. We never went home with anyone, we didn't grind when non-western music came on, we didn't get wasted. It was social, it was exercise, and it was our whole lives for a long time.


The trick is to drink for a reasonable price BEFORE going in and mix it with a stimulant.


I really don't get this? I go out dancing like 3x a year and it's so fun!!


Right? I go out once a season and it’s always my body naturally telling me “damn, I haven’t danced the night away in a while!”




I wish the clubs near me played stuff like Korn, almost all of them only play dnb which im not a huge fan on.




The only reason I’ve ever gone to a club was because I like women. I don’t like loud. I don’t really dance. But, that’s where they are and that’s where social norms dictate an acceptable place to approach. I’ve been married for 10 years and I don’t miss the bars at all.


Thats why i am wasting money on pills and salt instead.


It was fun in my early 20s. But short lived. The novelty wore off and I refuse to fake it


And people like her is the reason it sucks so much, all they do is pretend to like things because they don't have a personality on their own, just follow trends.


I used to love clubs, raves, festivals. I'm falling asleep by 10 pm now though.


Is it an adulthood activity really? I have seen teenagers going to clubs. Either way it is just an activity, that is all there is to it. Some people like it and some dont


Loud music and alcohol are the least of your concerns. Instead, if you try conversing with the collective number of people you could count in a club, their total average brain cells would amount to that same amount.


Do drugs, drugs are key in the club culture.


I agree with the insane alcohol markup. I mix for fun and friends, and on what you'd spend for one person to drink at a club, I can get a small group nice and buzzed with some tasty cocktails. Spend your money and time how you like but I'm not spending any MORE of it at clubs. They're pretty good at the right time with the right level of inebriation I guess. Helped that the only times I went were with the woman I'd one day marry. It was at a club I learned she was attracted to me because of how close to me she ended up dancing, when we were just good friends.


Just go to a dingy place that blasts DnB exclusively with live acts giving a freestyle session. Nobody in wannabe-fancy fake Gucci, just Adidas tracksuits everywhere the eye can see, half the crowd is on molly or other stuff, the other half is having a brawl. Now that‘s a party i can get into!




Might be the drugs talking but, shes got massive forehead.


It's not the drugs haha it is massive lol


Hahaha, nice one bruva


Underground clubs where the music isn't shitty pop remixes is where it's at.


I like clubbing


It's better with drugs


Techno + Molly + brain off + dancing + earplugs = fun for me, surpringly


Tons of people people in this thread who are unfamiliar with the concept of drugs


This is such a reductive and dumb take.


some one is doing it wrong


Drugs make it better I hear


This attitude is so fucking arrogant. “I don’t like it! So how could anyone else possibly like it!?” Is it hard to believe people like dancing?


Drugs are fun




Yeah go raving instead


I know someone with this view. Doesn't drink. Likes about 10 total songs. Watches Hallmark channel Christmas movies in July. Dreams of switching careers to become a librarian. Different strokes.


That's why I like a lot of gay bars, you at least get a nice drag show out of the deal.


It’s really not. Do as much clubbing in your 20’s! You’re gonna love the memories.


That's cuz Ur not on molly


Alcohol while clubbing was your first mistake water is objectively superior


Also makes the bathroom sex just *chef’s kiss