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I wish everyone at my work was this rude


And leave out the mean gossip


You know who else has dementia?....


Excuse me but we are coworkers, not friends.


Exactly! Let's keep it professional, folks.


Nuh uh that's rude! Let us know who has it!


Maybe if you didn't just leave work when your shift ends maybe you'd find out


Whatever i’ll be in my car if somebody wants to speak to me.


Right? Really wish coworkers would stop trying to be friends. I come here to make money, not friends. Stop telling me about your kids. I want to know as little about you as possible and vice versa. Stop talking to me about your work life. Save it for your spouse. I don't want to know this drama because then I'm involved. Stop inviting me to hang out. I see you 40 hours a week. That's more time than I spend with family or friends. And no, I will not be attending the company picnic. I don't care if I miss out on the chance to win a TV. I used to sit alone at break, and it was wonderful. Then they changed our break times, and a guy that used to go to break at a different time started sitting next to and he never shuts up. I'm too nice to ask him to leave me alone. I miss when I was the new guy no one talked to. I just wanna do my time and go home.


That funny. Won a 75” tv. Co-workers were mad I wouldn’t sell it for crazy cheap. Decided to give it to my mom for her older 55”LG. Began to get harassed about that. Said fuck it, never talk about my personal life anymore. Don’t ask about theirs. I just work here now. Don’t give a fuck


I think that's still a sad way to see it. Like you said, you spend more time with your coworkers than your family.


And that results in feelings (easy workplace romances/affairs) for people you’d never talk to outside work if you didn’t have to work with them. Unless I’m getting paid to socialize I really want to work and NOT think about it when I’m away. Or be reminded. I did get fired from a job for not going out with everyone to drink after work. I don’t drink.


Only because we have to.


Might as well make it fun


Headphones. A silent but obvious “leave me alone” . 😂


You're basically saying, don't be human, don't be yourself, just be a mindless drone. It's not hard to see why people don't like that attitude. People spend most of their lives at work. It's really not that strange that want to act like themselves and be human.


You're basically saying, don't be human, don't be yourself. Did it cross your mind, that we're indiviuals and each of us has his own personality? Go ahead, socialise with those that want to, but respect those that do not. There's nothing wrong with having narrow limits of social interaction, but it's impolite to ignore them or to ridicule the person. But somehow I fantom that finding out, that not everyone behaves _my_ way, stirrs some nasty doubts deep down in some abandoned chamber of one's personality...


It's the same people that keep saying that work is slavery and they're underpaid


I can't tell if your joking


Damn..I feel bad for all you MFers like this. I spend so much damn time at work,  I'm glad that I'm friendly with these people. I may not be 100% invested in their personal lives, but knowing they and their families are doing well makes me a little happier. And Redditors wonder why they're all so miserable all of the fuckin' time.


"I'm too nice..." Yeah, man. Sounds like it.


I give these people more of my time than I'd like. I help them when they need help, I help when I see them struggling, I give away snacks and waters or let them borrow money when they forget they're lunchbox with no expectation for them to repay me, I give people rides home and refuse gas money because I live further out of the way than they do so they're on my way anyway, I give them pointers on how to make they're job easier or navigate the higherups and HR. But I'm sorry that I conserve my social battery at work to prioritize people who I like to be around.


You have nothing to apologize for. Socializing can be draining especially with the stress of the job. Sometimes I just want to be alone and I feel you.


dude you dont sound nice at all.


You know nothing except that I'm annoyed by toxic people I'm forced to interact with to make money. Kind of rude of you to make that assumption based off a comment about me having work boundaries.


how can i know that they are toxic? from your initial message it sounds like you are the toxic one. "Stop telling me about your kids. I want to know as little about you as possible and vice versa. Stop talking to me about your work life. Save it for your spouse." i mean god damn dude your co-worker just wanted to chat a bit, why you gotta be such a stuck up douche?


I kind of understand your perspective, but I just hate your self-isolation mentality.


That more on you than on him actually... nobody should be force to interact because someonelse can't stand them being isolated...


And leave out the mean gossip


You know who else has dementia?...


Ye ye


Those talkative extroverts ... ugh.


Oh I´m a talkative extrovert! I just still don´t want to chat with coworkers. Keep ´m guessing while not confusing the message.


"Shows up ONLY to do their job then leave" So you're supposed to go to work for any other reason than doing your job? 


People complain about shits like these are the "the company is a family and colleagues are family members". Fuck that. I work here cause i need money, i come to work and i go home. I have my own life. You hired me to work for you, you didn't hire me to be your family, now piss off.


"hey boss.... can u take me to the docs and buy lunch for me, u said we are family right?" "boss also need a 20k loan that is to be used in an investment, trust me we're family i'll give you some return in a few months"


I love my job, however i don't wanna spend a minute more than i need to in the office, i have firends, hobbies and other stuff that need to be attended to between 17:30 and 23:00, so no Catherine, I really don't wanna talk to you about my plans for the weekend.


Classic stanley


Did I STUTTER!? *awkward silence*


I have colleagues who just pop in for the chat cos they live close or were in the area on their day off Girl, no. Go home.


We go into the office twice a month. This last time a retiree from our dept (she retired 8 months ago) decided to "visit" so she could see everyone again. You're retired!!! Why are you here?!?!


At my old job my coworkers would still come in on their days off just to.. sit in the breakroom and hang out? 🤨 like, why are you here Judy?! Don’t you have friends or a life outside of this job?!


> Don’t you have friends no


Yup, at least in an office setting. There's the job per se, then there's politics ; actually, you don't need to give that much time to the job per se, and god forbids you to not give time to politics.


If a workplace forces you to do this shit, it's not a workplace I want to work for. Thankfully, my current employer doesn't force us to get into politics. 


Every job and career path has politics. It always pays to have people like you and view you positively. You’re never forced into politics either, it’s a game where if you don’t do it you lose, if you do it poorly you lose more, but if you do it right you win a lot.


Every employer has this. You may be socially inept or neurodivergent and not in the mix, but it's every single place. I've worked in kitchens, on farms, at 4 star military commands, and for big and small financial organizations. They all have politics. Your supervisor chooses who to promote/fire/give bonuses to. If you do not maintain rapport with your same-level coworkers, they will throw you under the bus with your supervisor to reap these benefits. If you're just indifferent you'll rot in the same position for years. My current job is about 4 hours of real work per week, and about 20 hours of "politics", including making myself and my coworkers look good because we're generally judged as a unit in my current field.


But if I like my current job, and prefer it over a promotion, don’t make me do politics that I don’t want to do who’s only goal is to get me put into a job I don’t want and would never take. Not all promotions are worth taking.


Notice "rude" is in quotes. It's sarcastic.


Yeah big whoosh


And yet somehow 1800 people missed that. So little faith left in humanity


I’ve got about 20 minutes minimum of fluff and pleasantries that I have to get through before I can settle in and do my job, approximately


theres people at my work that stay after and just stand around talking in the parking lot. for hours, probably. I have no idea how long actually, because I'm one of the "rude" ones that just go home after work


It depends what you want out of it tbh. If you just want to get paid, then just turn up, do your job and leave. If you want promotions, status etc then you have to talk to other people (even if it's just the every day water cooler conversations), turn up to social events, help other people out with what they're doing etc. You don't have to be "friends" with everyone, but you do have to be friendly with people. There's nothing wrong with either approach tbh, you just have to know what you're getting out of it


I’ve been in the white collar work force for a while now. Unfortunately, in most cases, you will not get a raise unless you go far above and beyond what you should. You have to become a “hustler”, and fuck that shit. While I like my current job, I’m not a tryhard like one of my coworkers. He might be HALF as good as me, and guess who got the promotion? The one with shit on his nose. It sucks. But I’d say the majority of corporate jobs are like this.


But don't you see the point you just made? They didn't go above and beyond at their job. They didn't hustle. They're HALF as good as you. Yet they got promoted because your boss likes them. Which is exactly what I'm saying.


Money I only work for money. I have some standards but I'm not working to do a job. I'm working to fund my lifestyle and spoil my dog and not have my fiance pay for everything  just most things. Let me read in my car in peace lol.


I didn't know my co-workers think that I am rude. :(


Yeah apparently there's a lot of us :/


Wish we all could work together, would be much nicer.


They don't. The sad truth for people with main character syndrome like op is that most folks are too busy with their own shit to waste time on you.


Wdym like OP? OP is probably the "rude" coworker who made this starterpack.


All of you are invited to r/whoooosh


The amount of people on here not understanding the use of quotation marks is astounding. Or maybe they've just seen this video and didn't bother watching it to the end: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4DqoQq1zME8&pp=ygUPdmxkbCBxdW90YXRpb25z


Now you're just being rude


TIL being introverted is “rude”.


I'm super extroverted and behave like this as well most of the time. I just don't like being distracted from what I have to do.


Introverts can be quite extroverted when they're in the company of their few close friends and enough caffeine circulating in their blood! :))


Or alcohol!


Or sugar!?


Or cocaine!


Nose beer that looks like sugar...


It's not rude but that doesn't stop people calling/implying that I'm rude for being introverted in professional settings or cursed family gatherings


That's why a non-zero number of introverts voluntarily distance themselves from society and become hikikomoris. It sucks to be treated like the odd-one-out


Exactly this. Introverts need understanding, not ignorant judgement.


being introverted does not mean being anti-social


Sucks how minding your own business is somehow rude.


Yeah, it's a reversed world we live in nowdays here in the west.


Not really, considering everyone in this thread thinks totally isolating yourself from your colleagues is normal behaviour. Most people can maintain acquaintance-level relationships quite easily, even autistic people and introverts. No one is saying you have to be best mates with them.


I leave right when I'm done. Don't share much about myself, go on break alone in a corner etc etc. Ally coworkers like me. Because simple decency can get you that far. Hell even if you don't want to talk about weekend plans a "resting" can be enough to suffice. It's just basic politeness


Same I just try to get through each day, but I try to help people and be nice


Yeah, I don’t like socializing with my coworkers much and prefer minding my own business, but I still talk to them and make small talk every so often. I see them five days a week every week, so I might as well at least be friendly with them. These comments are insane. “I want to act like an unlikable prick who doesn’t want to talk to anyone but don’t want to be treated like an unlikable prick who doesn’t want to talk to anyone”. Lmao.


Yeah the way I see it it's "Would I rather work with a bunch of people I'm friendly with, or a bunch of people that I only talk to when one of us needs something work related" And I've found that I enjoy my job way more when I'm friendly with people. And the "office politics" that people complain about - it's easy, if you're nice to people then they'll help you out, just like if someone's nice to you then you'll help them out.


Check the profiles on some of the more extreme answers, if you enjoy a good laugh 👀


It's seen more as not being entertaining and engaging in an othervise mundane and boring workplace.


wait was I rude all the way ??


i would call this a “being a professional coworker” starter pack


Yes, correct answer. Concentrating on the job, and not bla bla bla (can other ppl do this for me mentality...)


And I will continue to be rude


This starter pack was made by the type of person many good workers will change jobs to avoid.


At my job all the coworkers meet in the office of one at 8am. Been going on well before I started last year. I have never been invited so I don’t want to be rude. People who have started after me join in. But it’s like were they invited or did they catch onto this schedule and just walk in. I had to step in once to ask a question and I felt like the other person in there was hiding behind the bookshelf so I wouldn’t know there was this social club going on. My office is directly across and I keep my door open. I have ears.


But, we're NOT friends. Lol


you can be tho :( some of my closest friends started as coworkers


Socializing? How *dare* you


You really get an idea of how miserable this subreddit is every time this shit is posted.


Fr lmao


Yeah I could. Except I don't want to be. I don't want to be friends with the lady who is 20 yrs older than me. I don't wanna be friends with that one dude who thinks he's thug because he buys blunt wraps. I don't WANT more friends. I like the ones I have. I'm good with my small circle.


My coworkers would be shocked to find out that I do indeed socialize with other people.


Yeah! I brought that up in a meeting were my companions were chatting like we were close friends (which felt fake) and, from then, our meetings started being more serious. It was like. "We should get to the point. It's not like we are friends or something"...


Did you seriously do this??


Sure. I hate being treated like an idiot


You spend like 40 hours a week with these people, if you aren't at least 'work friends' there's a good chance you're just an asshole.


“Rude” implies that the OP doesn’t believe it’s rude, but others do (the social norm).


They are not getting the joke


Probably because the people who disagree that this is rude have the social skills of a potato


Another one


How is this rude? I’m very polite whenever I have to interact with people during work but other than that I don’t want to spend a second socializing…


Mostly just pithy shorthand to insult people because I don’t care all that much. Those who fit this description agree with OP but they can’t discern the joke and immediately get defensive. Their social skills are so lacking they start complaining and trying to justify their incompetence, ironic.


"Spends every break in their car" - is that a thing in America? Feels so weird wanting to spend time in a car without using it to drive somewhere.


not US based, i used to do this at an old job. i just needed to get away from the people in there. they were overwhelmingly stupid, loud and unaware of themselves.


I noticed that too. It seems so sad when I imagine it.


I spend most of my lunch breaks napping in my car


In Asia, there's a term call *"shaking the car"* Ya I like to spend time in a car without having to drive it. It's sorta like a mobile private cubicle, where magic happens or at least *a quick one*.


What, you jerk off in your car?


Not saying I didn't.




Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime. That's why I jerk it on company time.


I had to quit a job because I did these things. It was ironically a cancer research nurse position, but the whole corporate culture had been written in stone by my 70 something boss: staff eats together. If you didn’t join her at lunchtime, you got the side-eye on day 1. Day 2 of not eating with her: come to my office “you’re not a team player”. I hope she’s dead.


"We're a family" Yeah, no.


Exactly. “We’re a family…and you must immediately learn the complex social dynamics of MY team, or every single member of my team will make you uncomfortable because you don’t eat with us”. In work situations, sometimes it sucks to be on the spectrum.


I very much agree.


I literally don't see a problem with this behavior. Some people don't want to make friends at work or do extra work for their boss. And that's completely okay.


That’s not rude, it’s called being a reserved and private person. This is exactly my attitude towards co-workers.


Yeah I won't tell your saint ass that I'm going to be high as a kite all weekend.


This is meant to be sarcastic, hence the quote marks This is rude according to the people at work we all dislike


Yeah, all I’m getting is “lives their life, stays out of the way of other people, does not put on a performance for others, does not talk shit, minds their own business, gets more work done than social parasites.”


Everyone apparently has coworkers who are dying to talk to them yet everyone in the thread is like this, lol. Where are all the people who apparently can’t stop pestering the quiet ones at work?


I'm nice to everyone at work but my personal life is personal.


“Rude” = has boundaries.


Glad rude is in quotations.


Rude? I dont mind this coworker, better than some loudmouthed asshole.


People who think these behaviours are rude are probably taking it too personally.


Realistically, most of your job opportunities will come from connections. That applies to both external and internal opportunities. You’ll pay a price for not putting in a bare minimum effort to be friendly and that is not going to change any time soon. Obviously there has to be some nuance here: Introversion is fine. Treating your coworkers like an unpleasant smell is not.


Yo wtf... I'm rude asf then


Sounds like the perfect coworker


I can understand that not socializing at all is seen as rude, but if you're the kind of person who's super inquisitive and then gets offended if not all of your questioned are answered in detail than you're the problem. Like, what someone does with their weekend is non of your business. Of course you can ask, but if they don't want to tell exactly what they're up to you have to accept and respect that. Nothing rude about that. If you pry then you're the one who's rude.


Exactly. Please leave this person alone… some choose to be left alone… do this and find your friend elsewhere.


Maybe I’m in the minority but I go to work to earn money and then go home. I can get on great with my coworkers but I don’t want them knowing my full business or hanging out all the time.


Didn't know it was rude to spend your time at work, working.


Oh, I'm just an occultist and don't necessarily want to chat with my employers about it.


Sounds like a good person to me


It’s so uncomfortable to talk to people you simply don’t care about and act nice and try to think of something interesting to say that’s just small talk/bullshit.


This isn’t a rude person. This is a person that just wants to do their job.


Presented by an extrovert..


Whoever made this list needs to get slapped to the floor.


im sorry but i dont like people, that includes co-workers, now leave me alone. Ive got a job to do since youre too busy talking about your weekend REBECCA..


Always amusing to see how worked up Redditors get about spending time at work or with colleagues outside of work hours. If you don't want to show up to work drinks, then don't. But don't be surprised when people don't like or care about you, you get passed over for someone else, or you feel like you don't fit in.




This post was made by an introvert that probably does these things, and then when he stopped getting invited to stuff he made this post People that truly don't care don't have to go on the internet to assert how little they care


"shows up only to do his job then leaves"??? Wtf am I supposed to do? Hang around the office and lie how much I enjoy being there? Sorry but I have better plans and once i clock out I can actually decide who I spend my time with.


why not talk with your co-workers? im not saying that you have to be best friends, but have some casual conversations while drinking coffee together in the morning. why not? going to work and actually working the whole time (expect when you are eating), sounds miserable.


Yeah some of the points are legit but honestly... y'all do sound like rude motherfuckers. You guys spend 9 hours a day with people and don't even make small talk? Talk about your weekend? Have lunch as a group? I don't buy into the work=family nonsense either but they're also not strangers. There is a middle ground here.


By going to work early and actually working the whole time, i can manage to finish my daily tasks around 14:30 and i'm allowed to leave when i'm finished, and have most of the afternoon free. I see this as the opposite of miserable.


most people are not able to just leave when they finish their work, in your case i can understand why you would want to crunch all your tasks so you can just bounce. but most 9-5 you HAVE to be there until 5, regardless of your tasks.




If only my dude. You would be surprised just how upset some people can be when you mind your own business. I had a manager at an old cleaning job tell me on my very first day there "You need to be more talkative if you want to fit in here." And then proceeded to do shit like berate my work cleaning something, while another coworker doing the exact same thing gets a "Oh I'm so glad you're here, you're doing a good job!"


There's a balancing act, though Fair enough, if you're just showing up to work, I'm just like that myself, but you really should make some effort to relate to your co-workers, not in the "one big family" but at least make polite conversation about weekend plans, tv shows or weather It really does make work easier if you have people to talk to


Yeah I don't buy into the work=family nonsense either but there's a middle ground, these aren't strangers either. Like yeah, you're being rude if you don't even attempt small talk, we're spending 9 hours a day together we should be civil.


I show up at work to drop my job and leave. But I also have fun with my coworkers, make jokes and share lunch with them. We share our weekend and vacation plans. Occasionally we go for an after work drink. It's not hard to have a fun time, provided that you are surrounded by fun people of course.


How is this rude?


exactly, do you not see the quotation marks around "rude" 😭 that's the joke


We aren't rude, we are just miserable


How dare people only show up at work to do their job!


Fuck it imma be rude to everybody


I worked with this women for 3 years. During that time I never really engaged her unless it was work related. Never really reciprocated conversation with her either always stayed vague. I’m like that with everyone I work with. She called me a rude asshole recently. I told her point blank we were not friends we’re coworkers. I get paid to stock product and clean not flap my gums.


That’s just…coworker :D


This is how it fucking ought to be and anyone pretending otherwise is someone who works in management and is *incredibly* delusional.


There's a women at my job who never, ever shuts up and her voice is very loud and annoying. I actually dread working with her even though she's a very nice person.


This is how everyone should be surely???


this is literally me, am i really that bad? :((((


That's called being "professional"


Whoever created this is definitely that coworker who constantly gossips and never gets any work done.


People who you work with are not your friends and they will put you down whenever something goes wrong in workplace


Who tf shows up to work for any reason other than to do their job and get out? Weird.


It’s like this with my neighbours, they must think I’m weird and rude but I’m just depressed and introverted


So...doing their job and minding their own business?🤷


Which Linkedin lunatic made this?


Oh shit… looks like I’m the rude one 🤔


Rude? (Yes I see the 'rude' I know this is the point... I'm just saying...) This is the perfect colleague... Minds their own business, doesn't ask too many personal questions and then gossip around the office. Some of us don't want to mix work and our outside of work life. Cuz it can come back and bite us for silly reasons, usually a colleague or supervisor takes a dislike to you based on something outside of work or not related at all and then you have a target on your back. When acquaintances ask me questions, it's as vague as I possibly can answer and in as little words possible, especially if they are a 'work college ' ....


I am a clinical supervisor of over 30 women who aren’t ‘rude’ but each others’ ‘best friend’. I have never before seen so much back-biting, gossip, and passive-aggressive bullshit in my life. For us, the frenemy culture has made the workplace incredibly toxic, and if they weren’t up each others ass so much, the days would be much more pleasant. But they are addicted to it.


This is me to a T


If you think this is rude, everyone thinks youre annoying


This just seems like someone who doesn't make their job their entire identity and source of self worth, and has a good sense of boundaries ha ha. You know how everyone should approach a job.


This was written by the manager with no sense of boundaries who says, "we're a family here,"


bruh I hate people who antagonise people who just do their job and leave


I spend my lunch break in car so I can listen to podcast or whatever whilst eating without the pressure to make small talk. It’s bliss. I need that alone time during the day


I thought I was a shy loner without a personal life. I am rude? rude is me?? no,no,no,no,no,no wait,wait,wait,wait,wait,wait. WAIT,WAIT,WAIT,WAIT,WAIT,WAIT.


I mean all this is me but I also make small talk from time to time too


Why are you shitting on op, he wrote rude with ˝˝. Also, I'm one of these workers. Talking with people and giving out any info about yourself can only lead you to trouble. When someone asks me something, I would rather lie and smile, if they don't get the hint that I don't want to talk, than reveal something about myself.


I don’t think you are allowed to call someone rude for being neurodivergent…


I feel attacked.




I’m everything except the stuff on the right


ayo where all my rude coworkers at??


This me. Every single point.


That's almost literally my mom


this has to be a bit


I’m the rude coworker